I had RA223 from Jan to June 2015, after docetaxel and enzalutamide had failed and bone pain was increasing.
Monthly injections of RA223 were no problem. Main side effect was fatigue which may have also been a carry over from the chemo.
Was effective in causing ALP level to drop to normal range. Alkaline Phosphatase, which is measure of bone cancer activity.
PSA rose during treatment as this focuses on ALP and bone pain which were significant.
Bone pain in hips and back reduced, I had also had external radiotherapy on both hips in November and December. The combination of RA223 and radiotherapy worked well.
Stopped after max of 6 months to avoid damage to bone marrow.
One month after last RA223 bone pain returned with vengeance and took several weeks to get back under control with move to morphine based pain control, steroids and more external radiotherapy. ALP has gone back up to 230 but PSA has dropped from 280 to 215 following introduction of libestrol.
RA223 was always a palliative treatment and it worked well whilst taking it. Who knows what ALP and pain would have been like without it.
Happy to answer any questions you may have.
All the best