So life has become harder for Dad and for us all.
Since my last post Dad has had several blood transfusions, the first 2 seemed to give him some energy but the last one didn't seem to make Dad feel any better. We've just been told he now needs another one.
Tomorrow I am going to my Parents house to meet the Hospice nurse, as she is coming to discuss my Mums concerns and I want to be there too, for support and to ask the questions I think my Mum wants to ask but is too frightened to.
Over the last month Dad has deteriorated, to us at quite a fast pace
1.He now shakes all the time
2.Due to his blood being so low he has red (almost bruise like) birth marks all over his face and body
3.He is very frail, just about managing on his crutches at home (he has a stair lift too now which he is able to use but slowly), when he leaves the house which is rare he has to be in a wheel chair now, he has also had a few falls.
4.Dad has become very confused, almost similar to someone suffering with Demenzia, an example is waking up at 7.30 putting on his slippers and calling my Mum saying he's ready to go out now. My siblings and I were discussing birthday presents for our children and Dad suddenly want to go out shopping but then asked if someone was coming to him to sell him things at the door. There have been many odd occasions/conversations which is heart breaking to see.
5.Dad has had a few bed wetting accidents and also need help from my Brother or my Husband with help in the toilet - and is embarrassed that he needs there assistance - not that they mind.
6. He literally sleeps all day, wakes for a quick kiss, cuddle, hello, because he's thirsty
7. His appetite has become very slight
We managed to get Dad out of the house to attend my Grandads (his Father in laws) funeral last week, but getting him in and out of the cars was so tricky and you could see in Dads face just how hard the day was for him, both mentally and physically.
I have spoken openly to my Mum about Dads sudden deterioration which is why we have the Hospice nurse coming tomorrow.
If anyone has any advice on what we should be asking I would appreciate any help.
Dad is having a hospital bed delivered next week to make sleeping more comfortable.
It's a very sad time, I feel like we are losing Dad (I know that is obvious) but even visiting now (I go most days) he smiles but he's not really there when we talk, or doesn't seem to grasp much. Myself, Sister, Brother and my Mum to have all been crying allot in our own time or with each other lately, as we fear the time we have left with Dad is growing shorter rapidly and it's so hard seeing him look so frail.
I just can't imagine our world without him in it, he's always been the centre of everything our family does, then there is poor Mum, she's spent the last 6 years looking after Dad and her own Dad - and sadly as mentioned above he passed away at the beginning of May and now it looks like my Dad hasn't long, my Mum will be lonely (although she has us I know but I mean at home)
Thanks for listening to me as always - it helps to clear my thoughts.
Dad has never complained about having cancer, the pain, the troubles nothing ever - until last week he said 'I've had enough now'
:( it breaks my heart to see him like this now. x