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A New Chapter

Posted 22 Jun 2016 at 21:18

Fabulous news,Steve, I think I will cry for you as well.

The more good news the better on here, it gives us all hope and our spirits a lift up.

Cheers Chris/Woody

Life seems different upside down, take another viewpoint

Posted 22 Jun 2016 at 21:21

Absolutely fantastic news. Really pleased for you.


Posted 22 Jun 2016 at 22:52
Fandabidosie ,


Julie X

Posted 22 Jun 2016 at 23:27

That's fantastic news Steve , it's great to hear good news.

All the best for forever


Posted 23 Jun 2016 at 07:00
Fabulous news Steve, what a massive relief.

I have been off line for a while as we are moving house but been thinking about you!


Posted 23 Jun 2016 at 09:45

That's really good news. New day, new Steve!


Posted 23 Jun 2016 at 10:09
Wonderful news Steve you have been through a lot to get to this point, but you did it, I'm so pleased for you.


Posted 23 Jun 2016 at 14:38

Great news Steve. Very pleased for you. You can rest easy now. Waiting for the BREXIT result may be a bit stressful though .


Posted 25 Jun 2016 at 01:11


Thank you, everyone, for your kind messages.

I'm so pleased to reach the remission stage of my treatment after all the events of the last two years but feel guilty for celebrating this when I think of those who are not so lucky on this site.  I'm just so relieved that, after being told two weeks ago, that my radiotherapy may have failed, to have reached this point.

I realise that, given my original diagnosis, my oncologist has warned me that my cancer may well return in the future but for now, I appear to be clear. 

I still feel really tired, weak and totally lacking in energy but hopefully that will improve in the coming months, once my hormone treatment finishes.  I do have an appointment with an haematologist in a couple of weeks, that may provide some answers, as some of my blood figures are not as they should be.

I will continue to do voluntary work (using my photography skills) with PCUK and Macmillan Cancer Care as it's the only way I can usefully contribute towards the work of these charities, because I'm pretty useless at anything else. 

Thank you, for being really good friends, not only to me, but many others on this site.



Posted 25 Jun 2016 at 06:25

Morning Steve.

Well firstly, real friends look out for each other and even though we are mostly virtual friends on here the main word is "Friend" so I personally would have been disappointed had you not felt the boost we all try to give, especially on a "down" day.

Guilty - Don't you dare. I mean it !

Guilt is reserved for wrongdoing and getting a good result from treatment you have undergone (and that does appear to have worked brilliantly) doesn't come under that heading.

Enjoy the new freedom from treatment. Try not to worry about the cancer coming back because it will put a damper on today's joy.

You (and your family) have worked hard at the treatment side to get where you are now.

I cannot imagine anyone on here, be it a man undergoing his own trials and tribulations with his cancer treatment, or any of us partners, being jealous of your news. Envious - yes. Encouraging - definitely.

Good news from any man on here is like a beacon of hope and is the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel and you have provided the in bucket loads.

Hopefully your fatigue will lessen with time and you can go back to a more normal way of living.

I wish you well my friend, really well so don't let me down!!


Edited by member 25 Jun 2016 at 06:27  | Reason: Not specified

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 25 Jun 2016 at 06:55

I am not in your position yet but am really happy for you that you have reached the stage where you have have had good news. So enjoy it and don't feel guilty at all. After all it's what having gone through the treatment is all about. Aiming to give you the chance of survival and for the moment you've achieved that and long may that continue.

We all like good news and you've provided that for us. But you have given us some scares too !

Best wishes,


Posted 25 Jun 2016 at 08:45

hi steve
good to read about your news about blooming time good things started happening for you long may it continue


run long and prosper

'pooh how do you spell love'

'piglet you dont spell love -you just feel it'

Posted 25 Jun 2016 at 20:35

it's great to hear some good news.
And it's fantastic that it has happened to you.
Well deserved!

Kick back and enjoy the good times :)

All the best


Posted 25 Jun 2016 at 22:14

Hi Steve

I am so pleased to hear of your really good news

see you in the flyer in Dec


Posted 29 Jun 2016 at 08:29

If anyone would like to be friends on Facebook they can find me by searching for "Nikon Steve". I intend putting some of my photography on there which may be of interest to some.

Would be nice to see you on there.


Posted 29 Jun 2016 at 11:35

Said Hello Steve !

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 24 Jul 2016 at 04:19

One month today, my Hormone Treatment will end.

It should have been at the end of June but my GP decided to give me a 12 week implant rather than the 4 week one without telling me.

I was cross when I found out because for months I've struggled to cope with increasing fatigue. Another couple of months before possibly beginning to slowly regain some energy, wasn't something I needed.

I'm counting the days.


Posted 24 Jul 2016 at 08:54

I'll bet you are Steve and this heat isn't helping either is it.

Still, it's done now and he must have had a good reason (at least I hope he did rather than pick up the first implant that came to hand!!)

You'll get there. It has to end some time.

Best Wishes



We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 24 Jul 2016 at 21:46
It'll take many months to feel normal again Steve, but it will be worth it.

Lots of love


Posted 24 Jul 2016 at 23:01


Not sure if I'll ever get back to "normal".  Too much has happened. 


Posted 25 Jul 2016 at 01:22

What a slog you have had Steve, about time you had some good news.

Posted 25 Jul 2016 at 08:54


we will be able to compare notes, I've been given the 'nod' as well and will be missing my late August jab.

I'm not expecting miracles but it will be good to see what the non HT world looks like once more!

Even if it is a paler reflection of original life it will be worth the visit  :)


How often will you be getting blood tests out of interest?

Cutting the rope of security does have it's worries, I'm guessing not much will happen for six months or so on the PSA front but I'll be getting tested before then to make sure...


All the best



Posted 25 Jul 2016 at 09:48

Only just read your news Steve, great, fantastic, fandabydosy have your cry and then celebrate.

I am so pleased for you and it is wonderful to have good news as well as the bad.

Cheers Chris/Woody

Life seems different upside down, take another viewpoint

Posted 25 Jul 2016 at 11:48

A month to go , what a wonderful thought for you . Enjoy the freedom from the Zoladex and all its horrors. But it seems to have worked for you and that's what it's all about.


Posted 25 Jul 2016 at 22:39


Found out some wonderful news this afternoon. 

We found out we're due to be grandparents again! 

A total surprise but delighted.  A brother/sister for Alex, our first.



Posted 25 Jul 2016 at 22:53
Way to go ,

Steve this is as good as it gets my friend , do a few hooplas and a couple of loop the loops . Mind the heart though.


Julie X

Posted 25 Jul 2016 at 23:59

Congratulations to you all

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 26 Jul 2016 at 08:12


Congratulations Steve!

Don't you love unexpected surprises like that?

That put a bounce in your step I bet.


Best wishes to all



Posted 26 Jul 2016 at 23:46

What lovely news. Something good to look forward to!


Posted 10 Aug 2016 at 17:22

Hello Steve,

congratulations on the good news!  New grandchild means more work, so take it easy my friend.



Posted 10 Aug 2016 at 21:13
Lovely news for you Steve, you are going to be a busy man, not least with the camera.

Hope that things are steadily improving for you and that you are feeling a little stronger.

One day at a time my friend.

Alison x

Posted 10 Aug 2016 at 23:22

Hi Steve

Brilliant news. Many congratulations!


Stay Calm And Carry On.
Posted 12 Aug 2016 at 17:48

Thanks everyone for your kind responses to our good news, really looking forward to the arrival of our new grandchild next March.

Today has been a nervous day. I went to hospital to have my final PSA test before finishing my hormone treatment on the 24th of this month. I hope it doesn't go up as it has in the last two tests, even though it was only by a small amount.

I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed!

Have a good weekend.


Posted 12 Aug 2016 at 17:50

I've got my fingers and toes crossed Steve. Good luck.

Posted 12 Aug 2016 at 18:17

Everything crossed for you including my eyes as usual!!


We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 12 Aug 2016 at 19:33

Congratulations on the news and hope the PSA stays where it should be.

Thanks Chris

Posted 13 Aug 2016 at 20:01

SB time Steve

Good luck

Posted 14 Aug 2016 at 07:45

Great news about grand child.

Good luck with the PSA...


Posted 14 Aug 2016 at 09:39
Hi Steve lovely news about your grandchild something good to focus on. Hope all goes well with psa. Jayne
Posted 17 Aug 2016 at 14:57


Just managed to get my PSA results from the test done on Friday.

They've gone up again to 0.070, only a small figure, but the third rise since last December.

In December my PSA was 0.027, in April it was 0.043 and in June it was 0.054 and now 0.070.

I'm still on hormone treatment (Zoladex) until next Wednesday.

Should I be concerned by the trend ?


Posted 17 Aug 2016 at 16:04

Hmmmmm. Can understand your concern since it's risen every time. Easily said but try not to worry too much.


We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 19 Aug 2016 at 15:29


Still none the wiser why my PSA is still rising.

I spoke to PCUK and the nurse said it was fairly unusual in view of having a negative CT and Bone Scan in June.

I have tried to speak to my cancer support nurses but I'm waiting to hear back from them.  I expect it will be Monday before they respond to my message.

Has anyone else had the same thing happen?  I would really appreciate some advice.  Fuller details are on my previous post.



Posted 19 Aug 2016 at 16:19

Hope somebody can help you Steve. it must be very worrying for you.


We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 19 Aug 2016 at 16:30
Hi Steve,

Hoping and praying for a positive answer for you.

Best wishes,


Posted 19 Aug 2016 at 17:40

The rise to 0.07 is still lower than it was in May 2015 and you were on HT then. It may just be your healthy prostate cells recovering - you still have a prostate so you are not really expected to go down to undetectable and then stay there. Look at Ray's profile for reassurance. My guess is that the onco will be more interested in seeing what happens once the HT is out of your system - if it rises rapidly or goes above 2, then there may be some cancer cells left that are too small to see on the scans. Even if that was the case, you know from others here that oncos have very different views about where the threshold is for re-starting HT on a longer-term basis - some say 5, some say 10 and some wait until it gets to 20.

Even if that is what happens to you in the future, this opportunity from September onwards to get your body clear of the chemicals makes sense.

Edited by member 19 Aug 2016 at 17:40  | Reason: Not specified

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 19 Aug 2016 at 17:44


Your onco is on the ball requesting scans. Most likely PSA too low to show, if there is anything to show, or scan needs a more thorough investigation.

Good luck and my fingers crossed for you its just one of those blip periods I've had


Edited by member 19 Aug 2016 at 17:46  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 20 Aug 2016 at 11:28

Thanks for the replies and info.

Lynn, I think the only thing that was bothering me was that I didn't expect the PSA to rise while still on HT. The figure you mentioned from May last year was taken when the RT was still working and the PSA was falling but I didn'the expect it to rise until I stopped HT.

I'm not worried at this stage, just curious as to what's going on.

Have a good weekend.


Edited by member 20 Aug 2016 at 11:29  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 24 Aug 2016 at 18:28

The day I've been waiting for has finally arrived. After two years and two months, I ended my Zoladex hormone treatment at 5.20 this afternoon. Just have to wait anything up to a year for it to leave my system.

I'll celebrate with a few beers at our local prostate support group's summer social this evening.

Please to have reached this point, at last.


Edited by member 24 Aug 2016 at 18:28  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 24 Aug 2016 at 18:42

Well done Steve

A milestone indeed. Enjoy that beer or two !

Best Wishes



We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 24 Aug 2016 at 18:43

That must be such a good feeling,
Enjoy your night tonight Steve I think you more than deserve a pint or two after all you have been through 🍻🍻🍻

Edited by member 24 Aug 2016 at 18:44  | Reason: Not specified

The only time you should look back is to see how far you have come
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