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results day

Posted 06 Mar 2017 at 12:00

Hi all

Today at 1.30 I get to meet my surgeon and a pathology report.  7 weeks on from RP, I started with Gleason 9 (4+5), PSA +/- 21, T3a N0 M0 and now I get to find out the outcome.

I'm not nervous or apprehensive about it, but I am intrigued.  As I have done what I can and cannot change reality, I'm not feeling any anxiety.  Weird! In some ways, it might feel a bit like becoming a parent but not knowing the gender - one of life's surprises.  I was thinking about starting a sweepstake for the closest guess to the results, but that feels a little insensitive to others. 

For what it's worth, my best guess will be salvage RT and a PSA of 0.03 (jury's out on whether it's spread to any nodes), a referral to the ED clinic and the conversation had in the usual impersonal examination room at the urology department, with the medicos all lined up on the bed.  Why can't these things be done in a normal room?!  I'll post the results on my profile later...




Posted 06 Mar 2017 at 14:21

Good luck Graham.

I hope the results are excellent

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 06 Mar 2017 at 14:39

And back again. Results: full nerve spare, PSA 0.08, one node out of ten with cancer, referral to oncologist for discussions and ED clinic. Nothing unexpected there, though the surgeon seemed very nice. And on we go!

Posted 06 Mar 2017 at 14:51


I'm 46, so like you a bit young for this disease.  After surgery, I was pT3bN0M0 and Gleason 9 but no nerve sparing whatsoever.  My first PSA test post operation was 0.014.  I have a second PSA test on March 20th, results on March 22nd.  If it's gone up, my oncologist wants to start fairly soon with radiotherapy.  I'm not expert enough in all of this yet to even speculate on what your oncologist might say, but wanted to send best wishes to you.  We're all in this together!


Posted 06 Mar 2017 at 15:04

I have the feeling it's going to go OK.
It didn't seems the doctor to be worried, did it?. It means good.
The best to you,

Posted 06 Mar 2017 at 17:11

How are you feeling about it Graham?

Posted 06 Mar 2017 at 22:34

As it happens, I'm feeling quite tired - but then I've only just finished work! Thanks for asking though, genuinely appreciated. As regards the trip to the hospital, bit flat really. I was rather hoping the PSA was going to be a little lower. I'm holding out for the idea that exactly six weeks after RP was a bit soon, and maybe it can go down a little further. Bound to happen! And also hoping the single lymph node was the only guilty party of cancer hoarding.

Mostly, I'm miffed that I'm still not able to go climbing or running due to slower than expected recovery from surgery. One day at a time and all that... I am particularly bad at taking things easy!

Posted 07 Mar 2017 at 03:16

It is still early days so best remain patient and positive, and focus on a healthy recovery. The mountain will still be there!

Posted 07 Mar 2017 at 20:09

Hi Graham
It is early days and with a psa that low compared to what you started with it's looking good mate .
Like the rest of us in this club your emotions go all over the place but great comfort can be found on this site and the nurses on the phone are brilliant.
All the best to you

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