Just a bit of info for anyone with BPH that is considering having a Turp.
I have had problems peeing for a good few years now and nocturia, high psa (15+) and been plagued with uti's, I have had dre's, cystoscopy, transperineal biopsy, scans and no cancer detected so diagnosed with BPH. prostate was massively enlarged (not sure of volume). I was put on Prazosin which lowered my blood pressure (88/64) and made me feel like crap, but did help with bladder voiding, finally by being stubborn (which I am good at) they decided I should have a turp, I was getting desperate for something to happen as I could not get a nights sleep, I was exhausted.
After 4 months waiting I had the surgery 4 days ago and my life has changed almost over night, I can pee with good flow although it is a little sore at times and I can sleep for 6 hours at a time, believe me it is heaven. Bleeding is minimal, just a slight pink tinge to urine, minimal leakage after peeing.
They asked if I would volunteer for a spinal block anaesthesia as they had a new registrar anaesthetist and wanted to demonstrate for her, I agreed, it was fine just listened to music, surgery took 2 hours because the prostate was so large, tissue was sent to lab and will get reults on follow up consult in 2 months unless they find anything nasty. I was in overnight and discharged next morning after catheter was remove and I could pee and ultrasound was done.
I am more active now than a week ago, have no real pain apart from a little soreness at first pee in mornings, blood pressure back to normal, I have my life back, just a little concerned about lab results but they will let me know if they find anything.
I just hope my experience will help others make a decision if they are in the same boat, I am not recommending or advising just sharing my experience thus far.
Will report progress if anything changes.
Best wishes
Edited by member 23 Oct 2018 at 15:27
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