Talk to the hospital urology dept. I had a small cold before op but so long as no lung involvement (productive cough, wheeziness) they were happy. I guess with potential STI you are on a broad spectrum antibiotic so might take a few days to get into system
Thoughts for post surgery.
canturbury full length zip trousers have been a godsend when having to do anything in/out of the house with catheter bag.
tena level 2 pads to stuff down pants
tena bed pads although I haven’t leaked but good reassurance.
waterproof bed protector. I also bought hospital grade duvet and pillow which are waterproof but haven’t needed at all.
bucket for the overnight bag.
antispetic wipes.
general wipes so can wash and clean around pipes and generally downstairs,
surgical tape for statlock pipe retainers as the clips can come undone sometimes.
Traveljohn disposable urinal - really useful on train ride back for discretely emptying catheter bag without needing to use the facilities.
supportive pants - really useful for holding pipes and tena 2 pads in place and also if swollen testicles much more comfy.
pliers or a vice to hold end of clexane (self admin) as the caps can be hard to remove with two hands I found. Varies from unit to unit.
stock up on plenty of ibuprofen and paracetamol.
Fruits, nuts, seeds, veg and dried fruit.
Anusol - can impact any minor haemorrhoids so will soothe this.
fybobgel, senna, lactulose syrup.
anybody suggest anything else?