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Posted 09 Nov 2021 at 09:35

Hi Everyone 

I have recently been diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer stage 4, where it has spread into my lymph nodes and bones around my body. I had my first chemo session just over a week ago and not really had too many side effects so far. Is this the calm before the storm? I get tired easily and have had a sore mouth and throat but the mouthwash has helped with that. I’m looking forward to finding out how you and your families are coping and how I might help my family come to terms with it all.

Posted 09 Nov 2021 at 18:43

Hi Rcourt, sorry you are here. Stage 4 with spread to bones and lymph nodes is not good, but if it responds well to chemo and hormone therapy you may have many years yet. I'm sure someone with more experience will post and let you know about side effects. How people and families handle it varies, all I can say at the moment is wait for this round of treatment to finish and see how well it has responded. You are going to spend the rest of your life wondering what the next PSA will be. You can worry about the next result if you want, but worrying doesn't seem to make the figures any better, so just get on with living and enjoying yourself.


Posted 10 Nov 2021 at 22:18

Hi Elaine4878 thanks for your reply and your good wishes. My original psa when I saw my own GP was 53 which raised the alarm bells and got me referred to the consultants. 

Posted 11 Nov 2021 at 00:46
Freezing chunks of fresh pineapple to suck during the chemo infusions helps to protect your mouth from the worst of the damage. Don't eat lots of pineapple if you have heart problems though. Next best thing might be sucking ice cubes.
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

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Posted 09 Nov 2021 at 18:43

Hi Rcourt, sorry you are here. Stage 4 with spread to bones and lymph nodes is not good, but if it responds well to chemo and hormone therapy you may have many years yet. I'm sure someone with more experience will post and let you know about side effects. How people and families handle it varies, all I can say at the moment is wait for this round of treatment to finish and see how well it has responded. You are going to spend the rest of your life wondering what the next PSA will be. You can worry about the next result if you want, but worrying doesn't seem to make the figures any better, so just get on with living and enjoying yourself.


Posted 10 Nov 2021 at 20:40

Hi Rcourt, sorry to read of your diagnosis. Could I ask what your original PSA reading was? I’m sorry I can’t help with any information with regards to the chemo treatment as my OH hasn’t had it. Wishing you all the very best though for your ongoing treatment 

Posted 10 Nov 2021 at 22:18

Hi Elaine4878 thanks for your reply and your good wishes. My original psa when I saw my own GP was 53 which raised the alarm bells and got me referred to the consultants. 

Posted 11 Nov 2021 at 00:46
Freezing chunks of fresh pineapple to suck during the chemo infusions helps to protect your mouth from the worst of the damage. Don't eat lots of pineapple if you have heart problems though. Next best thing might be sucking ice cubes.
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

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