Hi Phil, only just seen this thread . I don’t come on the forum that often now as I sometimes need a break from thinking about PCa….
I really hope you start to get some good news soon. It’s such a s*** journey isn’t it.
My Onco got me on Abi and it is working, although I have worries about its effectiveness as my PSA is going down quite slowly. Just got to wait and see…
It’s funny how they measure treatment efficiency with PSA then tell you not to worry about the numbers. Just wish it were that easy to tell your brain …..
One thing I did was decide , with my wife, that I didn’t want to know where my new lesions were as I’d only worry more. I think it was the best move as I don’t worry about every little ache or pain.
Got everything crossed for you Phil.
Edited by member 26 Oct 2023 at 12:26
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