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Posted 05 Oct 2024 at 08:59

Bloomin' eck it's been quiet in here for the past week. If we're not careful they'll shut the place down. 😉

My electric scarifier and aerator arrived on Thursday. So this weekend I'll be doing the jobs I should have done last weekend. 🙂


Posted 05 Oct 2024 at 11:55

Hi Adrian, 

Yes very quiet, guess that we are all getting on with it 😬. I enjoyed a few Friday night beers (Swan blonde - Bowness - if you see it, try it, I recommend it). I caught up with a couple old school friends this week - it always amazes me how you just pick up where you left off chatting away, it was great.

Son no 2 is now 3 weeks into his Tokyo experience and had his first lectures yesterday. He met some Germans, who are from a university at a place called Landshut just outside Munich. I googled it and it looks a fantastic little place (I’ve put it on my list). Of course I had to advise him not to mention the war or do the silly walk 😀. He met another lad from West Virginia so me and missus gave him a burst of ‘Take me home’ much to his embarrassment 😳.

Son no 1 if you remember from an early post gave me some angst. We’re making slow but good and encouraging progress with him. The Uni agreed for him to go back and complete his final year (fees waived), so he’s trying to ‘get well’ in order to go back in 2025. He’s been doing volunteering work and he’s got an interview on Monday for a job in the local supermarche. I know it doesn’t sound much but it is a big deal and would be massive for him if he could get in. So fingers crossed 🤞.

Otherwise, that’s it. I’ve just got back from a 2 hour walk up the hill and back, the weather fabulous, a beautiful morning makes me feel good to be alive 👍.

Enjoy the weekend chaps


Posted 05 Oct 2024 at 14:23

Great to hear from you Spongebob. Great news about son no 1, I hope he continues to get well.

As for beers, I've had 3 afternoon sessions in the Club this week.  Four hours a go. I may as well take my bed there. I'm on mild now, proper old fogies brew. 😁

Just finished my scarifying and aerating. Brilliant machine. My front and back lawn combined are 75 square metres. In 20 years I'd never scarified or aerated them. I was gob smacked how much thatch came off them. It filled a 600 litre compost bin! Although the machine was fantastic at lifting the muck from the lawn the collection bag was far too small. So I ended up not using it and raked the debis up by hand. Quite hard graft.

My lawns looked decent last night, today they look like a  herd of rhino's had been playing rugby on them! I've chucked a load of grass seed down. We'll see what happens. As they say, you can't make omelettes without cracking eggs.

I'm now sat down on my beloved bench in the back garden, admiring the carnage, and having a couple of well earned Kronenbourgs. It's sunny and 70 degrees in my suntrap corner.

I hope you all have a good weekend.



Edited by member 05 Oct 2024 at 15:28  | Reason: Additional text

Posted 06 Oct 2024 at 10:59

Hi Guys,

It’s only me 👍. Been supervising the missus on her painting oddessy. Ive been sat watching in all me painting clothes so i feel like im helping. Lounge done except woodwork and cutting in at the cornice. She doesn’t like doing that so my boys coming over to finish that.

I’ve been to Landshut back in ‘78 when i lived in Germany, very nice little town. Visited lots of lovely German towns whilst there although I suppose some might have changed a bit by now… ( and no I wasn’t a squaddie ).  And also brilliant you are getting both sons sorted. Fingers crossed for them both.

Adrian, i can imagine the scene of destruction on the lawn. Ive been there. Never used the scarifyer again. It’s still in the shed. Have a much smaller lawn in this house and we had it returfed anyway and all good so far.

Still feeling rough with the tiredness and shitty mouth and got the trotters this morning. Not that there’s much to come out. Ive existed so far since my last chemo on just breakfast muesli but yesterday I went mad and had 2 crackers and cheese for lunch. Sleeping for England as well. Lost 18 lbs so far in the last month or so. Belly and fat face nearly gone…. But id rather feel better 🤷. Still struggling to even get up the stairs without a rest so no 2 hour walks for me yet. 

We just cancelled our cruise up the Norfolk broads Friday coming as i just couldn’t manage it. Hoping we get a credit note and can do it next year. We cancelled our Ilfracombe wedding trip as well for last week. Pretty gutted for that as the wedding looked wonderful on the beach. Perhaps we were too optimistic….

So looking forward to my last chemo… and hopefully a good while then till the little blighter returns again.

See if Tottenham can cheer me up later this afternoon.

Take care guys,



Posted 06 Oct 2024 at 14:19

Hi Phil,

I'm sorry to hear about the difficulties and cancellations that your Chemo is causing, especially as I know how much you enjoy traveling, socialising and your food.

I  was in Osnabruck, in the Army, from 1976 to 1978. I loved Germany.


Posted 07 Oct 2024 at 10:32

Adrian. My mate was in the RAF based near the Dutch border. I was working as an automotive designer for an agency near to Bonn. Left Ford UK a few months after I finished my apprenticeship. Was an interesting time and I made cracking money, enough far a deposit on a house and a new Capri 😁🤣. Had to grow up fast though 👍 no one to help you out. 

Stayed Agency the rest of my working life. 

Used to sneak into the US air base PX in Frankfurt with my RAF mate and go in the Hi-Fi store . Bought some of my stereo gear there, it was so cheap. I did also get thrown out a few times once they’d sussed I wasn’t RAF 🤣. 

Oh the joys of youth 🤦‍♀️


Posted 07 Oct 2024 at 10:52

Everything was cheap then. In the Forces you got paid a generous overseas allowance. There were 4 Deutsche mark to the pound. In the bar you could buy 200 fags for 10 marks. A litre bottle of spirits cost the same. You also got a huge discount on buying a car. Happy days. 🙂

Posted 09 Oct 2024 at 08:03

Hi all,

Years ago I was invited on to the US base at Chicksands in Bedfordshire. It's a UK base now, and it just so happens that my son and his wife live there in very spacious married quarters. It's a really nice place in a great setting, we've walked their dog around the grounds and along the river.

As for gardening, I can't do much because it's like a bog out there, my grapes are ready and they taste delicious! They're guarded by a huge spider which is preventing my Mrs from pinching them.

I have an outside tap to re-install following some brickwork, so will have a go at that weather permitting. My Mrs paid someone to wash her car yesterday and with the overnight rain, it's probably dirty already so the pressure's on for me to get the job done. 

Cheers all.


Posted 09 Oct 2024 at 09:43

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Getting the suitcase out of the loft today, we're flying to Fuerteventura next weekend for some sun and relaxation.

Morning Kev.

I hope that you had a good holiday mate. Do your grapes compare to theirs? We've had loads of rain, at least I don't have to water my reseeded lawns.


Posted 09 Oct 2024 at 11:42

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
My front and back lawn combined are 75 square metres. In 20 years I'd never scarified or aerated them.


Hi Adrian

My back lawn is in need of a bit of TLC, I've been considering scarifying it as approx. 20% of it must be made up of moss or clover (it is around 125 SQ M). I think after your rampaging Rhinos experience, I'll just get some moss killer and sprinkle it around 😬.

It probably could do with a roller too, but the thought of getting one and pushing it around is a bit daunting.

I did treat myself to a new leaf hoover this year though, in anticipation of the whole thing becoming covered in dropped leaves any time soon.

Is your garden sculpture collection still growing?

Posted 09 Oct 2024 at 12:08

Before my mate was posted to Germany, he was at a RAF camp in Norfolk. I used to go up and he’d sneak me in and id stay overnight and eat in their Canteen. Can’t believe we got away with it. This was Mid 70’s.

We’d occasionally go over to USAF Alconbury and sneak in there too. Fantastic Disco and burger joints. I do love a dance and i was up on the floor with the US guys and gals. Was magic. None of my mates were ever dancers. When i met my missus she was 15, shy and wouldn’t dance. Her brother was a DJ and so id end up dancing with his girlfriend to get people up at the beginning.


Still feeling very fatigued so not up to any jobs yet. Struggling to get up the stairs at the moment. Not eating much so that’s probably not helping either. Felt a bit lightheaded this morning so probably not a good ides to do the cutting in at the coving up the steps ….! Hoping this is all worth it. Going to ask at my next chemo if it’s normal to feel this bad. Not sure i could go through this again and I’ve got 3 more sessions to go yet.


You guys are keeping busy. Makes me feel tired ….. Leaf Hoover is a great tool and Im sure the scarifier is great as well if you use it properly.  Just so grateful our new garden is smaller and easier to maintain than our last one.


Keep it up guys,



Posted 09 Oct 2024 at 12:37

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Im sure the scarifier is great as well if you use it properly.


Steady on Phil! Are you accusing Adrian of being inept in the scarifying dept? 😂

Sorry to hear that you are feeling so rough mate, and I hope it is a one off, and not something you have to look forward to after the next session.


Posted 09 Oct 2024 at 13:05

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Hi Adrian

Is your garden sculpture collection still growing?

No mate. just the life size aluminium cast boar and sow. I was considering buying a handcrafted 5 feet high 4 feet wide, steel fabricated clenched fist, that was the symbol for Northern soul, but the wife didn't like it. I wonder if Phil ever tried Northern Soul dancing, pretty energetic stuff!

I did get a weather vane with a goose in flight, which I've  bunged on the apex of my garage roof. We've had hundreds of geese flying over the house this week, God knows where they are going. As for my aerating, there are three depth settings and I went the deepest, I should have gone shallow. However, its already recovering and I've got a feeling all will be good. I've stored the ploughing machine away for the winter in the sleeping compartment of our empty dog kennel/run. I nearly ended up sleeping there last night. I'm not in the wife's good books.😁

I hope that you're still recovering OK. 


Edited by member 09 Oct 2024 at 13:14  | Reason: Additional text.

Posted 09 Oct 2024 at 13:37

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Getting the suitcase out of the loft today, we're flying to Fuerteventura next weekend for some sun and relaxation.

Morning Kev.

I hope that you had a good holiday mate. Do your grapes compare to theirs? We've had loads of rain, at least I don't have to water my reseeded lawns.


It was as hot as your garden's sun trap Adrian. We were delayed flying out due to a heavy rain storm and had to wait on the ground for it to pass. Couldn't believe all the flooding back home when we saw the news. 

My grapes are pretty small in comparison and have pips. No idea what variety they are as the vine is a cutting of a cutting originally taken from my dad's vine, the label disintegrated and my dad's been gone years. I'm thinking maybe German but the Mrs has a plant identification app so might give that a go.

Just finished fitting the outside tap, not that the garden's going to need any water for a while, but at least we can wash our cars again now. 

Cheers all.


Posted 09 Oct 2024 at 14:10

Steady on Phil! Are you accusing Adrian of being inept in the scarifying dept? 😂

I see Adrian has answered that as he set it at deepest. I actually had mine as shallowest and it still looked like a herd of Wilderbeast had run through. Oh well dont need it now.


Regarding the Northern soul music im still not sure what it is. The wife’s brother lives in Derbyshire and we went to his discos when we went up to visit from Essex. So first time would have been autumn 1979. Whether he played Northern Soul i have no idea. I just liked to shake my booty……


Kev you did the outside tap quick , you’ll have to do the cars this afternoon now….

Hope the holiday went well? Probably a good time of the year to visit the Canaries.



Edited by member 09 Oct 2024 at 14:11  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 09 Oct 2024 at 15:51

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I nearly ended up sleeping there last night. I'm not in the wife's good books.😁


Anything to do with your afternoon club visits I wonder..........

I'm jealous. I can't drink more than 2 beers now in case I have to deploy the emergency trousers 😂 Other than that I'm recovering well thanks mate.

Phil, you're right, Adrian did sort of answer that himself!




Posted 09 Oct 2024 at 16:00

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I nearly ended up sleeping there last night. I'm not in the wife's good books.😁

Anything to do with your afternoon club visits


😂 Spot on!😂

Yesterday I went on the 11:30 train to the Club. I missed the the 16:00 home so had to stay another 2 hours. Rolled back home about 18:15. I tried to convince her that it was good for my bladder training, which is completely back to normal.


A small clip on Northern Soul which was predominantly based in the North of England, so you may have been too down South.


Back in the seventies, to them, an all nighter meant dancing all night. To me now approaching my seventies, an all nighter,  means not having to get up for a pee all night. 😁

Edited by member 09 Oct 2024 at 16:26  | Reason: Additional text

Posted 09 Oct 2024 at 16:59


I used to work with a guy who was into Northern Soul, he was off every weekend to various events. 

In my ignorance I thought Northern Soul was from America but I must have got it confused with Motown 🤦‍♂️ 

Phil, had a great time thanks, the Mrs really needed a break from work. I have to say that where we were, at night we had an incredible view of the Milky Way and so many stars, something not visible where we live due to light pollution. 

The thing about DIY jobs is that it takes ages tidying up after. Hopefully my Mrs gets home before dark so she can admire the shiny new tap.

Also, if anyone is into looking at the night sky, there's a comet that should be visible this weekend after sunset. 🤓



Posted 09 Oct 2024 at 17:23

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Also, if anyone is into looking at the night sky, there's a comet that should be visible this weekend after sunset. 🤓

Unfortunately there are no windows in the dog house. 😁

Posted 12 Oct 2024 at 17:04

Super league grand final on soon. Hull KR v Wigan. I'd love Hull KR to win but I doubt it. I've got a tray of spicy chicken wings to chuck in the oven and plenty of beers. Life's good.

Posted 12 Oct 2024 at 17:35

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Super league grand final on soon. Hull KR v Wigan. I'd love Hull KR to win but I doubt it. I've got a tray of spicy chicken wings to chuck in the oven and plenty of beers. Life's good.

Good stuff 😬. I’m on a jolly down in Cornwall- god it’s a long drive! Glorious sunshine though, fabulous. Just got back from a nice coastal walk, with fine views to St Micks Mount, dogs having a right old time.

Curry for tea washed down with some Cornish cider. Good luck with the rugby Adrian, hope your team does the business.



Posted 13 Oct 2024 at 08:27

I was wondering if Adrian would be allowed out of the doghouse for the game. If not.. it was Wigan again. 

My parents used to take me to Cornwall camping when I was a kid. I remember the Mount in the bay, our campsite wasn't far from the heliport on the outskirts of Penzance. I used to love watching the helicopters taking off and landing to and from the Scilly Isles.

We're off to Porto next weekend for my birthday. Never been before but I've flown over it a few times and it looks nice from the air. I'm really looking forward to it, especially the port wine tasting. 

Cheers all.


Posted 13 Oct 2024 at 09:00

It was a close game, but Wigan were the better team, and it was a brilliant try by Bevan French.

I feel a bit pukey and headachey this morning, may be one of the 36 spicy chicken wings was past its sell by date. Just thinking about them makes me want to throw up. 🤢

Spongebob, I hope your curry and cider combo has treated you more kindly.

Kev are you a fellow Libran? I'm 68 tomorrow. The grandkids are doing me a birthday tea, God knows what that'll be. I just hope my stomach's recovered enough to take another beating.😬

Posted 13 Oct 2024 at 10:27

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Kev are you a fellow Libran? I'm 68 tomorrow. The grandkids are doing me a birthday tea, God knows what that'll be. I just hope my stomach's recovered enough to take another beating.😬

Yes mate, I'll be 61 this Friday, another birthday in the bag after diagnosis eh 👍🏻

Happy birthday for tomorrow Adrian, hopefully your grandkids cook up something nice, and I'm sure you'll wash it down with a beer or two 🍺



Posted 13 Oct 2024 at 11:04

I didn't realise that you were only 61, a mere child in this aged community. I see the virtual pub carpark is full of motability scooters again. 😁

Yes, I'm nearly four years on after diagnosis and you're almost six? Doesn't time fly whilst you're enjoying yourself.

I have a feeling my birthday tea, although lovingly made by young grandkids, will be very irregular homemade sausage rolls, Nutella sarnies, unset jelly and ice cream and a homemade cake which will resemble a car crash. I will sit and pretend to love every gut churning mouthful. 😁

Edited by member 13 Oct 2024 at 15:52  | Reason: Typo

Posted 13 Oct 2024 at 11:36

I was diagnosed 5 years ago officially on the 8th October ten days before my 56th birthday.

Although I knew on the 3rd when waiting for my biopsy results. I got a call from the hospital asking if I could come in to nuclear medicine for a scan, I was barely googling nuclear medicine when I got another call asking if I could attend a couple more appointments. I googled their names, an oncologist and a urologist, plus the bone scan told me that I must have cancer and gave me one hell of a weekend to remember, you know,  what music shall I have at my funeral? I was told officially by the oncologist on the 8th, we were actually relieved that it wasn't as bad as we feared. Crappy way to find out, but at least I had a weekend to get my head around things before the meeting.

Nutella sarnies! You lucky man. You could leave some on the bar of the virtual pub.



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