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A place to have a chat.

Posted 18 Feb 2024 at 14:03



This is a place where anyone can join in and discuss anything they wish. If you just fancy a natter or to discuss life in general, tag along.


Hi folks.

I'm relatively new here, a young whippersnapper.

I adore the site, however, I thought it might be nice to have a place where people could just pop in for a chat.

Perhaps a place like that already exists, or may be it's been tried and failed.

It seems to me if you want to ask a poster how they are doing, for instance. It can only be done by PM or on their journey tread, if they've got one. If we had a place to meet, a bit like a cafe or pub, we could talk like 'normal people' without having to be in a conversation about specific prostate cancer issues. Invariably, cancer would still be the main discussion point, but it would be much less formal.

I put in a feedback request asking for the introduction of such a place, and it seemed to be viewed favourably, but I've not heard anymore.

I quite like the pub idea, perhaps we could call it The Prostate (h)Arms. A place where you could click into and relax. Of course, all the forums guidelines, regarding content and expected behaviour, would still have to be complied with.

It would only take up a miniscule amount of site space, but I think it could be beneficial to many.

Any views

Edited by member 27 Apr 2024 at 10:41  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 21 Feb 2024 at 12:43

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I would never consider going to a support group.

Well, chatting is the main purpose of local peer support groups.

Exactly what any one group does varies enormously, and you choose which activities you're interested in or not. This tends to change depending where you are in your treatment pathway or post-treatment. Before and during initial treatments, you are likely absorbing support experiences from the group. Some time after diagnosis and initial treatment, you may find you can usefully support newer members who have just been diagnosed based on your experiences and what you've learned along the way.

All do chatting.
Some also have WhatsApp and/or Facebook private groups for online chatting.
Some offer 1-2-1 support.
Some do presentations by clinicians.
Some do presentations which are nothing to do with prostate cancer, e.g. maybe local interest.
Some do pub evenings, coffee mornings, etc.
Some do walks (talk and walk).
Some offer exercise classes, complimentary therapies (massage, aromatherapy, acupuncture, meditation, etc).
Some do awareness events where you advise the public on getting checked.
Some run PSA testing events for the public.
Some are specific to some activity like cycling.
Some are specific for LGBTQ+, or black men, etc.
Some hospital ones are specific for their own patients (while other hospital ones are open to other patients).
Some are patients-only (particularly some hospital run ones), while others welcome partners and carers too.
Some are for partners only, and not the patient.
Some do fundraising for prostate cancer charities, or to buy equipment for their local hospital.

Everyone who comes along for an initial chat after being diagnosed says how wonderful the experience was, and they wish they'd come along earlier. We will usually chat with a new patient for typically 60-90 mins when they first approach us, which no clinician has time to do. We can go through things they should be considering, and what to ask their clinicians.

Also there are national and international support groups on Facebook, dedicated forums, or Zoom.
Some UK ones are specific to a particular treatment, such as Active Surveillance, Brachytherapy, or Advanced Prostate Cancer. (International groups will discuss protocols and treatments not available or applicable in the UK, because these are different in every country.)

Edited by member 21 Feb 2024 at 13:21  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 18 Feb 2024 at 14:03



This is a place where anyone can join in and discuss anything they wish. If you just fancy a natter or to discuss life in general, tag along.


Hi folks.

I'm relatively new here, a young whippersnapper.

I adore the site, however, I thought it might be nice to have a place where people could just pop in for a chat.

Perhaps a place like that already exists, or may be it's been tried and failed.

It seems to me if you want to ask a poster how they are doing, for instance. It can only be done by PM or on their journey tread, if they've got one. If we had a place to meet, a bit like a cafe or pub, we could talk like 'normal people' without having to be in a conversation about specific prostate cancer issues. Invariably, cancer would still be the main discussion point, but it would be much less formal.

I put in a feedback request asking for the introduction of such a place, and it seemed to be viewed favourably, but I've not heard anymore.

I quite like the pub idea, perhaps we could call it The Prostate (h)Arms. A place where you could click into and relax. Of course, all the forums guidelines, regarding content and expected behaviour, would still have to be complied with.

It would only take up a miniscule amount of site space, but I think it could be beneficial to many.

Any views

Edited by member 27 Apr 2024 at 10:41  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 18 Feb 2024 at 21:39

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
On this site, under ' Topic Areas', there is an area called 'General Discussion'  ("including anything 'off topic'").


I posted this conversation in the general discussion area. However, I can't see anywhere in that topic area that provides the sort of chat area that I'm requesting. I fully appreciate that this site is dedicated to prostate cancer issues but surely a very tiny area put aside for people who are dealing with the disease to have natter without having to respond to specific prostate cancer issues can't be a bad thing?

Prostate cancer will probably still be main talking point but it can be more informally discussed rather than having to fit a specific conversation theme.

It seems to me that that there is a nucleus of regulars here but there's not even a place for them to discuss with each other how the are getting on, unless you resort to private messaging or asking them on their own specific journey conversations. The sort of area, I'd like is where we can support each other but without being confined to specific threads. It might also be a more relaxed place for newcomers to dip their toes in the water?

Edited by member 18 Feb 2024 at 22:08  | Reason: Additional text

Posted 19 Feb 2024 at 13:37


It is a very good idea to meet face to face for a coffee but difficult to organise. The only way one can do is to let people here know where you live and suggest a meeting place and see if there are some who are within a short driving distance, say 10/15 miles, of mutually convenient spot. In earlier days following my surgery, a face to face meeting with other men would have been useful. Most of the meeting groups are too far from where we live. Of course it is up to the administrator of this site whether he/she will allow us to reveal  postcodes so that a meeting can take place.

 'Physics is like sex: sure, it may give some practical results, but that’s not why we do it.'                    Richard Feynman (1918-1988) Nobel Prize laureate



Posted 02 Apr 2024 at 22:12

Well I agree with fate being amazing.

The girl upstairs

Cast your mind back to 1978 for those of you who are as old as me >>>>> 💭. Thats supposed to be a dream!

I had met my future wife briefly  before we were together as we had mutual friends. I had no idea that she was moving in to the flat above mine and was surprised when I came back from work quite late one night ( I worked shifts in a childrens home then ) and heard her call out ' would you like to come up for a cup of tea'. Well I NEVER drink tea and had just been to the pub to get a couple of beers to have and relax with some music before going to bed.  As I did not want to be  rude I went upstairs and told her that I didn't like tea but would she like to share a beer with me. To my surprise she immediately said yes and rushed to get some glasses out. TBH I was a bit p****d off as I thought I was now going to be a bit short of beer😆.  I was, as she had at least half of it  😅. I actually thought it was great that she drank beer and we had a great evening together .So much so that within 2 weeks we were sharing my flat downstairs as it was much bigger than hers . We married in 82 and have been together ever since. Had some rough times mind you but who doesn't.

Come on you lot  there must be more stories worth sharing.

Jackson AKA Martin . There is a story behind that as well!! I will leave you in suspense!


Posted 25 May 2024 at 18:17

Hi SpongeBob 

so sorry to read this, I really feel for you as I have been in exactly the same position, even down to the repeating a year. 

When I discovered he had never left his room after the first term, I can’t begin to tell you how devastated I was, but I guess you know!

anyway for me that was 8 years ago and I just wanted to reach out and tell you that there is light at the end of the tunnel. My son did complete his degree using some credits that he had managed to get and two years with the open university. 

he didn’t accrue more debt at this time as he managed to self fund by working as well.

He did rebuild his life and I couldn’t be prouder of him.

hope everything works out  for your son 

Posted 24 Dec 2024 at 19:08

   Merry Christmas chaps,

It’s been a right ride this year hasn’t it? Enjoy with all the Yuletide good luck and merriments your day with you and yours - Merry Christmas!!!!


Spongebob 🎄🍗🍷🍾🍻

Posted 19 Feb 2024 at 11:24

Adrian, I think it’s a good idea. Sometimes you need to chat about normal life, like your hols or something. As you say like being down the Pub. (Hopefully not collapsing in one as I did last week 🤣) .

I do tend to ramble on in my posts about other stuff so I suppose I’m doing that a bit already. 

Decho, Maggies sounds really great but none anywhere near me. I might look up McMillan opportunities as my counselling took place in their offices and they were so friendly. I went to a hospital arranged meet up which was good but it turned out 90% of the guys were way older than me and were not G9s and their PCa was mostly under control so I didn’t feel like I was really part of it 🤷‍♂️. 



Posted 19 Feb 2024 at 13:31

Hi Adrian. When I first posted on here I was very, very reticence about sharing personal stuff. But I saw a thread by a guy who just wanted to vent to relieve his anger and I think it helped him to write it down and for someone to listen. He had been abused as a child, like myself and without him telling us we couldn’t have known him so well and understood his feelings. So don’t be afraid to speak your mind or share your feelings on here. 

So I bit the bullet and didn’t hide it anymore or the fact I was fostered . That awakening happened in my personal life at the same time.

I know it upsets some people and some just don’t want to hear. That’s ok , I get that , but it’s who I am. I am not ashamed or embarrassed anymore by it. That came about by meeting the lovely people on here and at the same time starting counselling. I’m so grateful to everyone. 

I find it amazingly uplifting to be able to talk about ANYTHING on here. No judgement, everyone is so understanding. 
So, let’s have a Pub Thread or threads where we can ramble on about ‘normal’ life  🤣🤣

Take care 


Posted 19 Feb 2024 at 17:53
I think it’s a great idea…but then I’m happy chatting!….but you’re right Adrian, when responding on here, it is usually in response to a question someone has posed or request for experience etc.

I wonder if there could be a new clickable tab set up, with a description at the top of the page/thread for anyone clicking onto it..,that it is a ‘social chat room’ and the purpose, then anyone who’s not into that can avoid? (Admins?…is that possible?)

Posted 19 Feb 2024 at 19:50

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

I wonder if there could be a new clickable tab set up, with a description at the top of the page/thread for anyone clicking onto it..,that it is a ‘social chat room’ and the purpose, then anyone who’s not into that can avoid? (Admins?…is that possible?)

That's exactly what I've been trying to explain. Thank you putting it much more clearly than I've done. 👍🙂

Posted 22 Feb 2024 at 11:29

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Need a name for this pub now then.

Proctologists Arms?

Hand 'N' Glove?

Proctologists finger?

Posted 26 Feb 2024 at 12:52

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Is it just the two of us sitting in the PC Arms ?


Hello lads!

My weekend was largely spent getting stuff done in the garden. Gave the lawn its first cut of the year, and planted two new trees. Always fancied a Peach Tree so we now have one in prime position in the middle of the lawn. After that lot, and a couple of hours clearing out the horses stable, my back is buggered today 😂

The rugby was promising for the first 10 minutes, then went downhill rapidly........

Life is pretty good at the minute, although I expect to start getting twitchy again over the next couple of weeks, as my next PSA test looms on March 19th.

Posted 26 Feb 2024 at 13:01

Hi Harty. Glad you had a nice day being busy 👍. 

Always nervous before a result….. 😳😬. 

See my consultant tomorrow after a rise in PSA and cancer growth last time … Don’t suppose we’ll ever get used to that wait. 

I need to cut my grass soon as it’s about a foot high. Hoping it stays dry for a couple of days… 


Posted 27 Feb 2024 at 16:46

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Can you imagine me at 15 in my tonic suit, Ben Sherman, red socks and Loake Royals ‘Sharking’ down Southend seafront. 😂

I think I probably met you! 😂

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 28 Feb 2024 at 18:04

We're off to Jersey for our anniversary in April, looking forward to it.

Have a great time . If you’ve not been and need any tips on where to eat etc let me know. I think we’ve been everywhere by now 🤦‍♀️. One tip I’ll say is book early for eating out as everyone eats out over there and they get booked up early.



Posted 11 Mar 2024 at 10:36

Regarding the retirement chat: I was 62 when is was diagnosed and was in a bad place for a while and probable not 100% on it at work although everyone was great and they allowed me to leave early for my RT everyday. I have worked as a consultant/agency since 1978 and always thought i’d created enough little ‘secret ways’ that I was indispensable. Ha ha , what a laugh. Our boss came over from Germany and told us all we were safe and then 1 day later my English boss called me in and gave me 10 days notice. I was the oldest and with the cancer he thought i’d be the first to go anyway. Bit of a blow as I wasn’t ready, mentally or financially. We had a big house (too big after the kids left) and a rental property but I couldn’t really sustain the big house without a reasonable income. So we decided to sell up and move to the rental , which was only a 100m away anyway. Been here a couple of years and wished we’d done it earlier. The new house is much newer and smaller and so easy to live in. We bought a new place to rent out for an income as being Ltd company all my working life my pension wasn’t up to much. 

In retrospect I’m happy with how its worked out , although my wife went back to her old job part time as they conveniently asked her back. I don’t know how I did stuff whilst working full time.

With careful planning we can still have nice holidays and days out etc.  We do consider ourselves lucky in that regard. But I still worry about when I’m gone and my wife has to mange on her own without my state pension etc. So its a juggling act really between enjoying life now and making sure I leave enough behind.

So, if you are in any position to retire I would do it. I did love my job and miss the chaps and the coffee ! …. But its like a new stage of life being retired and I do still catch up with some of the guys. And as we all find out there’s only so many days in a life and we need to use them as best we can.

So got some jobs to do now. Shame the suns not out , bit miserable here, but at least its not raining.

Take care guys, ( AV 0 Spurs 4 😜)


Edited by member 11 Mar 2024 at 18:53  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 19 Mar 2024 at 18:35

Well it's a small world.. I too went for a PSA test today. 

I usually phone the Macmillan nurse for my results. I leave a message and they phone back the next day if they're not too busy. 

As for a beer... Good idea!



Posted 25 Mar 2024 at 14:45

This thread is becoming, the Adrian, Phil, Ian, kev and Jackson show. They'll nickname us the Jackson Five.🤣

I hope more people join in. 

Posted 02 Apr 2024 at 15:11

Lovely story, we took her on a med cruise after GCSEs when she was 16 and she met a boy on the ship from Portsmouth, we got on really well with his family…so they kept in touch and visits were arranged, then two years later she went to Guildford uni (only an hour away from him) five years later they bought a house in Portsmouth, got married December 21 and had baby six months ago….they are both 30 this year and we are all cruising again (his parents too) to celebrate!

That is so lovely… isn’t fate amazing  🥰 

I met my missus in a Pub with her friend. They’d decided they should go out one night but was their first time in a pub on their own. I had called my mate that night as I was bored ( just got back from working in Germany) and we went to that same pub. Soon as I walked in I was OMG I have to get over to that lovely shy girl but my mate was a bit useless 🤦‍♀️.  Dragged him over eventually and after chatting found out they were only 15 ( nearly 16! ) 😳… And I was just turned 24… Turned out they both lived on Canvey like us so offered them a lift home. As we walked outside to get in my car the girls went to get in an old Morris 1000 next to mine. I said this is my car - I had a brand new Capri in white with brown tints and AllyCat wheels. Turns out my girl had told her friend that one day she’d have a boyfriend with a white Capri. 🤷‍♂️. Still together after all these years and with a few people saying it wouldn’t last. 




Posted 14 May 2024 at 10:38

Hi Phil

Sorry to hear you're feeling down today. Hopefully the painting will distract you and take your mind off things. Is it gloss or emulsion? I bloody hate gloss painting with a vengeance, but don't mind slopping some emulsion around!

Ref. the Chemo, the only input I can offer is that my younger brother had to undergo intensive Chemo last year, prior to surgery for oesophageal cancer. I won't say he had a bundle of laughs, but he was pretty positive about the whole experience. He said the actual infusions themselves were fine. He felt rough for a couple of days afterwards, but on the whole I don't think it was as bad as he expected it to be. I don't think he enjoyed looking like Uncle Fester when his hair fell out, but he didn't have much to start with! Seriously though mate, he said it wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to be, and, more importantly, it did its job 👍 

Posted 14 May 2024 at 11:37

Hi Phil,

You can do the chemo. Obviously, everybody will cope differently, but there's no hiding the fact that after each cycle you will feel like $hit for 3 days or so. However, you'll quickly learn to cope, just ride each cycle, know your limitations, rest when you have to, plan some treats for the recovery periods and don't fight it (i.e. if you feel knackered then go lie down, don't go for a run). And, consider doing the cold cap, it is very 'do-able', worth the discomfort to keep your hair. 

All best 👍



Posted 18 Jun 2024 at 21:01

Hey up chaps,

Spongebob here, just getting to the end of a fabulous 2 week jolly on the Isle of Mull. Spent the time ambling about soaking in the peace and quiet 😎,spotting wildlife and experiencing the magnificent scenery.

I’ve been waiting the best part of 20 years to be able to go away on a family holiday like this outside school holidays. I’ve spent many a time when I was at work dreaming of it as a kind of utopian paradise. Well it just shows what little I know sunny Jim. Because the place is packed, whereas in the past the one track roads around the island were a delight to drive on not now in June, there’s a car or camper van at every turn making it almost impossible to drive anywhere 😖. Worse than that is that the weather in June is just the same as it always was when we used to come here at Easter and October half term - yes, arctic conditions 🥶.

Still we are having a great time, it’s good to have a family jolly. There is a kind of sadistic pleasure you can get as a dad to wupp the family at scrabble and trivial pursuits 😬. The kids though, aren’t exactly kids anymore. I couldn’t even pass them off as kids when paying for today’s boat trip to Isle of Staffa. Mind you the eldest is 6ft 2. I did suffer a doddery moment though, tripping up whilst stepping onto the boat, nearly falling into the sea, and almost taking the wife in with me. I’m turning into a right old git and I’m only 63 fcal. It was tremendous on Staffa, for getting a geological fix and even better to watch the puffins. I got my old Nikon out the loft for this possibility and got some great photos of the little blighters. They really are the most photogenic of all creatures. 

The impact of PCa treatment never far away though. Sitting in a sun room with a belle view, typing this whilst in the middle of a hot swet, dripping down my face (much as it does when England persisting in passing the ball about at the back all the time). Yesterday morning, when I got up I thought I’d had a relapse back to chemo times, my energy levels totally crashed, so I went back to bed for most of the day much to the family’s delight for getting them out of doing a walk. I blame it on the prostap, but then it could just be down to overdoing it on the fresh air, wilderness walks and the odd beer or two.

Anyway, ramble overwith, carry on, enjoy the footy ⚽️.


Posted 21 Jul 2024 at 22:49

Hi there Ian,

I’m still here, been looking around at other chats on HT as my prostap is giving me grief. I bet you are glad to get the surgery out the way, take care with your recovery and take it easy, enjoy the summer sun.

I really like your line about teaching the wife how to mow the lawn. That is something that I could never envisage happening in my household, if/when I go down that route it would open up a whole set of training courses that need to put together, starting with me drawing out a map with route to the bins highlighted and a bit more complicated will be the instructions on how to get up into the loft.

I’ve been trying to make a concertive effort to get out on the mountain bike. Started over a week ago, short route to start with then making it longer every two days. I was going well until my last outing on Friday which was a nightmare, I just managed to get to the top of the hill when I got severe pain in the lower part of the belly along with a very urgent need to take a dump - without going into detail it was a nightmare 😱! What’s caused that, is it a late impact of radio? Who knows. But it’s put me off going out on the bike.

Oops, sorry about that, don’t think people really want to know about that ☹️. Anyway, on a lighter note I did manage to clip the fur of my two cocker spaniels, giving them short back and sides. Very pleased about that, quite satisfying. Anyway, time for bed, another night being woken by hot sweats on the hour 🥵

Take care, carry on…


Posted 26 Jul 2024 at 21:15

What a lovely peaceful day we've had today.

My grandkids, boy 10 years, and his sister 6 years, live nearby. My daughter and her husband work full time. So during the school holidays we have them two days a week. We used to have them a lot more often but our age and health problems have gradually reduced our child minding duties.

We took the lad to a nearby market town this morning for his goalkeeping training session. I watched him for an hour, whilst the wife took his sister to a nearby park. It was great to see how his love of footy has increased his self confidence and helped his physical development. He looked good and trained hard.

At lunch we got fish and chips and ate them at another park nearer home. The kids had worked up great appetites and ate every bit.

Next we did a bit of golfing on a rugby pitch next to the park. Both kids were knocking golf balls about for a couple of hours and hit a few good shots.

Then back to our house, stopping for an ice cream enroute. They both earned their pocket money by helping me to a bit of gardening. Then back to their place until their mum finished work.

It was such a simple but enjoyable day and I loved every minute of it. They both had me in stitches at times, coming out with things that kids say.

I adore my grandkids.




Posted 31 Jul 2024 at 22:15

Great news on the results Adrian! I was wondering how you got on. Might not see you in here for a pint tonight then if you get lucky!


Posted 01 Aug 2024 at 15:55

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Kev it’s the taking part that counts.. 🤣. 

😆 Yeah, I went to the grandkids primary school sports day and was told there are no winners or losers. What's the point I thought. 

Posted 08 Aug 2024 at 11:05

Hi Kev. I just re read my post and it does sound like a good old moan 🤣 … just thought I’d check in with how it is but got carried away ! 

I went out this morning to get a stair gate and get petrol and ended up falling over the kerb at the petrol station. I think I might need a bloody walking stick. Grazed my knee , cut my hand plus a few (more) bruises. I’m just not safe on my own… 


Ill get my boy to wave out the window of the plane. 😁


Take care 


Edited by member 08 Aug 2024 at 11:07  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 22 Aug 2024 at 22:09

Cheers Adrian

Yup, the incontinence is pretty awful at the minute. Had a review call with the prof today though, and he says its very early days, especially as they sent me home with a UTI which took two weeks of antibiotics to shift!

I think the beer tray plate was a great idea. I bet you got some envious looks as they all tucked in to their half sandwich. I bet your mate would have found that funny too!

Kev - Sarries? really? 😂 To be fair they're a great side, and I've had some laughs with their fans over the years, including in the eel pie in Twickenham after this years final 👍

Phil - you must be posh, eating in the clubhouse. I'm normally at the curry stall in the village before a game. Good luck with going alcohol free. I did it over 3 years ago. It was only supposed to be for 12 weeks, but I felt so good I never went back!

It is funny isn't it how you feel after the operation. Initial shock at how fast it had progressed, then relief that he said he got it all out, then the realisation that until they test my PSA in 4 weeks I wont really know if it worked. Then of course there's the old "will it come back" question. With T3a there's more chance I will end up having more treatment at some point I suppose, but who knows.

For now, I will keep reminding myself that you have to be alive to pee in your pants 😬

Posted 05 Oct 2024 at 11:55

Hi Adrian, 

Yes very quiet, guess that we are all getting on with it 😬. I enjoyed a few Friday night beers (Swan blonde - Bowness - if you see it, try it, I recommend it). I caught up with a couple old school friends this week - it always amazes me how you just pick up where you left off chatting away, it was great.

Son no 2 is now 3 weeks into his Tokyo experience and had his first lectures yesterday. He met some Germans, who are from a university at a place called Landshut just outside Munich. I googled it and it looks a fantastic little place (I’ve put it on my list). Of course I had to advise him not to mention the war or do the silly walk 😀. He met another lad from West Virginia so me and missus gave him a burst of ‘Take me home’ much to his embarrassment 😳.

Son no 1 if you remember from an early post gave me some angst. We’re making slow but good and encouraging progress with him. The Uni agreed for him to go back and complete his final year (fees waived), so he’s trying to ‘get well’ in order to go back in 2025. He’s been doing volunteering work and he’s got an interview on Monday for a job in the local supermarche. I know it doesn’t sound much but it is a big deal and would be massive for him if he could get in. So fingers crossed 🤞.

Otherwise, that’s it. I’ve just got back from a 2 hour walk up the hill and back, the weather fabulous, a beautiful morning makes me feel good to be alive 👍.

Enjoy the weekend chaps


Posted 09 Oct 2024 at 12:08

Before my mate was posted to Germany, he was at a RAF camp in Norfolk. I used to go up and he’d sneak me in and id stay overnight and eat in their Canteen. Can’t believe we got away with it. This was Mid 70’s.

We’d occasionally go over to USAF Alconbury and sneak in there too. Fantastic Disco and burger joints. I do love a dance and i was up on the floor with the US guys and gals. Was magic. None of my mates were ever dancers. When i met my missus she was 15, shy and wouldn’t dance. Her brother was a DJ and so id end up dancing with his girlfriend to get people up at the beginning.


Still feeling very fatigued so not up to any jobs yet. Struggling to get up the stairs at the moment. Not eating much so that’s probably not helping either. Felt a bit lightheaded this morning so probably not a good ides to do the cutting in at the coving up the steps ….! Hoping this is all worth it. Going to ask at my next chemo if it’s normal to feel this bad. Not sure i could go through this again and I’ve got 3 more sessions to go yet.


You guys are keeping busy. Makes me feel tired ….. Leaf Hoover is a great tool and Im sure the scarifier is great as well if you use it properly.  Just so grateful our new garden is smaller and easier to maintain than our last one.


Keep it up guys,



Posted 06 Nov 2024 at 08:02

Hi Adrian, I watched it too. He said about going on to a cancer ward for the first time and seeing really ill people. It reminded me of my first meeting with my oncologist, his office was in the Macmillan centre, and I was a little shocked at the really ill looking people sat in the lounge. 

It'll be interesting to see whether a screening program comes out of this. Hopefully it does, but I won't hold my breath. Hopefully Chris will be around for a long time.

I'm growing a moustache again as it's Movember, going for the pornstar look. My Mrs likes it but I find facial hair annoying after a couple of weeks or so. 



Posted 18 Nov 2024 at 13:06

Afternoon gents! Apologies for my prolonged absence from the pub. I decided I'd try and distance myself from anything cancer related for a while, in the hope that I would be able to forget about it. Needless to say it didn't work.  The ongoing incontinence and ED issues post surgery, make it impossible to forget, and I was just missing out on the banter on here! So I'll pull up a bar stool, and have a nice flat pint of Bass please.

Kev, I see you expecting another grandchild. Congratulations mate, I've got four in my collection so far, and they keep me sane. I see you are also re-flooring a bathroom. I ripped up the tatty laminate in our en-suite the other week, thoroughly expecting to be having to replace it. But surprisingly, the floorboards didn't look too bad given their age (old bit of the house is Circa 1817), so I am currently renovating them instead of covering them up.

Phil - it's good to see you are feeling a bit better at the minute. Glad to hear you are wielding a paint brush again, as it means you must be on the mend for now. I just spent the weekend painting our utility room, after promising to do it when we move in two and a half years ago....😂

Adrian, looking at the clock, you're probably in the real pub by now, you jammy sod. Have one for me! That's a great idea with the kids trees. We've got a Horse Chestnut growing in a pot, from a conker picked up last year. I'd just assumed we would eventually have to get shot of it, or plant it in the garden to annoy whoever ends up living in our house in years to come.

Cheers all


Posted 24 Dec 2024 at 09:29

Morning all!

Just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas, and hopefully a Happy New Year. I know we are in varying states of health in our select little group, and it is not easy to be overly optimistic about what 2025 will be like, but I hope that we all have the best year we can.

Enjoy the festivities lads, and Adrian, you behave yourself 😂


Posted 24 Dec 2024 at 09:39

Hi guys, 

Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year. 


Kev, I got my diagnosis Jan 8th 7 years ago. Nice Christmas present 🥴… Had a bone scan on the 11th and flew out to Lapland on 14th and tried not to think about it all. Been a rollercoaster of a journey since 🤣


Take care everyone, enjoy yourselves. 


Posted 25 Feb 2025 at 08:36

Wow, that's a lot of marriage between you two guys! I feel like a novice at 36 years this year 😂

Haven't seen any football for a while, but that does sound like a good one to watch on Wednesday Phil. I did enjoy the Rugby at the weekend, although the Scots had me biting my nails! I've got my eldest son, his wife , and two granddaughters staying for a couple of weeks now, while the builders finish some work at their house, so I won't be getting to watch much sport on the TV. It'll be more Bluey, or Hey Duggee.......

I hope your breathing get's easier Phil, as that doesn't sound much fun. Nothing much to report here, other than this constant back pain, which is getting tiresome now.

Have a good day all.

Posted 18 Feb 2024 at 21:07

Hi Adrian,

On this site, under ' Topic Areas', there is an area called 'General Discussion'  ("including anything 'off topic'"). 

I'm not sure if this is the sort of thing you had in mind?

However, it doesn't seem to be well-used, so keeping a conversation thread 'alive' might be difficult - but it might be worth a try.

Best wishes,




Posted 18 Feb 2024 at 21:17

Hi mate

I think it’s a great idea. It would be a good way for those that wanted to, to keep in touch without needing to post an update on results, or respond to a particular question. We’re all in this together, so we may as well share a joke or two, or just bemoan the latest rugby scores….

I hope it takes off!


Posted 18 Feb 2024 at 22:25

Sorry here I go again on my high horse🤣🤣🤣 Maggies! If you have one nearby PLEASE go along and see what support groups they have. In Fife, we have a very proactive group and there are weekly meetings(general support for men with all types of cancer) and monthly PCa Networking Group which was started because so many men with PCa were attending the weekly meetings. Note…other support groups are available. At the meetings we all meet beforehand in the kitchen area, a wonderful volunteer(thanks Brenda🙏) makes us teas and coffees and we have a really good blether. then, we have the formal(well it’s not really formal but is led by one of the members of staff) meeting, and at the end we usually have more tea and discussions, not just about cancer but anything. Through Maggies I have made so many good friends and regularly go out for coffees, lunch or drinks with them. Fife Leisure also run an ‘active movers’ gym session in various gyms for men and women recovering from cancer, and the one I go to we meet up after and all go for coffee/drinks. My wife tells me I have a better social life than I’ve EVER had😊

Now,  you may not have a Maggies close by nor a specialist gym class but it’s certainly worth investigating any support that’s available locally….maybe ask your CNS,  they should know what’s available.

This has been so important to me because meeting with other men and women with cancer really helps…they just GET it and the support from them has been amazing, I no longer feel alone on this journey.

Good Luck,


Posted 19 Feb 2024 at 11:56

I've only been here 4 months, so perhaps, its  a bit presumptuous of me to suggest change.

However, since I joined, there have been 675 new members. I suspect only a small percentage of those have posted. Of course there are numerous reasons why they haven't, but maybe some are reluctant to join in, because of the technical nature of many of the threads.

Perhaps one link to a less formal place would give them confidence to post?  

Edited by member 19 Feb 2024 at 21:10  | Reason: Typo

Posted 19 Feb 2024 at 13:57

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
It is a very good idea to meet face to face for a coffee but difficult to organise. 

Hello mate.

I haven't been very clear and caused a bit of confusion. As nice as it might be, I don't mean a face to face meeting in an actual cafe or pub. What I'm suggesting is a place/area on this site to have a general natter, like you would do in a cafe or pub.

Posted 19 Feb 2024 at 14:04

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Hi Derek,

I would never consider going to a support group. Like VED pumps they're not for me. 

I love this place, you can do it in your dressing gown and slippers. I just feel its missing something?

I feel like I'm doing a lousy pitch on Dragon's Den and they're all saying "I'm out" 😂


Adrian, For 9 months I said Maggies was not for me and then my wife cajoled me into going along…and I’ve never looked back. I would say 80% of the men in our group would say the same. I agree though that it’s not for everyone and some men don’t come back.
I think though I maybe misunderstood your post…I think you were talking about an ePub or eCafe not a physical pub which would be difficult to organise I think. This forum is a wonderful but there’s nothing better than real face to face contact and a hug from a fellow sufferer.🤗
Last year I made very good friends with another member on here and we even met up on holiday…it was so uplifting for both us and we talk regularly on WhatsApp, not just about cancer and treatment, but about our families and everything and anything😊


Posted 19 Feb 2024 at 15:24

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
it was so uplifting for both us and we talk regularly on WhatsApp,


Now there's a thought Adrian. Maybe if the space on here doesn't work out, then a WhatsApp group might be the answer?

Bottoms up?...

Edited by member 19 Feb 2024 at 15:25  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 21 Feb 2024 at 04:09

Oh bugger! I must have frightened him away. 🙂

Anyway, if anyone else has got any trivia to post please don't hesitate to use this thread. I shall keep unashamedly bumping it.

Posted 21 Feb 2024 at 09:28

Still not sleeping then eh pal?

A 5 minute telephone call with a locum is a bit disappointing, especially when they haven't even bothered to get your notes in front of them.

When you said you'd been spreading rock salt, I thought you were getting ready for the big snowfall the BBC keep banging on about. As it was 17 Deg here yesterday, I am inclined to think they may have got it wrong again 😂

Posted 21 Feb 2024 at 13:29

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I would never consider going to a support group.

Well, chatting is the main purpose of local peer support groups.

I appreciate that Andy. My brother is a member of a local support group, but they are not my cup of tea. I'm lucky and as yet haven't needed face to face support. I have however found this forum very supportive. You can pop in whenever you want and someone will invariably help you. They are many people who are particularly knowledgeable, including your good self and who've been a great help to me.

All I want here, is an forever open, 'sticky' conversation. where any posters, regulars or newbies could have a general chat. I can't explain it any better. I was a member of the Martin Lewis moneysavingexpert site, before he became a TV super star. He had over a hundred topic areas on particular financial matters.  But he also had one specific open thread for people to have a general chat about financial affairs. Which was well used. Like that site we have hundreds of conversations on specific cancer issues but not a place to have a chat about life in general.

I've seen so many threads on here, usually late at night or in the early hours, that are started by newcomers and never get replied to and unless you bump them they are lost in cyber space. If they were posted in the always open general chat conversation area, they would get responded to. It would also be a good place for regulars who work hard and put a lot of effort into helping people, to relax a bit and chill out. To discuss life in general rather than having to respond to specific cancer issues. Such an area may not be workable, it may not get used, but I think it would be good idea to give it a go.

Edited by member 21 Feb 2024 at 20:39  | Reason: Typo

Posted 21 Feb 2024 at 18:33

Only if people don't use it; hopefully they will...


Edited by member 21 Feb 2024 at 19:32  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 21 Feb 2024 at 21:46

Hi Nick,

Is it this week you're seeing your surgeon?

Hi Adrian, yes, it was yesterday thank you for asking 😀 (you have a good memory!).

It was all okay -ish! I thought I'd been told to choose between RALP or HT and  RT.

I'd weighed things up and I chose RALP, but...

When I saw the Surgeon he told me I was too porky for RALP and that, and other health issues (heart attack 12 years ago and pulmonary embolism a year ago), also meant that HT & RT was the way to go. So he's started the ball rolling for the HT. 

It's not a massive problem to me, and I do trust him, but I had sort of got my head around the side effects to be expected from prostatectomy, rather than the ones from HT/RT. I also liked the idea that the PSA tests would be reassuringly low if my prostate was gone.

Thinking back, the person who told me my results and itemised the choices, did mention that BMI would be an issue, but I thought that was in relation to Brachytherapy as that was the last treatment type she'd mentioned.

Anyway, I am pleased that Dennis (my cancer - named after a particularly nasty tw*t I had the misfortune to meet at school (with apologies to any other Dennises on here)), is T2 N0 M0.

So onwards and upwards!!

Edited by member 21 Feb 2024 at 21:49  | Reason: spelling

Posted 22 Feb 2024 at 00:07
I don't think my brother would cheat
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 22 Feb 2024 at 08:02

Need a name for this pub now then.

Proctologists Arms?

Hand 'N' Glove?

Posted 23 Feb 2024 at 11:53

I shall be watching the rugby, armed with a few cold ones! Not too sure how the Calcutta Cup is going to go this year mind.....

I could do with giving the garden some attention, but with all this bloody rain it is way too waterlogged to get out there really. Other than that I will be shovelling some s**t at the stables, which seems to have become my job at weekends when I am available. Add in a couple of dog walks and that is about it!

That's about as exciting as my weekends get these days 😂

Posted 23 Feb 2024 at 12:53

Hello mate

I think the Scots might do it, unless we up our game from the last couple of narrow scrapes!

Just the one horse thankfully. My wife rides her, but I get to muck out the stable at weekends. To be fair, I quite enjoy being up there. Great for de-stressing after a week at work. In fact, after a week dealing with idiots, I am happy to just be around my labrador, my horse and my grandkids.

I can barely remember the days when I still needed to visit the barber! but yes, that was an amusing question at the end of the trim. Perhaps a French Tickler if it was a special weekend 😬

Posted 23 Feb 2024 at 16:06


Nothing too thrilling for me this weekend. Glad to report that my issues with having the "trots" immediately following the end of my RT appear to have subsided (for now). I'm now back out walking the dogs up and down the hill. I'll be driving down to Lincoln tomorrow to pick up son no 1 from Uni, he's coming home for his "reading week". Then in the afternoon, I'll be keeping tabs on the mighty Bantams who are playing away at Barrow, hoping for a rare win. Then it'll be my Saturday night curry with some beers whilst watching the Saturday evening footy on telly. Unfortunately, I find rugby a hard watch, I really want to England to win but I expect Scotland will (England more likely to win if I don't watch than if I do). The scoring in rugby does my head in with seemingly easy 3 points being given for the slightest of errors (errors that non-players don't understand), for me rugby would be better if there was more emphasis on scoring tries. 

I really envy you having a grandson playing footy, I would absolutely love that. Unfortunately, I couldn't get either of my two boys interested in football, playing or watching. Instead, they became swimmers and I lost countless hours of my life at swimming pools for their training and racing, including early mornings - nightmare! (advice for any new dads or grandads, be careful when you take the kids for swim, get them to swim yes, but too much and you might end up living there). 

All the ground saturated and boggy around here too. It'll be a couple of weeks before I dust off the old lawn moor and loppers.

Have a good weekend


Posted 23 Feb 2024 at 22:57

Flown out to Jersey with our youngest son and missus and MiL for our oldest boy and missus first child’s christening on Sunday (they live here). Our first Grandchild 😁
Had a lovely meal in the hotel tonight. Busy day meeting up with relatives and friends tomorrow then christening Sunday then back home. 
Might miss the Rugby … 

Keep busy guys 👍 Enjoy every day.


Posted 24 Feb 2024 at 09:34

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Flown out to Jersey with our youngest son and missus and MiL for our oldest boy and missus first child’s christening on Sunday (they live here). Our first Grandchild 😁

Awww that's lovely Phil. Have a great time mate. 👍🙂

Posted 24 Feb 2024 at 17:00

Awww that's lovely Phil. Have a great time mate. 👍🙂

Full English this morning at the hotel, with family and Friends joined us. Then to Sons to see grandson, then to his In Laws for lunch with more family. Back to Hotel via lovely garden Centre. Another meal out tonight. 
I’ll need a rest after this….. 


Posted 26 Feb 2024 at 11:49

Sounds like a great day Adrian. Every single day is special isn’t it as we know we only get so I many days in our lives. Make the most of them all. 

Is it just the two of us sitting in the PC Arms ? 


Posted 26 Feb 2024 at 12:44

Ey up Phil! Great to see you.

Are you back home? How did the Christening go?

Posted 26 Feb 2024 at 12:57

Christening was lovely thank you. In a little Church that the in laws go to then to The Royal Jersey Golf Club for a sit down meal. Lots of chatting and a couple of bevvies as I wasn’t driving 😁 , then off to the airport. 1 hour delay plus heavy rain on the way home from Gatwick meant we HAD to call in KFC for some sustenance at 11pm…  Only tastes that good when you’re starving. 🤣

Wonder there’s some way to have photo share thing on the forum? Could be time limited - like maybe a couple of days. 


Posted 26 Feb 2024 at 13:48

That's quality mate!

Posted 26 Feb 2024 at 16:08

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Cheers buddy.

I love her.  The one good thing about this disease, is that instead of always putting others first, I've actually started to treat myself for a change.


Good for you 👍


Posted 27 Feb 2024 at 07:59

Monday nights are always quiet in the pub mate, you know that! I was just thinking about getting up for the day when you were in here 😬.

Lovely sunrise this morning, but then the weatherman tells me its going to rain again, just for a change..... Have a good day pal.

Posted 27 Feb 2024 at 09:30

Yes Mondays always quiet in the pub game. I worked in Pubs from age 8 as pot boy then behind the bar from 14 up to nearly 17 when i worked in the Pub part of the famous, now gone ‘Gold Mine Night Club’ on Canvey Island. Much better money than milk rounds/paper delivery which i tried as well. Used to get gardening jobs from the locals in the pub as well so was a good little earner. Bought all my own clothes as a kid from that money. Can you imagine me at 15 in my tonic suit, Ben Sherman, red socks and Loake Royals ‘Sharking’ down Southend seafront. 😂Thought i was the Dogs … 🤦. Great time though.😎. Although I don't think it helped much with the CSE revision as i messed all my exams up and had to resit Maths, English and Physics alongside my engineering course at college. Ooops.

Adrian, what did all the sheep do when you went home ? 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑. Did they have a good night ? Sounds like it if you were still there at 4am…… been to a few nightclubs like that 😜

Bit jittery this morning, appointment not till 4. Trying to prepare myself but my mind wont settle on one thing it keeps flitting about…. Gonna try some Kalms in a minute , they might help.

Cheers guys, take care and have a nice day. 


Posted 27 Feb 2024 at 10:11

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Bit jittery this morning, appointment not till 4.

I bet you are mate. I hate afternoon appointments. No matter what the news, I'd rather know in the morning than hanging about all day.

I remember tonics and Ben Shermans and Crombies. Or have I got that mixed up with Skinhead outfits? At that time, although a northerner, I supported Chelsea and I'm pretty sure I had a Chelsea badge on the breast pocket of my Crombie. Having said that, I've never really been a dedicated follower of fashion.

I was thinking Phil, please don't let this 'pub chat area' detract from your own journey thread. They're are so many of your pals on there who are following you. You're a very popular guy.

Posted 27 Feb 2024 at 10:31

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Bit jittery this morning, appointment not till 4. Trying to prepare myself but my mind wont settle on one thing it keeps flitting about…. Gonna try some Kalms in a minute , they might help.

Good luck later Phil, I hope it goes well mate.

Posted 27 Feb 2024 at 10:54

I like this thread as we can chat about anything , doesn’t have to be PCa related. Sometimes I just need a ramble… It’s such a good idea. We still need a name for the Pub. 

I will, of course keep my old thread up to date …. Once I have my news from later.. 

My little brother and I were fostered when I was 13 and we moved to Southend and started going to the Friday evening games. Was always a full house. Now a Tottenham supporter for my sins. 

I think I would have been called a Mod or Casual as I didn’t have the shaved head but more of the later Paul Weller look. Smarter dress than pure skinhead although my girlfriend was a proper skinhead with shaved hair at the back.
Southend was great then , lots of greasers around but I never got involved in any aggro. I used to wear my red socks and Loakes to school and the head would check my socks everyday after assembly and send me home to change to black socks. So I always took spares so I didn’t have to go home … 

Thanks guys for your good wishes 👍 I’ll keep you posted . 


Posted 28 Feb 2024 at 16:39

I think I probably met you! 😂

That is so funny Lyn 🤣. Could well have done … 

Posted 28 Feb 2024 at 18:00

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Lyn. If this was a real pub what would be your tipple? We do not do mugs of tea or coffee. 🙂

Well if you’d asked me a couple of weeks ago I’d have said some dark beer or stout. But I went out with my mates to a microbrewery and had a couple of pints of Black Bess Stout and promptly came over all weird. Said to my mates I don’t feel too good phone my wife and passed out on the table . I came round and they’d phoned an ambulance as well. But I decided to go home with the missus but I couldn’t walk so they carried me to her car. I had proper gone out as I’d pooed and wet myself. Was fine the next day 🤷‍♂️…. Wasn’t drunk at all
Very embarrassed to phone my mates the next day to apologise… but they were really nice. 

We've arranged a lunch next time with coffee … 🤣🤣 🤷‍♂️

So, dark beers are out, especially unknown ones in a little brewery… 

So I would probably have a scotch or Irish Whisky… 😁

I had 4 Glenmorange in the Hotel on Jersey last week and it was really nice… bloody expensive but nice… 

Cheers, bottoms up ,



Hey Phil.

I wouldn't rule out a Mickey Finn..

We're off to Jersey for our anniversary in April, looking forward to it. (Not dodgy beer of course)


Edited by member 28 Feb 2024 at 18:03  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 28 Feb 2024 at 18:10

Not been to Jersey before, flew over it a few times though. We've booked an airbnb in St Helier. 

That's a good tip about booking restaurants.


Posted 28 Feb 2024 at 18:22

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

I wouldn't rule out a Mickey Finn..

Who would do that to an old git 🤣 There were only about 6 people in the whole place as well  …

Maybe the barman thought he’d have a laugh 😳.

Could have been dodgy beer though although I’d only had 1 1/2 pints…. 



As long as you were still wearing your trousers and underpants. 



Posted 28 Feb 2024 at 18:58

Lyn has frequently posted that she is teetotal.

Thanks Chris 

Posted 28 Feb 2024 at 19:14

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Lyn. If this was a real pub what would be your tipple? We do not do mugs of tea or coffee. 🙂

I might have a glass of coke - full fat version, not of that Zero stuff. After that, I would be persuading the bar staff to get the kettle out from under the counter. I always have a handful of teabags in my bag just in case of crisis. I wouldn't worry too much though as I will spend a lot of time outside; I hope we are going to have a decent smoking area at the Proctologist's Finger? 

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 28 Feb 2024 at 19:26

Just to change the subject, I really thought I had managed to avoid moobs during my six months on Bical. Clearly M&S think otherwise. I got the email from them today:

"Dear Chris,
We hope that you are keeping well.

It has been 6 months since we last saw you for your bra fit, did you know that it is recommended to have a bra fit every 6-12 months?

Breast sizes can change regularly throughout the year, and we would love to invite you back into store or via our online service (where you don’t even have to leave your home) to check that your bra is still right for you. We can also show you some of our amazing new collection.

Please click the link below and book your appointment now: "😡

That's the last time I'm doing the online order for the wife.

As for this virtual pub name, how about The Wonky Walnut?

Posted 28 Feb 2024 at 19:54

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Lyn has frequently posted that she is teetotal.

 No problems, I love a challenge. 😂

Posted 28 Feb 2024 at 20:19

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Just to change the subject, I really thought I had managed to avoid moobs during my six months on Bical. Clearly M&S think otherwise. I got the email from them today:

"Dear Chris,
We hope that you are keeping well.

It has been 6 months since we last saw you for your bra fit, did you know that it is recommended to have a bra fit every 6-12 months?

Breast sizes can change regularly throughout the year, and we would love to invite you back into store or via our online service (where you don’t even have to leave your home) to check that your bra is still right for you. We can also show you some of our amazing new collection.

Please click the link below and book your appointment now: "😡

That's the last time I'm doing the online order for the wife.



"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 29 Feb 2024 at 22:10

At this time of night it’s a nice Glenrothes malt for me😊
26 miles on the ebike today exploring the volcanos around Corralejo in Fuerteventura…a bit windy but lovely and sunny! I think I deserve a little treat😉

Thank God they don’t have a Weatherspoons over here🤣🤣🤣

Posted 01 Mar 2024 at 21:32

Hi Guys

I saw this thread and decided to join in as it is a really good idea. When you realise on all the posts that there is so much knowledge and I guess angst as well I think it is really important that we can all chat and hopefully have a bit of a laugh as well. I worked in mental health for years and despite what people say about men not wanting to talk about their problems I never found that the case. For some it maybe true but I think it is not true of most men. Loads of them opened up to me about their problems... however the ones that didn't did not do so well!!

I know that sometimes I can be a bit aloof and keep things tight to myself... but its not always a good thing to do.  I really believe some find it more difficult to talk to women about their problems. I have never found that myself and probably the opposite. We are all different... thank goodness!!  My lovely wife is so supportive but sometimes I do find it hard to tell her what I really am feeling. 

The idea of a virtual pub/ cafe or whatever is good. We should keep this going and by the looks of it we will. Good luck to you all. We need it! Just going to pour a pint now. Imagine an emoji.

Posted 02 Mar 2024 at 16:52
Grandson's team won 2-0. He plays in goal so it's cost me another fiver for keeping a clean sheet. 🙂

Brilliant!….and if he doesn’t become a footballer…he could work in finance!!

Posted 02 Mar 2024 at 21:55

Adrian, It was only a wineglass full, but I have been judged, I've had D & V all day today and my other half is claiming this as another victory in her war against me drinking. (She is weird, she doesn't like the taste!!)

Posted 03 Mar 2024 at 17:59


Edited by member 03 Mar 2024 at 18:00  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 03 Mar 2024 at 22:34

Got to be a cider for me, preferably Stowford Press.

Can say that I've been to many football games in my life. However, I am running an indoor rowing competition between 126 children from 8 primary schools in the morning!

Pass the ear defenders please! 🤣

Posted 04 Mar 2024 at 12:54

"I'll have a pint of Stella and a whisky chaser, please barman!" 

Blimey mate , doesn’t sound like your day 🤦‍♀️.

You probably need more than a Stella and chaser… 🤣

Ask the barman , he’ll know what could help …. 🤪

Posted 04 Mar 2024 at 12:58

Got to be a cider for me, preferably Stowford Press.

Uh can’t do Cider. Although I worked in pubs from 8 years old and saw it all I still managed to get hammered on cider at 13 and I’ve never been able to stomache it since….  

Like dark Ale or stout, or if not wine or scotch/whiskey…. Problem is can’t hold the volume when on pints now 🤷‍♂️.. 


Posted 04 Mar 2024 at 13:34

I remember when I was fourteen, drinking a bottle of QC sherry before going to the youth club disco, and throwing up on the dance floor.
I bet you was embarrassed 🤪

When I was 14 I went to a party at a girls I knew . I knew she fancied me but I still asked her sister out and she knocked me back so I went in the kitchen and got totally smashed. Her mum did everything to stop me … I don’t know how I got home walking along the sea wall at 2 in the morning 🤦‍♀️. I did amazingly still stay friends with the girl and we had a few nights out when we were 16 🤷‍♂️…. 


Posted 05 Mar 2024 at 00:23

Good one! 🤣

The competition went well. Other than for one of the schools, that couldn't come because a load of ceilings had collapsed due to flooding leading to the school being closed!😱

For those of you who might know concept 2 ergs, the fastest today was 532m in 2 minutes. Pretty incredible for a year 6 girl! (Or boy or any combination 😂)

Posted 05 Mar 2024 at 08:24

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I'm a great believer in sport, especially team sports, being good for youngsters.

I think getting kids involved in sport is great for their development. My 3 sons all played Rugby, and I got involved in coaching and then refereeing, so it was a pastime we were all involved in. We had family season tickets at Northampton Saints for years.

I think the camaraderie and team building that Rugby instilled in them was instrumental in their development into well rounded, responsible and hard working (I may be biased) young men. True to form with Rugby, they would go out and spend 80 minutes trying to hammer the opposition, just to get together with them in the clubhouse afterwards and enjoy the social aspect of the game (this got more interesting as they got older 😂)

Any sport or team based activity for youngsters, is far more beneficial than a computer game or TV in my humble opinion! 

Posted 05 Mar 2024 at 09:03

We had family season tickets at Northampton Saints for years

Been to Saints many times as our friends were shareholders ( I think it was to raise money for the club) and we ate in the little members clubhouse sometimes. 
I'm a football supporter really but loved the way you could sit with opposing supporters. Was there once when I think it was the Bath or Exeter manager climbed into the seats to sort some one out .. 🤣

And my mate said Rugby was for intelligent people and football was for thugs … 🤷‍♂️

Must say though the language at football can be fruity, especially at non league which is my occasional Saturday jaunt as it’s more local than the drag up to see Spurs. 



Posted 05 Mar 2024 at 11:26

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
And my mate said Rugby was for intelligent people and football was for thugs … 🤷‍♂️

The funniest comparison I have ever seen, was when they banned alcohol sales at football grounds because of crowd violence, then I was at the bar at Twickenham and saw a sign on the wall saying "no more than 6 pints to be served to one single person at a time" 😂

Posted 05 Mar 2024 at 11:29

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Completely off track, I know you're a keen gardener, and I'm sure you'll be delighted to know that a robin has just started making a nest in a conifer about 3 yards from my kitchen window.

That's nice Adrian. We have a Robin nesting somewhere in the garden, and as of this year a Wren has taken up residence! We had a Woodpecker visiting daily last year, but no sign so far this year. Must have got bored with our peanut supply......

Posted 06 Mar 2024 at 21:48

Yes, trying to stay upbeat- fake it till you make it!

Yes the primary schools still do competitive sports- netball, football, tag rugby, all sorts.  There aren't many like me doing indoor rowing in primary schools. It seems to be more of a secondary thing - probably because British Rowing don't approve!  I noticed the National junior indoor rowing championship results from last week were online today. That y6 girl I trained who got 531m in 2 mins would have beaten all the y7 girls in a much larger competition!

Robins have been mentioned - doing Forest school with y1 and Y2 yesterday, with several robins keeping watch, waiting for the kids to dig up some worms. Lovely birds, great song!

In a previous Forest school session we were all sat around our base camp, discussing something, when the local robin decided to get a bit territorial. After flying on and off the overhead branches I've tied up to support a tarp in the rain, it eventually got so peeved that it took a s*** on the head of another member of staff! 🤣🤣

Can't say I really get on with football - sorry! Just seems to be overpaid foreigners playing in the sport nowadays.

Edited by member 06 Mar 2024 at 22:15  | Reason: Spelling

Posted 06 Mar 2024 at 22:53

I was very fortunate and was in a position to retire early with a decent occupational pension. So I've never had to suffer the disease whilst working. My four kids are aged between 35 and 45 and are all settled in their own places. So I've got very few 'family commitments' apart from amusing my two grandkids who live nearby.

However, after my dad died, in 2017, we moved my then 93 year old, mum in with us. We cared for her until a year ago, when due to her health declining, we had to move her into a nearby care home. I found those 6 years, more exhausting and taxing, than both my careers.

I've often said on here,  that I truly admire how, younger blokes with younger families and work commitments, cope with this disease. Especially those with a poor prognosis. My heart goes out to them.

If I was in their position I'm sure I'd struggle.

Edited by member 06 Mar 2024 at 23:07  | Reason: Typo

Posted 06 Mar 2024 at 23:57
If you are enjoying your job carry on, if are not jack it in.

I would imagine teaching is something that could be very rewarding and you may even get to feel like you are making a difference. That kind of fulfillment is hard to come by. I can also imagine it being an absolute nightmare, in which case retire and do something else.

Posted 07 Mar 2024 at 08:39

Morning Ian,

As you know mate, I made the same decision as you. Based on a biopsy that indicated I had low grade low volume disease. Financial matters weren't a factor, my reasoning was if it doesn't need fixing don't fix it. AS is what my first MDT recommended and I took their advice.

There is conclusive evidence that advisory bodies like NICE are now of the opinion that many with low grade disease are being over treated. I believe that only about 30% of those on AS go onto have to have radical treatment. The introduction of CPG classifications also makes AS a more viable proposition.

I was in the unlucky 30%, but based on the initial diagnosis given to me, I still think I made the right decision to just be monitored.

I recently read this, which seems to support our decisions https://www.cancer.gov/news-events/cancer-currents-blog/2022/prostate-cancer-active-surveillance-increasing

It shows that in America active surveillance was 26.5% in 2014 and had risen to 59.6% in 2021.

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you mate. I've got a good feeling that you maybe in the majority group on AS that don't need radical treatment.


Edited by member 07 Mar 2024 at 09:09  | Reason: Additional text

Posted 09 Mar 2024 at 09:42

I think England beating Ireland in the rugby is like expecting England to beat India at home in the cricket!! What a fiasco that has been. We can live in hope though!!

I hope your grandson is on the winning side anyway.

We are seeing Tim Vine tonight at Huntington Hall in Worcester. Really looking forward to it as a good laugh is very therapeutic🤣

Posted 09 Mar 2024 at 10:14

This is an interesting thread you started, Adrian. Interesting aspect of PC forums like this is that men and some women get to know one another quite well. Most of us will never meet face to face but it is a 'friendship' which endures. I never thought men could share such intimate details. 

As I sit here I see a robin chasing all the sparrows away but unusually tolerating another robin, and reflecting on what happened on the 9th of March 58 years ago when we got married. We feel very lucky, particularly me, to be still around to enjoy our three grandchildren.




 'Physics is like sex: sure, it may give some practical results, but that’s not why we do it.'                    Richard Feynman (1918-1988) Nobel Prize laureate



Posted 11 Mar 2024 at 11:56

No matter how much we try to avoid it, we always end up discussing health issues and coming to the conclusion, that we're all clapped out wrecks.😃

So true 🤣🤣… 



Posted 12 Mar 2024 at 01:27

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

What are your thoughts on retirement! I'm now 60, advanced prostate cancer, 2 years in and ok at the moment and my original prognosis was 2 to 5 years. Whilst I enjoy my part time teaching, at some time I'm going to crumble. When should you give up and enjoy your leisure (pints of cider!)? Don't want to wait so long that I'm forced by the cancer to retire and have little health to enjoy what's left. 

Comments on a post card! Including banter - we are in the pub after all!

Just to be boring for a moment - if you are a member of the Teachers' Pension Service, you probably need to speak to your union and get some financial advice. A teacher with long membership and an incurable diagnosis can sometimes get the full enhancement but you have to balance that against the 'death in service' payout that you would lose. When I was in the LA, we were always careful to balance the two projected figures before someone retired in these circumstances. The downside of taking ER used to be that teachers weren't allowed to do supply if they had gone on ill health but that may have changed more recently?   

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 12 Mar 2024 at 01:34

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I keep reading that one in eight men will get this disease, but often wonder where they get this figure from. Are one in eight men actually diagnosed with the disease or are there thousands of men wandering around unaware they've got it. How many will die never knowing they had it?

One in eight is the number that are diagnosed in this country. A large scale piece of EU research showed that 50% of men in their 50s, 60% of men in their 60s and 70% of men in their 70s had some prostate cancer but most weren't diagnosed - presumably because they died of other causes. The data came from the post mortems of thousands of men of all ages - cause of death might have been a road accident, another cancer, flu .... but there was some cancer in their prostate. 

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 12 Mar 2024 at 14:55

Afternoon all. Haven't dropped in for a few days so thought I would call by and say hello! Nothing much to report. I'm looking after my elderly mother for a few days having collected her on Mothering Sunday. Lots of cancer related talk but not mine this time, just hers. On the good news side, my younger brother got his follow up scan results back yesterday (following major surgery and chemo) and it was all clear! Nice to get some positive news.

Hope everyone is doing ok.


Posted 13 Mar 2024 at 13:29

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Great news about your brother. If you don't mind me asking, is it the same curse we've got? My younger brother had our disease, diagnosed a couple of years before me. He went with RT/HT and seems to have made a decent recovery.

Hi mate

No, he has oesophageal cancer. Had surgery to remove the bottom of his oesophagus and the top of his stomach, plus 2 rounds of chemo. Hopefully ok now, but has been pretty rough. Mum isn't too bad cheers. She has terminal bowel cancer which is quite advanced, but she is doing ok all things considered. Add my late dad's prostate cancer and now mine into the mix, and its a bit of a family failing!

Still, on the positive side, mum is 86 next week, which we didn't think she'd make, and my brother is currently in remission, so things could be far worse 👍

Posted 15 Mar 2024 at 06:08

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Still, on the positive side, mum is 86 next week, which we didn't think she'd make, and my brother is currently in remission, so things could be far worse 👍

Great positive attitude mate and best of luck with your next results.

I've been in the real pub, or in my case working man's club, for the past three days. Been getting on the train at 11:30 everyday into town and having a few whilst nattering with mates and watching the horse racing at Cheltenham. I catch the 18:00 train home, via the chippy. I am a man of simple pleasures.

Luckily I've got an understanding wife.

Incidentally, I've changed from drinking lager to mild and can easily have 6 or 7 without any bladder problems. I've convinced the OH that it's good physio for the old waterworks.

I only bet small just to add a bit of interest to watching the racing. I've got a bookies app on my phone. Yesterday, I picked four horses and did a £1 ew accumulator. No winners but 3 were placed, the fourth horse however, only finished 5th. Unlucky I thought.

On the train home I was checking my phone and was completely surprised that the bookies I'm with were paying ew on the first 5 in the race where my horse had come fifth and that the ew accumulator had paid just under 150 quid. Not a fortune I know, but better than a kick up the *rse.

Thank heavens I hadn't discovered my win in the Club, I'd have probably over celebrated and missed the last train home.

I think I shall reinvest with another bet today. I'll treat my mates to a couple of pints and treat myself to an extra battered sausage on the way home this evening.

I intend keeping the wife sweet with a couple of bottles of vino and a box of chocs.

Life's good when you're winning.😁

PS: It was a close shave travelling back yesterday. Both loo doors on the train were knackered and at half way I felt nature was calling. Fortunately it's only a 15 minute journey I just managed to hold on. I had to jog the 300 yards home and burst through the front door like a drugs bust and run upstairs to the toilet before they could flush the evidence away.





Edited by member 15 Mar 2024 at 06:44  | Reason: Additional text

Posted 15 Mar 2024 at 10:40

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
The virtual beers in the virtual pub are on you then 👍🏼

What you having mate?

Do you want a virtual packet of crisps, or peanuts or a pickled egg with it?

By the way. The landlord's thinking of taking down the Durex machine, in the gents.  No-one's using it.

I'll have a virtual pint of Adnams and a virtual packet of peanus please. 

Hopefully they'll install a viagra machine in the gents. 


Posted 19 Mar 2024 at 12:05

Hi Adrian. I was also in the garden yesterday laying in 2 sleepers to form a flower bed. Essex Clay - took me all day… but all done now. 
Ironing today as the missus does morning at work. 
Off to get my blood test this afternoon. I’ll have to do a walk in at Oncology as I’ve still not got my consultant appointment for next week through. 
Bit overcast here but quite warm. 


Posted 19 Mar 2024 at 12:32

Morning gents

Didn't get out in the garden unfortunately as I was driving back from Devon after a long weekend away. Be nice to get the grass cut this week if it stays dry though! Back to work this morning via the hospital for my PSA test, so will be watching my phone for the next few days.

Posted 19 Mar 2024 at 13:03

It was great thanks Phil, if a bit damp! It varies with the results. A couple of them have appeared on the NHS App, but last time I had to phone the CNS after a week. The letter from my consultant actually took 6 weeks to get typed and sent out! Hopefully the App will prevail this time, or I'll be ringing them by Friday.


Posted 19 Mar 2024 at 13:16

Ah so not so reliable then.. 

Im still waiting for my appointment letter for next week after 3 weeks since my last consultation. Problem is I need to book the blood test but without knowing my appointment it’s difficult to guess. 
I also find the hospital letters take weeks to get to my GPs and so they don’t know when my meds have been changed. 
Got to book my next Degarelix soon and hoping the letters there or they won’t do it.


Posted 19 Mar 2024 at 14:04

Alright for some Adrian! I do have a couple of cold ones in the fridge for later though 😬

Posted 19 Mar 2024 at 19:13

Good luck Kev.

I'm lucky, I get my PSA checks done at my GPs surgery. They are on systemonline and I can usually view the results the next day.

Posted 20 Mar 2024 at 15:55

Still no appointment through today so i emailed my CNS and hopefully they can find out if my appointment is booked yet. 
Didnt bother with the blood test as don’t when I’ll be seeing the consultant next 🤷‍♂️. 

Nice evening out seeing Tony Hadley, Swing Tour, great show , great voice. Seen him before and also many years ago with Spandau Ballet with the wife, before kids … ! 
Lovely Greek food beforehand with a few glasses of vino… as you have to 😁

10cc next week , anyone remember them 👍

Edited by member 20 Mar 2024 at 15:56  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 20 Mar 2024 at 18:51

Well 'The Original Soundtrack ' with that track on it was excellent. We may be getting older but we have had the best pop/rock music ever in oor lifetime so far. What great bands there have been. My wife and I are seeing Jethro Tull at Symphony Hall in Birmingham next month...another classic band. Also seeing James in June who are truly amazing live. We live just outside Pershore in Worcestershire and our local celebs are Toyah (wilcox) and Robert (Fripp). If you haven't seen it check out Toyah and Roberts Sunday lunch on Utube. Its hysterical.  We saw them perform in Pershore last year at the begiinng ot their tour. It was brilliant.! I loved King Crimson as well and Fripp is a class performer as is his wife.

Posted 20 Mar 2024 at 20:01

I know how frustrating it is now. Both my wife and I have had to chase things up . I feel so sorry for people that don't know to do that or not  have the where with all to do it. I have had to fight with Gp's to get referrals on to specialists and my wife has had terrible problems with her eyes requiring constant calls to hurry through appointments .
Having said that the treatment I have had from the NHS for my cancer has been great overall but it may not have been so if I had not had experience of the system and how you have to press all the time.
Poor state of affairs and unfortunately not much hope of it improving. My advice to all is just be persistent as those that are are more likely to get the treatment they need than those that just sit back and wait. It should not be like that but unfortunately it is now. Aneurin Bevan would be mortified if he could see the state of the NHS now.

Mind you I am as well!!

Enough of my rant. have a good evening all


Edited by member 20 Mar 2024 at 20:04  | Reason: typo

Posted 21 Mar 2024 at 14:48

Off to Jersey in a couple of weeks on a 45 minute flight

Kev, when are you flying out to Jersey? We are flying from Luton on the 5th April on the 16.10 flight. Our son picks us up as they’re only 5 mins from the airport in St Aubin. Then we have their spare car 👍. 
But the buses are great there and you can follow them on the App so you don’t miss one or be too early. 

If you want any other tips please ask . We’ve now been so many times I think we’re seen as locals ..



Posted 21 Mar 2024 at 15:16

Hi Kev. How funny we are flying back on the 8th too.. 17.55. I’ll look where we’re sitting 🤣🤣
We like St Helier but don’t always visit when we’re over as we are often quite busy. Mostly eat in St Aubin as we can walk. 

There are 2 really lovely garden centres , St Peter’s and Ransomes. Both have really nice cafes. The indoor market in Market St St Helier is worth a visit on a Saturday. 

I’ll ask me boy about nice Pubs in town. If we’re in town we always go shopping in Jacks which has some nice clobber, men’s and ladies. 

Sunday brunch at El Tico is great. Lovely views and cracking food but you might have to wait as it’s popular. It’s on the beach at st Ouens Bay so you’ll need a bus or taxi. Breakfast there is massive. 


Posted 22 Mar 2024 at 22:34

Hi Kev . We use a lounge pass which gets it cheaper . We are flying quite a bit , especially to Jersey now and it’s worth it. 
18 flights last year. Mostly Jersey, but 2 to Spain and 4 USA flights. 

So it won’t be bloody kids kicking my seat 🤣🤣. Oh but I’m behind you so watch out 🤔

The buses are great and cheap. Bus to St Helier is just outside the terminal door. I’d put the bus app on while you have WiFi at the Airbnb or airport then just use it when you need. It’s called Jersey Bus Tracker. 
Fingers crossed for the weather. 

Edited by member 22 Mar 2024 at 22:35  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 23 Mar 2024 at 07:01

With you two hitting the island at the same time, they might need to bring Bergerac out of retirement! 😁

Posted 23 Mar 2024 at 09:43

Good tip re the bus app.

If Bergerac does come out of retirement, he could drive us round the island in that old car of his (murders permitting).


Posted 23 Mar 2024 at 20:30

Cracking day today! Spent the entire day in the garden. Cut the grass, relocated the log pile and rotovated the veg patch. Maybe I’m getting old, but this adds up to a good Saturday these days! Also took my mind off my PSA test results, which I’m waiting for after my latest test last Tuesday. It’s frustrating, as we all know they are available the next day in most cases. 

Posted 23 Mar 2024 at 21:21

Hi mate

That sounds like a good day too 👍

cheers, I’ll keep you posted.


Posted 25 Mar 2024 at 13:46

Well got a call this morning to say my appointment is this Thursday. 
But anxious to say the least . Would be lovely to see my PSA steady or even falling… we will see. 

So to take my mind off it I cleaned my car. 3 hours it took as it’s white and needed the toothbrush treatment in all joints, trim edges etc. looks mint now but I’m too knackered to give it some polish… Maybe this afternoon… 

Can’t wait to get started on the gardens. But as we’ve had the back re-modelled last year we need some new planting and it’s too early. Same goes for front where we’ve had the front paved with a smaller flower bed - itching to get planting… 

Grass could do with a trim though … 

Wasted valuable time trying to watch the pathetic England football display. Won’t get those 2 hours back… And the F1 wasn’t any better. 

Right, better get lunch ready now . I’m starving , it’s the steroids 🤣… 

Take care peeps, 


Posted 25 Mar 2024 at 15:18

It’s great you guys are so busy. Indoor skydiving wow, that’s well out of my comfort zone… but I’d give it a go… ! 
Was the Saracen’s game at the Tottenham stadium ? Been there a few times to see Spurs. It’s a cracking stadium, well designed and plenty of places to sit and eat/drink. 

Car wash has closed for the day 😁. 
Gonna faff with my bike and possibly cut the lawn … 

I do love my car being clean but can also feel a bit lazy at times and it gets a bit grubby. Wifey has an 8 year old Mini Cooper we got new and we absolutely love it. It cleans up a treat and drives really nice. I’ve got my 5 year old Audi Q3 which I got ex demo with a cracking discount. It’s fully loaded as it was the first of the latest shape and I love that too. It’s my 4th Audi. My first was back in the mid ‘80’s and it was a 100 Coupe Auto - looked like a drug dealers car 😳🤣 but the missus hated it as it had Twin 45 Dellortos and the carbs sometimes iced up if you were cruising at speed. 😬 

One day soon we’ll go down to 1 car, but which one 🤷‍♂️… 

How on earth did a goldfish get a name like Drinko ? There has to be a story there… 

Right so onwards and upwards. Its out to the garage 👍


Posted 25 Mar 2024 at 16:37

Hi Adrian,

I jumped with one of the Red Devils, he wore a prosthetic leg due to losing his in an explosion. He did a lot of air to air camera work and was a really great guy, sadly he died around ten years ago. 




Posted 25 Mar 2024 at 16:45

Love reading these stories from you guys. There’s more to us than PCa … 👍

I just tried to start my bike. In case you didn’t know I rebuilt it from a complete wreck whilst at the beginning of this journey and it kept me very busy. It’s a triple 2 stroke 350 Kawasaki. 
Anyways , no spark on LH cylinder so gotta take tank off and check connections to coils etc. I converted it to electronic ignition but don’t think it’s that as 2 cylinders are fine. Maybe a dud coil as they’re original ones from 1973… 

So no grass cutting today ……

Posted 25 Mar 2024 at 17:51

Yes it’s an S2A 350 46hp little rocket.

Z250 was a nice little bike. I had a tuned 250 BSA when I was 16 ( 1971) was a little rocket as it was so light. Faster than my mates RD 250… 🤣

Always had bikes from 15. Met my missus  in ‘79 and bought a Suzuki GS1000 cos it was wicked fast and had a nice seat. Had over 150 on the clock 2 up… 😳

Had a Ducati before that - no good for pillion. 

Too old now for it and a body weakened by HT……. So the bikes going soon… 

Posted 27 Mar 2024 at 20:59


Compared to you guys I feel like a right woose. The best I can offer is going up in an air ballon for a 40th birthday  present.  It was quite brave in a way as I hate heights but it actually was quite amazing. We ended up 1 mile above the Malvern Hills at about 7am with a glass of champagne as well.  Earliest I have ever drank alcohol ( I think)😄. It was quite eery as there was absolutely no noise at all.

I rode pillion on some geezers bike when I was a student back in the day as he asked me to go and hold on to a plank of wood he wanted to buy. Never been on a bike before and I don't think I will ever again....it was windy as well !! Could have done with a Tena then!!🤣


Posted 28 Mar 2024 at 12:54

Hi Debbie and Steve.

Thanks for popping in. What a lovely romantic tale about your daughter. I've been thinking of you two. How's Steve's recovery going?

Late edit. Just seen your update on



Edited by member 28 Mar 2024 at 14:13  | Reason: Additional text

Posted 28 Mar 2024 at 13:05

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Not long after John was diagnosed, I went to a Harley Davidson shop and bought John a Fatboy as a surprise.

Wow! That is fantastic. I've been banging on to my wife about how much I want to get an MGB for years, but I've yet to wake up and find one parked on the drive....😂

Posted 28 Mar 2024 at 14:52

Wow , love all these stories. It’s like we are really getting to know each other. Rather than just what treatment we are on… 

I’ve known you a while now Lyn but that story was a big surprise 👏. 

I bought my girlfriend a car for her 17th birthday … does that count 🤔. Dirty Gerty - the car not the girlfriend… 

Then i bought her a better car for her 18th.  A one year old Cortina Mk4 in bright red. 

Did I spoil her , yes I did and I don’t regret it one bit. Still married after 43 years now 👍

Cant think what I’ve done that scared me the most 🤔… 



Posted 31 Mar 2024 at 20:45

Re Jethro Tull. I will let you know how it goes. They are my wifes favourite band and I have always liked them too. Never been to Symphony Hall in Brum so the sound should be good at least. Hope you all are having a good Easter. We have our family coming  tomorrow for a roast dinner so really looking forward to us all being together. Enjoy the rest of the Easter break.

Posted 04 Apr 2024 at 05:41

Ah, so this is where the insomniacs hang out!

Posted 04 Apr 2024 at 18:01

We kept our marriage secret for a further 8 years!  It was only when my dad became seriously ill with 'our disease' that we decided to announce it.

Wow! Now that is some secret to keep, incredible!!

Posted 06 Apr 2024 at 01:04

Here’s one for you insomniacs who may appear later, what’s your song to reflect your current mood?
I’ve been really struggling this week, my legs feel like heavy lead weights, I continue to get up 6-7-8-9or10+ times every night for a wee but can’t sleep anyway due to the frequent Prostap induced hot sweats. When I have a session getting pi$$ed like I did tonight with the missus watching some Netflix American series rubbish, I spend more time at the bog than in my chair. I’m 61 but feel more like 91. Prostap making me weaker and weak, my favourite football team loses every week and is in the bottom division, seriously now considering getting myself an electric MTB because I have no muscles left to peddle my old trusty mean machine (my pedal bike), but I bet they don’t fund them on the NHS (quite right too). Just putting it out there😬😬😬😬.

I’ve got this song in mind >>>>>
Just a castaway an island lost at sea, oh

Another lonely day with no one here but me, ohMore loneliness than any man could bearRescue me before I fall into despair, oh

I'll send an S.O.S to the worldI hope that someone gets my message in a bottle, “

That'll be the SpongeBob
Posted 06 Apr 2024 at 09:08

Oh SpongeBob, so sorry to hear this. Sounds like the Prostap is doing a number on you all right. Is it possible to talk to your CNS about the frequency of wee breaks? It must be so tiring and when you’re tired everything seems worse. I added Solifenacin to the Tamsulosin. 
I now take Mirtazapine as a sleeping aid which works well. Not so good as an anti depressant so still have my weepy days thinking about how long I’ve got left and how fast my disease is progressing now. Can’t bear the thought of leaving my wife alone.. Doesn’t seem right . 
Take care buddy. 

Posted 06 Apr 2024 at 12:23

I thought you were in Jersey?

We are here in Jersey. Just back from breakfast out …. Need a rest now. 

Met with KevT at Luton on our way here. Lovely to meet him and his wife. Hope they’re having a lovely time here. 

Always try to be positive, does kinda become a way of thinking . Plus I don’t want to be down for the wife. 



Posted 08 Apr 2024 at 07:37

Hi Kev,

Belated happy anniversary to you and your beloved. I hope your romantic big bath together went better than one I described early ( full details on this thread, 3 April @ 10:11) when I nearly drowned my missus. 😁

Edited by member 08 Apr 2024 at 07:43  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 11 Apr 2024 at 12:27

Hello guys, I’m back 😁.. Been very busy after our weekend away so just sat down for 10 mins between getting the ironing and packing done for this weekend’s trip to visit friends on Exmoor while the missus is at work. She is going too 🤣 , she’s just at work now 🤦‍♀️… 

Was lovely to catch up with Kev and Kirsty. Felt like we’d known each other for a long time. Kev’s right , there’s lots of fast cars and loads of full size Range Rovers which I can imagine getting stuck in some of the roads our son goes down… 

Nice to see spring is coming , everything looking green and fresh. Still got lots of planting to do, front and back as we’ve had a complete re model of the rear garden and front drive done leaving a nice quadrant in the front corner for shrubs etc… Looking forward to going round the garden centres choosing what to buy 😁. Well I don’t choose of course as I haven’t a clue 😳

Still come home to being a bit fretful about next weeks bone scan and subsequent consultation … 😬… Just like a bit of stability for a while so I can get off the monthly checks/consultations as you don’t really get a chance to relax.. I almost want to get the Orchidectomy done so I can come off the HT and steroids. I’m blowing up like a balloon. I’m still able to get a ‘rise’ on the HT but who knows after the Orchidectomy . I suppose it’s anyone’s guess. 

Take care chaps


Edited by member 11 Apr 2024 at 12:28  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 14 Apr 2024 at 21:49

Hi Chaps,

Spongebob here still in France but now skint. So far for meals we’ve had a Tunisian couscous in Arras, Italian dish in Hermonville, Chinese in Troyes, French 🇫🇷 in Noyers sur Serein, Indian (poulet vindaloo) in Chartres, Galettes in Bayeux.

Fabulous, must admit though to struggling with this type of holiday being a road trip, because most days I’m driving all the morning everyday wanting to go for a poo all the time presumably as a result of the radiation. You might think strange that I therefore decided to go for a vindaloo!. But I decided on a vindaloo because surely the belly couldn’t get any worse, in fact I feel better.
Trouble is the absence of public bogs in France. So it has been a bit of an uncomfortable experience. But what’s the alternative? To stay inside sitting on the bog all day? No chance, not SpongeBob even if I have to take an emergency ‘al fresco’ behind a bush with the missus acting as Gendarme😱.

We went to see the Bayeux tapestry today, if for you gents history floats your boat then I really recommend it. In fact I’m that interested that I have an Indiana Jones desire to try go search for the templates that they must have used (although the wife killed that idea dead when she suggested that Bishop Ord probably drew the template on the tapestry cloth itself!!!). Let me know if anyone wants to join me on a quest to find the lost templates.

I’ve had quite a few cold blonde Leffes on this trip and have developed quite a liking for them along with of course the beaucoup de vin which my Onco would fall of his chair with if he knew 😬. Vivre le France - it’s not their fault.



Posted 15 Apr 2024 at 11:29

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
We went to see the Bayeux tapestry today, if for you gents history floats your boat then I really recommend it.

We went to see that years ago when the kids were little, it's fascinating isn't it. Sounds like you're having a great trip 👍

Posted 16 Apr 2024 at 12:51

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
The village Pub is lovely and we joined the Times Crossword group Sunday afternoon. No teams we all just try to get the answers together - good fun, especially with the amount of alcohol consumed]/quote]

The Times Crossword group...ooh get you. 😮

I even struggle with The Sun's  crossword. 😁

Very best of luck, with your blood test and scan Phil. 🤞



Edited by member 18 Apr 2024 at 09:40  | Reason: Typo

Posted 16 Apr 2024 at 16:48

Glad to see the booze cruise never died. Years ago I had a Saab 900 turbo, it had a massive boot which I filled up and drove home with a bottomed out suspension. 

I'll join you for a Guinness or two, we're off to Nor'n Iron this weekend, the Giant's Causeway is next on my list 👍

Fingers crossed for this week Phil 🤞



Posted 16 Apr 2024 at 17:24

We just having our last night in Montreuil sur Mer. Called in at the British military cemetery at Etaples on route to pay my respects to my great grandad who died there on 15th October 1918. Last night we were in Honfleur and what a fabulous, fantastic spot that is - very Poldark like. We had a superb dinner out, and will definitely go back again sometime.

Very envious of you folk living darn south in Essex, how easy it is for you to nip over here to France - I would fill my boots with it 😬🇫🇷.

Spongebob (on the Leffes again 🍺)

Posted 18 Apr 2024 at 14:16


Have a really great time Kev. Northern Ireland is on our list too 👍. Watch those big steps 🤣 I think the Bushmills factory is somewhere near there. 😁

Good shout Phil. Just so happens we're about 15 minutes drive from there, I'll see if I can get on a tour 👍🏻


I don't think I could go to the Giants Causeway. The sight of rigid, upright things, all naturally produced, would make me too envious. 😁 

Maybe they use Invicorp Adrian.. to prevent coastal erosion 🤔 I'll let you know if they sell it in the gift shop. 



Edited by member 18 Apr 2024 at 14:20  | Reason: Added note

Posted 18 Apr 2024 at 14:19

I don't think I could go to the Giants Causeway. The sight of rigid, upright things, all naturally produced, would make me too envious. 😁

Have you had your scan and blood test yet?

Hi Adrian. Know what you mean.🤣

But this weekend away as usual at night I tell the missus she knows where I am if she needs me 😉, and guess what , she did 🤪… Made my weekend. 😎

Blood test and bone scan tomorrow. See the consultant next week … 



Posted 18 Apr 2024 at 18:09

Blood test and bone scan tomorrow. See the consultant next week

Update, consultation a week Tuesday now … 


Posted 24 Apr 2024 at 11:58

Northern Ireland sounds like a right good do, I’ve definitely got it on my list. I would love to see the Giants causeway (though not at the same time as a million others 😬). I’ve seen the other end of the causeway on Staffa and Mull, fantastic, 

Interesting reading recent comments, making me laugh, I’ve also had the camera crew up the backside a couple of times whilst watching the show on the telly - fascinating and humiliating at the same time as the camera crew were all nice women. Makes me wonder what drove them into such a career? Is it a genuine real interest in men’s asses? Whatever, I am grateful. It’s good fun being an old man 👨‍🦳

Just been out for a 2 hour walk up the hill with one of my old school mates. It was good to have a good old sober chinwag about mountain bike routes and stuff. For once it isn’t wet.

And this afternoon I’m going to brew some beer (a batch of wherry from Norfolk). This will be my first batch since before treatment.

Gradually getting back to doing more stuff. The dishwasher broke down last week with an E09 error. The wife was delighted because she thought it meant that we’d get a new dishwasher. But a bit of simple googling sorted it, ordered a new heater motor and fitted it on Monday. The hardest bit was getting the dishwasher out of its cupboard and putting it back again. Chuffed with myself for fixing that 😬😬

Posted 24 Apr 2024 at 12:06

We managed a trip around the NI coast last year on the motorbike. It is spectacular. Bushmills distillery was on our backup plan for a rainy day. Amazingly we had four sunny days in a row. 

Last weekend I was in Galway and did a few bike trips in to Connemara and up to Westport, again the scenery is amazing. The nightlife in Galway is hectic.


Posted 24 Apr 2024 at 12:15

Wow, lovely to hear you guys are all still getting around 👍. 
N.Ireland is seriously on our list . Kev, your trip sounds fantastic. I’m right jealous 🤣. 
Dave, great to hear you’re still using the bike. After a good few years break my little Kawasaki 350 feels too heavy for me now to manhandle around. So it’s gotta go and put the money in the holiday pot. This bloody HT has taken its toll after 6 years… 

Take care guys


Posted 24 Apr 2024 at 12:27

Hi Kev,

I'm glad you enjoyed your tour of Northern Ireland. My younger brother was an RMP and did nine years over there during the troubles.

I remember going out with him when he was on leave. We were pub crawling along Freeman Street in Grimsby, when a passing car backfired. He instinctly dived for cover in shop doorway.

I've only been there was once. Was flown in a Hercules from West Germany to Portadown to give evidence in a Court Martial case.

He did 17 years in the Army, half of it dodging bullets in NI. I only did 3 years, almost, drinking, smoking and sh*gging myself to death in Germany. "That's the luck of the draw" I used to tell him. 😁


Edited by member 24 Apr 2024 at 12:42  | Reason: Typo

Posted 24 Apr 2024 at 13:20

I had the camera up my bum 6 months before my PCa diagnosis, funnily enough they were all women too, they were all complaining about the traffic on the A1 and I pleaded with them not to take it out on my bum. Weird to think that the camera nudged past my cancerous prostate on its journey though. 

Also, I had bowel cancer screening last year, it was a DIY job where you dip a stick in your poo, pop it in an envelope and post it to the lab. Hilarious to think of my poo going Royal Mail. 

Dave, I reckon you did page 372 of my book last weekend, well Galway and Lough Corrib 👍🏻

Phil, if you're still struggling with the motorbike, my Mrs says you can have her old coil as she doesn't need it anymore 😁

Adrian, my brother in law was an RMP, did Germany NI Aldershot and the Falklands. We drove up the Shankill and down the Falls road Monday.. fascinating to see all the murals barriers and walls are still there.

Cheers everyone. 


Edited by member 24 Apr 2024 at 13:25  | Reason: Added note

Posted 24 Apr 2024 at 13:36

Phil, if you're still struggling with the motorbike, my Mrs says you can have her old coil as she doesn't need it anymore 😁


Kev, that made me laugh , 🤣🤣. 

This really is like being down the Pub 👍




Posted 29 Apr 2024 at 13:50

Seeing a low PSA result is always welcome news and worth celebrating. 

As for birds.. I just checked the nestbox camera and it looks like we've got at least eight eggs, which is about average for bluetits. 

Hey Phil, your ex girlfriend lost out on a DIY God, I bet she rues the day she said you were too nice 👌🏼

I too have to play with lighting, my mums outside security light stopped working and it's not the bulb, if I can't fix it I'll have to fit a new one and hope the holes line up.



Edited by member 29 Apr 2024 at 13:54  | Reason: Punctuation

Posted 29 Apr 2024 at 16:48

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

I did the poop test a few weeks ago and all came back ok. I must remember to tell my consultant at least I haven’t got bowel cancer 🤪. 

They sent it back!!!! Why?🤔  🤣

Posted 30 Apr 2024 at 11:45

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

For me, summer is officially here. ☀️

I'm frightening the neighbours, and putting on my shorts! 😱

The fridge is packed with beers. 🍻


It is definitely warmer now although my shorts are still sitting comfortably in my drawer. 
Garage Fridge is packed with beer (Spitfire and Moretti) and Prosecco always. Unfortunately run out of white wine hence the Booze Run in a few weeks. 
Sat in summerhouse till 7.30 last night and had too many strong G&Ts. 🤪

Posted 01 May 2024 at 09:31

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Another poor nights kip, just keep tossing and turning. After getting my great PSA result today, I thought I'd sleep like a log; but I'm afraid that was very much offset by Phil's bad news.

I hate this disease, it's so unfair.

Morning Adrian. So sorry my news upset you last night 😢. Especially when you should be celebrating your good PSA result. Brought a tear to my eye. 

I’ve got my Degarelix injection shortly and badminton later. I know some one will ask how I got on and I’ll have to tell them … 🤷‍♂️Maybe I should take biscuits for tea break 🤔

Not sure why they stopped the Abi but not the Degarelix. Wish they changed the steroid back to Prednisone yesterday as well, the Dexamethasone is blowing me up like a balloon. Imagine Michelin man prancing round the Badders court. 😁

I fitted a snazzy remote light switch in the summerhouse and I couldn’t stop playing with it. Like a kid with a new toy. 🤣 Bet the neighbours wondered what was going on.

If I make it to the Virtual Pub mines a double scotch 😁. 

So Adrian I’m telling you to have a good day today 🤪. No worrying about other people , sometimes you gotta concentrate on yourself. You can’t save someone if you’re drowning yourself. 

Take care 


Posted 03 May 2024 at 20:06

Evening all. Just back on line after a week away celebrating becoming a senior citizen! I’m envious reading all the posts about sitting in gardens - raining cats and dogs here!

Glad to hear you’ve added to your pig collection Adrian. I think if I had a large metal pig sculpture delivered here, it might get inserted to check out my PCa’s progress 😂

Posted 09 May 2024 at 16:03

I never rode a scooter, at least you tried it eh. Saw a few over the weekend probably going to a rally or something. 

Today I've been working in the garden playing at being Bob the Builder. Re-pointing the garage wall because I'm training a couple of vines along it and don't want it falling down. I put a tarp up for some shade but I'm not a fast worker so ended up in the sun again! Luckily the Mrs is WFH so I got her to slap on some suncream. It's almost like being on holiday. 

Cheers everyone. 


Posted 14 May 2024 at 09:56

Ey up Phil.

I'm going to the real club for a session today. I've only been to the club once in two months so I intend making up for lost time. Might take a couple of Tena in case I burst the banks.

A mate contacted me last night saying his got some tomato plants for me and suggested the club would be an ideal place for the transfer. He likes a few bevvies. I feel the plants may wilt whilst we're busy watering ourselves. 🙂

It should be a laugh watching the wife trying to bundle me and half a dozen pots into the car for the journey home.

I understand your trepidation about chemo mate, but you are a fighter and you will cope.

Best of luck pal.

Posted 14 May 2024 at 11:25

Adrian, have a great time at your club. Don’t forget to bring the tomato plants home 🤣. Funny you mention Tena but since I had my passing out episode I’ve found I’ve started having a little leak occasionally. I wonder if this is the damage they said could happen a few years after radiotherapy?? Hoping it will get better but it may be permanent. 

Harty, I’m painting the window cill in the conservatory so it’s satin . I found a good paint and it goes on really nice. Slowly working our way round the whole house so I have plenty of emulsion to do as well… 

I’m hoping I cope with the chemo ok. Everyone says it’s not too bad. I’m just keeping my fingers crossed it does the trick and keeps the little b****** at bay for a good while. Great that it worked well for your younger brother. I’m gonna ask about the cold cap. 

I suppose we all get bad days don’t we. Blood test this afternoon in preparation for a chemo nurse call Friday and 1st infusion Monday. 

Off to a garden centre after the blood test so better take a brolly … 

Cheers guys 👍


Posted 14 May 2024 at 17:28

Hi Phil, 

There's nothing quite like painting something, I find it relaxing and good therapy.. probably not after a few pints in Adrian's virtual pup though. 

I hope you enjoyed your booze cruise and you managed to restock your wine cellar, I imagine it's made of bare brick and doesn't need decorating 😁  Maybe you have to dust off the bottles occasionally 🤷‍♂️

Looking forward to hearing if Adrian makes it home with in-tact tomato plants or ketchup tonight. 

I'll join you for that virtual pint, probably London Pride or a Doom Bar, and I'll raise my glass to you and everyone else on this site 🍻



Posted 15 May 2024 at 15:46

That's a well earned cider following a successful tomato plant mission. 👍🏼

Posted 15 May 2024 at 16:28

There's nothing quite like painting something, I find it relaxing and good therapy.. probably not after a few pints in Adrian's virtual pup though. 

I hope you enjoyed your booze cruise and you managed to restock your wine cellar, I imagine it's made of bare brick and doesn't need decorating 😁  Maybe you have to dust off the bottles occasionally 

Looking forward to hearing if Adrian makes it home with in-tact tomato plants or ketchup tonight. 

I'll join you for that virtual pint, probably London Pride or a Doom Bar, and I'll raise my glass to you and everyone else on this site 🍻


I like decorating although I’m a lot slower than I used to be….

Booze cruise was excellent. Got what we wanted then onto a nice restaurant for lunch … 🙂 Unfortunately my ‘cellar’ is some shelves in the garage… We had a cellar in our old house but access was poor from inside and the outside door was , well outside and so we only used it for garden stuff.

I like a London Pride or Doombar but couldn’t manage 6 like Adrian . I’d be on the floor …..


How’s the tomato plants doing? We put in some Lavender a few days ago and it’s going mental…. 


Posted 15 May 2024 at 22:01

Be careful what you wish for. Most of the threads on this forum are about ...



Edited by member 16 May 2024 at 07:44  | Reason: Not specified


Posted 16 May 2024 at 07:33

Who knows what pictures Adrian would post after a few beers 🤣

Not casting aspersions mate 😁



Posted 16 May 2024 at 07:52

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Who knows what pictures Adrian would post after a few beers 🤣

My 'Hooray for Invicorp' thread would go viral! 📸 😂

Posted 16 May 2024 at 09:29

Yes, definitely agree with trimming lavender. Cut it right back last year and it’s going great guns now and not straggly. Not that I’d know what to do. I just get told what to do in the garden 🙂

Paloma Faith last night was amazing. Such a powerful voice for a little lady and loved the songs. She is mad as a box of frogs and so funny when she’s chatting. Gonna look up her CDs now or maybe even splash out on a vinyl… 😳

I’m loving my life right now . Don’t want anything to mess it up but I know it’s coming. So just gotta grab every day with both hands and do as much as possible before anything happens. 

Enjoy yourselves guys, 


Posted 18 May 2024 at 15:26

Today’s top tip - If like me you find yourself losing your balance and falling over when standing on one leg putting your socks on in a morning then you can solve this by leaning against the wardrobe or appropriate wall space 🤓 

Posted 18 May 2024 at 16:47

Kev those egg like things on your vine may not be eggs but vine sap balls or pearls, apparently they can be produced by the plant when growing fast. 

Thanks Adrian, I just googled that and it looks exactly the same as my vine👍🏼

We've got Gardener's World as well as a virtual pub! 👍🏼



Posted 20 May 2024 at 16:58

Great to see you keeping busy Phil, can't remember the last time I saw a kawasaki triple on the road, not that I'm putting any pressure on you 😉

I can see why you're fixing the speakers.. it's so you can blast out Paloma Faith 😁

I need to cut my grass tonight before it starts raining again, the recycling goes this Thursday. 

Cheers everyone!


Posted 23 May 2024 at 07:20

Trouble sleeping?

Not to brag but I was pushing out Z's.


Posted 23 May 2024 at 08:41

Adrian, I take 15mg Mirtazapine every night and it’s magic. Without it I can’t sleep for hours and my mind goes off to some dark places. So I rely on it and it works every night. Maybe speak to your GP ? 
Hope you get it sorted 👍


Posted 23 May 2024 at 10:08

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
 Just have to remember to take my anti nausea pills 30 mins before food which I’m not used to.

If my wife was cooking, I'd need a handful! 😄

Joking apart, I'm pleased you doing well.👍

Edited by member 23 May 2024 at 11:34  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 23 May 2024 at 10:13

Probably sounds a bit daft Adrian, but have you tried a herbal remedy or melatonin tablets for sleep? My wife uses one, I'll report back with the name when I get it.

Great you're feeling okay Phil, hope it stays that way 🤞🏻

Managed to mow the lawn before this week's monsoon so that's a good result. 

The bluetits haven't fledged yet but I reckon they're ready to go. Watching them on the camera, it feels like they're part of the family. 



Edited by member 23 May 2024 at 10:25  | Reason: Added note

Posted 25 May 2024 at 09:32

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
 I think there is enormous pressure for kids to go to university these days. Personally, I'm a big fan of the old fashioned apprenticeships,

I joined the Army at 18, signed on for 3 years. I went from long haired, care free, art student, living at home and being cared for and financially supported by my parents. To short haired soldier crying over how I wished I learnt how to iron and having to look after myself. It was a great shock to my system. 

Those few weeks of basic training nearly broke me and almost half left. However those that remained helped each other survive. 

Three years later, I left and joined the police. Most of the police service, in those days, were made up of ex service personnel or folk who had moved from other occupations. The thing they all had in common was some experience of life. The bosses had all worked their way up through the ranks and generally knew what they were on about.

15 years later, as educational entry levels got higher and higher, more and more recruits came from uni. They were nice young people, but had very little life experience. At the same time they started introducing accelerated promotion courses for officers with degrees. The bosses were becoming better academically qualified but less experienced and less in touch with their work force.

In my opinion, this is part of the reason the service went into decline.

Despite this, I'm still a great believer in education, but the target of getting 50% of youngsters to university is totally ridiculous.

Whoops! I'm beginning to sound like my late father, and I've just slipped off my soap box! 


Edited by member 25 May 2024 at 10:52  | Reason: Typo

Posted 25 May 2024 at 15:11

Hi Pratap,

That is exactly what I would hope for and expect. At both the open and offer holder days we were sold a vision with assurance that students would be actively engaged (even the most ‘nerdy’ of students). We were told as parents to not worry. 
It’s not difficult is it? 10 mins per week just to check the attendance stats of the students under your remit and then to follow up asap on any students that you find are ducking out. Ditto with those who miss assignments.

Thanks very much for your comments, much appreciated, I’m just trying to work out what to do and get a plan of action in place. Priority is sorting out my son, to get him the help he needs and to basically reintroduce him to society and a pathway to work. And I want to engage with the University, at the least I want to try encourage them to review cases like my son’s, to learn from it. Any steps that they can put in place as a result to help other struggling students would be good. I’m thinking of canvassing other parents who have experienced similar with their young people to see if I can get a collective together.

Anyway best get this chat back to gardening 😬. I’ve just cut the grass, and in time to watch the cup final.



Posted 26 May 2024 at 13:17

University: Never considered it as no one in my family ever went and my parents weren’t exactly supportive. I couldn’t even be arsed with the 11 plus so ended up at a s*** Comprehensive School. At 13 me and my little bruv were fostered and moved schools for 18 months and it was magic but had to move back and missed all my options as 4th year had already started , subsequently messed up all my exams and had a to do a year at college re sitting CSEs as GCEs plus an engineering course. Which set me on a design direction apprenticeship in the automotive business which I did till PCa reared its head. 

Kids: Our oldest told us the day before his A level results that he didn’t want to do uni. Mix of not wanting debt plus girlfriend. Ok no probs , but you need a job. Started soon at a bank and now works for Barclays in Jersey. 
Youngest was harder. In his mid teens he struggled at school  and it was very hard work for us. Self harm and running off etc. Started at college but hated it, so stopped going. Then someone told us how good he was at IT and so we got him in on a course. He never looked back and now earns a fortune doing cloud security. ( why does a cloud need security 🤣). 

So neither did Uni, and agree with other comments here that it seems wrong that the perception is you have to do it to get a decent job. It depends on the job. Hearing so many sad tales about the stress, debt etc. The Gov’t keep prattling on about apprenticeships but what’s actually changed.??? 

We need more of the money getting down to grass roots level and not washing around at the top end with consultants and management getting their big fat kickback. I know this happens as I know a guy who was CEO of a quite large College that did apprenticeships not A levels and tried to help the kids out. Some of the kids stories of how they managed home life with still getting to college every day were harrowing. 


I really hope you can get your kids sorted now you know and understand the problems they’ve been trying to keep from you. 


Blimey, didn’t realise I felt so strongly about it 🤦‍♀️ 


Sorry if I’ve rambled on and it’s not very grammatically correct but I didn’t want to go back and dilute it down. Plus I’m a poor Comprehensive kid 🤣 When I was in my 20’s and started learning German my teacher said we are all so rubbish at our own language that she needs to teach us English first. Talk about embarrassing.. 



Edited by member 26 May 2024 at 13:19  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 26 May 2024 at 15:08

Kids eh?

A few minutes in the sheets (or the back seat of a car) creating them, and a lifetime worrying about them!

Our bluetits fledged Friday morning and were hanging around in a nearby tree. Having watched them on our nestbox camera over the last few weeks they've become family. They don't ask to borrow the car or money though, but we still worried that they might not all make it, especially with two days of monsoon rain.

Anyway, not to brag, but we're now in a villa on Lanzagrotty with the eldest and grand daughter. Nightmare drive to Gatwick though, had to go the long way round when there was an accident on the M25. Just made it in time to get some use out of the lounge, the highlight being a pancake machine. 

As for gardening, I can't help myself, I've already gone round picking up bits of palm tree. 



Posted 27 May 2024 at 16:06

Hi Kev

As a retired academic (Lecturer/Reader/Deputy Head of Electrical Engineering Department) I am sorry and angry to read about your daughter's experience at her university during the pandemic. I totally agree with you that some universities have totally failed in their duty of care, both academic and pastoral, during the Covid lockdown and ought to be challenged. I guess many personal tutors failed in their duties to keep in touch with their students during this period. They should have provided the necessary virtual face-to-face contact via ZOOM.

 'Physics is like sex: sure, it may give some practical results, but that’s not why we do it.'                    Richard Feynman (1918-1988) Nobel Prize laureate



Posted 27 May 2024 at 19:32

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Hi Spongebag

I am just about to PM you with my thoughts.



Hi Pratap, 
Excellent, many thanks for taking the time to do this. 
I’m grateful for this chat, reading all your comments about this predicament has given me some comfort. It’s a good example of the value that this site provides.



Posted 28 May 2024 at 12:42

Thank you Adrian. I am afraid the subject is a bee in my bonnet. I don't regard myself as a conservative but you can imagine that I wasn't popular with some of my very left wing colleagues!

 'Physics is like sex: sure, it may give some practical results, but that’s not why we do it.'                    Richard Feynman (1918-1988) Nobel Prize laureate



Posted 01 Jun 2024 at 13:20

Ha ha - yes, trying to learn a lesson by keeping off social media after a few drinks 🤔
Very touching story about your mum. My mum is 90 this year, she used to be very active and always bright as a button. She’s always read books, tons of them. The last few years haven’t been good for her as she has lost her mobility, ironically seems to have originated from her being pulled over by her dog whilst out on one of her long dog walks. I’ve been amazed by her dogged determination to get on with it. She still orders us all around and tells us off even though me, my brother and sister all in our 60s 😬😬.

Coincidentally, I was reading an article about end of life experiences in the Tory Mail this morning. Very interesting, this nurse describing what she’s experienced whilst caring for end of life - people seeing a bright light etc. It would be nice if there really was a heavenly place that we will end up going to - if so let’s hope that you can get a decent pint there and watch a decent game of footy ⚽️🍺

Oops can’t forget to add that it would also be a nice thought that you could get fantastic never ending curry and would be good too to have my mountain bike there, they must have some good trails to ride up there.

Anyway, got to go cut the grass now. Also the missus wants me to put a trellis up of all things 😱


Edited by member 01 Jun 2024 at 13:35  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 13 Jun 2024 at 09:21
Hey everyone! Just been catching up with the chit chat on this thread and enjoyed a few chuckles! You guys certainly have my sense of humour!

Been quiet on here as been a busy few weeks for me and him! No change in the pissy pants department I’m afraid (4 months post catheter removal) and yes Steve is getting frustrated with it…I think he’s a bit drier overnight but there’s no consistency. Second post op psa bloods tomorrow so everything crossed for that…prior to a consult with surgeon in a few weeks (he didn’t get signed off post op as the surgeon was worried about the urethra/bladder join, so wants to see him again to check on incontinence progress in case he has to have another furtle around in there!).

Anyway Steve’s not let things stop us getting out and about and we’ve done a med cruise from Southampton with the youngest and her family, who lives down there….followed by a week in Skiathos with our son and family for a wedding, got back last night. The place was gorgeous and we explored the islands around including the ‘Mamma Mia’ tourist bits on a boat, also Steve went swimming for first time in sea and pool using the new incontinence swim shorts and they seemed to work well (no one stopped us and pointed out a yellow trail anyway!). He did pretty much lay off the alcohol though as it def makes a difference to his bladder! He didn’t mind the alcohol free and found the Greek local ones weren’t bad at all, Alpha and Fix were the brands.

Anyway, better kick him out of bed now we’ve caught up on sleep so he can get the holiday washing done….as the washing machine is in the garage (his idea)…I feel it’s a ‘blue job’ now!

Posted 18 Jun 2024 at 14:34

Hi Debbie and Steve.

Thanks for the update. I'm sorry to hear that Steve is still struggling with  incontinence. I can understand his frustration, but it's great to see that it isn't stopping you travelling and spending time with the family. Hopefully his surgeon will sort something out for him. I hope the second PSA results were good.

Edited by member 18 Jun 2024 at 20:49  | Reason: Reduce text.

Posted 24 Jun 2024 at 21:17

Come on guys, it’s radio silence on here. You can’t all surely be pondering over the prospect of Charlie Wyke signing up for a 2nd go with the Mighty Bantams????

The Euros are on!!! YES ⚽️😀!!!!!!.

What did you think?
Apart from the turgid boring Southgate football, were you annoyed the same as me with some of the riddiculous decisions going on - Holland’s goal which should have stood - what a debacle!, Austria’s penalty which was never a penalty in a million years, the guy kicked the keeper in the face FCOL and that handball that ruled out Belgium’s goal - what a joke 🤡. And then Lukanus last disallowed goal because of an hair on his elbow being offside, not that I have much affinity with the Belgies apart from their colours and obviously their bier 🍺.
LOOK at that aswell!!!  just as I type this, Croatia get a penalty because the ball has just brushed the hand of some Italian - what a joke 🤡. Thankfully it was saved. Oh dear, though Italy not out the woods as Croatia didn’t let them off the hook.

Of course, Scotland quite right never a penalty in a million years 🤔 but some advice to Clarke, - do not take advice from Southgate on how to set your team up if you need to win a game.

So it’s Ingerland again tomorrow let’s all stand up and admire the borefest, which is sideways, sideways, backwards, Pickford.

Hope I am wrong 🤓.


Spongebob (learnt all he new from Chinny Hill in the days when footy was just that ⚽️).

Posted 25 Jun 2024 at 09:32

Hi Chaps. Sorry been a bit quiet for various reasons. Had me jobs to get on with plus still feeling tired from the chemo.

I’ve watched some of the football and they are mostly entertaining games except England and Scotland. But I’ll be sat watching tonight willing them on to a nice emphatic win… ! I also watched a recording of the F1 and the English guys did OK but it was game over once Vertstapen got in front….. I could’ve had a nice nap instead of watching that.

But we have Wimbledon to watch in July. Hopefully we get a few players through qualifying.

Well I’ve had my breakfast and a nice cup of tea and written this so I’d better get cracking on my jobs. Painted a wood framed mirror for the conservatory yesterday so just gotta put some lacquer on it now. Grass might need a haircut too ….

Enjoy the weather guys 😎. 


Posted 25 Jun 2024 at 19:58

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Are we all sat comfortably?

3-0 to England is my prediction. 

That would be a good result. And we need a strong performance too. 

Posted 25 Jun 2024 at 22:01

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

🥱 Things can only get better.

God, I hope so… 

Posted 25 Jun 2024 at 23:20

Oh well, turned out to be more of the same old clueless dross - sideways, sideways, backwards - at least we seem to have found a cure for insomnia and for that I guess Gareth should get a knighthood 😬.

Still, there’s always Sunday, we are still in it for at least one more game 🤞.  And the Tour de France will have started by then 🚴🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️ yippee!

Posted 26 Jun 2024 at 12:22

Half pint glass Adrian???

lightweight 😂

Posted 27 Jun 2024 at 21:04

Yep - at loose end due to the break in the Euros so just watched the cricket. We got absolutely pompadommed there didn’t we? 

Not to worry, cricket cup competitions come by the bus load, won’t be long before they can have another crack. 

Posted 29 Jun 2024 at 14:10

Agreed! I do the Glastonbury viewing from the comfort of my sofa! 😂

Posted 06 Jul 2024 at 20:23

Always ready for scintillating footy 🤓, especially when it involves Ingggerland. I take my hat off to the penalty takers - how cool were they? Wonder if Gareth will have the same plan in mind for the semi 🤔.

Posted 06 Jul 2024 at 22:42

Well I don’t fancy our chances f we play like that against the Dutch……

Posted 09 Jul 2024 at 22:52
Please accept my condolences
Posted 10 Jul 2024 at 08:56

Very sorry Adrian, a first class innings, chin up.

It’s my mother in law’s funeral today, she was 92, my wife going through the same range of emotions, it’s very sad.



Posted 10 Jul 2024 at 14:11

Sorry to read that Adrian.  Someone who reaches such a special age gets so much admiration.  Is there still a letter from the King?

Posted 10 Jul 2024 at 18:32

Adrian, sorry to hear of your loss, please accept my sincere condolences.

Thanks Chris 

Posted 14 Jul 2024 at 11:09

Tough choices mate. My vote would go for getting the grandson over. If we pull it off, it will be a special night for him to remember!

I reckon we might just do it. 3-2 is my prediction 👍

Posted 15 Jul 2024 at 13:22

Yes, very disappointed but most of us probably expected, the better team won. I just wish that we played in an attacking manner, have a few shots, cross over the half way line every now and again with some intent etc. The tone was set from the start when we kicked off, pass back to Pickford, hoofs up field to the Spanish who then kept the ball for the next 10 mins. We only attacked after we conceded, then immediately sat back again once we equalised 🤡.

When, Walker got injured and looked like he was going to come off, it was Trippier warming up to replace him and not TAA - just about sums up our approach. Can’t help thinking if we’d had the Spanish manager in charge and the Spanish team had Southgate then we’d probably have won. 

Not to worry, there’s always another tournament.

Now, time to get that lawn mower out 😬.

Posted 22 Jul 2024 at 10:44

Hi guys. I have been following but not posting as I’ve had a busy weekend plus feeling the effects of the chemo quite badly at the moment. Breathlessness, weakness in my legs and still putting on weight round the belly. Oh, plus severe stomache pain after eating , for which I’m taking peppermint capsules. All to be discussed with the chemo team Wednesday. 

So Friday was bone scan day and also my wife’s birthday. We also had a meal and show in the evening. Had to stop 3 times on the hill up to the Cliffs Pavilion from the restaurant I was so knackered. 
Saturday friends took us out to lunch then back to ours for a couple of drinks. I wasn’t too bad just bloated painful stomach.
Sunday was my Xmas present from our youngest which was a day at Brands Hatch watching Superbikes. Was lovely spending time with them and weather was perfect. But I was so breathless when we walked round. Had to stop every 100 yds. Still enjoyed it though. I did also have a fall, going up the steps to our seats in the paddock stand. I just couldn’t lift my leg enough and caught the step.


Also my hair has started to come out. Possibly due to me not having the cold cap last time. Will insist this time. Haircut this evening so gonna get it cut a bit shorter. 

Embarrassing story: went to the toilet at Brands but couldn’t get my shorts done up after due to my belly, so had to just do the belt up and hope they didn’t come apart … felt like a right pervert standing there struggling with the buttons. 

Haha, so funny about the grass cutting . I’m the same. No one does it like we do … I should still be ok with the grass cutting . I could always do it in 2 sessions…! 


Have loads of jobs to do round the house but get so knackered. We are having all new rads downstairs so all the old ones we took off and now I’m painting where new ones are going so we don’t have to take them off again. Not sure I’ll have the energy today.


Blood test tomorrow and chemo Wednesday, then consultant phone call next Tuesday. Get the results of the CT and bone scans, and hopefully a static or reducing PSA. 


Hope your recovery goes well Ian. And yes we do really rely on our other halves when we are like that. I do feel like a lazy bugger sometimes but she’s says she doesn’t want me to get ‘knocked out’. 


All the best guys, 


Posted 22 Jul 2024 at 11:04

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Spongebob, disappointed to hear that you've had to temporarily hang up your cycle clips.

It sounds like its a good job you had them on though.......😬

Posted 22 Jul 2024 at 11:15
Posted 22 Jul 2024 at 17:25

Don’t worry, I’m not beaten that easily, just need to work out why it happened. It was a desperate situation though, ended up having an uncomfortable close encounter with a bunch of nettles on the side of the road. Luckily there was no passing traffic except for a tractor in an adjoining field, hope that the tractor driver was concentrating on his driving rather than taking in the view 😬

Posted 28 Jul 2024 at 01:53

Not to worry lads the start of the footy season is only a few days a way 😅 (we can only do so much lawn mowing and hoovering to fill out time 😳). We just got to entertain ourselves in the mean time with the  Olympics first 😳. Although, got to admit I do like the swimming, 100 metres back, and the athletics.

The wife has just informed me that she’s arranged a trip to Marrakech with her friend. Fabulous - but then again, without getting mad and keeping my cool, that would seem to give me the green light to go off on a trip electric mountain biking in Austria. Already getting excited at the prospect of that - it will be fabulous. Not told her yet, it will be a surprise 😀.

Makes me wonder sometimes why I ever bothered to get married 🤔. I would be laughing my cotton socks off 😀. If I hadn’t gone down that street. C’est la vie 😬

Posted 29 Jul 2024 at 11:19

Hi SpongeBob, Yeah looking forward to the new football season. We are up at Tottenham soon to see them play Bayern pre season. Hoping to catch a few league games there this season too depending on my health.. 

Been watching some of the Olympics but coverage seems a bit weird. They’d rather talk about stuff endlessly than actually show the event… 

I like watching the cycling although not really a cyclist. Went to the last session of a 6 day event at the London velodrome a couple years ago and went to the 2012 Olympic mountain biking in Hadleigh. 

Athletics also a favourite. Will make an effort to watch the Para Olympics. Saw the para worlds at the London Stadium and it was awesome . 

The Austria trip sounds great. I wish I had that energy. I will have to get my bike out when I’m up to it. We live not 100 yds from an entrance to Hadleigh Downs Country park with a dedicated cycle path all the way to the Olympic track so quite lucky… 🚴 … , or we have a path along the seawall all the way to Southend. 

I’m chilling in the summerhouse at the moment as plumber fits new rads in downstairs. Still feeling very tired from chemo last Wednesday, and sore from Degarelix injection Friday. Stomach also tender and bloated from the chemo for which they’ve prescribed me Lanzoprazole. So feeling a bit sorry for myself at the moment… 

Oh, also get a bad case of the metal mouth too. Yuk… Couldn’t take the frozen fruit during chemo as they made my teeth hurt too much. Should have persevered as the taste in my mouth is really not pleasant.. 

Oh well, carry on regardless … 👍 Get that Austria trip booked SpongeBob . 

Tale care chaps, 


Posted 29 Jul 2024 at 19:13

Hi there Phil,

My docetaxels were always on a Wednesday, I remember the regular pattern of being absolutely knackered followed by the slow recovery in time for the next one. Not an experience I would wish on anyone. And the cold cap experience too - stick with it 🥶. 

I got the metallic taste in my later cycles, it put me off certain foods. Luckily, I found that a good old curry always helped 😬. 

Fabulous weather here at the moment, did a trip to B&Q, got in the necessary paints and made a start this afternoon. Garden furniture first 😳.

I’ve only a passing interest in the Olympics. I catch some events like the swimming - it’s the 100m back tonight (that was my lad’s best event) 😀.

Take it easy, enjoy the good weather ☀️, the docetaxel nightmare will soon be over.


Posted 29 Jul 2024 at 20:53

My 18 month psa tomorrow as well !


Posted 29 Jul 2024 at 21:02

Same to to you .

Reading your posts i see you have step Children which is same for me and im Grumps to them ( No idea why they chose that )


Posted 29 Jul 2024 at 21:04

Sorry meant step Grandchildren !


Posted 31 Jul 2024 at 12:07

Bottoms up!

Don't get too drunk, might put off your Invicorp aim.. and you don't want a stiff leg 😉



Posted 31 Jul 2024 at 12:41

Do you mean the drinks or the sex? 😁

Edited by member 31 Jul 2024 at 19:54  | Reason: Typo.

Posted 31 Jul 2024 at 14:25

That’s great news Adrian. Enjoy the beers and possibly some naughties later 🤦‍♀️… 

Im just watching a bit of the Olympics after cutting the grass this morning. Got a couple more jobbies to do in a while. 

GB BMX just going for a medal. These guys are barking mad… 

Take care 


Posted 31 Jul 2024 at 17:14

I cycled down to the lido and swam a few lengths so technically I've competed in the triathlon.. well, by my reckoning anyway. 



Posted 01 Aug 2024 at 15:43

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Gutted I missed out on a medal though. 😕


Kev it’s the taking part that counts.. 🤣. 

Posted 01 Aug 2024 at 16:04

It's terrible, you're not even allowed to trip up their opponents or 'question' a close finish. 😁

Edited by member 01 Aug 2024 at 17:20  | Reason: Typo

Posted 08 Aug 2024 at 11:35

Adrian I can picture you hoovering up the fish cake… I really like fish cakes too. We had fish & chips from our local Tuesday . I had Rock and chips. Always lovely from there. 


Posted 08 Aug 2024 at 15:31

Hey guys..

Were you injured tripping over dodgy paving?

Call our injury lawyers now!


We'll have to set up a virtual A&E as well as a virtual pub at this rate. 

Posted 08 Aug 2024 at 17:29

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I stumbled on a dodgy pathing slab


Dodgy paving slab. That old chestnut eh? Nah, honest, I must have had a dodgy pint 😂

Posted 09 Aug 2024 at 07:32

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

If we have a virtual A&E, after the success of your downstairs loo walls,  I presume you'll do the plaster casts.🙂

I'm happy to give it a try, I reckon I could plaster a broken limb to a sheet of plasterboard. Should be a reasonable surface for people to sign their get well messages. 




Posted 17 Aug 2024 at 01:37

Hi Chaps, 

It’s late Friday night, the missus has a friend around, they are on their 6th bottle and putting the world to rights. Well, I mean I don’t want to be sexist or anything but I do my best to try not to over hear. Conversation goes from Climate change in one breath to high heals the next, Who am I? ( just the mug who pays for the bottles 😬), 

Anywsy, hope all is well with all you chaps. The footy season now underway, yippee! Also, just to mention, so to blot out the nosey neighbour as the missus keeps moaning about, (trouble is when you’re having breakfast and glance out the patio door, you look right across at the neighbours front door and she is always there.) So I have built two massive planters. I’m going to put these by the fence and attach a 7ft screen to them which will blot out the nosey neighbour once and for all 😀. Nearly ready, they will be in place and fully functional before kickoff tomorrow afternoon 😬. 

Goodnight Zebedee, goodnight Florence, night night Johnboy 😴😴😴

Posted 19 Aug 2024 at 10:25

Hi Guys, 

Adrian, very sorry to hear about your best mate. That must be a blow. I can imagine you visiting helped you both through difficult times. Sometimes you just need to ramble on to someone , you dont need any feedback you just need to let it out.


SpongeBob did you manage to get the planters done before Kickoff?


We managed to wash the wife’s car yesterday although i think she did most of the work. I did the wheels and all the trim bits. Knocked me out so needed a little sleep in the afternoon.


Got as few little jobs today so hopefully i can stay awake..!


Suffering a bit after the last chemo. Metal mouth is absolutely disgusting and I didn’t even have any dinner yesterday as I couldn’t face it. Hoping it starts to ease off today. Even wine and beer taste awful….🤢


Hoping Spurs can give me a lift tonight against Leicester. Shame it’s on Sky as i’ve only got BT sport. Saw some good new recruits the other Saturday at Spurs vs Bayern. Young Bergvall (18) looks the business and i can see him getting a few starts in the Prem.


Right better get on with my jobs now before i nod off …

Take care guys,



Edited by member 19 Aug 2024 at 10:26  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 19 Aug 2024 at 17:05

Sorry to hear about the passing of your best mate Adrian, it must be a huge loss. I don't think it was wrong that you sought support from him with your cancer, I think it's what friendship is all about. I'm sure he found great strength in your friendship too.

Spongebob, I think your neighbour is probably a bit envious of the six bottles of wine your wife and her friend had to themselves. 

Phil, yet more chemo! Not being able to enjoy food and drink must be a real kicker. At least you've got the footie to enjoy.  

We were busy yesterday attacking the inlaw's overgrown garden. Believe it or not, Harlow recycling centre has an appointments only system! We ended up having to take a car load of green waste over the border to Hertfordshire, it's bonkers! Rant over.

And today, I've just got back from the dentist where I had my first root canal. Almost an hour in the chair and I can't feel half my face now. I have to go back in three weeks to finish the job with a crown. It's costing me the price of a holiday for two, ouch!

Cheers everyone. 


Posted 19 Aug 2024 at 17:17

Hi Chaps,

Very sorry to hear about more grief for you Adrian, the dealer has a habit of dealing out crap cards at times - chin up, here's hoping for some good times to come 🤞.

Yes, Phil, the planters have turned out fine and I did manage to complete the build before kick off 😬. They are two super heavy boxes (90x60x60cm) made out of decking timber and fence posts. Too heavy to lift but means (hopefully) that the wind won't blow the screen over, which I've put on top of the planters. I'm planning to grow some veggies, in fact garlic, onions, herbs and stuff. The planters are too high for the dogs to be able to pee in. The nosey neighbours are not impressed though, the daughter came out to tell me what she thinks about it 😂. Seems to be  annoyed, that they no longer have a view of my patio.

Sounds like you are coping well with the chemo, keeping busy (fatigue allowing), a good tactic 👍. Sounds like you have the metal mouth bad, it got me more towards the end of my sessions. There is some advice in the chats, such as eating pineapples but I just lived with it. You'll be glad to know that the taste buds do return to normal after it is all over.

I'll be watching the footy tonight, expecting big things from the Spurs this season, and even more I hope for some entertainment from 'Postecoglou ball'. It'll be interesting to see how Leicester City get on.

All the best 


Posted 19 Aug 2024 at 17:28

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Believe it or not, Harlow recycling centre has an appointments only system! We ended up having to take a car load of green waste over the border to Hertfordshire, it's bonkers! Rant over.

Hi Kev,

Wowee! - APPOINTMENTS ONLY!!!!! Just to get rid of rubbish, what is going on? Barmy 😠. In my neck of the woods the Council have this year seen fit to close our local tip (Recycling Centre), so we now have 20-30 minute drive to the next place which not surprisingly has half hour long queues to get in. As result there's now abundant fly tipping all over the shop. Who are these idiots making these decisions, I doubt that many people voted them in with a manifesto of closing rubbish tips.

I could rant away all night on this one! 😁

Posted 20 Aug 2024 at 09:58

Hi guys. Our local recycling centres are all booking only. Seems to work ok here as there’s never a queue. Occasionally you can even book for the same day. 

We have 2 I can go to, one is close but doesn’t take everything. The other one is only 10 mins away . 

I know they also charge quite a lot for ‘trade’ recycling so we always try to separate our waste like metal etc.

I do love a clear out . 😁… 



Posted 20 Aug 2024 at 11:16

Sorry to hear your sad news Adrian. Sounds a great friendship you had.

Take care everyone 

Posted 22 Aug 2024 at 09:16

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
A couple of months after my operation when the euphoria had died down, it all felt like a huge anticlimax. I started to feel flat and even a little crap.

I felt exactly the same Kev. On the run up to surgery I was completely focused on the procedure itself. After it, I spent a couple of months trying to convince myself that it wouldn't effect my life. Then I hit a wall, realising it had. That period of despondency lasted for a few months.

Since then, I've gradually adapted to a slightly new way of life. I do think it's changed me. My wife says I'm more grumpy than I used to be, and I definitely feel more fatigued. I don't think the tiredness can be related to the prostatectomy, that was 18 months ago. Perhaps it's because I'm still not sleeping as well as I used to, or maybe it's due to other medical conditions. 

Every afternoon about 3pm, I feel completely knackered and usually doze off. Sometimes I even go to bed for an hour or two. Apparently you can combat this by going for a brisk walk, but I just don't feel I have the energy to do this. Plus my legs are knackered, caused by doing too much exercise when I was younger. They make walking unpleasurable.

Gardening gets me plenty of fresh air and a bit of exercise, but even that is becoming more difficult than it was.

I know I'm much more fortunate than many on here, who are having to battle with very unpleasant side effects of their continuing treatments. I keep telling myself how lucky I am, even when I feel that I'm ready for the scrap yard.  

This afternoon I meeting up with three old colleagues. You can guarantee we'll all end up moaning about how ill we are, but it'll pass an hour or two. 😁




Edited by member 22 Aug 2024 at 12:50  | Reason: Additional text

Posted 22 Aug 2024 at 14:59

Good afternoon chaps. Just checking in👍

Love hearing all the banter about wine and getting old and crotchety… I’m actually trying to go alcohol free at the moment. Especially as my taste buds are still a bit deranged. Getting better slowly but not had a dinner for 3 days until last night when I had a bout a half portion. Another couple of days and I’ll be gone again I expect. Then it all starts again next Chemo 🤦‍♀️. 

I’ve been to Franklin Gardens a few times as our good friends lived nearby . Very friendly clubhouse where I’ve eaten a few times . Our friends now live in Exmoor so no more Rugby. 

Just done some painting on the landing. Well cutting in actually , which is worse than rolling, especially the skirting as my knees aren’t so good nowadays. Doing the rolling with help from the missus at the weekend. Feeling a bit guilty as I’m sat on my arse thinking about watching an episode of ‘Shed and buried’… 

Watched a Car SOS episode the other day where they did an RS2000 Mk 2 . I had a new one in 1980 and I loved that car. Be worth a fortune now. 

Right, onwards and upwards . I think a cup of coffee is necessary - not sure how the chocolate biscuits will taste 😬… 

Take care guys, 


Posted 23 Aug 2024 at 12:33

Hi guys. Great posts/stories. 

Both my secondary schools were comprehensives but one of them concentrated on Rugby and were renowned as being a rough team. Us leftovers were thrown a football and told to F off over there .

When I moved school at 13 I got a lot of trouble at the start due to the reputation of our Rugby team. So had to prove myself a few times. Ended up enjoying my time there until me and my little Bruv had to move back to our old school when I was already started 4th year. Couldn’t get my chosen options at CSE so ended up messing them up and had to retake them as GCEs at college.  🤷‍♂️.

The PE teacher at the old school even shouted at me after I threw the Javelin ‘what’s the matter you got Polio or something ‘. Imagine that now 🤣. 

Back to Rugby. We had hospitality at Leicester once and so beforehand was mingling with injured players etc. I felt like such a midget until Austin Healey came over to chat. He’s a tiddler like me 🤣, but hard as nails, unlike me. 

We also have friends who had a box at the old Tottenham stadium, which was lovely but you can’t beat sitting outside with the crowd. But we also did hospitality things there with a meal etc. One day we sat having dinner before the game with Ossie Ardiles and Martin Chivers on our table. Ossie is so down to earth was magic talking to him. My missus said to me ‘who’s that’ I was ‘WHAT’… I have a great photo and us chatting with our wine glasses in our hands. I still can’t believe it 🤦‍♀️… 

Keep your stories going, I love hearing them. It really is like being in our local Pub just chewing the cud. 

Just remembered this. Being older than you guys I remember at one of my (4) primary schools no one had their own boots so you picked out of a box. They looked like walking boots with studs. No fancy boots then … and if they didn’t fit that was tough. Imagine the little cherubs now complaining about a little blister ! 

Cheers guys, my round is it ? 


Edited by member 23 Aug 2024 at 12:40  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 27 Aug 2024 at 09:44

Great stories guys, I think every boy did a paper round at some time. It was expected 🤣. Funny how you remember so much of it, even the house numbers. SpongeBob I suspect you really enjoyed it. Adrian, I’m thinking you were well and truly exploited there. But it’s what they are even doing now with delivery and I think even Uber. 

I was lucky enough to only do a round when one of my mates was away or ill. I hated it , it was hard work , meant early mornings and the pay was s***, and I got bitten by a dog once. I also tried a milk round . Oh god, so bloody early and hard work for a pittance. I even tried helping my Uncle on his grocery round but he’d frequently forget to pick me up… 

Me and my brother didn’t get pocket money so we needed these little jobs. 

As my Mum was a barmaid I worked as a pot boy from the age of 8. Was good fun and excellent pay. But I used to frequently fall in the skip as I was so little. Still remember my little legs sticking out the skip and climbing out stinking of beer. My Mum moved Pubs when I was about 10 and my job was much bigger. Racking up, emptying the skips, cleaning the Hall and toilets on a Sunday morning , and even the managers car if I had time. Hard work but the pay was excellent and I got asked by customers to do gardening as well so extra earnings. I had a younger kid helping me too so I was moving into management 🤣🤣. 
We also used to do ‘home work’ if you remember that? It could be anything from assembling biros to putting boxes together. I used to help my mates too who did coil winding which used to knacker your hands. 

I also served behind the bar of a really busy Pub in London for 3 weeks when I was 14. My M&D were relief managers for the brewery and we’d occasionally get asked if we wanted to go with them. Me and my brother were living with my Aunt and Uncle then so made a change. But I only did it twice.
Just before I left school I got a motorbike (we were allowed a 250 at 16 then) but wasn’t earning so when I started college I found a job in another Pub. Wasn’t ideal as I had to do the nasty shifts like Friday and Saturday nights. But had a crazy, magic year before I passed some exams 😳 and got an apprenticeship at Fords. Really burnt the candle at both ends .. met sone nice girls at college too 😉 One of the barmaids had a young brother with learning difficulties and I agreed to look after him while I worked if it was an afternoon shift. Wasn’t a problem for me but she somehow felt obliged to try to repay me 😳 and it got a bit embarrassing as she squeezed past me at every opportunity.🤦‍♀️

Glad we had those opportunities and learnt to appreciate that most of us have to work hard to earn a living. It wasn’t told to us , we just saw that was how life was. 

Take care ,


Posted 27 Aug 2024 at 15:58

But I joined the police instead. 😁

I have the utmost respect for the police. What a thankless profession it is. I couldn’t imagine  even getting beyond first days training.

When I was 15 I went up to Stafford for an RAF induction test over 5 days. Well I ended up arguing with one of the interviewers and said I want to go home a day early. I didn’t go home , I got the train down to Plymouth to join my parents on holiday. They did still offer me radar technician job but I wanted to be the guy in charge of them all 🤣 What a dick I was. 
Was years later I realised they were testing me to see how I took orders and instructions from seniors. 🤦‍♀️. Not very well it turns out …


Edited by member 27 Aug 2024 at 16:00  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 08 Sep 2024 at 12:12

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

I can also remember when you could buy three pints of lager for a quid!

Yep, we used to go down to the Red Lion on the bus from school on a lunch time when we were in the 6th form. Using our school bus passes 😬. A pint of Sam Smiths was 31p and we would compliment it with a 20p chip butty 😀 (better, any day of the week than today’s MacDonalds offerings 🤔). These outings were actually less of a risk than stayng in school for lunch which meant trying to get past the dinner queue by using fake dinner passes (we’d fake the signature of our Art teacher- Captain McFrizz) and the risk being that of getting caught. I remember getting back to school after a 3 pint dinner time session in the Red Lion on my birthday to have a double history lesson in the afternoon. I remember struggling to keep awake whilst our history teacher errrred his way through Gladstone’s time (he was a fine old fellow our History teacher - an excellent teacher).

Posted 09 Sep 2024 at 17:22

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
We just had time to drive over to Dorset to see our eldest cross the finish line of the big hike 26 miler for Macmillan 👍🏻 

Cheers all, just helped myself to a handful of virtual peanuts from the bar.

Well done to your eldest👏

I seem to recall that years ago there was a story going around that scientists had tested a complimentary bowl of peanuts on a pub bar and found that they were contaminated by over 50  urine samples. I suspect,  as most of our customers have PCa, our peanuts would be even worse. 😂

Edited by member 09 Sep 2024 at 17:43  | Reason: Additional text

Posted 10 Sep 2024 at 09:29


Well done to your eldest 👍. Very worthy cause. 

The Goodwood Revival is a great event. We went some years ago and loved it. So many beautiful cars and everybody dressed up - magic day. It’s a lovely part of the country and we must try to spend some time down there. We tend to go straight to Exmoor where our friends live and miss out those parts. 


We used to go to Brands Hatch quite a lot when we were first dating and would park on the grassy bank facing the main stand. Often rained while we were there but I’d got M&S tyres on my RS2000 Rear wheel drive so we were ok getting out off the grass. 


Uh I remember the peanuts on the bar … and I remember being told not to touch them 🥴… But we were hardy kids then unlike today’s softies … 

Have you finished the hoovering SpongeBob? I think the bar needs a polish as well 🤣



Edited by member 10 Sep 2024 at 09:30  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 14 Sep 2024 at 09:16

Hi Adrian,

It has been a bit quiet on here, I've neglected the virtual pub this week as I've been busy with DIY jobs. We recently had new patio doors fitted so I had a step to build, a course of bricks and four large paving slabs did the job, and my back too! Next job will be taking down a studwork wall to create a new kitchen diner. When complete, it'll be great having family round for roast dinners.

As for the garden,  I pruned our small apple tree last winter and now it's groaning under the weight of several massive apples the size of grapefruits. They're ready to eat and taste great. Unfortunately the Mrs is allergic to apples, but she made a tasty apple crumble which is all gone now. I've placed an order for another one. The grapes have swollen up nicely and will be ready to eat in a couple of weeks or so. We have a fuchsia in the front garden that's full of flowers and looks magnificent.

It's great watching grandkids growing up and doing things they enjoy, we have a 10 year old granddaughter, we used to have regular kick-abouts on the green together but she seems to have gone off that now. My son and his wife just celebrated their first anniversary last weekend but aren't in a hurry to have kids yet as they're busy enjoying life.

My Mrs went for an early swim at the lido this morning and came home shivering, she's in a hot bath now.. glad I stayed in bed.

Getting the suitcase out of the loft today, we're flying to Fuerteventura next weekend for some sun and relaxation. 

No-one's touching those peanuts on the bar so I'll have a pint of Doom Bar and a packet of cheese & onion.

Cheers all, have a great weekend. 


Edited by member 14 Sep 2024 at 09:26  | Reason: Typo

Posted 14 Sep 2024 at 12:28

Yep, I’ve been busy busy being an old git. Struggling with the HT, bones and joints aching but trying my best to keep active.

Son 2 is having a study year abroad in Tokyo and we dispatched him off at Manchester airport yesterday. Amazingly, he managed to find his own way all the way to Tokyo and reported arrival at his accomodation at 8am this morning - much to the wife’s relief (she’s been a bit stresso about it - especially as his flight path took him over the length of Russia and then China). I’m amazed, this is a lad who doesn’t even know where to find the outside bin or for that matter even the laundry basket so for him to get all the way across the world on his own is some achievement 😬.

I have an apple tree, they are ‘discovery’ apples, which are ready in august, fabulously sweet. You have to eat them straight away as they don’t keep. We get tons of them but the wife won’t eat them, she reckons that she found a worm in one a couple of years ago and hasn’t eaten one since! Of course, it’s complete nonsense, they are delicious.

So yes, having walked the dog up the hill for a couple of hours this morning I intent to put my feet up and emerge myself in football this afternoon and complete with usual Saturday curry tonight 🥘😳.


Posted 16 Sep 2024 at 10:22

Hi Phil,

Despite your treatment slightly impeding your workload, you still put me to shame, mate.

Most of my 'Get up and go' has got up and gone.

Keep going mate.

I had a good weekend. Oli's team won 18-0 and they only play 30 minutes each way. He only touched the ball about half a dozen times. I felt sorry for the opposition who looked very disheartened. Their goalie, despite the score, made some fabulous saves. 

Sunday lunch was brilliant the Yorkshire puds were nearly as big as footballs and the beef was tender and delicious 😋 


Edited by member 16 Sep 2024 at 14:43  | Reason: Additional text

Posted 20 Sep 2024 at 20:02

Hi guys. Just popping my head in to see who’s around. Wish I could taste the beer and wine as I’d have a pint of Ghost Ship or a nice Riocca. The old metal mouth is really hanging on this time. The missus is out with work girls so gotta find some food but when you don’t fancy anything you lose your appetite too. I might just have a cuppa soup. 

I’m pretty resigned to not eating out till December unless I have to. We have got a wedding next weekend and I just hope I’m ok as I have my 7th chemo this Wednesday. I stupidly booked 2 nights in a hotel afterwards and we have 2 nights in the wedding hotel first. I feel so sorry for my missus when I’m this rough. It’s just not bloody fair. What a b****** disease this is. 

Take care guys, I’ll leave a couple of pints on my tab for you guys .👍


Posted 20 Sep 2024 at 20:58

Adrian, I like Old Peculiar and usually one of a few ales in the garage fridge along with Spitfire. 


I was gonna watch Saints but instead opted for Jane McDonald in the Seychelles. Not our normal holiday but next year it might be what we need… 


The metal mouth is apparently caused by the taste buds being zapped by the chemo. They say eat ice cubes whilst having the infusion. I tried but they hurt my teeth so used ice poles last time but I didn’t take enough. Everything tastes different and mostly horrible. A few things aren’t too bad like very strong cheese. Most things leave a nasty aftertaste as well so you’re forever cleaning your teeth. At its worst it makes me gag … So, lots of ice poles next time hoping it works a bit. I really do not want to gag during the wedding dinner 🤦‍♀️ next weekend.


I know the next 4 sessions are gonna be hard but I’m trying to think what it’ll be like afterwards and I feel stronger and get my taste back. Just hope I get some good time before the cancer fights back again. 


Really hope you guys on curative pathways get there. Also the guys on HT for life , let’s hope the cancer stays in its cage for many years. 

Take care everyone, 


Posted 23 Sep 2024 at 11:18

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Hi SpongeBob, I just read your Bio. Interesting that you’ve had all the treatment I’ve had albeit in a different order. You make it an interesting read. My Gleason is 9 so possibly some differences because of that. 



Think you deserve another medal Phil for reading through all my bio drivvel. I actually found some solace writing the bio with updates and I used it for keeping the family informed. I just copy and pasted all updates on the family WhatsApps just to be sure that everyone knew what was happening, easier than trying to explain everything all the time in person. My dad died of cancer way back in 1984, but he never told us, choosing to suffer alone, but despite his good intentions, it was in my mind an incredibly silly thing to do - anyway I learnt from that. 

Best of good luck with your next chemo Phil, you'll have it off to a tee now 😁. 

My latest PSA result came in today and is <0.01, so I am over the moon, relief for the next few months at least.

All the best 



Posted 23 Sep 2024 at 11:40

Great PSA result SpongeBob, well pleased for you 👍. Keep it up. 

Your Bio is a great read and honest with your emotions. I think it helps to read other people’s Bios as it puts perspective on our own journey. 

I’ve had a cough all last week and so I phoned the chemo nurses Saturday and left a message but suspect the phones aren’t manned weekends. I was worried about the lung damage chemo can cause….😬 . I’ve woke up this morning and it’s not so bad. So just waiting for my callback to see what they say. They’ll phone me anyway tomorrow for my pre-chemo check.

My boy and his lovely missus came round yesterday to give our lounge ceiling 2 coats of emulsion and also to fix up a camera by our front door . Both jobs accomplished whilst I kept out of the way. We are very lucky 🙂.

look after yourselves boys 👍


Posted 23 Sep 2024 at 11:56

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I’ve had a cough all last week and so I phoned the chemo nurses Saturday and left a message but suspect the phones aren’t manned weekends. I was worried about the lung damage chemo can cause….😬


I hope the cough turns out to be nothing more sinister than the normal bugs that are going around at the minute Phil. Hang in there pal 👍

Posted 23 Sep 2024 at 12:15

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
My latest PSA result came in today and is <0.01, so I am over the moon, relief for the next few months at least.

Great result mate, long may it continue. Keep the < arrows flying. Will you be having a pint to celebrate?


Yes, it would be good to go out and have a few pints. Maybe in your YouTube boozer in the Village of the Damned. Made me laugh did that, it's from another universe isn't it. Brings back memories of the old days, when I would regularly see characters like that.  

Posted 28 Sep 2024 at 09:01
Ha ha hope you don't come across that poker man with that scarifier in your hand 🤣
Posted 06 Oct 2024 at 10:59

Hi Guys,

It’s only me 👍. Been supervising the missus on her painting oddessy. Ive been sat watching in all me painting clothes so i feel like im helping. Lounge done except woodwork and cutting in at the cornice. She doesn’t like doing that so my boys coming over to finish that.

I’ve been to Landshut back in ‘78 when i lived in Germany, very nice little town. Visited lots of lovely German towns whilst there although I suppose some might have changed a bit by now… ( and no I wasn’t a squaddie ).  And also brilliant you are getting both sons sorted. Fingers crossed for them both.

Adrian, i can imagine the scene of destruction on the lawn. Ive been there. Never used the scarifyer again. It’s still in the shed. Have a much smaller lawn in this house and we had it returfed anyway and all good so far.

Still feeling rough with the tiredness and shitty mouth and got the trotters this morning. Not that there’s much to come out. Ive existed so far since my last chemo on just breakfast muesli but yesterday I went mad and had 2 crackers and cheese for lunch. Sleeping for England as well. Lost 18 lbs so far in the last month or so. Belly and fat face nearly gone…. But id rather feel better 🤷. Still struggling to even get up the stairs without a rest so no 2 hour walks for me yet. 

We just cancelled our cruise up the Norfolk broads Friday coming as i just couldn’t manage it. Hoping we get a credit note and can do it next year. We cancelled our Ilfracombe wedding trip as well for last week. Pretty gutted for that as the wedding looked wonderful on the beach. Perhaps we were too optimistic….

So looking forward to my last chemo… and hopefully a good while then till the little blighter returns again.

See if Tottenham can cheer me up later this afternoon.

Take care guys,



Posted 07 Oct 2024 at 10:32

Adrian. My mate was in the RAF based near the Dutch border. I was working as an automotive designer for an agency near to Bonn. Left Ford UK a few months after I finished my apprenticeship. Was an interesting time and I made cracking money, enough far a deposit on a house and a new Capri 😁🤣. Had to grow up fast though 👍 no one to help you out. 

Stayed Agency the rest of my working life. 

Used to sneak into the US air base PX in Frankfurt with my RAF mate and go in the Hi-Fi store . Bought some of my stereo gear there, it was so cheap. I did also get thrown out a few times once they’d sussed I wasn’t RAF 🤣. 

Oh the joys of youth 🤦‍♀️


Posted 09 Oct 2024 at 11:42

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
My front and back lawn combined are 75 square metres. In 20 years I'd never scarified or aerated them.


Hi Adrian

My back lawn is in need of a bit of TLC, I've been considering scarifying it as approx. 20% of it must be made up of moss or clover (it is around 125 SQ M). I think after your rampaging Rhinos experience, I'll just get some moss killer and sprinkle it around 😬.

It probably could do with a roller too, but the thought of getting one and pushing it around is a bit daunting.

I did treat myself to a new leaf hoover this year though, in anticipation of the whole thing becoming covered in dropped leaves any time soon.

Is your garden sculpture collection still growing?

Posted 09 Oct 2024 at 13:37

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Getting the suitcase out of the loft today, we're flying to Fuerteventura next weekend for some sun and relaxation.

Morning Kev.

I hope that you had a good holiday mate. Do your grapes compare to theirs? We've had loads of rain, at least I don't have to water my reseeded lawns.


It was as hot as your garden's sun trap Adrian. We were delayed flying out due to a heavy rain storm and had to wait on the ground for it to pass. Couldn't believe all the flooding back home when we saw the news. 

My grapes are pretty small in comparison and have pips. No idea what variety they are as the vine is a cutting of a cutting originally taken from my dad's vine, the label disintegrated and my dad's been gone years. I'm thinking maybe German but the Mrs has a plant identification app so might give that a go.

Just finished fitting the outside tap, not that the garden's going to need any water for a while, but at least we can wash our cars again now. 

Cheers all.


Posted 12 Oct 2024 at 17:35

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Super league grand final on soon. Hull KR v Wigan. I'd love Hull KR to win but I doubt it. I've got a tray of spicy chicken wings to chuck in the oven and plenty of beers. Life's good.

Good stuff 😬. I’m on a jolly down in Cornwall- god it’s a long drive! Glorious sunshine though, fabulous. Just got back from a nice coastal walk, with fine views to St Micks Mount, dogs having a right old time.

Curry for tea washed down with some Cornish cider. Good luck with the rugby Adrian, hope your team does the business.



Posted 06 Nov 2024 at 17:37
So it was you that sold me that damn mini!
Posted 06 Nov 2024 at 17:46

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Talking about pornstars, fancy Donald pulling it off again! 

330 million potential presidential candidates in the USA and that is the best that they can come up with 😱. Free world democracy in action - God help us all 🙏. 

Posted 09 Nov 2024 at 10:00

Happy birthday to the new young Schmeicel! Hope you have a great day, must be fantastic watching the kids playing football. 
Once I’ve shaken off last night’s hangover, I’ll be packing up the car for a week’s jolly up in the Lakes. Need a break from never ending decorating of the dining room. I’ve got some white Velspar paint that seems to be designed to drip everywhere.

Enjoy 😀

Posted 12 Nov 2024 at 15:31

Hi chaps. I do love reading your little stories and snippets of your life’s. It makes it all the more human than just reading about side effects and pills and treatments… 

Im slowly feeling better now although my Palliative nurse says my kidneys are having a little struggle so I’ve gotta drink more 😳… 

She also thinks that when I see my consultant next week he’ll want me to get restarted on the Chema as soon as possible. Not looking forward to it…! 

Did some painting this morning so having a rest this afternoon. Round youngest ones for tea this evening which will be nice. 

Hope you’re all good 👍 


Posted 12 Nov 2024 at 17:17

It nearly blew my head off. My nose started running, and I started sweating profusely. At least it's cleared my sinuses!

That made me laugh 😆. Hopefully nothing too hot tonight … 


Posted 12 Nov 2024 at 17:36

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Hi chaps. I do love reading your little stories and snippets of your life’s. It makes it all the more human than just reading about side effects and pills and treatments… 

Im slowly feeling better now although my Palliative nurse says my kidneys are having a little struggle so I’ve gotta drink more 😳… 


That’s good cos I could write up a whole encyclopaedia Britanica series on my HT side effects 😬.

Anyway, Phil you do as the doc says, drink more 🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺😀.

Shame Adrian about young Schmeicel’s team. Trouble with footy, there’s always somebody better at some point. So long as they enjoy playing and winning when they win 🏆. 

I’m just enjoying a jolly in the Lakes, the weather is fabulous, especially considering it’s November. Just did a fab autumnal 5 mile walk today, dogs all muddy, then topped it off with a few pints in the Red Lion in Hawkshead. Had a good old chin wag with some other holiday peeps in there- can’t beat not working 😬.



Posted 14 Nov 2024 at 08:37

Good to see that you're feeling better Phil. Hopefully you'll get through the rest of your treatment without any major problems. 

Adrian, how's your sinuses now?

Spongebob, there's nothing quite like a pub at the end of a 5 mile hike.


On the subject of DIY:

My grand plans of taking down a studwork wall to make a kitchen diner came to a grinding halt. I moved a base unit only to find a steel gas pipe sticking out of the concrete floor 😕 Then I made a hole in the ceiling to inspect the joists only to discover that I'm dealing with a loadbearing wall 😕 

And to top it all, there's what looks like asbestos up there too. Probably from the old heating system. Asbestos guy came out yesterday and took a sample for the princely sum of £160 😥😢😭 god knows how much it's going to cost to remove it. 😭

Anyway, at least I've got the weekend off now, apart from choosing flooring for the toilet. 

Cheers all.



Edited by member 14 Nov 2024 at 08:39  | Reason: Typo

Posted 16 Nov 2024 at 12:52
Has anyone been to see Rhod Gilbert's new show?

We went couple of weeks ago and it was an amazing experience.

The guy had head and neck cancer and went through all the treatment.

Now he's doing a new Comedy show about it and it was so uplifting.

One story was that he googled his cancer and it said he had six weeks to live. "I've only just ordered a new settee from John Lewis, it won't be here for 8 weeks, I wonder if they can speed it up? But will she need a three seater? Should I just change it for a chair?"

Well worth seeing if you can, I laughed so hard.

Posted 16 Nov 2024 at 12:53
Has anyone been to see Rhod Gilbert's new show?

We went couple of weeks ago and it was an amazing experience.

The guy had head and neck cancer and went through all the treatment.

Now he's doing a new Comedy show about it and it was so uplifting.

One story was that he googled his cancer and it said he had six weeks to live. "I've only just ordered a new settee from John Lewis, it won't be here for 8 weeks, I wonder if they can speed it up? But will she need a three seater? Should I just change it for a chair?"

Well worth seeing if you can, I laughed so hard.

Posted 18 Nov 2024 at 09:18

Hi all, I hope you had a good weekend. 

We went up to visit my son and his wife yesterday to lend a hand gardening.

Anyway, I'll cut to the chase, the virtual beers are on me because they're expecting a baby in June. They have a nice scan picture that looks like a cross between a jelly baby and an astronaut. 

Cheers everyone. 


Posted 18 Nov 2024 at 10:00

 Congratulations mate! 🍾 I'll have a virtual Stella please. Is it their first?

I've got two framed photos of my two grandkids at the 20th week scan stage. 

I've just got two grandkids, 6 and 11 years. When my daughter was heavily pregnant with her first, whilst on a walk, we picked up an acorn. It grew and I treasure Ollie's little oak tree. When heavily pregnant with her second, we picked up a horse chestnut. It grew and I also treasure Albia's, little conker tree. I've grown both in outdoor pots and sort of bonsai them to keep them reasonably small. I just cut off most of the roots every year when I change the compost. By doing this I've managed to stop the trees growing as fast as the kids. 😁


Edited by member 18 Nov 2024 at 18:12  | Reason: Typo

Posted 18 Nov 2024 at 10:59

Congratulations Kev , really pleased for you . 

We only have the one grandchild at the moment…! And he’s in Jersey so don’t see him all the time. But we do zoom at least twice a week 👍. 

One of my mates brothers had an S1 and I remember thinking how weird it sounded compared to my BSA ….! But it was so thirsty he couldn’t get between petrol stations… 🤣

I am looking forward to getting mine running ok and trying it out on the road. It’s got 15 more BHP (45) than the S1 but the same weight so it’s supposed to be a bit of a wheelie monster .. 

But then I’m gonna sell it and put the money in the holiday pot 🙂

cheers guys, 


Posted 29 Nov 2024 at 08:26

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
We're off to London later, the wife's picking up a Queens Nurse award.

Is that for looking after you Kev? 😉

(My missus deserves a medal the size of a dustbin lid for putting up with me.)

Joking apart. Congratulations, to your good lady, and I hope you both have a fantastic weekend, mate.

PS. I'm thinking of getting a new motor. If you get a new car, do you still have to get it serviced with the dealership to ensure the warranty? 

Edited by member 29 Nov 2024 at 08:32  | Reason: Additional text

Posted 29 Nov 2024 at 15:16

That is amazing Kev. Queens Nurse Award, you should be very proud. Big Congratulations to her. 

What award will you get for looking after her the last week or so … 😳 Hope the painkillers work and you have a lovely day and night in London. Love a night in London to see a show and have a nice meal. But 1 or 2 nights is enough for me then. 

With a new car you can sometimes get a very good deal on a service plan. But work it out as sometimes it’s no saving at all , just ties you into using that dealership group. 

We had service plans for my Audi and the wife’s Mini and we still use the supplying dealers for service and even the MOTs but they are only a couple of miles away. They were a reasonable deal with the purchase. 



Posted 29 Nov 2024 at 17:19

Ey up - always good to celebrate good news - a Queens Nurse award - fantastic Kev 🎉🥳🏆. I wouldn’t mind a trip to London, would love to see the Fawlty Towers play. I had the misfortune to work in London 5 years ago. Used to get the early train down on a Monday morning and stay at the Hilton in Ealing. Soon got fed up of hotel food and instead enjoyed a curry every night at Montys. It is a different world down there, literally could be a different country.

My missus has gone away for the weekend with her coven. Leaving me to enjoy myself, looking forward to blasting out the music and watching the footy with beers in peace 😬.

Have an enjoyable weekend everyone.


Posted 30 Nov 2024 at 09:57

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

I had a heavy session in the Club yesterday. 12 noon until 6 pm. It was a mate's birthday. Before we started, we went to the local butchers and got loads of sausage rolls, sausage slices and Scotch eggs to help soak up the ale.

I feel a bit worse for wear today. I might have to pop in for a 'hair of the dog' and sweep up all the crumb debris.🙂

Yep, I ended up opening up a bottle too many too. Struggling this morning, not sure if the dogs will get a walk today 🤢




Posted 30 Nov 2024 at 10:19

Hi guys. I have to say I’ve not had an alcoholic drink for a week or so now. I went off it when I was in the chemo and not really felt the need start again. The missus is staying off too. We’ll need to stock up for Xmas soon as the garage fridge is bare. I did get a bottle of Spitfire out the other day and I saw it was out of date…. 

Out tonight with friends to a Malayan restaurant, one of our favourites so I’ll probably have a glass of wine ..or maybe I’ll drive and just have alcohol free beer.. 🤔

Just cutting some skirting board for the downstairs cloakroom. Plumber in Monday -  seems like forever we’ve had to use upstairs toilet… 

I think that’s all the decorating done before Christmas now. New Year and gonna be a new kitchen but not worrying about that yet. 

Enjoy the weekend guys. 


Posted 30 Nov 2024 at 10:58

Hi Kev. Really pleased you had a lovely day. 
Enjoy your walk round the West End. I bet it’s buzzin up there … If you’re in Leicester Square there’s a couple of nice Pubs just off in the NW side streets. Waxy O’Connors or the Imperial. 



Posted 01 Dec 2024 at 10:09

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Regent Street looks the same as last year 🤷‍♂️

Hi Kev.

Apparently, they are using the same lights this year and donating the money saved replacing them, to charity.

Posted 07 Dec 2024 at 22:12

I just said to the wife, I am going to have a Baileys and ice do you want one. Her reply was "it's no good for you". How is it going to make things worse? 😭

Thanks Chris 

Edited by member 07 Dec 2024 at 22:13  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 07 Dec 2024 at 23:09

Hi Chris.

Baileys on ice must be one of the tasty medicines in the world. Have a very large one mate. You deserve it. 

Cheers. 🥃

Posted 11 Dec 2024 at 15:32

Hi Mike.

I enjoy a bottle of London Pride. I like most Theakston beers imparticularly Old Peculier. In Spoons at the time of posting. Scampi, chips and mushy peas with a pint of Stella for less than nine quid. Like I say I'm a man of simple pleasures. 😁

Posted 11 Dec 2024 at 15:54

Hi SpongeBob, yes i saw Southend beat Bradford 2-0 in the League in an evening game November 1968 just before the Brentwood game. I’ll have the programme in the loft … i don’t go to see them very often now. I do some times go to see Canvey play as its not far to go and it’s fairly easy to get to the bar 🙂. Pint or so before the game then a Bovril and maybe a burger or pie at half time. Swap ends at half time. I actually got my moniker ‘Goalhanger’ from going to see Canvey and standing behind the goal.


I took my Rugby following friend along to Canvey once and he was appalled and disgusted at the language some of the young kids were using towards the opposition goalkeeper. If he’d have grown up where I did he’d not have noticed instead of growing up in upmarket Upminster 😏


Try to get up I to see Tottenham couple of times a season but it’s quite expensive and a bit difficult to get there by train and tube. The new stadium is amazing. Last time was August we got a Minibus to take and pick up , Lot of money but sooo much easier. I now have my Blue Badge so i could park in the designated spaces at the ground if we could face the traffic ……


I cant think of a favorite Christmas song but when i get the CDs out soon i imagine it will be a Crystals or Ronettes tune. Reminds me of me yoof. All those Phil Spectre tunes are so jingley. 


I found it easier to choose me favorite tipple. I like a bit of sherry at Christmas and its tradition me and missus have a glass while doing the tree. Beer wise i actually had a London Pride last night as we bought some yesterday to stock up for Christmas . Also Pedigree and Old Peculiar are nice. If im going lighter i like Doom Bar or Spitfire.


SpongeBob , Japan sounds amazing. Our youngest has been 3 times and speaks fluent Japanese and still has lessons every week. It’s on our list But not sure I’ll make it now …. 


So everybody take care



Edited by member 11 Dec 2024 at 15:56  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 11 Dec 2024 at 16:55

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I like a bit of sherry at Christmas and its tradition me and missus have a glass while doing the tree.

Hi Phil.

My missus loves decorating the tree and living room, whilst having a sherry. I get all the stuff down from the attic, leave her and a bottle of sherry, in the living room. Shut the door. Return four hours later and Hey presto! the job's sorted.



Thats the way to do it. And I must admit I don’t get a chance to put anything on . It would most definitely be in the wrong place. Before we moved a couple of years ago we had 2 trees every year. One in the lounge and one in the dining room and they both had to have exactly the same decs on … 

This year we got a new tree (only one) with led lights already on and it’s so much easier than stringing loads of wire round the tree. It looks better too 👍🎄


Posted 18 Dec 2024 at 08:28

Ey up lads! 

I've just realised that "Crap! Not as erect!" Is an anagram of prostate cancer.

Little things please little minds.😁

Posted 24 Dec 2024 at 10:02

Merry Christmas to one and all, with a prayer that the new year brings health and happiness to us all.

My own journey has been brief and I count myself as incredibly fortunate,  I can only hope that everyone suffering ill health through this horrible disease can find some peace and rest at this time of year.

Mick and Sandra xxx

Posted 24 Dec 2024 at 10:11

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Five years ago today was my post op appointment with urology, it wasn't with my surgeon but one of his underlings as he was probably on a plane heading for the sunshine. I remember getting the appointment letter and thinking Christmas eve.! are you kidding me?

Happy Xmas all.

Four years for me Kev, Dec 2020.  I half expected it as my dad and younger brother had been diagnosed.  I hope the worse days are behind me but who can tell with this sh*t of a disease. 

Anyway, Whatever everyone's 'state of play is'. I wish the very best to you all.  Happy Xmas!

Posted 31 Dec 2024 at 17:13

Hi Kev.

Rump steak sounds cracking, love a bit of steak and rump is one my favourite cuts. Our youngest and his missus are popping round tonight and we’re getting a takeaway Chinese… 

Swimming in 10deg water sounds painful. Did it as a kid all year round as we lived next to the sea wall. Took your breathe away … dive down for rocks then back out and shelter by the sea wall. Mental… ! Good on her though, it’s supposed to be very good for you , unless you have a heart attack obviously…

Bet you're looking forward to getting going on the building work . Hope the asbestos removal goes to plan. 

I just got a quote for travel insurance with Insurancewith who we were with last year. 
Europe only , Sapphire cover for £540 multi trip annual. Don’t think that’s too bad as best with AllClear is over £2000. I’ll get the missus to go through it when she’s home especially the medical declaration but pretty sure I got it all correct. Loads of detailed questions even about platelet levels. We can update the policy if we decide to go further afield. 

So hopefully we can book Jersey and a visit to Spain to see friends. Plus our Portugal trip in April with the oldest boy. YAY… 

And we have a credit note for 2 nights in a hotel in Appledore to use. 


Oh I do love a mince pie… hope you’ve left one for me 🙂. I’ve had a few chocolates today - don’t tell the missus… 


Have a nice evening everyone and I’ll see you in the New Year 👍






Posted 01 Jan 2025 at 09:47

Happy New Year folks!

May your side effects, PSA levels, and Gleason score be as low as possible, and may your testosterone, if possible, be high.

I made a New Years resolution to cut down on going to the Club. However, I see that the trains are running as normal today, so I'll reconsider my commitment in a couple of weeks time. 😁

Posted 01 Jan 2025 at 13:12

Hi all,

Getting to feel like a life long member wishing you all a better 2025 with your various journeys.

I feel i have been one of the lucky ones being 8+years on with no real problems but no longer the spring chicken i used to be.I still look in every day in case i can give some advice on the Brachytherapy side as it seems a few more are going that way. I see that a few members on the 6+6 and even 7s are taking AS as an option but i do hope they keep on top of the PSA numbers as they can soon raise and get you in to trouble.

Good luck with 2025. John.

Posted 06 Jan 2025 at 15:28

Hi Ian. I think I’m just going through a tired patch. I thought I’d got over it but it seems to be hanging on. I’ll hopefully get some fresh air tomorrow and perk up… 


Camper van sounds magic. Never used one but saw loads on a holiday to New Zealand and they looked great inside and NZ has brilliant facilities for them.


Quite fancy a little VW one down in the West Country some time 🤔. That’s as rugged as i get nowadays. Did my camping and sailing trips when I was young enough to rough it. 


Great your PSA is still good. Sorry the ED is still an issue. When I went on HT at the beginning my libido didn’t reduce and I asked my specialist nurse if that’s ok. She said libido is driven by many things as well as testosterone, such as simple memory and things that trigger those thoughts… 😳… Hope you can get it sorted out. 


Likewise the leakage. I’ve generally been ok but just recently had stress leakage and have to wear a small pad now. But it’s starting to get better now again and hoping I can stop using the pads soon. I do take Solifenacin plus Tamsulosin as my nurse said i likely have radiation damage to my bladder. But the Solifenacin did help and I’ll keep taking it. 


Funny how you say about talking to a lady about waterworks . I had ladies for my counselling and most of my difficult discussions were about childhood crap and I would have found it more difficult talking to a man about it so I was lucky. 


My specialist nurse was a lady as most of them are and she was brilliant. 


So anyway, really good luck with the PFEs and the ED . 





Edited by member 06 Jan 2025 at 16:34  | Reason: Spelling, and grammar

Posted 06 Jan 2025 at 19:02

That may explain why I get slight stirrings whenever I get a can of squirty cream?



Posted 09 Jan 2025 at 11:31

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
As for first visits to the ED clinic. I remember the ED nurse, whilst injecting my penis, saying something about 'feeling a small prick'. I thought there's no need for that, love! I'm cold and embarrassed!

Your sense of humour never let's me down mate 😂. Injections are on the agenda next visit apparently. Wants me to try the pump first, and at £220 I'm hoping it might actually work!

Posted 09 Jan 2025 at 12:25


Posted 09 Jan 2025 at 14:33

Hiya guys, nice to see the bar full 🍺. 

First off yes I was pretty pleased and also surprised at Spurs win…. Let’s hope we can keep a clean sheet at Liverpool… 

Hoping we can get up to a game this year. It’s a bit of a pain from where we live on the trains with quite a bit of walking which I’m not good at at the moment… But it’s a great experience and a cracking stadium. 

Bit of discussion on the ED issues I see. I’m not that experienced on this as I never really got ED. I think my libido has waned a little more recently which could even just be old age and not related to testosterone at all. Obviously feeling s*** with the chemo isn’t going to help either. 

I remember at the beginning of this journey they gave me Sildenafil pills and OMG did they work 😳… But after a while they changed me onto the Tadalafil which seems to keep things ticking over ok. I also have a pump but I don’t use it very often. I know I should though. Good on you guys using the injections .  

Kev was it really April last year we were in Jersey… that was our last time going over due to starting the chemo. Looking forward to going in a couple of weeks. Let me know if you’d like any suggestions on places to visit, … and eat 🙂…

Never been to Zurich although I had to change planes there once on a business trip. Hoping I can keep the travel insurance going whatever next treatment I get. We are only 20 mins from Southend airport so quite a few destinations from there. Friends in Alicante are on the hopeful list for this year. 

Hope you get the boiler sorted . It’s pretty damn cold outside.. 🧊 We downsized 3 years ago from a big draughty old 1930’s house to a 1970’s house and it is magic. It keeps warm so well.  We actually back onto our old garden and so can see the old house . We do not envy them having to try to heat it all up. 

So who’s round is it next ? 

By the way , starting this thread Adrian was inspired. 



Posted 09 Jan 2025 at 15:12

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
We downsized 3 years ago from a big draughty old 1930’s house to a 1970’s house and it is magic. It keeps warm so well. We actually back onto our old garden and so can see the old house . We do not envy them having to try to heat it all up.

Hi Phil

Good to see you in here! That must be a bit strange, backing onto your old garden? It sounds like a lot of hard work moving house to just go around the corner, but I guess if the house is right, then it doesn't matter where it is. We moved a couple of years ago, from a nice big 1990s modern warm house, to an 1820s cottage in the middle of nowhere. keeping it warm is certainly a challenge in this weather! Nice and cool in the summer though.

I hope you manage to get out to a Spurs game or two this year. Sounds like a great way to spend a day to me.

Keep smiling mate.


Posted 09 Jan 2025 at 16:17

Hi Ian.

We have owned this house for 24 years and rented it out previously . So it was a no brainer in the end when I finished work due to the PCa. We’d been in the old house 38 years. My missus was 20 when we bought it. We had bought our first house when she was only 16. So we were looking at houses just after her 16th birthday. Wonder what the sellers thought of these 2 kids looking at buying their houses… never thought of it at the time. 

Funnily enough neither of us feels anything now about the old house. We just love living here now. 

Can imagine living in a house built in the 1820’s with bags of character. But I do like my low heating bill and maintenance and less rooms to decorate … i miss my large garage though  🤷🏼… 


Yes Adrian let’s hope we can keep the bar full, oldies and newbies. 

I didn’t watch the game only got the Bentacour info following in txt. Glad he’s ok 👍. 



Posted 10 Jan 2025 at 08:19

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
We have owned this house for 24 years and rented it out previously .


That makes sense Phil. Wow, 38 years in the same house? I guess you must have liked it then! This is our 5th and hopefully last house. We always said we would like to eventually retire to somewhere rural, keep chickens in the garden, grow veg etc etc. Bit like the Good Life, but unfortunately without Felicity Kendall 😂. We happened to see this house come on the market even though we weren't looking, and fell in love with it. Tiny little village with 34 cottages, in a conservation area so no fear of it being expanded. I think there were 120 residents on the last census. All I need to do now is retire!

I'll resist the urge for a virtual pint, having just arrived in the office, so see you guys later.

Posted 10 Jan 2025 at 19:29

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Ian, I had a female ED nurse (not in the biblical sense) it's a bit weird but what's it matter if yet another woman touches my penis 🤷‍♂️


Well, quite, but there was that moment of dread as she cupped my nuts - " Oh s***, what if it suddenly recovers now" 😂

I didn't think they offered that service on the NHS mate, probably best go private 🤪

Posted 12 Jan 2025 at 20:10

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Extra time, how embarrassing… 

Really poor, but as a Spurs supporter I’m used to it 🤦🏼


me too 🤦‍♀️ 

Posted 12 Jan 2025 at 21:26

He is doing well, thank you. No lasting issues from the RT. 


brandy and coke 🙂

Posted 21 Jan 2025 at 09:45

Hi Pratap.

There have been a couple of conversations asking the same question. We all miss Lyn. She was very knowledgeable and by far the biggest contributor to the forum. She'd been here for many years and made over 15,000 posts! I think she stopped posting about ten months ago. I also hope that she and John are okay.

Andy62 had been in contact with her a couple of months ago, and said that they were fine and that she was very busy at work.

I hope that she comes back.

Posted 24 Jan 2025 at 08:24

A day of mixed emotions yesterday. I met up with an old friend who I hadn't seen in ages. It was great to see him looking so well, positively glowing he was. Then I pressed the little vacuum release button and he disappeared again 😁

Hope you are all keeping as well as can be expected guys. At least it's nearly the weekend again. Got a large pergola to erect (sorry..) tomorrow on our new patio area. No doubt once that is done, I will be under pressure to buy a new sofa to go under it, and plant things to grow up it. I need to creosote the 5 bar gate at the front as well, providing the rain holds off.

Bit of bad news yesterday unfortunately from my younger brother. 2.5 years on from his massive op to treat oesophageal cancer, they have found what looks to be another tumour. He's been getting a lot of stomach/chest pain, and has lost a lot of weight recently. Biopsy yesterday, so got to wait for the results now.

Anyway, I'd better at least pretend to be doing a bit of work, so I'll see you guys later 👍

Posted 07 Feb 2025 at 10:24

Hi Debbie,


What a fantastic trip, and happy anniversary! Australia is on my list but my Mrs is worried about all the spiders snakes crocs and sharks.

Don't forget to send a virtual postcard to the virtual pub 😁



Posted 07 Feb 2025 at 11:32

Hi Debbie and Steve.

Forty years together, many congratulations!

I'm so pleased that your celebratory holiday is going great.!

I hope Steve can get some help to ease the incontinence issues.

Posted 08 Feb 2025 at 10:51

Yes 4-0 was a bit of a drubbing but being a Spurs supporter means you have to look for something out of it… I thought our 2 new signings were ok but all our regular midfield were rubbish and Son in exhausted. 

Good to hear the building work is coming on Kev. Hard work but great when you’re done. I bet your neighbours wondered if they were digging for bodies. 🤣🤣. Be nice when you get the wall down and can see the space you’ll have. 


We had kitchen people in yesterday to measure up and plan it out. Looking forward to seeing that - but not the cost 😳. 


Congrats Debbie on your 40th anniversary. We are on our 43rd this year…. 

Glad you’re enjoying your holiday in Oz. We were there back in 2000 when our boys were young, for 5 weeks and loved it. So much to see and so interesting and you soon forget about the beasties. We’ve since done New Zealand twice which we loved too. Bit sad I’ll likely not be doing any more long/medium haul flights anymore as we both love seeing new places but I suppose treatment takes precedence. 


Hope all goes well with Steve’s Incontinence and his PSA when you get back but I wouldn’t rush back 🤣 as the weather here is pretty miserable.. 


Good luck getting the grass cut guys, ours is sodden so need a dry spell first. Looking forward to spring though 👍. 


Preparing myself for Sundays football. Hopefully it goes a bit better than Thursdays’ but not holding my breath… 

Take care everyone 


Edited by member 08 Feb 2025 at 10:53  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 08 Feb 2025 at 14:53

Hi Phil and all, 

Cheer up re-the Spurs. Could be a lot worse like instead of being a Premier League team playing in the best stadium in the land you’re being stuck in the 4th division for hundreds of years and getting excited over scraping a 1-0 win over the ‘mighty’ Harrogate Town. 😬. 
I’m currently in Tokyo having busted open the pension pot to go over and visit my son no 2, (Tokyo Joe). It s fab over here, everyone so respectful and gracious. True to form, the first place I found to eat was a curry house (Nepalese - the best). It was cheap as chips, and honestly the best curry I’ve had in years. The memory of the chicken tikka starters will go with me to the grave!

Downside is that there is a lot and a lot more of walking ip steps (mainly up from the underground) and my feet are effing killing me more and more due to the Prostap - nightmare!

Anyways, have a good weekend chaps and hope your relevant footy and rugby interests all win. I’m going to a Buddhist temple tomorrow, I’ll do a bow or two, burn some insence and wish the very best of good luck on us all 😀.



Posted 08 Feb 2025 at 15:21

Hey Phil,

Good to hear the building work is coming on Kev. Hard work but great when you’re done. I bet your neighbours wondered if they were digging for bodies. 🤣🤣.

Funny enough my Mrs said that. 🤣 A delivery guy turned up while the removal was going on and he handed the parcel to one of the workmen, so we have a picture of a guy dressed in white coveralls taking the parcel 😅 we're keeping that.


What an awesome trip you're having, there's nothing quite like meeting close family overseas, met my son abroad a couple of times, having a free guide was a bonus. Tokyo Joe.. sounds like yours has a new moniker. 

I'll be watching the six nations later and shouting at the TV again. 

Cheers all,


Edited by member 08 Feb 2025 at 16:55  | Reason: Typo

Posted 09 Feb 2025 at 19:01

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

I've just realised that our reality pub, The Protocologist's Finger has been open for nearly a year! Perhaps on the 18th we should put on a virtual buffet and free drinks.🥪🍻

Hi Adrian, 

The pub is a great idea of yours. The 18th is my wife's birthday so there'll be virtual cake too. Can't say how many candles though, I want to stay in her good books. 




Posted 17 Feb 2025 at 13:02

Cheers Kev 👍

Sounds like you had a really nice weekend. Done a bit of clay pigeon shooting in the past . Me and the missus were ok and my oldest was good but they wouldn’t let our youngest do it due to his age and not having a gun small enough. We used to go down to Somerset at least once a year to ride our trail bikes round the farmers fields, and mine around the lanes with the youngest on the back and did most of our shooting down there. 

Its so lovely to see spring coming. I can’t wait to be sitting in the garden. 

Hope you have a great time in Zurich. It’s supposed to be lovely … Happy Birthday to your lovely wife  🥳.. 

Nice to be having another grandchild on the way and I can remember the struggle to decide on a name.. 

Take care



Posted 17 Feb 2025 at 13:39

Ey up lads.

I tried clay pigeon shooting and was rubbish at it, which is a bit frightening, considering I was in the Army. 😁

Kev. I hope your wife has a fabulous birthday, mate.

Phil. The game was pretty poor, but I thought Spurs were worthy winners. If I keep betting on them getting beat, they'll soon be top of the table 🙂  Good luck with your consultation tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you mate.


Edited by member 17 Feb 2025 at 17:14  | Reason: Typo

Posted 19 Feb 2025 at 16:46

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I had my two year post op PSA test yesterday and am anxiously awaing the results to be put on my GP's systmonline. Good or bad news, I'm heading to the Club this afternoon.

Early yesterday afernoon, only 26 hours after my blood was taken, the results were put on my patient record. My PSA is still undetectable  at <0.02. I'm over the moon.

According to nonograms, with Gleason 9(4+5) and a T3a staging, I still have a 50% chance of recurrence within 5 years, but so far so good. I just hope the results remain all clear in the future and I remain in the lucky half.

I had a few pints to celebrate but kept my celebrations to myself. A friend of mine,  another regular at the Club, hasn't been so fortunate. He had the same op, six months earlier than me. He has only recently  informed that he has BCR and has not yet had his PMSA scan results. He had Gleason 7 (4+3) and a T2 staging, yet his has come back. There sometimes seems no rhyme or reason to this damned disease. 

Two years 'cancer free' is a huge milestone to me.  My surgeon, obviously did 'a proper good job' on me. I've written to him, praising his work and thanking him, and sent a copy to his CEO. It's the least I can do.


Edited by member 19 Feb 2025 at 18:13  | Reason: Additional text

Posted 19 Feb 2025 at 16:53

Good news Adrian. Enjoy your celebrations albeit somewhat secretly because of your club friend. Hopefully they’ll sort something that works for him. 

Another few months now where you can relax a bit and try to not think of the dreaded devil inside you .. 



Posted 24 Feb 2025 at 12:45

Hi guys, just popped my head in to say hello.

Hope you all had a good weekend ? We had a 40th wedding anniversary party Saturday which was lovely. We are 43 years this year. Remember on our 10th thinking that was good…..

Funny thing was i stopped drinking wine after an hour or so as i just had had enough. The wife was fine and got slightly tipsy… Don’t know if going off the wine is a permanent thing due to the damage done to my taste buds by the chemo or just one of those days.

I went out with a couple of old work mates last week and had the low alcohol beer. I usually drive there but this time the missus didn’t want me driving so she drove me there. I was a couple in before I realised I could’ve had normal beer …! Silly me but it did mean less visits to the toilet. Had a nice meal and some good chat.

CT scan yesterday which was  ok. Even the drink you take before didn’t taste too bad. When i started on this journey the drink was horrid. Won’t know results till 18th March. Hopefully no spread to organs or the Radium 223 is off the cards. And i presume then its straight onto the Cabazitaxel.

Was some good football and rugby over the weekend. Well chuffed with the Spurs result . Got to get past Man City on Wednesday. Going to sit down and watch that one …. Maybe with a glass of wine.

Still feeling very weak and breathing not so good but hopefully that will change as the reduced steroids take affect. I shall start measuring my weight to see if it’s affected . I was just over 13 stone then i lost loads to get well below 11 stone which was great other than I felt like absolute s***. So if I can get to 11 stone and feel ok then that’s a result.

Anyways time for coffee and a biscuit.. or maybe 2 …

Take care guys, 


Posted 24 Feb 2025 at 15:26

48 years being married wow… I was 27 when we married but the missus was only 19 so couldn’t have done many more 🤣. 
I actually quite liked the low alcohol beer . And it’s definitely better on the bladder. I presume it’s just the alcohol that makes the bladder more sensitive. 
I’ve got a Guinness zero in the fridge a friend brought. I’ll have to try it - maybe Wednesday.. 

As you know I like my food and we’re off to a seafood restaurant we’ve not been to before on Friday . Great reviews and it’s only a couple of miles away. Already scanned the menu 🤔. 

I’ve got to sort out tea for tonight yet … Was gonna do hunters chicken but no chicken in the freezer . So it could be sausages, pies or some fish ( with rice as I’ve gone off chips ) … 



Posted 27 Mar 2025 at 17:25

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
 As you may recall there isn’t much spare room in one of those cars.

Hi Phil. I guess you didn't get much 'courting' done in that car?

Those Fiats are so small … 🤣

Brilliant holiday. 3 weeks in Spain . First time my missus had been abroad and we went back twice more to the same  villa. It was a big place and we had a little flat that was kinda separate from the main house 😉


Show Most Thanked Posts
Posted 18 Feb 2024 at 21:07

Hi Adrian,

On this site, under ' Topic Areas', there is an area called 'General Discussion'  ("including anything 'off topic'"). 

I'm not sure if this is the sort of thing you had in mind?

However, it doesn't seem to be well-used, so keeping a conversation thread 'alive' might be difficult - but it might be worth a try.

Best wishes,




Posted 18 Feb 2024 at 21:17

Hi mate

I think it’s a great idea. It would be a good way for those that wanted to, to keep in touch without needing to post an update on results, or respond to a particular question. We’re all in this together, so we may as well share a joke or two, or just bemoan the latest rugby scores….

I hope it takes off!


Posted 18 Feb 2024 at 21:39

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
On this site, under ' Topic Areas', there is an area called 'General Discussion'  ("including anything 'off topic'").


I posted this conversation in the general discussion area. However, I can't see anywhere in that topic area that provides the sort of chat area that I'm requesting. I fully appreciate that this site is dedicated to prostate cancer issues but surely a very tiny area put aside for people who are dealing with the disease to have natter without having to respond to specific prostate cancer issues can't be a bad thing?

Prostate cancer will probably still be main talking point but it can be more informally discussed rather than having to fit a specific conversation theme.

It seems to me that that there is a nucleus of regulars here but there's not even a place for them to discuss with each other how the are getting on, unless you resort to private messaging or asking them on their own specific journey conversations. The sort of area, I'd like is where we can support each other but without being confined to specific threads. It might also be a more relaxed place for newcomers to dip their toes in the water?

Edited by member 18 Feb 2024 at 22:08  | Reason: Additional text

Posted 18 Feb 2024 at 22:25

Sorry here I go again on my high horse🤣🤣🤣 Maggies! If you have one nearby PLEASE go along and see what support groups they have. In Fife, we have a very proactive group and there are weekly meetings(general support for men with all types of cancer) and monthly PCa Networking Group which was started because so many men with PCa were attending the weekly meetings. Note…other support groups are available. At the meetings we all meet beforehand in the kitchen area, a wonderful volunteer(thanks Brenda🙏) makes us teas and coffees and we have a really good blether. then, we have the formal(well it’s not really formal but is led by one of the members of staff) meeting, and at the end we usually have more tea and discussions, not just about cancer but anything. Through Maggies I have made so many good friends and regularly go out for coffees, lunch or drinks with them. Fife Leisure also run an ‘active movers’ gym session in various gyms for men and women recovering from cancer, and the one I go to we meet up after and all go for coffee/drinks. My wife tells me I have a better social life than I’ve EVER had😊

Now,  you may not have a Maggies close by nor a specialist gym class but it’s certainly worth investigating any support that’s available locally….maybe ask your CNS,  they should know what’s available.

This has been so important to me because meeting with other men and women with cancer really helps…they just GET it and the support from them has been amazing, I no longer feel alone on this journey.

Good Luck,


Posted 18 Feb 2024 at 22:46

Hi Derek,

I would never consider going to a support group. Like VED pumps they're not for me. 

I love this place, you can do it in your dressing gown and slippers. I just feel its missing something?

I feel like I'm doing a lousy pitch on Dragon's Den and they're all saying "I'm out" 😂


Edited by member 18 Feb 2024 at 22:50  | Reason: Additional text

Posted 19 Feb 2024 at 11:24

Adrian, I think it’s a good idea. Sometimes you need to chat about normal life, like your hols or something. As you say like being down the Pub. (Hopefully not collapsing in one as I did last week 🤣) .

I do tend to ramble on in my posts about other stuff so I suppose I’m doing that a bit already. 

Decho, Maggies sounds really great but none anywhere near me. I might look up McMillan opportunities as my counselling took place in their offices and they were so friendly. I went to a hospital arranged meet up which was good but it turned out 90% of the guys were way older than me and were not G9s and their PCa was mostly under control so I didn’t feel like I was really part of it 🤷‍♂️. 



Posted 19 Feb 2024 at 11:56

I've only been here 4 months, so perhaps, its  a bit presumptuous of me to suggest change.

However, since I joined, there have been 675 new members. I suspect only a small percentage of those have posted. Of course there are numerous reasons why they haven't, but maybe some are reluctant to join in, because of the technical nature of many of the threads.

Perhaps one link to a less formal place would give them confidence to post?  

Edited by member 19 Feb 2024 at 21:10  | Reason: Typo

Posted 19 Feb 2024 at 12:20

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

 Sometimes you need to chat about normal life, like your hols or something. As you say like being down the Pub.

Hi Phil

This is why I enjoy your thread https://community.prostatecanceruk.org/posts/t28119-Why-can-t-they-treat-my-Lymph-node-PCa so much.

On it, although your condition is the main theme, there's lots of everyday chat. Its refreshing to talk about everyday life. However, like all the similar threads, relating to people's journeys with the disease, they are still based on an individual, and most of them are 'old sweats' 😉 on here. I'm not bashful but even I felt it a bit daunting when I first posted on your thread.

Posted 19 Feb 2024 at 13:31

Hi Adrian. When I first posted on here I was very, very reticence about sharing personal stuff. But I saw a thread by a guy who just wanted to vent to relieve his anger and I think it helped him to write it down and for someone to listen. He had been abused as a child, like myself and without him telling us we couldn’t have known him so well and understood his feelings. So don’t be afraid to speak your mind or share your feelings on here. 

So I bit the bullet and didn’t hide it anymore or the fact I was fostered . That awakening happened in my personal life at the same time.

I know it upsets some people and some just don’t want to hear. That’s ok , I get that , but it’s who I am. I am not ashamed or embarrassed anymore by it. That came about by meeting the lovely people on here and at the same time starting counselling. I’m so grateful to everyone. 

I find it amazingly uplifting to be able to talk about ANYTHING on here. No judgement, everyone is so understanding. 
So, let’s have a Pub Thread or threads where we can ramble on about ‘normal’ life  🤣🤣

Take care 


Posted 19 Feb 2024 at 13:37


It is a very good idea to meet face to face for a coffee but difficult to organise. The only way one can do is to let people here know where you live and suggest a meeting place and see if there are some who are within a short driving distance, say 10/15 miles, of mutually convenient spot. In earlier days following my surgery, a face to face meeting with other men would have been useful. Most of the meeting groups are too far from where we live. Of course it is up to the administrator of this site whether he/she will allow us to reveal  postcodes so that a meeting can take place.

 'Physics is like sex: sure, it may give some practical results, but that’s not why we do it.'                    Richard Feynman (1918-1988) Nobel Prize laureate



Posted 19 Feb 2024 at 13:57

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
It is a very good idea to meet face to face for a coffee but difficult to organise. 

Hello mate.

I haven't been very clear and caused a bit of confusion. As nice as it might be, I don't mean a face to face meeting in an actual cafe or pub. What I'm suggesting is a place/area on this site to have a general natter, like you would do in a cafe or pub.

Posted 19 Feb 2024 at 14:04

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Hi Derek,

I would never consider going to a support group. Like VED pumps they're not for me. 

I love this place, you can do it in your dressing gown and slippers. I just feel its missing something?

I feel like I'm doing a lousy pitch on Dragon's Den and they're all saying "I'm out" 😂


Adrian, For 9 months I said Maggies was not for me and then my wife cajoled me into going along…and I’ve never looked back. I would say 80% of the men in our group would say the same. I agree though that it’s not for everyone and some men don’t come back.
I think though I maybe misunderstood your post…I think you were talking about an ePub or eCafe not a physical pub which would be difficult to organise I think. This forum is a wonderful but there’s nothing better than real face to face contact and a hug from a fellow sufferer.🤗
Last year I made very good friends with another member on here and we even met up on holiday…it was so uplifting for both us and we talk regularly on WhatsApp, not just about cancer and treatment, but about our families and everything and anything😊


Posted 19 Feb 2024 at 15:24

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
it was so uplifting for both us and we talk regularly on WhatsApp,


Now there's a thought Adrian. Maybe if the space on here doesn't work out, then a WhatsApp group might be the answer?

Bottoms up?...

Edited by member 19 Feb 2024 at 15:25  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 19 Feb 2024 at 15:43

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
it was so uplifting for both us and we talk regularly on WhatsApp,


Now there's a thought Adrian. Maybe if the space on here doesn't work out, then a WhatsApp group might be the answer?

Bottoms up?...

WhatsApp is a bit technical for me. I only got my first mobile a couple of years ago. I sent a rather embarrassing WhatsApp message to the 'wrong person' 

Posted 19 Feb 2024 at 17:53
I think it’s a great idea…but then I’m happy chatting!….but you’re right Adrian, when responding on here, it is usually in response to a question someone has posed or request for experience etc.

I wonder if there could be a new clickable tab set up, with a description at the top of the page/thread for anyone clicking onto it..,that it is a ‘social chat room’ and the purpose, then anyone who’s not into that can avoid? (Admins?…is that possible?)

Posted 19 Feb 2024 at 19:50

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

I wonder if there could be a new clickable tab set up, with a description at the top of the page/thread for anyone clicking onto it..,that it is a ‘social chat room’ and the purpose, then anyone who’s not into that can avoid? (Admins?…is that possible?)

That's exactly what I've been trying to explain. Thank you putting it much more clearly than I've done. 👍🙂

Posted 21 Feb 2024 at 03:46

It would also be a handy place, to post, when you're  still having problems sleeping. A haven for insomniacs.🙂

I cut my grass today. First cut of year. I thought it might be still too wet but it was fine. Also scattered 100 kilos of rock salt on my gravel driveway. Apparently its great for preventing weeds growing.

Went to the Club had four pints of Mild, no problem peeing.

Oh and had my year post op telephone consultation. It was with a locum urologist. Which was a bit disappointing. I was hoping to it would have been with the surgeon who did the op. I was sad to learn that they didn't have my last 2 PSA results, especially when, 2 weeks ago,  I envisaged this problem. and had gone to the bother of contacting my CNS, to ensure they were available.

He was pleased with the results when I gave him them. He asked how I was peeing and asked if I'd been to the ED clinic despite me being prescribed Invicorp for the last 7 months? He told me that I would continue 3 montly PSA checks for at least another year.

The phone call lasted 5 minutes. Considering all I been through over the past year, I felt a bit worthless and hadn't got my money's worth. 🙂

Can't wait for my next telephonic conversation in about 6 months time.

Right, I'll get back to counting sheep.

Hang on! I see I've just been joined by my pal Jules from Australia, what time is it there mate? 😁


Edited by member 21 Feb 2024 at 04:03  | Reason: Typo

Posted 21 Feb 2024 at 04:09

Oh bugger! I must have frightened him away. 🙂

Anyway, if anyone else has got any trivia to post please don't hesitate to use this thread. I shall keep unashamedly bumping it.

Posted 21 Feb 2024 at 09:28

Still not sleeping then eh pal?

A 5 minute telephone call with a locum is a bit disappointing, especially when they haven't even bothered to get your notes in front of them.

When you said you'd been spreading rock salt, I thought you were getting ready for the big snowfall the BBC keep banging on about. As it was 17 Deg here yesterday, I am inclined to think they may have got it wrong again 😂

Posted 21 Feb 2024 at 10:37

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
When you said you'd been spreading rock salt, I thought you were getting ready for the big snowfall the BBC keep banging on about. As it was 17 Deg here yesterday, I am inclined to think they may have got it wrong again 😂

Morning Ian. I hope you're well.

We get that scaremonging every year, dont we? 😁

I didn't used to enjoy gardening, but I love it now. It certainly does me good to get out in the fresh air and graft a bit. They say there's plenty of evidence that says gardening is good for your mental health. It's lovely to see the snowdrops, crocus and daffs out. Spring is definitely here. But you can guarantee  that  the day I turn the heating off, is when we'll get another beast from the east. I can definitely say that my garden has helped me over the past  3 years. It therapeutic for me.

As for the sleeping difficulties, they do continue, but seem to be getting a little better. Touch wood.

Edited by member 21 Feb 2024 at 10:43  | Reason: Additional text

Posted 21 Feb 2024 at 12:43

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I would never consider going to a support group.

Well, chatting is the main purpose of local peer support groups.

Exactly what any one group does varies enormously, and you choose which activities you're interested in or not. This tends to change depending where you are in your treatment pathway or post-treatment. Before and during initial treatments, you are likely absorbing support experiences from the group. Some time after diagnosis and initial treatment, you may find you can usefully support newer members who have just been diagnosed based on your experiences and what you've learned along the way.

All do chatting.
Some also have WhatsApp and/or Facebook private groups for online chatting.
Some offer 1-2-1 support.
Some do presentations by clinicians.
Some do presentations which are nothing to do with prostate cancer, e.g. maybe local interest.
Some do pub evenings, coffee mornings, etc.
Some do walks (talk and walk).
Some offer exercise classes, complimentary therapies (massage, aromatherapy, acupuncture, meditation, etc).
Some do awareness events where you advise the public on getting checked.
Some run PSA testing events for the public.
Some are specific to some activity like cycling.
Some are specific for LGBTQ+, or black men, etc.
Some hospital ones are specific for their own patients (while other hospital ones are open to other patients).
Some are patients-only (particularly some hospital run ones), while others welcome partners and carers too.
Some are for partners only, and not the patient.
Some do fundraising for prostate cancer charities, or to buy equipment for their local hospital.

Everyone who comes along for an initial chat after being diagnosed says how wonderful the experience was, and they wish they'd come along earlier. We will usually chat with a new patient for typically 60-90 mins when they first approach us, which no clinician has time to do. We can go through things they should be considering, and what to ask their clinicians.

Also there are national and international support groups on Facebook, dedicated forums, or Zoom.
Some UK ones are specific to a particular treatment, such as Active Surveillance, Brachytherapy, or Advanced Prostate Cancer. (International groups will discuss protocols and treatments not available or applicable in the UK, because these are different in every country.)

Edited by member 21 Feb 2024 at 13:21  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 21 Feb 2024 at 13:29

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I would never consider going to a support group.

Well, chatting is the main purpose of local peer support groups.

I appreciate that Andy. My brother is a member of a local support group, but they are not my cup of tea. I'm lucky and as yet haven't needed face to face support. I have however found this forum very supportive. You can pop in whenever you want and someone will invariably help you. They are many people who are particularly knowledgeable, including your good self and who've been a great help to me.

All I want here, is an forever open, 'sticky' conversation. where any posters, regulars or newbies could have a general chat. I can't explain it any better. I was a member of the Martin Lewis moneysavingexpert site, before he became a TV super star. He had over a hundred topic areas on particular financial matters.  But he also had one specific open thread for people to have a general chat about financial affairs. Which was well used. Like that site we have hundreds of conversations on specific cancer issues but not a place to have a chat about life in general.

I've seen so many threads on here, usually late at night or in the early hours, that are started by newcomers and never get replied to and unless you bump them they are lost in cyber space. If they were posted in the always open general chat conversation area, they would get responded to. It would also be a good place for regulars who work hard and put a lot of effort into helping people, to relax a bit and chill out. To discuss life in general rather than having to respond to specific cancer issues. Such an area may not be workable, it may not get used, but I think it would be good idea to give it a go.

Edited by member 21 Feb 2024 at 20:39  | Reason: Typo

Posted 21 Feb 2024 at 14:07
There is absolutely no reason why this thread can't become that thing that you want Adrian - when Spurspark was still alive, we kept a thread going for a couple of years doing exactly as you have described. We don't even need the charity to make it a sticky - I have just saved it on my profile as a thread I am following and others can do the same.
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 21 Feb 2024 at 14:28

Cheers Lyn.

I was hoping you'd reply. I don't think I've done a very good job of explaining what I mean. I'm glad there was such a thread in existence. I've never seen it.  If I wanted to keep this thread alive would I just have to keep bumping it?

Posted 21 Feb 2024 at 18:33

Only if people don't use it; hopefully they will...


Edited by member 21 Feb 2024 at 19:32  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 21 Feb 2024 at 18:41

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Only if people don't use it; hopefully they will...

Hi Nick,

Is it this week you're seeing your surgeon?

Posted 21 Feb 2024 at 19:10
We used to have a thread on here, a bit like a pub quiz. Ask me any question you like and I will bet you that either I or my brother will know the answer.
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 21 Feb 2024 at 19:28

Your brother, being Mr Google? I used to love pub quizzes but too many people going to the loo, coming back and miraculously 'remembering' the answers,  spoilt it.😁

Edited by member 21 Feb 2024 at 20:32  | Reason: Typo

Posted 21 Feb 2024 at 21:46

Hi Nick,

Is it this week you're seeing your surgeon?

Hi Adrian, yes, it was yesterday thank you for asking 😀 (you have a good memory!).

It was all okay -ish! I thought I'd been told to choose between RALP or HT and  RT.

I'd weighed things up and I chose RALP, but...

When I saw the Surgeon he told me I was too porky for RALP and that, and other health issues (heart attack 12 years ago and pulmonary embolism a year ago), also meant that HT & RT was the way to go. So he's started the ball rolling for the HT. 

It's not a massive problem to me, and I do trust him, but I had sort of got my head around the side effects to be expected from prostatectomy, rather than the ones from HT/RT. I also liked the idea that the PSA tests would be reassuringly low if my prostate was gone.

Thinking back, the person who told me my results and itemised the choices, did mention that BMI would be an issue, but I thought that was in relation to Brachytherapy as that was the last treatment type she'd mentioned.

Anyway, I am pleased that Dennis (my cancer - named after a particularly nasty tw*t I had the misfortune to meet at school (with apologies to any other Dennises on here)), is T2 N0 M0.

So onwards and upwards!!

Edited by member 21 Feb 2024 at 21:49  | Reason: spelling

Posted 21 Feb 2024 at 22:19

Love the idea of naming the cancer.😁

I might start a light hearted thread on it. I'd think I'd call mine Adolf because he's wicked and damn hard to get rid of.

It was touch and go if I could have surgery due to two blocked coronary arteries but eventually they said I was fit enough. I got through the op with no problems. But two months later had a minor heart attack and ended up in hospital for a couple of weeks. I'm okay now, touch wood. 

Edited by member 21 Feb 2024 at 22:21  | Reason: Spelling

Posted 22 Feb 2024 at 00:07
I don't think my brother would cheat
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 22 Feb 2024 at 08:00

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Only if people don't use it; hopefully they will.

Well it looks like there are a core bunch of us on here already who support this idea, so let's keep this thread moving on up ( I think there's a song there.....)

Adrian - I think you've achieved your aim mate 👍



Posted 22 Feb 2024 at 08:02

Need a name for this pub now then.

Proctologists Arms?

Hand 'N' Glove?

Posted 22 Feb 2024 at 11:29

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Need a name for this pub now then.

Proctologists Arms?

Hand 'N' Glove?

Proctologists finger?

Posted 23 Feb 2024 at 09:48

Hooray, I've managed to string together a couple of decent nights kip! I feel like a new man.

I'm watching my ten year old grandson play footy tomorrow. He's goalie for the local towns under 10's team. Kick off's at dinner time, which suits me as the chippy's just down the road. Can't beat spectating and eating fish and chips at the same time.

Then it's the rugby 6 nations, brilliant! Will be having a few bevvies at home and may manage a bit of gardening. 

Doing a huge braised steak casserole on Sunday, my favourite.

Life is so much better when you're not knackered.

As you've probably gathered I'm a man of simple pleasures.😁

Sorry for the couple of deleted posts on here, they were my responses to a post from another that vanished into cyber space and no longer made sense. 

Anyone else got any thrilling plans for the weekend?

Posted 23 Feb 2024 at 11:53

I shall be watching the rugby, armed with a few cold ones! Not too sure how the Calcutta Cup is going to go this year mind.....

I could do with giving the garden some attention, but with all this bloody rain it is way too waterlogged to get out there really. Other than that I will be shovelling some s**t at the stables, which seems to have become my job at weekends when I am available. Add in a couple of dog walks and that is about it!

That's about as exciting as my weekends get these days 😂

Posted 23 Feb 2024 at 12:27

Hi Ian, I think the bookies have got the Scots favourites. Should be a good game.

Have you got horses? My daughters got one.

Do you remember when the old barbers used to say. "Anything for the weekend sir?" Meaning johnies.😄

Edited by member 23 Feb 2024 at 12:33  | Reason: Additional text

Posted 23 Feb 2024 at 12:53

Hello mate

I think the Scots might do it, unless we up our game from the last couple of narrow scrapes!

Just the one horse thankfully. My wife rides her, but I get to muck out the stable at weekends. To be fair, I quite enjoy being up there. Great for de-stressing after a week at work. In fact, after a week dealing with idiots, I am happy to just be around my labrador, my horse and my grandkids.

I can barely remember the days when I still needed to visit the barber! but yes, that was an amusing question at the end of the trim. Perhaps a French Tickler if it was a special weekend 😬

Posted 23 Feb 2024 at 16:06


Nothing too thrilling for me this weekend. Glad to report that my issues with having the "trots" immediately following the end of my RT appear to have subsided (for now). I'm now back out walking the dogs up and down the hill. I'll be driving down to Lincoln tomorrow to pick up son no 1 from Uni, he's coming home for his "reading week". Then in the afternoon, I'll be keeping tabs on the mighty Bantams who are playing away at Barrow, hoping for a rare win. Then it'll be my Saturday night curry with some beers whilst watching the Saturday evening footy on telly. Unfortunately, I find rugby a hard watch, I really want to England to win but I expect Scotland will (England more likely to win if I don't watch than if I do). The scoring in rugby does my head in with seemingly easy 3 points being given for the slightest of errors (errors that non-players don't understand), for me rugby would be better if there was more emphasis on scoring tries. 

I really envy you having a grandson playing footy, I would absolutely love that. Unfortunately, I couldn't get either of my two boys interested in football, playing or watching. Instead, they became swimmers and I lost countless hours of my life at swimming pools for their training and racing, including early mornings - nightmare! (advice for any new dads or grandads, be careful when you take the kids for swim, get them to swim yes, but too much and you might end up living there). 

All the ground saturated and boggy around here too. It'll be a couple of weeks before I dust off the old lawn moor and loppers.

Have a good weekend


Posted 23 Feb 2024 at 18:50

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I really envy you having a grandson playing footy, I would absolutely love that. 

It is wonderful. Neither of my sons were sporty, although I was. But both are very academically talented which I wasn't.

For the first 4 years of my grandson's life I had a big part in his upbringing. I was retired, and in the good weather could spend all day playing sport with him.

I adore the lad and I'm so proud of him. He's a very good player.

One of the hardest parts of my disease has been keeping it secret from him. He thinks I'm invincible and I'd hate to disappoint him.


Edited by member 23 Feb 2024 at 20:12  | Reason: Typo

Posted 23 Feb 2024 at 22:57

Flown out to Jersey with our youngest son and missus and MiL for our oldest boy and missus first child’s christening on Sunday (they live here). Our first Grandchild 😁
Had a lovely meal in the hotel tonight. Busy day meeting up with relatives and friends tomorrow then christening Sunday then back home. 
Might miss the Rugby … 

Keep busy guys 👍 Enjoy every day.


Posted 24 Feb 2024 at 09:34

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Flown out to Jersey with our youngest son and missus and MiL for our oldest boy and missus first child’s christening on Sunday (they live here). Our first Grandchild 😁

Awww that's lovely Phil. Have a great time mate. 👍🙂

Posted 24 Feb 2024 at 17:00

Awww that's lovely Phil. Have a great time mate. 👍🙂

Full English this morning at the hotel, with family and Friends joined us. Then to Sons to see grandson, then to his In Laws for lunch with more family. Back to Hotel via lovely garden Centre. Another meal out tonight. 
I’ll need a rest after this….. 


Posted 24 Feb 2024 at 17:19

It sounds fab mate.

I had my fish and chips whilst watching my grandson's footy match. The food was great. The weather was bright. He played well and they won 3-0 plus he won his team's man of the match. Now watching Scotland and England Rugby its a decent game, seems close.

Then it's rugby league. Wigan v Penrith. World Club Challenge.

The empty cans are stacking up.

I'm a happy chappy. 😁

Late edit. I'm even happier. The Commitments is on tonight BBC2 22:15. I love the film and will annoy the missus when I join in with Andrew Strong. She'll have to wear ear plugs.

Edited by member 24 Feb 2024 at 18:35  | Reason: Additional text

Posted 26 Feb 2024 at 11:49

Sounds like a great day Adrian. Every single day is special isn’t it as we know we only get so I many days in our lives. Make the most of them all. 

Is it just the two of us sitting in the PC Arms ? 


Posted 26 Feb 2024 at 12:44

Ey up Phil! Great to see you.

Are you back home? How did the Christening go?

Posted 26 Feb 2024 at 12:52

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Is it just the two of us sitting in the PC Arms ?


Hello lads!

My weekend was largely spent getting stuff done in the garden. Gave the lawn its first cut of the year, and planted two new trees. Always fancied a Peach Tree so we now have one in prime position in the middle of the lawn. After that lot, and a couple of hours clearing out the horses stable, my back is buggered today 😂

The rugby was promising for the first 10 minutes, then went downhill rapidly........

Life is pretty good at the minute, although I expect to start getting twitchy again over the next couple of weeks, as my next PSA test looms on March 19th.

Posted 26 Feb 2024 at 12:57

Christening was lovely thank you. In a little Church that the in laws go to then to The Royal Jersey Golf Club for a sit down meal. Lots of chatting and a couple of bevvies as I wasn’t driving 😁 , then off to the airport. 1 hour delay plus heavy rain on the way home from Gatwick meant we HAD to call in KFC for some sustenance at 11pm…  Only tastes that good when you’re starving. 🤣

Wonder there’s some way to have photo share thing on the forum? Could be time limited - like maybe a couple of days. 


Posted 26 Feb 2024 at 13:01

Hi Harty. Glad you had a nice day being busy 👍. 

Always nervous before a result….. 😳😬. 

See my consultant tomorrow after a rise in PSA and cancer growth last time … Don’t suppose we’ll ever get used to that wait. 

I need to cut my grass soon as it’s about a foot high. Hoping it stays dry for a couple of days… 


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