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Posted 12 Jan 2025 at 14:32

Extra time, how embarrassing… 

Really poor, but as a Spurs supporter I’m used to it ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผ

Posted 12 Jan 2025 at 20:10

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Extra time, how embarrassing… 

Really poor, but as a Spurs supporter I’m used to it ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผ


me too ๐Ÿคฆ‍โ™€๏ธ 

Posted 12 Jan 2025 at 21:23

Hi Turkey. ๐Ÿ‘‹

What's your virtual tipple? How's your husband doing. As I recall he had a similar initial T2c diagnosis to mine and had radical treatment about the same time I did, but had radio therapy and not surgery like me? Or have I got that wrong?

I do tend to get mixed up the older I get.๐Ÿซค


Edited by member 12 Jan 2025 at 21:27  | Reason: Additional text

Posted 12 Jan 2025 at 21:26

He is doing well, thank you. No lasting issues from the RT. 


brandy and coke ๐Ÿ™‚

Posted 15 Jan 2025 at 17:43

Aaah! I've just logged on after not been in for a while and delighted to see that there has been a lot of nice chat at the virtual bar (for some reason I've stopped getting emails to alert me when someone is chatting).

That Tamworth match was a bit embarrassing, going to extra time - wow!

Mind you we got knocked out predictably in the first round by Morecambe. Talking footy, I was saddened to learn of the passing the other day of Bobby Kennedy, ex-Bradford City Manager, he took us as a lowly 4th division team to the Quarter Finals in 1976, only to be knocked out by Southampton with a 'cheat' goal, a free kick which was flicked up (with illegal double touch) for Jim McCalliog to smash home from 25 yards. Southampton themselves were a 2nd divsion side and they went on to famously beat Man Utd in the final. I remember as a kid listening to the prior 5th round tie on the wireless, where we caused a major upset to beat Norwich City away (John Bond who had a few unkindly words, if I remember), Norwich were then a top 5 first division side. we beat them with two of the most spawniest goals ever seen, scored by Don Hutchins (it was a cross) and a Billy McGinley daisy cutter on the second attempt. The City was buzzing for days after, and I've still got all the newspaper clippings somewhere. 

Anyway, hey diddle diddle I've gone and got myself an allotment. So I'm now looking forward to spending my lazy prostap summer days sitting with my feet up outside my shed, on my allotment with the odd pint of homebrew - Can't be bad eh?


Posted 15 Jan 2025 at 18:06

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Anyway, hey diddle diddle I've gone and got myself an allotment. So I'm now looking forward to spending my lazy prostap summer days sitting with my feet up outside my shed, on my allotment with the odd pint of homebrew - Can't be bad eh?

Hi mate.

It sounds like heaven. Can you take your dogs on the plot.? I'm on the train coming back home from the Club. I've  had a great afternoon, putting the world to right, with all my fellow drunken old codgers. ๐Ÿ™‚


Posted 15 Jan 2025 at 20:08

I don’t think it’s a place for dogs - their poo won’t mix well with cabbages. I’ve only seen the allotment under snow so not yet quite sure what state it is in. But, doesn’t matter it’s something different to do, keep me out of mischief ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Posted 16 Jan 2025 at 12:38

Hi guys. 

Well another drubbing for Spurs last night. I don’t know why I watched the whole game. My oldest txt and said he’d turned it off. I used to support Chelsea at school cos I liked the blue kit… ๐Ÿค”

SpongeBob, an allotment wow. Never really interested me but have some friends who’ve got 2 or 3 together and grow loads of vegetables. Wonder if it’s cos as a kid aged about 6 we lived in a farm cottage and the farmer used almost all our garden to grow potatoes . We weren’t there long but remember playing in the horses paddock behind and jumping over a barbed wire fence and gaining a nice long scar on the back of my thigh. 

Im sat here this afternoon determined not to doze off . I’ve even given myself a couple of mini jobs to do … let’s see how I get on  … 

Take care 


Posted 16 Jan 2025 at 12:58

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Anyway, hey diddle diddle I've gone and got myself an allotment. So I'm now looking forward to spending my lazy prostap summer days sitting with my feet up outside my shed, on my allotment with the odd pint of homebrew - Can't be bad eh?

Nice one Spongebob! I'm just in the process of doing the same. Me and my middle son have signed up for a couple of plots. Just waiting for the previous incumbents to clear all their crap away before we can move in. It will give me something to do in the summer. Dogs are allowed at ours, so I'll be taking the Lab up there with me. It's already got a shed, so just need a nice big comfy garden chair ๐Ÿ‘

Posted 16 Jan 2025 at 13:33

I'm with Phil on allotments, they've never really interested me either. The problem I have though, is that my Mrs applied for one a few months ago and luckily for me, we don't have one yet. I know I'll be roped in to helping out but will probably enjoy it in the end, especially if there's somewhere to enjoy a quiet beer on a sunny afternoon. 

We had a new boiler fitted last week and the thermostat is one of those wireless nest systems that can be controlled remotely by an app. What a palaver trying to get it hooked up to the router though, I went round and round in circles with app permissions and settings etc.. finally cracked it yesterday and woohoo, we now have a remotely controlled heating system (and the Chinese probably have full access to our router as well ๐Ÿคท‍โ™‚๏ธ).

I'm thinking of getting the hosepipe out this afternoon to wash off a couple of weeks worth of road salt, but I just put my feet up. 

Cheers all. 



Edited by member 16 Jan 2025 at 13:38  | Reason: Typo

Posted 16 Jan 2025 at 14:16

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Dogs are allowed at ours, so I'll be taking the Lab up there with me. It's already got a shed, so just need a nice big comfy garden chair ๐Ÿ‘

That's why I asked Spongebob if he was taking his dogs. They've got allotments in our village. In the summer it's full of old codgers dozing in deck chairs, dogs sleeping at their feet, surrounded by beer cans. The allotments are left to go back to nature. Now that's what I call gardening!

Posted 16 Jan 2025 at 15:32

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
In the summer it's full of old codgers dozing in deck chairs, dogs sleeping at their feet, surrounded by beer cans.

That is the vision I have firmly in mind mate ๐Ÿ˜‚

Posted 16 Jan 2025 at 15:35

I've still got a spare night bag kicking around somewhere. With some minor modification at "the business end", I reckon I could have the set up for a long afternoon in the deckchair...........

Posted 16 Jan 2025 at 15:49

Blimey guys, here’s me thinking it’s hard work having an allotment… ๐Ÿคฃ   Sounds like the hardest work is carrying the beer crate over there… 

Kev, know what you mean about bloody wireless stuff. It’s great when it’s working but when it stops ‘talking’ it is like you need a doctorate in cyber science. My son comes round who works in ‘cloud’ security and a couple of taps and all is fixed… 


Posted 16 Jan 2025 at 16:32

Hi Harty, that's good news, we'll be able to share allotment tips ๐Ÿ˜.

To show willing, I bought myself an 'allotment handbook & planner'. Strange, after having a quick flick through I can't find any mention of how to best get set up in a comfy chair by your shed nor any tips on storing the homebrew ๐Ÿ˜ฌ. Instead, it mentions 'excitement is in the air' for February when there are things like mulching, composting and digging to be done. And seems that there should be a lot of stuff doing even in January!

Crikey, I haven't signed on the dotted line yet or paid my 35 quid!

It does suggest a lot of watching the weather. That is something I can do.  

Posted 20 Jan 2025 at 10:56

Hi guys, hope you all had a nice weekend dreaming of your new allotments . 
I can imagine setting up the position of the armchair is quite critical. Obviously needs to be in a sunny position, not too far from the beer stash either. Need to be able to nod and have a little chat with the neighbours and keep an eye on the veg’s. 

I am looking forward to the warmer weather and just getting out in the garden. It’s not too big and doesn’t need much maintenance (by design) so we can sit and enjoy a little tipple and relax. 

Cheers guys


Posted 20 Jan 2025 at 11:18


Yes - Happy Mondays everyone! After being cast out into the wilderness I have just had a long awaited follow up call from my Urologist, only 4 months overdue, never mind. The call lasted all of 5 minutes ๐Ÿ˜ฌ. Anyway, the upshot is after listening to my HT woes he has decided to write to the Oncologist to see if she might agree to me finishing HT early (after my next shot in March I will have been CC'd for 2 years!). In my world that is a result!

Got my Allotment contract through the post, just about to sign it - Happy Days and exciting times ๐Ÿ˜€  


Posted 20 Jan 2025 at 12:07

Hi SpongeBob. Finishing HT is a real turning point. I asked to finish early but my consultant said to continue for the 2 years to mop up any micro mets. Didn’t actually work for me but I understand the reasoning. Going through the tests after stopping HT is nerve wracking as you know your PSA will rise but you’re obviously hoping it will stop at the nadir. 
Fingers crossed that yours will stop there too. 

Can’t believe you had to wait months for a call up. I’d have been chasing … I know before Xmas I was pleased to get a 2 month break but seems ages away still before I know how things are going ๐Ÿ˜ฌ and I’m very nervous… 

Get that contract signed and you can get on with your prep and choosing a nice armchair. Never having had an allotment do you have special outdoor armchairs? 


Posted 20 Jan 2025 at 12:39

Morning gents.

Another here, who can't wait to get out into the garden.

I've decide to be a good boy today and help the wife tidy out the kitchen cupboards. Well actually, just one of the kitchen cupboards, which has remnants of the Xmas booze left. I wonder what cocktail I could make from Baileys, cream sherry, dark rum, vodka, whiskey and ginger ale?

Posted 20 Jan 2025 at 15:01

Well Adrian , I’m not a cocktail fan so I’d just take the whisky… ๐Ÿ™‚. And definitely not a fan of Baileys.. 

Im having a very tired day today so the whisky would likely have me out for the afternoon … 


Posted 20 Jan 2025 at 15:35

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I wonder what cocktail I could make from Baileys, cream sherry, dark rum, vodka, whiskey and ginger ale?

Sounds like drinking "the boot" in our old squadron bar in Germany.......๐Ÿคฎ

Posted 20 Jan 2025 at 16:43

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I wonder what cocktail I could make from Baileys, cream sherry, dark rum, vodka, whiskey and ginger ale?

Sounds like drinking "the boot" in our old squadron bar in Germany.......๐Ÿคฎ

The dreaded boot! I can still remember that awful initiation, even though it was nearly fifty years ago. Sat on a bar stool, empty bucket at your feet to throw up into, and having to drink whatever they filled the glass boot with. In fact,  I'm pretty sure that ritual was banned when a poor soldier died of alcohol poisoning? I vividly recall seeing what I thought was a Mars bar swimming about in my boot, it turned out to be something much, much, worse. ๐Ÿ˜


Edited by member 20 Jan 2025 at 17:23  | Reason: Typo

Posted 20 Jan 2025 at 23:17
I wonder how Lyn Eyre and her husband are?

 'Physics is like sex: sure, it may give some practical results, but that’s not why we do it.'                    Richard Feynman (1918-1988) Nobel Prize laureate



Posted 21 Jan 2025 at 09:45

Hi Pratap.

There have been a couple of conversations asking the same question. We all miss Lyn. She was very knowledgeable and by far the biggest contributor to the forum. She'd been here for many years and made over 15,000 posts! I think she stopped posting about ten months ago. I also hope that she and John are okay.

Andy62 had been in contact with her a couple of months ago, and said that they were fine and that she was very busy at work.

I hope that she comes back.

Posted 22 Jan 2025 at 08:01

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I vividly recall seeing what I thought was a Mars bar swimming about in my boot, it turned out to be something much, much, worse. ๐Ÿ˜

The joys of squaddie life eh ๐Ÿ˜‚. I got given a boot at my leaving do. It kicked off at midday Friday on the Tank Park, then moved to the squadron bar, where I was kept until Sunday morning, being thrown, fully dressed into the showers every few hours to "revive me". You'd get locked up for it nowadays!

This will make you laugh. I finally got referred to another consultant to address the ED. They told me to go away and purchase a pump, so I duly went home and ordered the recommended item, (which should arrive today, so watch this space...). Anyway, during a cursory glance at my online banking app I noticed they hadn't taken the cash. I checked my credit card in case I had used that, to no avail. I knew they had despatched the thing, which they wouldn't have done without payment, so started to scratch my head. Then the awful realisation hit me, that I have another card in my wallet, that I may have used in error, namely my company credit card! I had to have a rather embarrassing conversation with the lovely lady in our finance dept. yesterday, explaining that there may be something on this month's statement that wasn't strictly work related ๐Ÿ˜ถ.

Have a good day!

Posted 22 Jan 2025 at 09:16

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Then the awful realisation hit me, that I have another card in my wallet, that I may have used in error, namely my company credit card! I had to have a rather embarrassing conversation with the lovely lady in our finance dept. yesterday, explaining that there may be something on this month's statement that wasn't strictly work related ๐Ÿ˜ถ.

๐Ÿ˜ Let's hope it's posted to your home address and not the Company's Registered Office.

We can all make errors. A mate once sent me very a saucy video on WhatsApp, which I immediately forwarded to another mate. Only to discover, I'd mistakenly sent it to the family group chat. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

At my ED appointment, the nurse tried to persuade me to try a pump. However, when I explained how hamfisted I was, and described some of my many DIY injuries to her, she put me straight onto injections. ๐Ÿ˜

Edited by member 22 Jan 2025 at 09:20  | Reason: Additional text

Posted 24 Jan 2025 at 08:24

A day of mixed emotions yesterday. I met up with an old friend who I hadn't seen in ages. It was great to see him looking so well, positively glowing he was. Then I pressed the little vacuum release button and he disappeared again ๐Ÿ˜

Hope you are all keeping as well as can be expected guys. At least it's nearly the weekend again. Got a large pergola to erect (sorry..) tomorrow on our new patio area. No doubt once that is done, I will be under pressure to buy a new sofa to go under it, and plant things to grow up it. I need to creosote the 5 bar gate at the front as well, providing the rain holds off.

Bit of bad news yesterday unfortunately from my younger brother. 2.5 years on from his massive op to treat oesophageal cancer, they have found what looks to be another tumour. He's been getting a lot of stomach/chest pain, and has lost a lot of weight recently. Biopsy yesterday, so got to wait for the results now.

Anyway, I'd better at least pretend to be doing a bit of work, so I'll see you guys later ๐Ÿ‘

Posted 24 Jan 2025 at 09:02

Hi Ian

Thanks, the first part of your post made me chuckle.

About a week ago, I made up a syringe full of Invicorp to surprise the wife. I forgot about it. Yesterday morning, I spotted it resting upright in the fridge, propped precariously between the bottle of tomato ketchup and salad cream. It still worked, but I was a gentleman, and waited until she'd finished her cornflakes.

 However, I'm very sorry to hear about your brother's condition. It makes you think, in the grand scheme of things, that our prostate cancer, is better to have than most others.

One of the lads that goes into the Club, told me that his recent bladder cancer op had not been successful.


Edited by member 24 Jan 2025 at 09:07  | Reason: Additional text

Posted 24 Jan 2025 at 10:49

You two guys crack me up ๐Ÿคฃ. Keep it up!

Ian, so sorry to hear about your brother. Fingers crossed they can do something. 

After 7 years of HT, Brachy, RT, Abi and Chemo I had just about lost my libido down the plug hole. But I have to say that I have recently been thinking about getting the old pump out from the wardrobe again ๐Ÿ˜‰.  Maybe my Testosterone is coming back as im sure the Degarelix is doing nothing now. Pretty sure my consultant is saying I’m hormone resistant now anyway. 

On a happier note ๐Ÿค” I’ve been going through all our finances so I can leave everything in good order for the missus when I finally check out. Got me a bit choked up but ok now and it’s gotta be done. 

Out tonight with a couple of old school friends. Portuguese meal followed by some vino at the Conservative Club. 

Watched Spurs scrape a win last night. Supporting Spurs does give your heart a workout ๐Ÿคฃ

Cheers guys

Take care 


Posted 01 Feb 2025 at 05:55

Hi Phil.

 I truly admire your resilience. My heart goes out to you, mate.

I hope you enjoyed the meal and evening out with your old school pals. 

Today I'll be watching my grandson playing football. It's a lunchtime kick off, so it'll be fish and chips in a tray, while I'm spectating. Hopefully they'll win and I'll wander down to the club for a few celebratory bevvies. If they lose, I'll drown my sorrows. I'll catch the tea time train home and cuddle up next to the missus on the sofa and watch TV. Within half an hour she'll be moaning about me nodding off and stinking of beer. I love Saturdays. ๐Ÿ˜

Edited by member 01 Feb 2025 at 06:01  | Reason: Additional text

Posted 01 Feb 2025 at 12:42

Hi Adrian.

Had a good night out, and not too much vino …! 

Enjoy watching your grandson at football. And the nap later ๐Ÿ™‚.

We are in Jersey at the moment and been out for breakfast then my missus and DiL took our grandson to swimming lessons. 

We’ve also prepped our son’s house as they have a viewing this afternoon. So we are all popping to the garden centre for a mooch and a coffee soon to get out of the way. 

im knackered after scrubbing the kitchen up so I think I deserve a nice coffee and a rest now. Maybe a scone and cream ๐Ÿค”… although we got an early dinner booked. 

Take care


Posted 02 Feb 2025 at 09:10

Hi Phil, 

Jersey is such a nice place it's definitely on our list to return. We ate at El Tico watching the tide roll in across the bay. As for the ice cream, mmm!

On the flight out, we ordered teas which we were still drinking when we stepped off the plane, such a short flight. 

Anyway, didn't have you down as an old scrubber, definitely earned a scone ๐Ÿคช 

Adrian, can't beat fish & chips while watching your grandson play footie. Remember the beer will only go off if you don't drink it ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

We're having a lunchtime meal with our youngest today who just hit 20 so we no longer have any teenagers. Granddaughter is 10 but already a pre-teen. Son and DIL had a scan and are expecting a boy. They're struggling to come up with names so the pressure's on.



Edited by member 02 Feb 2025 at 09:16  | Reason: Added note

Posted 04 Feb 2025 at 10:26

Jersey is a lovely place to visit. But couldn’t live there as we are used to living near London and Southend with shows and stuff to do. Missed El Tico this time but had a walk along that beach and a coffee in another cafe further up. I did have my scone though when we had a break in a garden centre - yummy…

We looked after our grandson yesterday and took him to the park. Not been to a park in the UK lately but I’ve heard about the teenagers breaking stuff etc. This park was lovely and clean . Lots of stuff for younger kids and a huge sand pit which was clean and was even raked over and had loads of little Tonka type toys for the little ones to play with. Not one of them broken or smashed up.

So a boy on the way Kev. It’s so exciting isn’t it? Our Goddaughter is 12 so know what you mean about pre teen. They change so quick.

Back home now and starting to think about my consultation in a couple of weeks. Compiling my list of questions. I really need to get a grip and get some exercise as i had a fall getting out of the car last night. Straight onto my knees as id dropped my phone and tried to pick it up….  My breathing’s not so good either and not sure if it’s my extra belly fat pushing on my diaphragm or something going on in my lungs. Wondering if he could halve the steroids and they’d still work… 

Anyway , good result for Tottenham v Brentford and a good new signing. Looking forward to watching on Thursday v Liverpool  … 

Take care chaps,


Posted 06 Feb 2025 at 08:46

Ey up lads.

You can add me to the the list of those affected by pre teen issues. My grandson's just turned eleven and seems to have changed overnight. He's suddenly become so independent that I'm beginning to feel surplus to requirements. ๐Ÿ™‚

I'll be watching Liverpool v Spurs tonight. Talking of hallowed turf. Yesterday, I nearly gave my lawn its first cut of the year. I got out the old Mountfield, raised it to the highest cut. Started first time. Then somehow managed to snap off the the cable bracket thingamajig. I've had to order a spare (322551685/0  the part no. is bigger than the item ๐Ÿ™„) but still managed to spend an hour pottering about in the garden though. Spring's just around the corner. ๐Ÿ™‚

I'll be going to the Club today, whilst the wife does some shopping. I'm a stick to what's on the list man, she loves browsing. It's better for both of us if I dip out and have a few pints. ๐Ÿ˜

Edited by member 06 Feb 2025 at 11:40  | Reason: Typo

Posted 07 Feb 2025 at 08:30


4 - 0 ouch!

Anyway, I'll change the subject. We had an asbestos removal company in and have almost got back to normal albeit without kitchen or dining room ceilings. Guys in NBC suits and a decontamination trailer parked outside had all the neighbour's curtains twitching. Now we need a structural engineer so we can take a load bearing wall down. 

As for the garden, the grass isn't too bad so I'll leave it for a while. I did prune the vines and apple tree though, our huge fuchsia is next. 

Cheers all, 


Posted 07 Feb 2025 at 10:00
Hey everyone at the virtual pub! Just catching up with all the news/posts and chat. Been quiet as Steve and I been in Australia the last 5 weeks. Spent a few days in Sydney then picked up a cruise up the eastern coast of Australia for 11 nights and celebrated our 40th wedding anniversaryโ€ฆ.then hopped over to Adelaide to spend time with family. Having a fab time; Steve coping really well with his incontinence, not much change, heโ€™s not overdoing the alcohol which irritates the bladder. We are back in just over a week then he will have his 3 monthly psa end of Feb followed by a urologist appointment to discuss further the incontinence issue and letโ€™s see where we go from there! Feel he has done everything he can to improve the situation (pelvic floor exercises and sessions on Emsella chair paid privately)โ€ฆso we will see!

Anyway, the holiday has been bloody fantastic and just what we needed!

Best wishes to you all


Posted 07 Feb 2025 at 10:24

Hi Debbie,


What a fantastic trip, and happy anniversary! Australia is on my list but my Mrs is worried about all the spiders snakes crocs and sharks.

Don't forget to send a virtual postcard to the virtual pub ๐Ÿ˜



Posted 07 Feb 2025 at 11:32

Hi Debbie and Steve.

Forty years together, many congratulations!

I'm so pleased that your celebratory holiday is going great.!

I hope Steve can get some help to ease the incontinence issues.

Posted 08 Feb 2025 at 10:51

Yes 4-0 was a bit of a drubbing but being a Spurs supporter means you have to look for something out of it… I thought our 2 new signings were ok but all our regular midfield were rubbish and Son in exhausted. 

Good to hear the building work is coming on Kev. Hard work but great when you’re done. I bet your neighbours wondered if they were digging for bodies. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ. Be nice when you get the wall down and can see the space you’ll have. 


We had kitchen people in yesterday to measure up and plan it out. Looking forward to seeing that - but not the cost ๐Ÿ˜ณ. 


Congrats Debbie on your 40th anniversary. We are on our 43rd this year…. 

Glad you’re enjoying your holiday in Oz. We were there back in 2000 when our boys were young, for 5 weeks and loved it. So much to see and so interesting and you soon forget about the beasties. We’ve since done New Zealand twice which we loved too. Bit sad I’ll likely not be doing any more long/medium haul flights anymore as we both love seeing new places but I suppose treatment takes precedence. 


Hope all goes well with Steve’s Incontinence and his PSA when you get back but I wouldn’t rush back ๐Ÿคฃ as the weather here is pretty miserable.. 


Good luck getting the grass cut guys, ours is sodden so need a dry spell first. Looking forward to spring though ๐Ÿ‘. 


Preparing myself for Sundays football. Hopefully it goes a bit better than Thursdays’ but not holding my breath… 

Take care everyone 


Edited by member 08 Feb 2025 at 10:53  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 08 Feb 2025 at 14:53

Hi Phil and all, 

Cheer up re-the Spurs. Could be a lot worse like instead of being a Premier League team playing in the best stadium in the land you’re being stuck in the 4th division for hundreds of years and getting excited over scraping a 1-0 win over the ‘mighty’ Harrogate Town. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ. 
I’m currently in Tokyo having busted open the pension pot to go over and visit my son no 2, (Tokyo Joe). It s fab over here, everyone so respectful and gracious. True to form, the first place I found to eat was a curry house (Nepalese - the best). It was cheap as chips, and honestly the best curry I’ve had in years. The memory of the chicken tikka starters will go with me to the grave!

Downside is that there is a lot and a lot more of walking ip steps (mainly up from the underground) and my feet are effing killing me more and more due to the Prostap - nightmare!

Anyways, have a good weekend chaps and hope your relevant footy and rugby interests all win. I’m going to a Buddhist temple tomorrow, I’ll do a bow or two, burn some insence and wish the very best of good luck on us all ๐Ÿ˜€.



Posted 08 Feb 2025 at 15:21

Hey Phil,

Good to hear the building work is coming on Kev. Hard work but great when you’re done. I bet your neighbours wondered if they were digging for bodies. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ.

Funny enough my Mrs said that. ๐Ÿคฃ A delivery guy turned up while the removal was going on and he handed the parcel to one of the workmen, so we have a picture of a guy dressed in white coveralls taking the parcel ๐Ÿ˜… we're keeping that.


What an awesome trip you're having, there's nothing quite like meeting close family overseas, met my son abroad a couple of times, having a free guide was a bonus. Tokyo Joe.. sounds like yours has a new moniker. 

I'll be watching the six nations later and shouting at the TV again. 

Cheers all,


Edited by member 08 Feb 2025 at 16:55  | Reason: Typo

Posted 09 Feb 2025 at 09:06

Hi lads.

Spongebob. Great to see that you're enjoying visiting one of your lads in Tokyo in The land of the rising sun. Last week I met up with one of mine in Grimsby in the Land of the living dead. ๐Ÿ˜

I've just realised that our reality pub, The Protocologist's Finger has been open for nearly a year! Perhaps on the 18th we should put on a virtual buffet and free drinks.๐Ÿฅช๐Ÿป

Great sport. Loved the Newcastle and Birmingham game and the England v France rugby match.

Edited by member 09 Feb 2025 at 09:07  | Reason: Typo

Posted 09 Feb 2025 at 19:01

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

I've just realised that our reality pub, The Protocologist's Finger has been open for nearly a year! Perhaps on the 18th we should put on a virtual buffet and free drinks.๐Ÿฅช๐Ÿป

Hi Adrian, 

The pub is a great idea of yours. The 18th is my wife's birthday so there'll be virtual cake too. Can't say how many candles though, I want to stay in her good books. 




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