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Posted 17 Feb 2025 at 13:02

Cheers Kev ๐Ÿ‘

Sounds like you had a really nice weekend. Done a bit of clay pigeon shooting in the past . Me and the missus were ok and my oldest was good but they wouldn’t let our youngest do it due to his age and not having a gun small enough. We used to go down to Somerset at least once a year to ride our trail bikes round the farmers fields, and mine around the lanes with the youngest on the back and did most of our shooting down there. 

Its so lovely to see spring coming. I can’t wait to be sitting in the garden. 

Hope you have a great time in Zurich. It’s supposed to be lovely … Happy Birthday to your lovely wife  ๐Ÿฅณ.. 

Nice to be having another grandchild on the way and I can remember the struggle to decide on a name.. 

Take care



Posted 17 Feb 2025 at 13:39

Ey up lads.

I tried clay pigeon shooting and was rubbish at it, which is a bit frightening, considering I was in the Army. ๐Ÿ˜

Kev. I hope your wife has a fabulous birthday, mate.

Phil. The game was pretty poor, but I thought Spurs were worthy winners. If I keep betting on them getting beat, they'll soon be top of the table ๐Ÿ™‚  Good luck with your consultation tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you mate.


Edited by member 17 Feb 2025 at 17:14  | Reason: Typo

Posted 17 Feb 2025 at 14:12

"Highlight will be Swiss chocolate and cheese fondue"


That's an unusual recipe!


Posted 17 Feb 2025 at 17:06

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

"Highlight will be Swiss chocolate and cheese fondue"


That's an unusual recipe!


Haha, I should have edited that, and as a cheeseophobe, not only unusual but it would be my worst nightmare!

As we'll be visiting a chocolate factory, I'll bring back plenty of virtual chocolates for the virtual pub so don't forget your virtual toothbrushes. 



Posted 18 Feb 2025 at 08:22

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I tried clay pigeon shooting and was rubbish at it, which is a bit frightening, considering I was in the Army. ๐Ÿ˜

From memory, shooting in the army is very different Adrian, you need to have a blinding hangover, be seeing double, or even be actively still pi**ed ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

I love clay shooting. I'd like to get my own gun, but the wife isn't keen. I guess I'll have to make do with potting the odd rat in the garden with my .22!

Kev, enjoy Zurich mate, that sounds amazing. Never been to Switzerland but would love to go one day. I'm with you on the fondue issue. Cheese is something to eat on a cracker, not melt and dip things in ๐Ÿคฎ

Phil - I hope the appointment goes well today mate. We'll all be keeping our fingers crossed.

I'm currently waiting for the results of an MRI last week, after suffering from lower back pain for the last month or so. Surgeon says he is convinced it isn't cancer coming back for a second go, but wanted to have a look just to see what was going on.

Happy Tuesday all. 

Posted 18 Feb 2025 at 09:35

Hi Lads.

Ian. Our virtual pub, which you named,  The Protocologists Finger ๐Ÿ˜, has been open a year today!

I've got a couple of .22 air rifles and in the summer I do a bit of target shooting in the garden with my grandson.

Like you I get pains in my lower back and in my hips and legs. I had a scan, I think it was about fifteen years ago, and I had some sort of arthritis. It gets worse when it's cold and damp. I believe it caused a bit of confusion when I had my cancer bone scan. They found lytic areas, which were fortunately related to the arthritic condition and not PCa.

I wondered, if like me, your bone pains are caused by once doing too much road running? It is a bit unsettling when you get any sort of bone pains when you've been diagnosed with PCa, you always fear the worse.

I will also be thinking of Phil today and keeping my fingers crossed for him.

I had my two year post op PSA test yesterday and am anxiously awaing the results to be put on my GP's systmonline. Good or bad news, I'm heading to the Club this afternoon.

I think it's Kev wife's birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MRS KEV!

Anyway got to shoot off. Going to see a bloke about doing a few new jobs on my old car.

See you later boys.

Edited by member 19 Feb 2025 at 11:36  | Reason: Additional text

Posted 19 Feb 2025 at 16:46

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I had my two year post op PSA test yesterday and am anxiously awaing the results to be put on my GP's systmonline. Good or bad news, I'm heading to the Club this afternoon.

Early yesterday afernoon, only 26 hours after my blood was taken, the results were put on my patient record. My PSA is still undetectable  at <0.02. I'm over the moon.

According to nonograms, with Gleason 9(4+5) and a T3a staging, I still have a 50% chance of recurrence within 5 years, but so far so good. I just hope the results remain all clear in the future and I remain in the lucky half.

I had a few pints to celebrate but kept my celebrations to myself. A friend of mine,  another regular at the Club, hasn't been so fortunate. He had the same op, six months earlier than me. He has only recently  informed that he has BCR and has not yet had his PMSA scan results. He had Gleason 7 (4+3) and a T2 staging, yet his has come back. There sometimes seems no rhyme or reason to this damned disease. 

Two years 'cancer free' is a huge milestone to me.  My surgeon, obviously did 'a proper good job' on me. I've written to him, praising his work and thanking him, and sent a copy to his CEO. It's the least I can do.


Edited by member 19 Feb 2025 at 18:13  | Reason: Additional text

Posted 19 Feb 2025 at 16:53

Good news Adrian. Enjoy your celebrations albeit somewhat secretly because of your club friend. Hopefully they’ll sort something that works for him. 

Another few months now where you can relax a bit and try to not think of the dreaded devil inside you .. 



Posted 24 Feb 2025 at 12:45

Hi guys, just popped my head in to say hello.

Hope you all had a good weekend ? We had a 40th wedding anniversary party Saturday which was lovely. We are 43 years this year. Remember on our 10th thinking that was good…..

Funny thing was i stopped drinking wine after an hour or so as i just had had enough. The wife was fine and got slightly tipsy… Don’t know if going off the wine is a permanent thing due to the damage done to my taste buds by the chemo or just one of those days.

I went out with a couple of old work mates last week and had the low alcohol beer. I usually drive there but this time the missus didn’t want me driving so she drove me there. I was a couple in before I realised I could’ve had normal beer …! Silly me but it did mean less visits to the toilet. Had a nice meal and some good chat.

CT scan yesterday which was  ok. Even the drink you take before didn’t taste too bad. When i started on this journey the drink was horrid. Won’t know results till 18th March. Hopefully no spread to organs or the Radium 223 is off the cards. And i presume then its straight onto the Cabazitaxel.

Was some good football and rugby over the weekend. Well chuffed with the Spurs result . Got to get past Man City on Wednesday. Going to sit down and watch that one …. Maybe with a glass of wine.

Still feeling very weak and breathing not so good but hopefully that will change as the reduced steroids take affect. I shall start measuring my weight to see if it’s affected . I was just over 13 stone then i lost loads to get well below 11 stone which was great other than I felt like absolute s***. So if I can get to 11 stone and feel ok then that’s a result.

Anyways time for coffee and a biscuit.. or maybe 2 …

Take care guys, 


Posted 24 Feb 2025 at 14:36

Hi Phil.

Forty three years of wedlock. What an achievement! I've been married for 48 years, but to two women and not at the same time. ๐Ÿ˜‡

It was a pity you went low alcohol beer instead of normal. My wife was away this weekend with the daughter, visiting our son in Liverpool. I felt lonely. I sought company at the club. ๐Ÿ™„ Saturday was fine, the trains were running and I managed a six hour session on Mild. On Sunday there's no train service, I had to drive in, and was on Guinness zero. I could only manage a couple of cans (they don't do it on draft) and left within an hour. Thank heavens I had a few bottles of real ale at home. I watched the Man City v Liverpool game and lost yet another tenner, backing the home team. I am the worst football gambler in the world! However, the food at the weekend was brill, the local Indian and Chinese takeaways are great. ๐Ÿ‘Œ

I hope your strength returns, mate, and that your breathing get easier. It's very sad to see you struggling.


Posted 24 Feb 2025 at 15:26

48 years being married wow… I was 27 when we married but the missus was only 19 so couldn’t have done many more ๐Ÿคฃ. 
I actually quite liked the low alcohol beer . And it’s definitely better on the bladder. I presume it’s just the alcohol that makes the bladder more sensitive. 
I’ve got a Guinness zero in the fridge a friend brought. I’ll have to try it - maybe Wednesday.. 

As you know I like my food and we’re off to a seafood restaurant we’ve not been to before on Friday . Great reviews and it’s only a couple of miles away. Already scanned the menu ๐Ÿค”. 

I’ve got to sort out tea for tonight yet … Was gonna do hunters chicken but no chicken in the freezer . So it could be sausages, pies or some fish ( with rice as I’ve gone off chips ) … 



Posted 25 Feb 2025 at 08:36

Wow, that's a lot of marriage between you two guys! I feel like a novice at 36 years this year ๐Ÿ˜‚

Haven't seen any football for a while, but that does sound like a good one to watch on Wednesday Phil. I did enjoy the Rugby at the weekend, although the Scots had me biting my nails! I've got my eldest son, his wife , and two granddaughters staying for a couple of weeks now, while the builders finish some work at their house, so I won't be getting to watch much sport on the TV. It'll be more Bluey, or Hey Duggee.......

I hope your breathing get's easier Phil, as that doesn't sound much fun. Nothing much to report here, other than this constant back pain, which is getting tiresome now.

Have a good day all.

Posted 25 Feb 2025 at 10:04

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Wow, that's a lot of marriage between you two guys! I feel like a novice at 36 years this year ๐Ÿ˜‚

I started young. I was only 20 years old when I got married first time. However, I've reduced my 48 years of marriage, to like yourself, 36 years. Although living together for 28 years with wife no.2, it took me dozen years to pluck up enough courage to tie the knot again. Hence the 'living in sin' deduction. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

I admire you having family staying for a couple of weeks. I love mine to bits, but struggle with visits over 2 or 3 days. My wife says I've become a miserable old git since my diagnosis. So I can add becoming a curmudgeon to my ever increasing list of cancer side effects. ๐Ÿ˜„


Edited by member 25 Feb 2025 at 10:22  | Reason: Additional text.

Posted 25 Feb 2025 at 10:28

It was actually my wife who said shall we get married. She was 18 then and we were on holiday so we sent postcards to everyone to invite them to our engagement party when we’d got home. Was bonfire night too so was a good party. 

Yes having visitors for more than a few days is hard work. Our son comes over from Jersey but they generally stay for 4 or 5 days. But having little ones always makes it a bit harder, lovely to have them but nice when you get your house back. 

I try hard not to become a miserable old git. An acquaintance of mine had liver cancer and he became so bitter . I don’t want to be like that. Also my Dad was a miserable b****** especially to me ( never knew why) and so I don’t want to become like him. 

I am taking paracetamol 4x a day now to ease my back . Which it does. I suspect it is the cancer in my spine starting to play up. Hopefully I can have the Radium and it’ll ease it for a while. My palliative nurse recommended the 4 x dose as she said it’s much better than taking it when needed. 

Sat in the conservatory waiting for the sun to come out ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผ….. I could be waiting a while. 

By the way I weighed myself this morning and bloody hell im up to 13 stone 5lbs . No wonder nothing fits me anymore. Work needed……..

Have a good day guys.


Posted 27 Feb 2025 at 08:45

‘Konichiwa’ Chaps, Spongebob here, I’m back! So, make yourselves a cup of tea, sit down, relax and be ready to have a long read because I am going to tell you about Japan ๐Ÿ˜.

Japan is not a country that I have had any aspirations to ever visit, after all I have read many biographies of ex-WW2 POWs retelling their horrific and tortuous experiences under the hands of the Japs, and in particular I’ve read one book more than once called ‘One Fourteenth of an Elephant’ (Ian Denys Peek) which is deeply engrained in my mind. On the otherhand I’ve also read ‘Shogun’ and I remember watching that as a series on TV starring Dr Kildaire (Richard Chamberlain), this gave a fascinating insight into Japan’s past. Anyway, son no 2, aka Tokyo Joe is over there on a University Study year, so me and Mrs Spongebob decided to break the bank to go and visit him.

The first inkling of a different land hit me when I boarded the ANA plane on meeting the stewardesses who were so polite and friendly. Indeed, I ventured my first ‘arigato’ (thank you) which was greeted with gracious deep bows and the broadest, friendliest smiles I have seen in a long while. This was in deep contrast to the experience of being rudely booted through the security system at Heathrow where we all treated like naughty seven year old schoolboys wearing shorts and daring to contemplate bring a bag of marbles to school in our pockets.

After landing at Haneda airport in Tokyo after a 14 hour flight we were efficiently processed through immigration to collecting our bags in a matter of minutes, again being greeted throughout with bowing and smiling airport staff. Then on leaving the airport and using the Jap transport system for the first time some differences are immediately apparent. I noticed that the place was spotless, no litter, no graffiti and no-one sleeping rough on the streets. And yet there are no bins with people seemingly used to taking their own rubbish home with them. On the trains, a level of common decency and consideration to your fellow travellers is expected so no-one speaks and no talking on mobile phones. People form orderly queues to get on the trains and buses, and to go cross the roads, there is no ‘me first – stuff you’ attitude.

You see, in Japan the place is packed. There are millions of people living on top of everyone with 32 million in Tokyo on it’s own. It makes sense therefore for common decency and consideration for your fellow man to be prevalent. Then there are the toilets! There are public toilets everywhere, almost on every street corner. They are spotlessly clean, many are ‘space age’ toilets with heated seats. The Japanese obviously place a very high priority on their people’s personal comfort and hygiene. In one place I visited there were three guys cleaning the loos, with one guy on his knees scrubbing out a urinal deep up to his armpit. Indeed, on one of our outings I was stricken suddenly with the ‘squits’. In fact, we’d just got off a highland train and got on a cable car when I felt that familiar sudden movement deep down in the back passage area that left me urgently reaching into the depths of my backpack for the Imodium’s. I feared not though, because as soon as the cable car stopped, I was able to reach the nearest public convenience with ease and get sudden relief on a heated toilet seat. Thereafter on that day I had urgent need to visit five more conveniently placed loos before the Imodium’s succeeded.

Contrast that with the UKs public loos and the UK attitude to a basic commonly bodily function! On our return journey home after approx. 30 hours ‘on the hoof’ we found ourselves at Leeds train station at midnight where I was suddenly in desperate need of a dump. So, I searched out the toilets in the station to be greeted by the most disgraceful sight. The floor was a lake of piss and the seat of the pan was covered in piss. I obviously did not want to risk wetting my arse on that and I fortunately with great personal relief. I managed to do a ‘Fench drop’ (remember the old French hole in the ground toilets.) It was grim!  What do we pay our taxes for, surely, we should get better public convenience service than that? Our ‘powers that be’ who we vote in, obviously think that no-one is this country should venture away from the comfort of their own bog if they are in danger of wanting to pee or dump whilst out. It’s barbaric!    

Japan is a very cheap place for us Brits to visit. Public transport is cheap, we got IC cards which are equivalent I guess to Oyster cards, and we put the equivalent of £75 on them. This then got us all around the cities (Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka,Nagano) for 3 weeks and included a few day trips out (same as going London to Brighton for example). IC cards can also be used to pay for stuff in convenience stores etc. The bullet trains (Shinkanzen) are about the same cost as our inter city trains but a lot more pleasant and spacious, in fact very akin to good air travel. Public transport is also very efficient, everything on time and very frequent. Again, lets contrast that with the UK. On our return journey back home, we reached Kings Cross in good time, however, I did allow a good 3-hour window in case of mishap for our train up to Leeds. That’s a journey I used to take frequently when I worked in London, I had a routine of meeting up with a mate also on a London weekly commute, in the Parcel Yard bar in the station. We would sink a few pints of ‘London Pride’ at the relief of surviving yet another week of toil in our respective troublesome working roles before getting on First Class (we’d worked out how to fridge the expenses to allow us a First Class seat – naughty!).

Anyway, so here we are back from Japan after 3 weeks having a few drinks in the Parcel Yard, me for old times sake. The wife found that she had to pay a 5 quid service charge for the unsmiling waitress to bring her a drink, whilst every time I went to the bar, I felt like I was inconveniencing them for daring to ask for a drink. Then when it was time to go get on our train, we find that it is delayed by 40 minutes and then when we finally arrive in Leeds it is over one and a half hours late meaning that we missed our last connecting train home as it was after 11:30pm. The LNER train staff had scarpered leaving us to our own devices. I was in the process of ordering an Uber that would cost £50 when we saw a group of other passengers by the taxi rank where they had managed to collar some poor unfortunate sod who was grumpily trying to arrange for taxis home. There were people wanting to go everywhere in Yorkshire, taxis to Harrogate, Halifax etc. And so it was that we were squeezed into a taxi and driven home by Mohammed.  I thought that Mohammed would be happy at this unexpected taxi bonanza but no, he was upset because he had to drive all the way back to Leeds empty. Whereas, back in Japan there are train staff everywhere all immaculately dressed in smart uniforms. We only got in a taxi once, just to get to a place that looked difficult to navigate to. The taxi was cheap, clean and the driver was friendly and courteous.

In that taxi journey back home from Leeds, we saw groups of feral looking hoody wearing teenagers lurking in the shadows. I certainly wouldn’t have liked to have been walking around on the streets there at that time. In Japan, there are small police stations everywhere, most seemed to have a policeman or two standing outside keeping an eye on things giving a reassuring presence. We felt, comfortable and safe everywhere we went no matter what time of day it was. The Japanese were always all courteous and very friendly. There was never a worry about inadvertently catching some one’s eye or anything like that. They have a national identity in Japan and from what I can see there is no-one trying to change that.    

Food is also very cheap; I’d say that eating out is roughly 50% what we pay here in the UK and it is very varied. Anyone who likes seafood would be in their element. However, my favourite meal was on our first night in a Tokyo backstreet restaurant. It turned out to be a Nepalese curry house and the chicken tikka starter was sublime, and it will last forever in my memory. After eating a meal out, so long as it was good you must say ‘Oishee katta’, meaning ‘that was delicious’ and you will get the most amazing reaction. I said it to the Nepalese guys, and the cooks, waiter, owner all came out wearing the biggest smiles, they were absolutely delighted. It was a fabulous experience.

Being a sightseeing tourist on this kind of trip is hard work. Tokyo is full of steps, up and down the subways. I found it very hard and my feet were killing me. But it was very rewarding to see all the sights and experience the smells and sounds of the busy markets, busy streets, temples, castles, shrines, snow monkeys, friendly deer that you can hand feed, the views over the mass urban sprawl of Tokyo etc. I mentioned the food above, but yes every meal was an experience and even eating with chop sticks all the time was great. Me and Mrs Spongebob particularly enjoyed the odd sake (rice drink) or two or three on an afternoon, which helped to relieve the pain in my feet.

At most of the sights, temples etc the Japanese girls would dress up in traditional kimonos, seemingly for the sole purpose of posing in front of the sight for a photograph. Which I assume they would post on their social media profiles. All a bit false, but for me it added to the attraction for most of these girls are absolutely, stunningly attractive. And it was great to see them celebrating their culture, something that they are obviously very proud of. I guess it would be similar to a Scot dressing up in a kilt and posing for a photo standing outside Stirling castle then posting it on Facebook as it still seems acceptable in this country for the Scottish at least to still celebrate their culture.

And so, we are back. When we landed back in Blighty at Heathrow, we were marshalled through the Arrivals channels by unfriendly and mostly foreign airport staff. We might be forgiven for not knowing which country we’d landed at. Now back to the old routine – PSA testing up next!

Never in a million years did I ever think we could afford to go on a trip like this. After all it was a trip of a lifetime. But somehow, we found the funds to do it and whilst in Japan I reflected on this a lot. Given how hard I found it ‘sightseeing’ at my time of life and Prostap afflicted, I am convinced that if anyone has aspirations to see places then they need to do it now and don’t put it off because in 10 years’ time, if I am still around the chances are that I will be sitting in my chair and any unused surplus dosh that I might still have will be wasted because one thing is certain once I pop my clogs I can’t take it with me! I have been trying to encourage the same sentiment to my friends – so get travelling, NOW!



Posted 27 Feb 2025 at 11:19

That is a fantastic piece you’ve written on your visit to Japan. Loved reading it and very jealous. Our youngest loves Japan and has been learning the language for years. Him and his missus are off on holiday there again in a couple of months. They’ve been twice before. Would love to go with them but not sure yet on my treatment plan.. 

When you visit somewhere like that and then return home it certainly makes you aware of the huge differences in culture. 

Really pleased that you had such a lovely time . 



Posted 27 Feb 2025 at 13:14

What an amazing trip! I'm jealous too.

I agree, if there's somewhere on your bucket list, do it while you can. 

We just got back from Zurich yesterday, the place is clean and feels safe, the Swiss are polite and their transport system runs like clockwork, so getting around is easy. The place isn't cheap and chocolate can be ridiculously expensive. We visitited the Lindt factory and the tour was like Willy Wonka's place but without the Oompa-Loompas, plenty of chocolate tasting to be had though. 

Zurich Airport is very nice, but then we flew back to Luton which by contrast is tired and tatty round the edges, but only half an hour up the road from us, so we make do.




Edited by member 27 Feb 2025 at 13:18  | Reason: Typo

Posted 28 Feb 2025 at 08:57

Hi Spongebob. It's very heartening to see that you had such a brilliant trip. You've been through a lot mate and deserve to treat yourself. 

Amongst our group of regulars, I am definitely the odd man out regards travelling. Apart from when I was in the Army, I've only been abroad three times in my life. My passport expired at least twenty years ago. I don't even know if I could still renew it?

Fortunately, my wife had travelled extensively, prior to meeting me. Due to her exhusband's work, she had lived and holidayed all over the world. I think she had sort of 'travelled herself out' and, like me, is happy to 'stay at home'.


Posted 12 Mar 2025 at 16:34

Hey up Chaps,

How you all diddling? A bit of a mixed day here weather wise, it's bright one minute but then nippy with the odd spell of hail the next minute. Anyway, bitter cold wet wind putting me off going up the allotment today. I'm fairly chuffed with progress on the plot, I've managed to clear a sizeable chunk of it and done a fair bit of digging. Chucked a load of chicken poo pellets on it and will hopefully be ready soon to plant some spuds and stuff.

Hey Phil, hope your son and his missus enjoy their upcoming trip to japan as much as we did, it was a fabulous experience. Mrs Spongebob has now got the travel bug and talking about all kinds of exotic trips but with Donald going around the place trashing our pension pots with his tariffs I'm not too sure how we would manage to fund any other trips. Might be better to be like you Adrian, just make the most of what we've got. I've been on many a trip where I think I've seen wonderous sites only to then return to Gods own county to realise that we are actually sitting here on one of the most spectacular places on earth. Having said that, I wouldn't mind a trip to see Switzerland like Kev, nothing quite like big mountains and cuckoo clocks. I once passed through Switzerland we were heading to Annecy from the Jura and found a route through Geneva. I remember as it was in the days before sat navs and with Mrs S in the co-pilot seat who doesn't know what an atlas is, so it was that we got lost in Geneva where there seemed to be a distinct lack of meaningful road signs ๐Ÿค”.

Anyway, just reluctantly had my eighth Prostap injection and PSA test came back with a whopping < 0.01, so good news ๐Ÿ˜„. And there we have it, oh, also much mention to boot someone finally beat Liverpool, what a shame ๐Ÿ˜, just wondering if the Geordies can up their game on Sunday to cap it off. I'm keeping quiet about the Bantams, things looking unbelievably too good at the moment, don't want to jinx it.

Enjoy your days


Posted 12 Mar 2025 at 20:25

Hi guys

heads up, I’m in hospital at the moment after being admitted very early Tuesday morning. I’ve been suffering with breathlessness and a cough for a little while but got bad enough that Angela, my wife phoned 111 and they sent an ambulance. Paramedics were great, they knew things weren’t right.. 

They discovered in A&E I have got an infection somewhere and fluid on my lungs and round my stomach. Had an ultrasound and X Ray yesterday and CT scan on upper body and Echocardiogram on my heart. Been moved up to a ward. 

My blood oxygen is a bit low so I’m on oxygen at the moment . Started on antibiotics so hope they start working soon and I feel a bit better. 

Seen the A&E doctor twice now and also see my cancer consultant next Tuesday . 

Hoping I can get released for good behaviour tomorrow sometime … ๐Ÿ™‚

Regarding travel I’ve had the bug since I was a kid . I had a lot of impermanence in my childhood and I think that started it off.  We’ve been to the States numerous times, Canada, Australia and New Zealand twice. 
I’ve been to most of Europe either on our holidays or for work and I lived in Germany when I was early 20’s. 

Just love exploring new places and meeting new people . Sometimes strange and sometimes downright weird but always interesting. I could tell you about the Chinese bar in San Francisco Chinatown where they had to throw a guy out because he wanted to fight me ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผ. We called the girls up to meet us there in spite of that and they got slaughtered on some Chinesey Cocktails… Good fun. ๐Ÿธ 

Feel that maybe our globetrotting days are coming to an end now which I find quite sad. As you both said though there’s loads to see in the U.K. and Ireland. Actually Ireland is absolutely stunning. Been to Dublin 3 times and we have friends that live on the coast near Tralee.

Never been to Switzerland but sounds nice ( and clean) . But give Luxembourg a miss. It’s a real shithole. Dog poo everywhere… ๐Ÿ’ฉ 

Ah, I’m rambling again… it’s the meds honest. 

Keep up the work on the allotment guys. Sounds like hard work. But very rewarding I’ll bet. And I’m not getting into anything about Donald …! My blood pressure is really good at the moment… 

Take care guys, enjoy yourself’s it’s later than you think. 



Edited by member 12 Mar 2025 at 20:28  | Reason: Some bizarre grammar

Posted 12 Mar 2025 at 22:14

Take care Phil, get well and out of that hospital.

All the best


Posted 12 Mar 2025 at 22:18

Hi Phil, 

Sorry to hear you're in hospital, hopefully you kick the infection into touch and get home soon. 

Feel free to ramble on anytime. 



Posted 13 Mar 2025 at 08:18

Morning guys

Phil, I'm really sorry to hear that you're laid up in hospital. I hope you are on the mend now mate, and that they let you home today.

Spongebob, you are beating me on the allotment front. Managed to get mine cleared and rotovated, but with my son and his family having moved in for an extended stay, I haven't managed to get up there for the last few weekends.

We haven't travelled abroad since just before Covid arrived. The thought of sitting in a metal tube full of people sneezing and coughing all over us, put us off for a while, and we never really got back into it. Having bought the camper van, we intend to explore our lovely country thoroughly now!

Have a good day chaps.


Posted 13 Mar 2025 at 09:27

Hi lads.

Sorry for reporting in late for duty.  It's Cheltenham week and it's on the TV in the Club. On Tuesday and Wednesday, I've had a couple of very long sessions of boozing and betting and still got two days to go.

There are a few lads in there that think we know a bit about racing but we've been humiliated by a couple of grannies who've been picking far more winners than us, by their numbers, colours, or names.

Phil, you and Angela are going though such a rough time, mate. I hope that you're feeling better today and sent back home.

It's great to see that Spring has sprung. My garden is full of snowdrops, crocus and primroses. I've managed to cut the lawn and it doesn't look too bad, considering I scarified it to death last Autumn.

Best of luck with your allotment Spongebob. A few of my club mates have been busy on theirs. I'll soon be buying them pints in exchange for their home grown produce. No tariffs involved. ๐Ÿ™‚

Posted 13 Mar 2025 at 14:06

Oh Phil, 

Sorry to see you are in hospital, I hope the anti biotics are beginning to kick in. Thank goodness Angela was on the ball, us gals have our uses, or so I’m told. 
As for travelling, we’ve both done a fair bit, I lived in Palestine when I was a lot  younger, David toured America as a young Muzo.

We have backpacked around Thailand, Laos, Myanmar and Europe. Loved it, though carrying me rucksack in the jungle wasn’t always fun. I was out one evening at a bar in a tiny island, I asked hopefully if they had a loo, I was handed a  lit candle and was told the jungle loo was down this track. 
Off I went it was a small hut with a wonderful porcelain loo over a hole with a barrel of water to ‘ flush’ I positioned myself and then a loud croaking sound emerged from the corner, and it was the largest frog I’ve ever seen. 
Back at the bar I was advised if I licked the frog it would give me hallucinations! I ordered a small beer and pondered on how did they find this out. 

Loved backpacking around the Greek island, after day walking  I ended up in hospital with concussion after a fall, the doc at least had the manners to remove his fag before talking to David and telling him I had hurt my head, he had the aroma of brandy and cheap fags, he spoke English but never uttered a word to me,all conversations were with David ๐Ÿ˜‚

Lots of stories about Palestine and my life there, nowadays it’s a simple life here in our valley, we have t been overseas for a few years now. 
My travel bug is still there, but times change. 

I hope you lads don’t mind me sharing a few travellers tales here. 


Edited by member 14 Mar 2025 at 00:43  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 14 Mar 2025 at 09:07

Hi Leila. We love hearing your stories too ๐Ÿ‘. You’ve certainly seen the world .


I am a little sad there’s still places I’d like to see but unlikely to now. Mississippi was a trip I’m so glad we managed recently and I’d recommend to anyone, especially on the paddle steamer. ( the only one still using steam power - amazing) toot toot 

Asia never floated our boat before so we’ve kinda missed that one. Although we have had a few days in Singapore on a stopover but it was so humid … oh plus a few hours in Shanghai on another stopover  ๐Ÿคฃ… 


Take care 


Posted 14 Mar 2025 at 09:40

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I positioned myself and then a loud croaking sound emerged from the corner, and it was the largest frog I’ve ever seen. 

Back at the bar I was advised if I licked the frog it would give me hallucinations!

Hi ๐Ÿ‘‹ Leila.

I loved reading your story.

Twenty eight years ago, in a Grimsby pub, my missus kissed a frog ๐Ÿธ which she'd  hoped would turn into a Prince.  ๐Ÿคด. She must have been hallucinating.

Edited by member 16 Mar 2025 at 10:28  | Reason: Add link

Posted 20 Mar 2025 at 17:53

Hi guys. 

I have updated my thread regarding my latest consultations , and a hospital stay in A&E but that’s not why I’m here. 

I saw this morning Eddie Jordan has died of aggressive PCa. He always seemed irrepressible and could never get old. Very sad. Sad when anyone dies but I suppose it’s worse when you remember the character behind the name. 

I tried to create a new thread on ‘Social’ but not sure it’s gone through. 

So anyway I just popped into have a swift one in his honour. Oh bugger I might have another … remembering all the times his teams punched above their weight. 

RIP Eddie Jordan ๐Ÿฅƒ 

Posted 20 Mar 2025 at 19:04

Hi Phil, 

Sad news indeed. He was quite a character. 

I'm raising a glass too.

On the subject of motoring, I'm driving an automatic Corsa at the mo' (hire car), it's got those gear change paddles, I remember donkeys years ago when they first appeared (on F1 I think). I test drove a Scirocco with them a while back and didn't really get the hang of it so bought a manual, but then half hour isn't long enough. Having a bit more fun with this Corsa though, takes practice and I'll probably crack it just before I hand the keys back. 



Edited by member 20 Mar 2025 at 19:09  | Reason: Typo

Posted 20 Mar 2025 at 19:09

Hi Kev. I’ve had paddles a couple of times I have them on my Audi and the wifey has them on her Mini . But no matter how I try I’m not doing it right… if I want a quick pull away I stick it in sport for a moment. Only for a moment mind…! 
But then you’re younger than me . I just use the slouch setting on my auto ๐Ÿคฃ


Posted 20 Mar 2025 at 19:14

Hey Phil, 

Thanks for pointing out that I'm younger than you, the cheque is in the post mate ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป



Posted 24 Mar 2025 at 11:43

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Hey Phil, 

Thanks for pointing out that I'm younger than you, the cheque is in the post mate ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป




Cheers Kev, everything appreciated, even the 10p …! 




Edited by member 24 Mar 2025 at 11:44  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 27 Mar 2025 at 13:34

Hi guys. 

Just a little travel tale. Not as adventurous as Leila but made us laugh as the time. 

Many moons ago, on our first holiday together me and the missus ( my 16yr old girlfriend then) my cousin and my Nan had ventured out down the coast to visit Benidorm. We were in a little (original) Fiat 500.

Was reasonably busy as we trundled along trying to work out where to park when my girlfriend started screaming and jammed both her legs into my lap . I managed to maintain control and got to the side of the road without mishap. As you may recall there isn’t much spare room in one of those cars. 

It turned out this massive cockroachy thing had dropped out of the dash onto her foot. I must admit it was pretty evil looking. Even I was frightened to get it out of the car. My Nan and my cousin were in hysterics in the back. 

I’ll see if I can recall any others. I travelled a lot in Europe for business early days so must be something lurking in my memory somewhere… 


Posted 27 Mar 2025 at 13:41

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
 As you may recall there isn’t much spare room in one of those cars.

Hi Phil. I guess you didn't get much 'courting' done in that car?

Posted 27 Mar 2025 at 17:25

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
 As you may recall there isn’t much spare room in one of those cars.

Hi Phil. I guess you didn't get much 'courting' done in that car?

Those Fiats are so small … ๐Ÿคฃ

Brilliant holiday. 3 weeks in Spain . First time my missus had been abroad and we went back twice more to the same  villa. It was a big place and we had a little flat that was kinda separate from the main house ๐Ÿ˜‰


Posted 28 Mar 2025 at 13:59

I remember those Fiat 500s, my mum had one. You were never sure whether it was going to start or not, and once started it sounded like a moped. You had to pull a leaver to start it with another leaver for the choke. It was tinny, and could fully expect to be able to stick your legs through the floor like the prehistoric twins in the Whacky Races. My mum progressed onto a Fiat 126 - a box shaped version of the 500. I learnt to drive in that.

Phil if you were driving around Europe on business then your bosses must have been a bit stingy to expect you to get around in Fiat 500.

Just lying up this afternoon, my body slowly recovering after a mean old curry and too much beer & red wine last night (including a couple of pints of Old Peculiar - a blast from the past - superb ๐Ÿ˜ฌ).

Edited by member 28 Mar 2025 at 14:01  | Reason: Corrected predictive text

Posted 28 Mar 2025 at 15:00

We only had the little Fiat on our holibobs.. 

But my bosses were stingy. Had 3 weeks in Detroit in Jan 1985 troubleshooting at Pontiac. One of the bosses there gave us his own car as our rental was a shitheap. It was so cold there, I’d never experienced wind chill like that even in Germany in winter. Good experience though. One weekend we drove to Niagara and Toronto. Frozen falls in Niagara then breakfast at the top of the CN tower looking out over frozen lake. Then a 7 hour drive back to Detroit….

Hope you recover from your slight excesses last night. Was worth it though i presume. 


Edited by member 28 Mar 2025 at 15:01  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 28 Mar 2025 at 18:43

Four up in an original Fiat 500 must have been tight, those cars are tiny! Years ago I had a Fiat 127 which was probably a monster truck by comparison, a hatchback about the size of a Fiesta. Those old Fiats must be collector's items now, can't remember the last time I saw one. Some had a rust problem but not as bad as Lancia.



Posted 28 Mar 2025 at 21:24
Hi everyone

Donโ€™t know if any of you rem me. Wot a time iv had trying to find all the people that made me so welcome when I first came on. Hope you are all keeping good. Iv been reading posts from the pub/cafe. Made me laff n have a wee giggle. I donโ€™t know what iv bn doing been on & itโ€™s been like 2024 posts. How do I get on to this pub/cafe. lol ohhhh no idea how I got on here the now. By the way thanks again for all advice n help. Rut who getting the drinks in??? Ok me I guess ๐Ÿท๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿ‘

Posted 28 Mar 2025 at 21:24
Hi everyone

Donโ€™t know if any of you rem me. Wot a time iv had trying to find all the people that made me so welcome when I first came on. Hope you are all keeping good. Iv been reading posts from the pub/cafe. Made me laff n have a wee giggle. I donโ€™t know what iv bn doing been on & itโ€™s been like 2024 posts. How do I get on to this pub/cafe. lol ohhhh no idea how I got on here the now. By the way thanks again for all advice n help. Rut who getting the drinks in??? Ok me I guess ๐Ÿท๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿ‘

Posted 28 Mar 2025 at 22:13

Hi Suzz. ๐Ÿ‘‹

I remember you. ๐Ÿ™‚

What do you drink?

 If it's like your last post, it'll be a double. ๐Ÿ˜‰


PS: Has your hubby had his biopsy yet?

Edited by member 28 Mar 2025 at 22:17  | Reason: Typo

Posted 28 Mar 2025 at 22:32

Hi Adrian

got lost again. Yea he had it yesterday & bone scan was all clear. Results taking 6-7 weeks. Arghhhhh. Yea pls double for me. I think I actually sent post 3 times ๐Ÿ™ˆ. 
how are you? Hope all ok. Vodka and Diet Coke pls 

Posted 28 Mar 2025 at 22:42

It's great news about his bone scan being all clear. Did he cope alright with the biopsy? I know how frustrating it is waiting for the results. I hope they are good. Please keep us updated. ๐Ÿ‘

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