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Posted 17 Feb 2025 at 13:02

Cheers Kev 👍

Sounds like you had a really nice weekend. Done a bit of clay pigeon shooting in the past . Me and the missus were ok and my oldest was good but they wouldn’t let our youngest do it due to his age and not having a gun small enough. We used to go down to Somerset at least once a year to ride our trail bikes round the farmers fields, and mine around the lanes with the youngest on the back and did most of our shooting down there. 

Its so lovely to see spring coming. I can’t wait to be sitting in the garden. 

Hope you have a great time in Zurich. It’s supposed to be lovely … Happy Birthday to your lovely wife  🥳.. 

Nice to be having another grandchild on the way and I can remember the struggle to decide on a name.. 

Take care



Posted 17 Feb 2025 at 13:39

Ey up lads.

I tried clay pigeon shooting and was rubbish at it, which is a bit frightening, considering I was in the Army. 😁

Kev. I hope your wife has a fabulous birthday, mate.

Phil. The game was pretty poor, but I thought Spurs were worthy winners. If I keep betting on them getting beat, they'll soon be top of the table 🙂  Good luck with your consultation tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you mate.


Edited by member 17 Feb 2025 at 17:14  | Reason: Typo

Posted 17 Feb 2025 at 14:12

"Highlight will be Swiss chocolate and cheese fondue"


That's an unusual recipe!


Posted 17 Feb 2025 at 17:06

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

"Highlight will be Swiss chocolate and cheese fondue"


That's an unusual recipe!


Haha, I should have edited that, and as a cheeseophobe, not only unusual but it would be my worst nightmare!

As we'll be visiting a chocolate factory, I'll bring back plenty of virtual chocolates for the virtual pub so don't forget your virtual toothbrushes. 



Posted 18 Feb 2025 at 08:22

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I tried clay pigeon shooting and was rubbish at it, which is a bit frightening, considering I was in the Army. 😁

From memory, shooting in the army is very different Adrian, you need to have a blinding hangover, be seeing double, or even be actively still pi**ed 😬

I love clay shooting. I'd like to get my own gun, but the wife isn't keen. I guess I'll have to make do with potting the odd rat in the garden with my .22!

Kev, enjoy Zurich mate, that sounds amazing. Never been to Switzerland but would love to go one day. I'm with you on the fondue issue. Cheese is something to eat on a cracker, not melt and dip things in 🤮

Phil - I hope the appointment goes well today mate. We'll all be keeping our fingers crossed.

I'm currently waiting for the results of an MRI last week, after suffering from lower back pain for the last month or so. Surgeon says he is convinced it isn't cancer coming back for a second go, but wanted to have a look just to see what was going on.

Happy Tuesday all. 

Posted 18 Feb 2025 at 09:35

Hi Lads.

Ian. Our virtual pub, which you named,  The Protocologists Finger 😁, has been open a year today!

I've got a couple of .22 air rifles and in the summer I do a bit of target shooting in the garden with my grandson.

Like you I get pains in my lower back and in my hips and legs. I had a scan, I think it was about fifteen years ago, and I had some sort of arthritis. It gets worse when it's cold and damp. I believe it caused a bit of confusion when I had my cancer bone scan. They found lytic areas, which were fortunately related to the arthritic condition and not PCa.

I wondered, if like me, your bone pains are caused by once doing too much road running? It is a bit unsettling when you get any sort of bone pains when you've been diagnosed with PCa, you always fear the worse.

I will also be thinking of Phil today and keeping my fingers crossed for him.

I had my two year post op PSA test yesterday and am anxiously awaing the results to be put on my GP's systmonline. Good or bad news, I'm heading to the Club this afternoon.

I think it's Kev wife's birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MRS KEV!

Anyway got to shoot off. Going to see a bloke about doing a few new jobs on my old car.

See you later boys.

Edited by member 19 Feb 2025 at 11:36  | Reason: Additional text

Posted 19 Feb 2025 at 16:46

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I had my two year post op PSA test yesterday and am anxiously awaing the results to be put on my GP's systmonline. Good or bad news, I'm heading to the Club this afternoon.

Early yesterday afernoon, only 26 hours after my blood was taken, the results were put on my patient record. My PSA is still undetectable  at <0.02. I'm over the moon.

According to nonograms, with Gleason 9(4+5) and a T3a staging, I still have a 50% chance of recurrence within 5 years, but so far so good. I just hope the results remain all clear in the future and I remain in the lucky half.

I had a few pints to celebrate but kept my celebrations to myself. A friend of mine,  another regular at the Club, hasn't been so fortunate. He had the same op, six months earlier than me. He has only recently  informed that he has BCR and has not yet had his PMSA scan results. He had Gleason 7 (4+3) and a T2 staging, yet his has come back. There sometimes seems no rhyme or reason to this damned disease. 

Two years 'cancer free' is a huge milestone to me.  My surgeon, obviously did 'a proper good job' on me. I've written to him, praising his work and thanking him, and sent a copy to his CEO. It's the least I can do.


Edited by member 19 Feb 2025 at 18:13  | Reason: Additional text

Posted 19 Feb 2025 at 16:53

Good news Adrian. Enjoy your celebrations albeit somewhat secretly because of your club friend. Hopefully they’ll sort something that works for him. 

Another few months now where you can relax a bit and try to not think of the dreaded devil inside you .. 



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