I am in the process of getting in the que for an implant. I just want to see if I can try invicorp . I don't think it's available here in Canada. Nothing else has worked successfully for me since my radical prostatectomy , almost 3 years ago now at age 71. Sounds old , i know, but I'm very fit and active for my age .
Can you tell me how your partner feels about your implant ? Does it feel normal to the the touch ? Is the length and girth much different? Does it look normal to others ?
I'm also concerned about never riding a bike again ! What other side effects might I encounter ? There was talk about having to wear loose fitting pants/shorts etc. Any truth to that ?
I get the feeling that some of the doctors are glossing over some of these issues.
Sorry for all the questions , but I want to know all the facts going in. If anyone can answer any of these questions I'd sure appreciate it .
I've already learned a lot from all the posts in the short time i've been on this site. Thank you all for that !