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LOG your web issues here

Posted 02 Sep 2014 at 23:56

I experienced this once before but it has happened again and I am well pi$$ed off. I signed in and spent  a considerable time on introducing  a new subject under General Social.  When I pressed 'Submit' I got 'Access denied' and that I should sign in or join nothwithstanding the fact that I had already signed in. My post is lost and I am not going to risk spending so much time again.

This new format is full of bugs and I fully agree with Allister it is unfit for purpose.  I am sure that instead of being instrumental in getting new members to join, there are now fewer joining than when we had the old easy to follow and more user friendly format.  Now that we have sadly lost Barry Topgun, apart from a very few long running threads, there are not many new postings, particularly from those long experienced members.


On a different tack, I was researching something on the net and there were some words off mine I recognised.  I clicked on it and it took me to a thread on this site and it showed me that through process it would be possible,  in some cases, for somebody criminally inclined to obtain useful information such as when patient  had hospital appointments at what hospitals, when they were going on cruises etc. So I think members should be aware and careful in what they post.

Posted 03 Sep 2014 at 00:10
Guess what? paged back and found my 'lost' post though it now had the subject missing. Added this again and submitted and it has now gone forward for 'Moderation'. Great!! However, I am again experiencing a previously advised problem of not being able to paragraph which I note others have also found.
Posted 04 Sep 2014 at 17:50

Comments from my posting on 21 July

Comment 3: “My Conversations” shows 50 postings. In you posting on 23.7.14 you mentioned that this would be fixed later to show all of my past postings. Any movement on this, please?

Comment 5; “Since your last visit...” See also my 4th paragraph in my posting on 27 August in “Slow site response and Internet Explorer issues” about the 404 Error. I don’t know if this has been fixed but when I go in whatever is said about new posts since my last visit does not match the number of posts shown below since my last visit. The number shown is always less and has been for over a week.

Comment 6: Your response to my Comment 6 in your posting on 23 July was for guidance on continuing an archived conversation. Are there any plans to produce something for new members - and members - about the options and functions on the site?

Comment 10: This asked about including the option we had on the old Message Board to preview a posting before it is posted. Any movement on this, please?

Comment 11. You say that the cut and paste problem which I mentioned is caused by local browsers and not the online community software. I am puzzled by this. The cut and paste problem occurs when you try to cut and paste into a message in the “Post reply” box. . But you can cut and paste into the “Show Quick Reply” box, however if any of the text is in bold, italic or is underlined then these features are not shown when the text is pasted into the box. Because of this is it possible that the problem of cutting and pasting in the “Post reply” box and not the “Show Quick Reply” box rests with your system?

I had three browsers installing in my new computer a few weeks ago I am not sure how these can be causing the problem.
Signing in: I still have trouble signing in, as mentioned in my posting on 27 August. Sometimes I get in straightaway as a member other times I have to go through “User name” and “Password” routine. Also, when “in” I sometimes find that I have been signed off.

I have now got “Edit” back.

When using the “Post reply” box I cannot drop down a line but I can in the “Show Quick Reply” box. This is an intermittent problem.
I hope this is useful. The “Enter“ key for spacing is now not working!


Spacing inserted on 8 September

Edited by member 09 Sep 2014 at 12:25  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 04 Sep 2014 at 23:22


Hopefully they can fix these things. I am unfortunately losing interest in this forum. I have to keep re - signing in.
I use the view recent post facility but I still get surprised all too frequently that I have missed posts.

Posted 05 Sep 2014 at 09:15
Same here Bri

Having to sign in nearly every time I access site, which I never had to do before, it's getting very frustrating, and I share your concerns regarding people leaving or not partaking in forum as much.


Posted 05 Sep 2014 at 11:53

Hi all,

Thanks for your patience recently we know there have been a number of returning issues, that we had previously fixed, that have severely affected the usability of the site.

As a number of you reported that you were having issues signing in, and our developers did some investigation into what the cause may be. During this time quite a lot of work was done on the community that had an adverse impact on some pieces of functionality. We have fixed the issue in modern browsers but there is currently still an issue when using an older browser (Internet Explorer 8). We have added a help message on the log in page that will show people what to do to successfully log in if they are using this browser and are experiencing issues but we estimate this is currently affecting  less than 1% of users.

We’re aware that there were some temporary issues that came about during the investigation into this problem, but these have now been fixed.

Here are the items we've fixed:

- The ability to edit posts
- The ability to thank posts
- An issue with the search resulting an error page when searching
- Adding paragraphs in to the quick reply box - while the quick reply box has never been meant to provide all the formatting options of the main reply page, you should now be able to include paragraph breaks by pressing enter twice
- The issue with users being logged out at random times and needing to log back in (please do let me know ASAP if this does happen again to you)
- Conversation titles sometimes disappearing (we *think* we've solved it - please let me know ASAP if you see this again)

If you are still seeing any of these issues please let us know, even if you think it's already been reported.

Alan, I will get back to you as soon as I can regarding your comments as I need to speak with the developers about some of your issues.

I will keep updating you all as the changes go live and thank you all for your helpful feedback so we can continue to improve the service.

Best wishes,



Posted 05 Sep 2014 at 12:46

All good news that it is being worked on.

And my return key works today hooray.

I will see if I can edit this post to put a "thanks" in at the end.


Thanks, therefore "edit" works.  

Edited again to state that have side buttons to edit, reply, quote and delete.  Can see the thank button in other's posts.

Edited by member 05 Sep 2014 at 14:05  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 06 Sep 2014 at 07:41

Still having to resign in when accessing off my smartphone

Posted 06 Sep 2014 at 07:53

Have to sign in every time I come on.

Did not have to previously - stayed signed in.

Thank you

Posted 06 Sep 2014 at 18:32

Quote - "The issue with users being logged out at random times and needing to log back in (please do let me know ASAP if this does happen again to you)"

"We have fixed the issue in modern browsers but there is currently still an issue when using an older browser (Internet Explorer 8). "

I have windows 8, on a relatively new (18 months old at most) computer.
I have been away on a weeks break with no internet access and had hoped that these issues would be resolved by now.

I still have to log in each time I come to the site.

However, EDIT button does now seem to work which is somethinghttp://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-laughing.gif

Edited by member 06 Sep 2014 at 18:33  | Reason: Not specified

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 07 Sep 2014 at 10:48

I am wondering why staying logged in is such a big dealt personally it log out when I leave so that when I next come in, recent conversations will update from my log out time. I also using IPAD have it set automatically so it takes a second to log back in.

Posted 07 Sep 2014 at 13:54

Well, it isn't a big deal in the wider scheme of things is it.

I'm sure my husband and all of the men on here would rather have a logging in issue as their main bugbear.

To me, at any rate, that really isn't the point. The point is that this particular bugbear is part of a new system that is causing consternation and irritation.

I joined this site just before the new system took effect so have used both. The previous one was simplicity itself and very user friendly. This one isn't.

This section is described as "Log your web issues here". Presumably so that highlighted problems can be fixed.

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 07 Sep 2014 at 16:05

Ditto the above from Johnsan, although I don't think Yorkhull meant it to sound as glibly as it may have been taken? But, that is the problem with the written or typed word, so easily misconstrued. :-)

FWIW I am not bothered about the return key not working, or the lack of paragraphability or having to log in or whatever else occurs.

But if I buy a car that is supposed to start on the turn of a key I will let the mechanic know about it. Why should I accept using a starting handle? PMSL.

The issue with the site being used less I am not so sure of I only look at recent conversations as I do not want to have to look at several screens to catch up with what is going on. Maybe I am missing out. I do consider myself fortunate, as fortunate as one can be having been diagnosed with PCa, that I was here back in May 2013. I was fortunate that so many members were here and posting and that there were so many still around to help me. RIP them all.


Posted 07 Sep 2014 at 17:40
Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

This section is described as "Log your web issues here". Presumably so that highlighted problems can be fixed.

Johsan, if you are under the impression that this is a thread for communicating directly with the PCUK design team or web manager, you have misunderstood. It was started by Yorkhull as a way of keeping track of people's frustrations. If you scroll back, the cancer charity staff have only rarely responded / commented. If you want to complain about a logging on problem, probably best to email the moderators or use the thread they set up for getting to know the new platform.

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 08 Sep 2014 at 15:23

Actually Lyn I have to slightly disagree. I did not set this thread up for people to air frustrations but to log actual issues which could then be looked at by the staff and hopefully corrected. I did so because all everyone seemed to be doing at the time was moaning about it and not offering constructive alternatives. Sadie and the other staff have responded to the issues raised and that was what it was meant to do.

But I feel I must defend what I said above too. I feel very despondent about this site but not for the reasons people keep expressing. I do not find the site difficult to use, I see the same and more functionality in this site as the other one, I feel people romanticise about the other one which had its glitches, problems and limitations and I feel we have lost sigh of why we are here - to support each other with PCa. Given that focus should we not be working together to make the most of the site as TopGun did until he passed away. Not a noted IT expert he had no problem communicating nor did any of the old regulars have problems communicating back to him.

We have the wrong mind set here and I think the setting up of alternative sites miss the point too. One of the concerns when we went to PCUK offices to feed in our views was how to protect members from bad advice even dangerous advice. The importance of being linked to a charity with moderators as experts is to protect us too. It is the right place for an online community. Now all I want to do to discuss my concerns, share my insights with others and build up the participation until it exceeds what we had before. I find it deeply sad that we are allowing minor glitches to stop us getting on with the prime purpose.

I am a keen advocate of online communities and all I have experienced have glitches and difficulties. But we find ways of getting around them because this is what is here to take us forward. But I am deeply sceptical about the will of people to do this when relatively trivial issues are raised. Sorry rant over but I have been bottling this up for a long time.

Posted 08 Sep 2014 at 16:48

Semantics, I think, as I get the impression that others have perceived this thread to be something more official created by the charity. Apart from that I wholeheartedly agree with everything you have said; I don't have any problems with the site and it is not my impression that less people are joining or posting .... if I have been away for a few days it takes a long time to get through all the 'posts since last visit'!

I wonder whether members who feel that there are less posts these days are just not clicking on something that needs clicking? Signing in each visit is presumably a safety feature? What concerns me is that distressed or frightened people who come here for help and support might be put off by all the negativity; we should all be doing whatever we can to reduce the risk of this.

Of course, there are a lot of members here who haven't posted about problems .... can we assume that this is because the majority aren't having any?

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 08 Sep 2014 at 17:26
My only complaint is that each time I have to log in with my name and password even though I have ticked the *remember me * box ? and this has nothing to do with I.E. as I always use Chrome.
Posted 08 Sep 2014 at 20:24
I really find this new site really confusing and frustrating to use. I loved the 'old' one and I really miss it.
Posted 17 Sep 2014 at 08:43

Less Than Symbol

There seems to be a problem with the less than symbol, I used it in a recent post and the paragraph it was in truncated at the symbol when viewing the post, however when editing the post the remainder of the paragraph was still there and when I changed the less than symbol for the words less than the rest of the paragraph reappeared in view mode

This seems a bit daft particularly for this site!

Posted 17 Sep 2014 at 14:09

Testing Help Post

Nope, not working for me either although 'greater than' seems fine >

Edited by member 17 Sep 2014 at 14:11  | Reason: Not specified

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 17 Sep 2014 at 14:47


Thought it was for me but obviously not

Edited by member 17 Sep 2014 at 14:48  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 17 Sep 2014 at 17:12

It all works on The Dark Side   http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-innocent.gifhttp://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-innocent.gifhttp://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-innocent.gif





Nil desperandum


Posted 17 Sep 2014 at 19:24

I have kept fairly quiet on this topic, Hoorah I can hear you all say.

First bugbear is every time I go to TGs post 15 years on continued I press the arrow to go to last page and it shoots me to Si's post welcoming him to the dark side, anyone know that one. Well it takes me to the exact point of reporting Si and I accidently press the report button . So Si if you have been reported 251 times it's me.http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-embarassed.gif Sorry Si.http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-embarassed.gif. I just thought I would get that of my chest and come clean.


Julie X



Posted 17 Sep 2014 at 19:29

2ND Bugbear,

I have just completed my weeks order at Tesco and then got timed out before I could add the T Bags.http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-frown.gif OOPS sorry wrong site.http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-frown.gif



Posted 17 Sep 2014 at 20:01

Remember the good old days Guys, when Yogurt was milk that had gone off. When Teenagers had respect for there elders and Policemen gave you a clip round the ear for miss behaving.

When PCA forums where easy to navigate, well life moves on and I didn't find the new site that easy in the beginning, but hey I can post , find threads and log myself in and out.

This thread has now turned into the Moan Corner and this isn't what Paul set it up for. I agree new members seeing this thread must wonder what the heck is going on.

In the good old days when Trevor didn't have PCA I had no need for a site like this, but now I do, as do all of us. Come on gang lets get back to what this site is all about giving help, advice, moral support and a hand of friendship to newbies and to oldies.


Julie X

PS if any one has any PG Tipps can you pop them round by 8am.http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-wink.gif

Posted 17 Sep 2014 at 21:21

Just for the record ...


The "Dark Side" was born out of the strict censorship that prevented open debate on the future of the PCUK forum, contentious users and politically sensitive issues such as the treatment of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, the Libyan bomber. It's understandable that PCUK has to be very wary of these issues, hence an unfettered forum to discuss them in private. It was not and is not an alternative forum but it is a safe haven to discuss your opinions and issues with minimal moderation http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-wink.gif




All welcome http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-wink.gif


Nil desperandum


Posted 18 Sep 2014 at 13:31

I think we would all love to get back to 'the old days' of the forums.

It has been all the glitches that have put so many of us off.

We're coming up to five months since the changeover to this new format, and it still has some of us tearing our hair out.

However, my own absence lately has been more to do with losing three dear friends in less than a month.

For the first time in nine and a half years here, and losing a lot of PCa pals (38 in all), these recent losses really got to me.

Now I feel ready to try again.

I must admit, I feel guilty that my input here has lessened.

From 2005 till this year, it seemed we were all here for eachother, every single day, and we could count on quick replies to PCa concerns.

We have lost a lot of that community spirit, and I for one would like to see it back here, stronger than ever.

Allister is right, 'the Dark Side' site is so much easier to use, but is not an alternative to this site, just as my own B2PCa site could never be (we're all crazy on there!).

The 'Dark Side' is simply another 'room' we can enter and meet up with about 200 of PCUK people, and has been running for over three years.

To get this site back on track, I do now think we 'veterans' should try a bit harder, attempt more posts despite the problems, and keep everything crossed that those very frustrating glitches will be resolved.

I have faith in Carol Jones, and hopefully we will have resolution in the near future.

Guys, we owe it to newcomers to be there for them.
We must never forget how lonely we felt ourselves in the first very dark days after diagnosis.

All the very best,


(better late than never)

Posted 19 Sep 2014 at 17:33

I have just experienced a bad run of glitches with the site again.

1) I was doing a reply to 'Recent Converstion' and the page kept switching to '404 Error Message'

To try and continue the reply, I had to keep arrowing back a page, luckily seeing my typed message each time.
This happened every 20 or 30 seconds.

To be on the safe side, I kept making a copy of my message.

My solution was to paste what I'd copied into 'Quick Reply.
Thank heavens that worked,

2) (AND STILL HUGELY ANNOYING AFTER ALL THESE MONTHS)...I am being logged out dozens of times a day.
I can be reading an article on the home page, and when I try to go back to a conversation I have to log in again.

Hoping for the day these glitches are a thing of the past.


Posted 19 Sep 2014 at 21:04

Since about the 5th September I have no issues at all using the site no log outs, no lost messages .

I normally use a win 7 PC at work and an Ipad at night. Having never seen the old site I can not comment on how it used to be.

Could issues be with old browsers and XP ?

Thanks Chris

Posted 19 Sep 2014 at 21:59

Eh, no http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-foot-in-mouth.gif




This is what it used to look like http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-foot-in-mouth.gif


Newbies will be put off by how difficult this site is to navigate. It's not even easy to actually get this far!


I used to do this sort of thing for a living and this is awful. Unfortunately nobody will "fess up" to getting it SO wrong. I can see the meetings with "interested parties" debating the issues but none will grasp the nettle and admit defeat. The forum is no longer fit for purpose. No amount of "tweaking" will solve that and we need to have a re-think. I have been in this situation many times and it's not easy as there are vested interests in defending the unusable. Rather than say that this is how is should be, I hope that common sense prevails and we get back to an environment where ALL feel welcome http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-foot-in-mouth.gif


Edited by member 19 Sep 2014 at 22:13  | Reason: Not specified

Nil desperandum


Posted 20 Sep 2014 at 00:00

Allister Allister Allister,


Let me correct you in your wayward thinking dear boy. Anyone can see that no one got anything "wrong" with the new site, quite the opposite. You could not be more wrong. The site designers and implementers also could be more right? Would be nice if they were.

Or is it more appropriate to view the situation as we find it currently that those at the design and implementation end did not fail, they were just not as successful as they could have been, or as we would like them to have been?

Aah management speak, hated it, missing it, not.


Posted 20 Sep 2014 at 12:11
Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Since about the 5th September I have no issues at all using the site no log outs, no lost messages .

I normally use a win 7 PC at work and an Ipad at night. Having never seen the old site I can not comment on how it used to be.

Could issues be with old browsers and XP ?

Thanks Chris

I'm with you Chris, it seems a small number of people have problems that the rest of us don't. Local settings perhaps? I think the constant griping is more likely than forum design to put new people off.

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 20 Sep 2014 at 15:51



Tried the link you posted not surprising could not log on with current name and password. Tried to register but activation code did not arrive.

When I came back to this forum, signed in then got logged out. Perhaps in part is it an issue with cookies from the old forum.

Thanks Chris


Posted 20 Sep 2014 at 22:02



You need to create a new name and password http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-wink.gif


This can be the same as before but only if not taken by someone else - any problems then message me http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-wink.gif


PS - check "junk" or "spam" for activation link

Edited by member 20 Sep 2014 at 22:03  | Reason: Not specified

Nil desperandum


Posted 20 Sep 2014 at 22:09

Hi Chris and Allister,

The registration WAS activated, and the site says:
Newest Member: colwickchris


Posted 21 Sep 2014 at 10:27

George / Allister


Perhaps  I was being a bit impatient the activation code did arrive later and I did get on the old forum this morning.

Thanks Chris



I was under the impression I was being given a link to the old forum, not an alternative site.

Edited by member 21 Sep 2014 at 22:44  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 21 Sep 2014 at 13:26
I think this response is wholly negative and unhelpful. You are not identifying the old site as one respondent has already thought but a different site which was an alternative venue and not, as you have said yourself, a replacement for this site. I do not have the problems people identify and find it as easy to navigate as the old one. For new users why would they be put off as they have not experienced the old site but maybe, just maybe, they will be put off by this continual carping about this site. Numbers engaging in the new site continue to grow but it is different to before and we are still not using its new technology to best effect - private messaging, chat room etc - but the basics are fine. I may leave this site because I cannot abide the negativity and attempts to undermine the efforts of the PCUK to provide a new forum. The old site could not be sustained and whilst it has now achieved the iconic status which was not evident when it operated with its own glitches, suitably forgotten, it is gone.

What people coming here want is not endless carping and moaning about the way things were but solid advice about their PCa problems. Let,s get back to doing that and the rest will take care of itself.

Also if I coukd suggest that often we blame any new facility for problems when it could in reality be our own systems, Internet connections, browsers, age of machines, and lack of expertise.

Please let us not destroy this community let's make it work. I am deeply saddened by this negativity.

Posted 21 Sep 2014 at 19:41

If everyone who gripes about the griping stopped griping, this thread would fade away.

Regardless of what is said or complained about or moaned about, newbies will not know anything of what is said. They will just come here and seek advice and use the site better than any of us old fogeys.

A comment was made sometime ago that another site may give bad advice or unsound advice. The more sources of support and advice anyone suffering with PCa can get the better, surely? I am sure that if dodgy advice or opinion is given it will be stamped upon. I quite like the fact that there is more than one place to seek advice or have chat.

Rather than constantly whinging abut the moaning, why not cease, and just help where one can?


Posted 21 Sep 2014 at 19:59

Perhaps it would be an idea to now close this thread. People can still raise any technical issues via Sadie and as Paul says we can get on with what the forum has been created for.


Posted 21 Sep 2014 at 20:06

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

If everyone who gripes about the griping stopped griping, this thread would fade away.

Regardless of what is said or complained about or moaned about, newbies will not know anything of what is said. They will just come here and seek advice and use the site better than any of us old fogeys.

A comment was made sometime ago that another site may give bad advice or unsound advice. The more sources of support and advice anyone suffering with PCa can get the better, surely? I am sure that if dodgy advice or opinion is given it will be stamped upon. I quite like the fact that there is more than one place to seek advice or have chat.

Rather than constantly whinging abut the moaning, why not cease, and just help where one can?



I agree Dave,but,there is always a but,I am a member of various sites ranging from diy to general chat forums,I was a member of these before being diagnosed and finding the old PCA forum,there may be others in the same position who are used to a certain lay out and struggle with this one,it just doesn't appeal to me and I rarely visit,it may well be the case of others as well.

Posted 21 Sep 2014 at 20:15

I do understand BarrieM,

Honestly, despite being a Philistine.

DOH! I am perpetuating the thread against what I suggested perpetuating!!!!!



Posted 22 Sep 2014 at 08:40

So let me get this right. We have to sit and observe all the moaning about this site and then be criticised for pointing out its negativity and be forced to close a thread that was started (by me) to deliberately avoid the moaning which had become endemic. I commented because this thread had been hijacked for negative reflections rather than its purpose which was provide feedback to PCUK on issues to resolve. I do not need a lecture on my contribution or to be told that I should close my own thread. I believe we have moderators for that purpose.

Posted 22 Sep 2014 at 12:15

Guys, hug time or what?

I'd like to repeat my earlier post:

I think we would all love to get back to 'the old days' of the forums.

It has been all the glitches that have put so many of us off.

We're coming up to five months since the changeover to this new format, and it still has some of us tearing our hair out.

However, my own absence lately has been more to do with losing three dear friends in less than a month.

For the first time in nine and a half years here, and losing a lot of PCa pals (38 in all), these recent losses really got to me.

Now I feel ready to try again.

I must admit, I feel guilty that my input here has lessened.

From 2005 till this year, it seemed we were all here for eachother, every single day, and we could count on quick replies to PCa concerns.

We have lost a lot of that community spirit, and I for one would like to see it back here, stronger than ever.

Allister is right, 'the Dark Side' site is so much easier to use, but is not an alternative to this site, just as my own B2PCa site could never be (we're all crazy on there!).

The 'Dark Side' is simply another 'room' we can enter and meet up with about 200 of PCUK people, and has been running for over three years.

To get this site back on track, I do now think we 'veterans' should try a bit harder, attempt more posts despite the problems, and keep everything crossed that those very frustrating glitches will be resolved.

I have faith in Carol Jones, and hopefully we will have resolution in the near future.

Guys, we owe it to newcomers to be there for them.
We must never forget how lonely we felt ourselves in the first very dark days after diagnosis.

All the very best,


(better late than never)

PS. Barry M made a good and valid observation.

It's always good to be a member of a variety of Prostate cancer Support sites.
Yana was the very first site I found in 2005 and I still use that site as well as the American USTOO forums.

To have such a wide spectrum of views and news at your fingertips can make a big difference to your understanding of every aspect of PCa treatment plans around the globe. Knowledge is power.

Posted 22 Sep 2014 at 13:48

Agree with George, (Really) http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-surprised.gif for the same reasons the last month has really hit me, when you loose so many guys it really is tough. Guys that joined after me and succumbing to this disease really brings home your own vulnerability.

I took Mick on his final journey last week to Manchester airport on route to America to have his ashes spread there and Mo has gone for 7 weeks as well.http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-surprised.gif

When i look back on my thread right at the beginning PSA 4.6, your be all right then the phone call, the cancer has eaten through your pelvis and we might need to do a hip replacement, all of this over Christmas, if it wasn't for this forum i would have gone mad, the help and advice i got was amazing.

I think we have to except that this is it and there is no going back to the old forum and judging by the deafening silence from PCAUK they probably don't care. But i will say one thing, you might work in prostate cancer but none of you HAVE prostate cancer and this forum is probably second only to a good onco as the most important things to have. to have the ability to discuss with guys in the same boat as you is priceless.

To think that you got the new forum right first time and that there is no need for any tweaks is amazinghttp://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-surprised.gif but i will give it my best shot and hopefully so will everyone else.



Don't deny the diagnosis; try to defy the verdict
Posted 22 Sep 2014 at 19:58

These last few posts bring it home about what is important in life. So a few buttons don't work, big deal. This site isn't about faulty buttons it's about real people and real lives, real people that are scared they need help , advice, friendship. This site is so much more than it's faults, it is so much more than that.  It is about all of you Guys, being there for each other. That is what we all do best, not the griping.


Too many good men lost in such a short time, many of us have been left reeling. Come on lets honour there memory.


Julie X



Posted 22 Sep 2014 at 23:31
George Si Julie

great posts good to hear that old fighting talk back the advice friendship the compassion.

You and all the oldtimers have so much still to give(sorry for the old comment)

Have been missing you all

Carol x

Posted 23 Sep 2014 at 07:05
When I unfortunately had to join this forum I got a lot of support ..I also like to think ive offered some support to others.

My last post was not to tell you what to do with your thread Paul nor to offend or upset you in anyway. I didn't join the forum to cause offence or to upset anyone.

Apologies if this was the case above


Edited by member 23 Sep 2014 at 07:18  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 23 Sep 2014 at 18:13
Hello people.. I actually cried when I caught up on this thread, I have not needed to report any faults although the site sometimes does some annoying things when accessed via a mobile phone or tablet. It seems to work fine on my rather ancient Toshiba laptop. It has taken a bt of getting used to but only becuase it is different I now have all my dearest friends locked into "conversaions I follow" I try and post a reply to every new member by using recent conversations as the backbone. I sometimes lose my own conversations but when I use the search facility I find them.

I have made lifetime friends through this forum with people who have been there to support me through Mick's slow diagnosis, through his treatments which did not work through his awful months in Hospital and in the Hospice and ulitmately in his death and beyond.

The friends list is substantial and my Daughter Karen has also sought refuge with me on this forum.

I cry because I can envisage friends that I love and who are dear to me arguing over IT and trivia ... please, please, please I urge you to use this conversation as Paul intended to raise awareness of technical issues and not as a place to moan about things we cannot change.

ie I just tried to post this message at 16.11 GMT and got a 403 message error fortunately I am running a word back up so was able to retrieve it and post it again.

I hate unnecessary confrontation LIFE is too important


Mandy Mo

Edited by member 23 Sep 2014 at 18:15  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 24 Sep 2014 at 01:35

Every time I try to post a reply recently using Mozilla Firefox (my preferred browser), I get 'Access Denied' and am asked to sign in as it has the effect of signing me out. Anybody else had this problem with Firefox? I do have cookies disabled but this has been the case for quite some time and I was still able to post until a few weeks ago. Am using Chrome here which has cookies enabled so hopefully this will work.

Posted 24 Sep 2014 at 08:23

Last input regarding issue resolvement was 5 September, it seems.


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