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LOG your web issues here

Posted 01 Jun 2014 at 11:33
Having made this suggestion yesterday I thought I would start.

This morning I received 28 identical emails telling me about a post on one if the threads I asked for email notifications. This is not the first time. Others have commented on repeated emails of the same info. Clearly a gliche. If you need any mor info on this one let me know.

Posted 18 Sep 2014 at 13:31

I think we would all love to get back to 'the old days' of the forums.

It has been all the glitches that have put so many of us off.

We're coming up to five months since the changeover to this new format, and it still has some of us tearing our hair out.

However, my own absence lately has been more to do with losing three dear friends in less than a month.

For the first time in nine and a half years here, and losing a lot of PCa pals (38 in all), these recent losses really got to me.

Now I feel ready to try again.

I must admit, I feel guilty that my input here has lessened.

From 2005 till this year, it seemed we were all here for eachother, every single day, and we could count on quick replies to PCa concerns.

We have lost a lot of that community spirit, and I for one would like to see it back here, stronger than ever.

Allister is right, 'the Dark Side' site is so much easier to use, but is not an alternative to this site, just as my own B2PCa site could never be (we're all crazy on there!).

The 'Dark Side' is simply another 'room' we can enter and meet up with about 200 of PCUK people, and has been running for over three years.

To get this site back on track, I do now think we 'veterans' should try a bit harder, attempt more posts despite the problems, and keep everything crossed that those very frustrating glitches will be resolved.

I have faith in Carol Jones, and hopefully we will have resolution in the near future.

Guys, we owe it to newcomers to be there for them.
We must never forget how lonely we felt ourselves in the first very dark days after diagnosis.

All the very best,


(better late than never)

Posted 03 Jun 2014 at 16:54
This is a repeat of my posts on another thread,

Why can't we have the old and familiar forum topics on the 'All topics' menu?

They were clear, and easy to follow. We knew exactly where to post our messages.


Share your experiences of being diagnosed and your knowledge of testing.

1,917 conversations


Discuss all aspects of being treated for prostate cancer

4,041 conversations

Prostate cancer practice guidelines

Discuss the impact of guidelines for how prostate cancer should be managed in the NHS and private sector.

76 conversations

Life with Prostate Cancer

How lives are changed by diagnosis, treatment etc.

1,348 conversations

Friends and Family

A place where the family and friends of men with prostate cancer can talk about their experiences and share support and advice.

1,169 conversations

Diet and Lifestyle

Use this forum to discuss food, diet, and lifestyle choices.

481 conversations

Personal Stories

This forum has been created for you to share your good news and inspiring stories. Please start a new topic to share your own story.

178 conversations


Raising awareness is an important part of fighting prostate cancer. Find out about what the Charity is doing and share your awareness raising activities.

73 conversations


Got an event coming up? Put details here for everyone to see.

229 conversations

From the Moderator

This is where you will find messages from the Moderator, including warnings about bugs, down time, etc. Also, occasionally, responses to message threads or emails. You can't post a reply here but you are welcome to email the Moderator at forums-admin@pros

32 conversations


Find out about the latest website developments

29 conversations

That old menu, in my opinion, was perfect.















Posted 03 Jun 2014 at 18:15

Hi Sadie

Here are a few comments.

1. Archives: I understand that the old threads will be closed at some point and converted into an archive and the content will be available on a "read only" basis. There is good information in many of the old postings and they continue to have value. When postings are based on clinical opinion and research findings current at the time of the posting previously it was possible to update them to take account of new information and positions on various subjects. The postings then reflected current thinking – I don’t mean personal thinking here but that which is based on clinical viewpoints – and so they were relevant again.

I have made a number of postings over the years which were based on information from clinical and technical sources or from personal research and experience of a subject. If these postings become available as “read only” and cannot be updated then I don’t think they are much use as a reference. Depending on the circumstances it will most probably be best to remove any postings which have become out of date and cannot be updated. I understand that at present a posting cannot be deleted from the system but that content can be deleted which will leave a blank posting. Will it be possible for a member to deleted text from a posting in the Archive?

2. Copyright: In a recent post someone asked about using the content from postings for an outside purpose. See “Including information on my blog” – not sure where the posting is. Barry TG quite rightly mentioned the issue of copyright in the context of the posting. Anyone who was around in 2011 may remember a bit of activity (?) to make changes to the Message Board, which eventually fizzled out. Some of you may recall that one point of interest at that time, at least for me, was how copyright law affected the information in postings. The Intellectual Property Office confirmed that in situations like message boards the person who makes a posting retains the copyright of the content of that postings and how it is used.

3. Previous posts: My Profile page used to give me access to all my previous postings in the various categories but now my profile page shows only the last 10 postings. If I go to “My Conversations” this lists 50 postings – I have opened a few and there are some which do not include a posting from me. I have about 400 postings so the question here is how can I access all of my previous postings?

4. Spacing: I think there is too much space between the postings on a page and too many postings on a page. It is not as convenient as the previous format which allowed a quick and easy scroll down and pick up a posting even if you had to change pages.

5. “Since your last visit ...?” When I sign in the first screen always shows the message: “Since your last visit on (date) there have been 0 new posts, 0 new conversations and 0 new members.” When I then go to “Recent postings” there are new conversations/messages. Not sure what is going on here.

6. “Instructions”: We all learn through experience but I have to ask why an instruction note or guidance, was not provided when the system started on 6 May. It is not too late to do something like that now. If the PCUK is keen to get new members involved with the board then something is needed to tell them how to use the system.

7. Registration denied: I was locked out of the Message Board for 5 days recently because “The user name or password is not recognised” even though it had worked for the previous 3 weeks. My browser then was Mozilla Firefox and I also tried Internet Explorer both of which could not get me into the Message Board. After speaking to the company which I have used for years for all my computer needs and support by way of an annual care package I tried Google Chrome and this worked for me. My computer experts said that if a system like this rejects attempts to register using three different browsers then the problem is with the system and not the browsers. I got in using my third browser but I have to wonder if this has something to do with your system and not my browses. Could this be the case?

8. Quick fix: I agree with almost all of the points made by others about problems with the new Message Board which, I understand, are being considered. Activity on the board looked to have stalled at one point. I know you and your team are working on this but it is worth mentioning that if this is not fixed soon the charity may well lose some of what the board has provided for many years which is a valuable source of good support, good information and good humour ... and members new and old.

9. Topics: We had a system which worked and was understood by newcomers to the board. The layout, as shown by George in a recent posting, worked well. We now have Topics which are subdivided and, in my view, it is not as easy to find postings as it was before.

10. Preview: Is it possible for a posting to be previewed before it is posted on the board?

11. Cut and Paste: I tried to “cut and paste” this posting by clicking on “Post Reply” box but that doesn’t accept “cut and paste” but go to the “Show Quick Reply” box and you are OK.

I hope this is useful.


Edited by member 06 Jun 2014 at 13:02  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 03 Jun 2014 at 21:15

Hi Barry,

This is what i posted during the trial period and also emailed as well, with no answer


Posted 25 February 2014 13:08:52
I have now been playing around for a day now on the new forum, and yes I will fill in the online response but I thought I would first put my thoughts on here.

The old forum had 12 sections of which most of the time only 2 was used, the new one now has 22, in my opinion far too many, but as we have these additional sections I was hoping that there was a section for the bone met guys, since I have been on the forum I hardly ever respond to guys in the “cure camp” simple because I know nothing at all about braca, RP, etc. etc. over time I have got to know a lot of these guys and follow their journey with PSA tests etc.

What I always look for are the posting from people with mets, people in the same boat as me, it is of great interest to me the treatment they are on, how they are coping with it all the ups and downs that come with this disease.
I am sure with all these sections that one could be created; new people joining the forum of which most luckily appear to be in the cure camp would not automatically visit this section. There has been times when I have considered deleting my bio when I see people joining with a psa around 6 happy with their decision for AS or WW then see my bio psa 4.8 and extensive mets.
Hope I haven’t offended anyone, just my thoughts


Don't deny the diagnosis; try to defy the verdict
Posted 14 Jul 2014 at 13:30

Hi all,



Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Hi Sadie,

On the old site we had an option to include or exclude our signature in our replies by simply ticking a box.


Thanks for this idea, I'll put that on our wishlist of things to be do when we have spare developer time booked in.



Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

For the third day running my posts have not appeared.... Having checked todays post twice to see if it was there (it wasn't) I then posted this one only to find today's post in another section was there.


Can you tell me where you tried to make posts and if there was any error message? When you say they aren't appearing -- are they replies that aren't appearing in a conversation? Or are you starting a new conversation and it isn't showing up (if this one, then is it not showing up in the topic area, or in 'recent conversations' or both?) Is anyone else having a problem like this? We'll try to track this one down but just need more information.



Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
This seems to have posted ok Johsan!

Sadie its a while since the issues on here were logged can you give an update on progress and changes made so that people can see things are happening! Thanks!


Here are items we've fixed:


- Jumping around the page when conversations load

- Clicking 'last post' on a conversation doesn't take user to last post

- Duplicate notification emails 

- Users being logged out without clicking 'sign out' (resolved for most users but not possibly not all - please PM ASAP if you're still getting logged out)

- 'Confirm new topic' button on compose page is confusing and deletes user input

- Pressing Enter on tags field performs site search

- Various button size and alignment problems

- Avatars delivered too large causing page load problems

- Conversation titles sometimes disappearing (we *think* we've solved it - please let me know ASAP if you see this again)

- Search by author doesn't work for users with space in their names

- On search results page 'show more conversations' button not working


If you are still seeing any of these issues please PM me and let me know, even if you think it's already been reported -- because it's very hard to track down bugs that only happen for certain users or in certain situations, and multiple reports can help narrow them down. 


The changes to the homepage are happening soon as well -- you'll be able to customise which sections you want to see on your community home page, including the list of all topic areas.







Edited by member 14 Jul 2014 at 13:31  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 21 Jul 2014 at 20:37

Hi Sadie

It was interesting to see in your email of 14 July which fixes have been made although I have to say that I am not familiar with some of them.

The comments below may be useful and they add to what I said in my posting on 3 June 2014. For ease with this posting I have copied in my earlier posting at the end of this message.

Comment 1 Archives: In your posting on 4 July you said that at some point achieved material would be locked and be available as “read only.” I assume this means that even the person who set up the thread is subject to the read only arrangement. If so, then the option at that time, or before, will be for the person who set up the thread to decide whether or not a thread which was based on current clinical opinion at that time needs to be noted to show the posting is valid up to the at the time when the archives went “read only” – alternatively the posting could be deleted.

Comment 3 Previous posts: My original comment that “My Conversations” brings up only 50 postings still stands. However, I have discovered how a user can bring up all of their previous postings.

On the Home page got to “I’m interested in conversations about ...” and enter your “user name” in the box “Know exactly what you want? “, - then click “GO”

Then when the page changes go to the “Search term” and make this blank then insert your “user name” in “Posted by” box .

Then in “Topics” click on “All topics” and scroll down and click on “Posts from the old forum”: then click “REFINE SEARCH”

This brings up all of the users past postings in reverse date order.

Can you amend the system so that using “My Conversations” produces the same results as the sequence just described? As far as I am aware the sequence described is not made clear elsewhere. If you cannot improve how “My Conversations” responds could you make it clear that it produces only a short list of postings, which for me is 50. This is different to my Profile which includes my last 10 postings.

Comment 5 Since your last visit: this still stands so if this cannot be made to work then why not remove it from the page?

Comment 6 Instructions: this still stands. However your response in your posting of 7 July welcomed Georges suggestion to have a tutorial about continuation topics. That would be good but that, and more, is included in my suggestion about some sort of “Instruction” in my comments on 3 June 2014.

Comment 7 Registration denied: Has the browser problem been sorted out – especially for prospective members looking to join the Message Board?

Comment 8 Quick fix and Comment 9 Topics: Nothing further to add about these except the new Comment 13 below may be of interest.

Comment 10 Preview: this comment still stands and is important when doing long or detailed technical postings.

Comment 11 Cut and paste: This comment still stands and was supplemented by my later comment on 7 June.


Comment 12 Recent Conversation: My “Since .........“ box is set to “Since Last visit on xx xx xxy” and this has shown the wrong time, and even the wrong date, when I last logged in.

Comment 13: It is not for me to comment on the detail of how other people feel about the new site. However, I would mention that a few weeks ago I met a number of members of the Online Community at the B2PCA’s weekend event. It was interesting to hear their views, and without going into detail, those to whom I spoke, with one exception, did not like the new site and were still puzzled - I say no more than that - by some parts of the new site.

On 16 July 2014 Allister posted under Posts from the old Forum / Treatment / Chemo Part 2 and said, “I'm still finding this new site very difficult to navigate and overly complicated”. I cannot speak for other members of the message board but I think Allister’s comment reflects, generally, how some members continue to feel in principle about the new site. I understand that issues of concern are still mentioned in emails between members.

I think it would be good if you could say which fixes are under consideration and give an expected date when the fixes will go live. Also, can you say which problems or issues will not be fixed so they will continue as they are. If you can say why they will not be fixed that would be good.

I hope this is useful.



“Here are a few comments.

1. Archives: I understand that the old threads will be closed at some point and converted into an archive and the content will be available on a "read only" basis. There is good information in many of the old postings and they continue to have value. When postings are based on clinical opinion and research findings current at the time of the posting previously it was possible to update them to take account of new information and positions on various subjects. The postings then reflected current thinking – I don’t mean personal thinking here but that which is based on clinical viewpoints – and so they were relevant again.

I have made a number of postings over the years which were based on information from clinical and technical sources or from personal research and experience of a subject. If these postings become available as “read only” and cannot be updated then I don’t think they are much use as a reference. Depending on the circumstances it will most probably be best to remove any postings which have become out of date and cannot be updated. I understand that at present a posting cannot be deleted from the system but that content can be deleted which will leave a blank posting. Will it be possible for a member to deleted text from a posting in the Archive?

2. Copyright: In a recent post someone asked about using the content from postings for an outside purpose. See “Including information on my blog” – not sure where the posting is. Barry TG quite rightly mentioned the issue of copyright in the context of the posting. Anyone who was around in 2011 may remember a bit of activity (?) to make changes to the Message Board, which eventually fizzled out. Some of you may recall that one point of interest at that time, at least for me, was how copyright law affected the information in postings. The Intellectual Property Office confirmed that in situations like message boards the person who makes a posting retains the copyright of the content of that postings and how it is used.

3. Previous posts: My Profile page used to give me access to all my previous postings in the various categories but now my profile page shows only the last 10 postings. If I go to “My Conversations” this lists 50 postings – I have opened a few and there are some which do not include a posting from me. I have about 400 postings so the question here is how can I access all of my previous postings?

4. Spacing: I think there is too much space between the postings on a page and too many postings on a page. It is not as convenient as the previous format which allowed a quick and easy scroll down and pick up a posting even if you had to change pages.

5. “Since your last visit ...?” When I sign in the first screen always shows the message: “Since your last visit on (date) there have been 0 new posts, 0 new conversations and 0 new members.” When I then go to “Recent postings” there are new conversations/messages. Not sure what is going on here.

6. “Instructions”: We all learn through experience but I have to ask why an instruction note or guidance, was not provided when the system started on 6 May. It is not too late to do something like that now. If the PCUK is keen to get new members involved with the board then something is needed to tell them how to use the system.

7. Registration denied: I was locked out of the Message Board for 5 days recently because “The user name or password is not recognised” even though it had worked for the previous 3 weeks. My browser then was Mozilla Firefox and I also tried Internet Explorer both of which could not get me into the Message Board. After speaking to the company which I have used for years for all my computer needs and support by way of an annual care package I tried Google Chrome and this worked for me. My computer experts said that if a system like this rejects attempts to register using three different browsers then the problem is with the system and not the browsers. I got in using my third browser but I have to wonder if this has something to do with your system and not my browses. Could this be the case?

8. Quick fix: I agree with almost all of the points made by others about problems with the new Message Board which, I understand, are being considered. Activity on the board looked to have stalled at one point. I know you and your team are working on this but it is worth mentioning that if this is not fixed soon the charity may well lose some of what the board has provided for many years which is a valuable source of good support, good information and good humour ... and members new and old.

9. Topics: We had a system which worked and was understood by newcomers to the board. The layout, as shown by George in a recent posting, worked well. We now have Topics which are subdivided and, in my view, it is not as easy to find postings as it was before.

10. Preview: Is it possible for a posting to be previewed before it is posted on the board?

11. Cut and Paste: I tried to “cut and paste” this posting by clicking on “Post Reply” box but that doesn’t accept “cut and paste” but go to the “Show Quick Reply” box and you are OK.

Edited by member 21 Jul 2014 at 20:40  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 16 Aug 2014 at 23:53
I've not really commented on the new forum but have to agree it isn't the same. Lots of users appear to have left or not posting as much which is a great pity.

Perhaps that was the intention


Posted 17 Aug 2014 at 16:51

All welcome on The Dark Side http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-cool.gif




Compatible with all major browsers and a doddle to navigate http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-cool.gif

Nil desperandum


Posted 07 Sep 2014 at 13:54

Well, it isn't a big deal in the wider scheme of things is it.

I'm sure my husband and all of the men on here would rather have a logging in issue as their main bugbear.

To me, at any rate, that really isn't the point. The point is that this particular bugbear is part of a new system that is causing consternation and irritation.

I joined this site just before the new system took effect so have used both. The previous one was simplicity itself and very user friendly. This one isn't.

This section is described as "Log your web issues here". Presumably so that highlighted problems can be fixed.

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 23 Sep 2014 at 07:05
When I unfortunately had to join this forum I got a lot of support ..I also like to think ive offered some support to others.

My last post was not to tell you what to do with your thread Paul nor to offend or upset you in anyway. I didn't join the forum to cause offence or to upset anyone.

Apologies if this was the case above


Edited by member 23 Sep 2014 at 07:18  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 01 Jun 2014 at 14:02
1. Every time I log on to the last post icon, I get sent to the top of the first page. Using an Apple Air. did not always happen, does now.

2. When sliding the side bar cursor down the page to the last post, it appears for a moment and then the page sends me back to the top of the page.

3. Quick reply failed to post on 4 successive occasions last week.

HTH towards getting a working solution?


Posted 01 Jun 2014 at 14:48
Press the "Show Search" button lower down the screen and the search field for the community appears. Enter the seed phrase there and you should find what you need.

TURP then LRP in 2009/2010. Lots of leakage but PSA < 0.1 AMS-800 Artificial Sphincter activated 2015.

Posted 01 Jun 2014 at 18:46

Seems to me the texts load . Then the avatars start loading causing the page to jump about. Only when the last picture has loaded does it stop hissing about.


"  it may be an indexing issue on the underlying database."

If you say so Tony http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-wink.gif


It may also be &loody annoying.

Posted 03 Jun 2014 at 20:16
Hi George & Rob,

Ref the Topics on the old forum there were only 12 topics as shown by George there are now 24 which in my opinion is far too many. This is probably an issue that we, the user should have picked up earlier when we had the chance ie prior to going live. Also as mentioned the Recent Conversations pages are too long ( 50 postings on page 1 of my "15 years on" post ) especially when as you near the end of scrolling down to get to the last message you are suddenly flipped back to the start and have to scroll through the 50 posts once again. This is my pet hate!

Life is for living

Barry (alias Barrington )

Edited by member 03 Jun 2014 at 20:50  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 11 Jun 2014 at 12:06
Hi Sid,

Click on 'SHOW QUICK REPLY' and when you post your reply in there you'll find you CAN insert something you've copied and pasted.














Posted 13 Jun 2014 at 11:30

I know I'm at a very basic level in the computer literacy department, but how do I thank people for answering my questions?!!!


Posted 17 Jul 2014 at 16:36

If Chrome works but IE doesn't it's usually down to the security settings in IE. These can be a nightmare to tweak but sometimes a total reset will cure all  (tools > options) http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-wink.gif


The Dark Side beckons ...



If you're not yet a member, please use the link and then click on 'Register'.

Nil desperandum


Posted 23 Jul 2014 at 19:32

Hi all,


Thanks very much for re-reporting the login timeout issue. I've re-raised the same ticket with our developers so they can track down the problem. 


We haven't been able to reproduce the 'missing posts' problem in any browser and think it may be down to the design of the page – the POST and CANCEL buttons are right next to each other, the same colour, and CANCEL is actually bigger than POST yet asks for no confirmation or gives any feedback telling you it's cancelling -- it just goes back to the conversation just like if you'd clicked POST. You'd think you'd posted until you were unable to find your new message. If you're clicking quickly or tapping [tab][tab][tab][tab][enter] to post, it's way too easy to activate the wrong button. We're going to fix that first as the most likely cause of this issue.


Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

you said that at some point achieved material would be locked and be available as “read only.” I assume this means that even the person who set up the thread is subject to the read only arrangement. If so, then the option at that time, or before, will be for the person who set up the thread to decide whether or not a thread which was based on current clinical opinion at that time needs to be noted to show the posting is valid up to the at the time when the archives went “read only” – alternatively the posting could be deleted.


That's right, and we're happy to update those old threads with such notices by request, even after the archives are made read-only.


Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

My original comment that “My Conversations” brings up only 50 postings still stands. However, I have discovered how a user can bring up all of their previous postings.


We'll fix that after the more urgent fixes are done. I've put in a request to add a link at the bottom to switch to the search page to find more results. 

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Comment 5 Since your last visit: this still stands so if this cannot be made to work then why not remove it from the page? 

We have a request in to make this work better.


Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Comment 6 Instructions: this still stands. However your response in your posting of 7 July welcomed Georges suggestion to have a tutorial about continuation topics.


Done: http://prostatecanceruk.org/we-can-help/online-community/continuing-an-archived-conversation 


Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Comment 7 Registration denied: Has the browser problem been sorted out – especially for prospective members looking to join the Message Board?


We haven't had any further complaints or any emails asking for help registering.



Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Comment 10 Preview: this comment still stands and is important when doing long or detailed technical postings.


We already have a ticket in with the developers on the issue of WYSIWYG editor display not matching the posted output in terms of the way linebreaks are displayed. This will hopefully solve the need for preview. 


Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Comment 11 Cut and paste: This comment still stands and was supplemented by my later comment on 7 June.


We've not had any more complaints about users not being able to cut and paste - developers tell us it's a browser issue as it's a user's local browser and operating system that handles cut and paste, not the online community software. The online community software doesn't have any cut-and-paste functionality to be fixed. 


Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Comment 12 Recent Conversation: My “Since .........“ box is set to “Since Last visit on xx xx xxy” and this has shown the wrong time, and even the wrong date, when I last logged in.


Developers are working on a better definition for what 'last login' means -- ie, last time you signed on vs last day you visited vs last page you loaded.


Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

those to whom I spoke, with one exception, did not like the new site and were still puzzled - I say no more than that - by some parts of the new site. 


Are there particular parts that were puzzling besides those logged in this thread? Please let us know. 


Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

I think it would be good if you could say which fixes are under consideration and give an expected date when the fixes will go live. Also, can you say which problems or issues will not be fixed so they will continue as they are. If you can say why they will not be fixed that would be good. 


We're prioritising bugs vs feature requests. Bug fixes are free, since something's not working right. New features needed that weren't caught in testing or other steps of the process, we have to pay for and balance against the other services we provide to men and their families. So, we do have to look at whether a change someone's requested (like a button to switch signatures on and off per post) is as urgent as a bug that's stopping someone from finding the information they're looking for, or a change to the community homepage that would mean everyone finds it easier to find the topics they want. 


We've put all of these useful requests in to the developers, but some we've prioritised and some we're hanging onto for a slow time when we have developer time to spare. I've tried to say that when responding to a feature request if it couldn't be prioritised. 


We have developer time booked in this week to get through more bug fixes. Some of the problems people have reported are very hard to reproduce and diagnose, and we may think we have a fix but then it turns out it hasn't fixed it for all users. So I can't promise a particular day for a particular issue. I can say that I will keep updating you as the changes go live and keep asking for your very helpful feedback so we can continue to improve the service.


I really hope this is helpful and will update soon with more improvements made.




Posted 30 Jul 2014 at 14:35

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Could somebody please tell me how to add a "Smiley" without having to edit my post


It sounds like you're using the Quick Reply at the bottom of the page to post.


Instead, click the Reply button on the post you're responding to, like this: https://imgur.com/oPi61HM , or the quote button if you want to quote. You can also click the Post Reply button: http://i.imgur.com/6YgLeHo.png


That will take you to the full post editor instead of the quick reply box.


From there just click the Smiley button: https://imgur.com/eqmI2H3


Hope this helps!

Posted 15 Aug 2014 at 15:57
Hi Paul and Luther,

I had gone into 'Edit Profile', but it was the 'SAVE' button that was bugging me.

However Once it got to 2pm my brain started to function and eventually I was able to think clearly and solve the problem.

I really should listen to my wife. She tells me never to try using my brain till after 2pm. I really am a Zombie before that time.

The glitch was this:

I use Norton 360 with password manager and auto fill.

As a result, above the 'SAVE' button were my auto-filled user ID and password,

Every time I tried to save my edit, I got the message that I was 'entering an invalid email address' (obviously!).

Once I had disabled that auto-fill function for this site, I was able to save my edited profile with one click of the 'Save' button', duh!

I seem to constantly have 'The Fog On The Tyne' don't I??


Thanks guys.


Posted 05 Sep 2014 at 12:46

All good news that it is being worked on.

And my return key works today hooray.

I will see if I can edit this post to put a "thanks" in at the end.


Thanks, therefore "edit" works.  

Edited again to state that have side buttons to edit, reply, quote and delete.  Can see the thank button in other's posts.

Edited by member 05 Sep 2014 at 14:05  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 07 Sep 2014 at 16:05

Ditto the above from Johnsan, although I don't think Yorkhull meant it to sound as glibly as it may have been taken? But, that is the problem with the written or typed word, so easily misconstrued. :-)

FWIW I am not bothered about the return key not working, or the lack of paragraphability or having to log in or whatever else occurs.

But if I buy a car that is supposed to start on the turn of a key I will let the mechanic know about it. Why should I accept using a starting handle? PMSL.

The issue with the site being used less I am not so sure of I only look at recent conversations as I do not want to have to look at several screens to catch up with what is going on. Maybe I am missing out. I do consider myself fortunate, as fortunate as one can be having been diagnosed with PCa, that I was here back in May 2013. I was fortunate that so many members were here and posting and that there were so many still around to help me. RIP them all.


Posted 08 Sep 2014 at 17:26
My only complaint is that each time I have to log in with my name and password even though I have ticked the *remember me * box ? and this has nothing to do with I.E. as I always use Chrome.
Posted 08 Sep 2014 at 20:24
I really find this new site really confusing and frustrating to use. I loved the 'old' one and I really miss it.
Posted 17 Sep 2014 at 17:12

It all works on The Dark Side   http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-innocent.gifhttp://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-innocent.gifhttp://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-innocent.gif





Nil desperandum


Posted 17 Sep 2014 at 19:29

2ND Bugbear,

I have just completed my weeks order at Tesco and then got timed out before I could add the T Bags.http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-frown.gif OOPS sorry wrong site.http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-frown.gif



Posted 17 Sep 2014 at 20:01

Remember the good old days Guys, when Yogurt was milk that had gone off. When Teenagers had respect for there elders and Policemen gave you a clip round the ear for miss behaving.

When PCA forums where easy to navigate, well life moves on and I didn't find the new site that easy in the beginning, but hey I can post , find threads and log myself in and out.

This thread has now turned into the Moan Corner and this isn't what Paul set it up for. I agree new members seeing this thread must wonder what the heck is going on.

In the good old days when Trevor didn't have PCA I had no need for a site like this, but now I do, as do all of us. Come on gang lets get back to what this site is all about giving help, advice, moral support and a hand of friendship to newbies and to oldies.


Julie X

PS if any one has any PG Tipps can you pop them round by 8am.http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-wink.gif

Posted 20 Sep 2014 at 12:11
Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Since about the 5th September I have no issues at all using the site no log outs, no lost messages .

I normally use a win 7 PC at work and an Ipad at night. Having never seen the old site I can not comment on how it used to be.

Could issues be with old browsers and XP ?

Thanks Chris

I'm with you Chris, it seems a small number of people have problems that the rest of us don't. Local settings perhaps? I think the constant griping is more likely than forum design to put new people off.

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 21 Sep 2014 at 13:26
I think this response is wholly negative and unhelpful. You are not identifying the old site as one respondent has already thought but a different site which was an alternative venue and not, as you have said yourself, a replacement for this site. I do not have the problems people identify and find it as easy to navigate as the old one. For new users why would they be put off as they have not experienced the old site but maybe, just maybe, they will be put off by this continual carping about this site. Numbers engaging in the new site continue to grow but it is different to before and we are still not using its new technology to best effect - private messaging, chat room etc - but the basics are fine. I may leave this site because I cannot abide the negativity and attempts to undermine the efforts of the PCUK to provide a new forum. The old site could not be sustained and whilst it has now achieved the iconic status which was not evident when it operated with its own glitches, suitably forgotten, it is gone.

What people coming here want is not endless carping and moaning about the way things were but solid advice about their PCa problems. Let,s get back to doing that and the rest will take care of itself.

Also if I coukd suggest that often we blame any new facility for problems when it could in reality be our own systems, Internet connections, browsers, age of machines, and lack of expertise.

Please let us not destroy this community let's make it work. I am deeply saddened by this negativity.

Posted 21 Sep 2014 at 19:41

If everyone who gripes about the griping stopped griping, this thread would fade away.

Regardless of what is said or complained about or moaned about, newbies will not know anything of what is said. They will just come here and seek advice and use the site better than any of us old fogeys.

A comment was made sometime ago that another site may give bad advice or unsound advice. The more sources of support and advice anyone suffering with PCa can get the better, surely? I am sure that if dodgy advice or opinion is given it will be stamped upon. I quite like the fact that there is more than one place to seek advice or have chat.

Rather than constantly whinging abut the moaning, why not cease, and just help where one can?


Posted 21 Sep 2014 at 19:59

Perhaps it would be an idea to now close this thread. People can still raise any technical issues via Sadie and as Paul says we can get on with what the forum has been created for.


Posted 21 Sep 2014 at 20:06

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

If everyone who gripes about the griping stopped griping, this thread would fade away.

Regardless of what is said or complained about or moaned about, newbies will not know anything of what is said. They will just come here and seek advice and use the site better than any of us old fogeys.

A comment was made sometime ago that another site may give bad advice or unsound advice. The more sources of support and advice anyone suffering with PCa can get the better, surely? I am sure that if dodgy advice or opinion is given it will be stamped upon. I quite like the fact that there is more than one place to seek advice or have chat.

Rather than constantly whinging abut the moaning, why not cease, and just help where one can?



I agree Dave,but,there is always a but,I am a member of various sites ranging from diy to general chat forums,I was a member of these before being diagnosed and finding the old PCA forum,there may be others in the same position who are used to a certain lay out and struggle with this one,it just doesn't appeal to me and I rarely visit,it may well be the case of others as well.

Posted 22 Sep 2014 at 23:31
George Si Julie

great posts good to hear that old fighting talk back the advice friendship the compassion.

You and all the oldtimers have so much still to give(sorry for the old comment)

Have been missing you all

Carol x

Posted 24 Sep 2014 at 09:21



I have just undergone HDR brachytherapy on 19 Sep and given the shortage of information on this in the forums thought it would be helpful to give an account of my experience to others either embarking on the treatment or considering it. I typed in a full page of information, hit the POST button and was told I was not connected. Too right. If this is how the site works then it seems to me money has been wasted. All my hard work has been in vain and it's taken me since 21 Sep to calm down from my irritation to make this complaint. Something has got to be done soon.

Posted 25 Sep 2014 at 14:59

Hi Sadie,

Thanks for that.

One question:

In 'All Topics/Treatment' there is a sub-section entitled 'TREATMENT TO GET RID OF CANCER'.

I for one find myself very uncomfortable posting under such a heading.
It seems very inappropriate.

I would think a large number of us with locally advanced cancer have had to go the HT, RT route, knowing there won't be a cure, but that with luck we can die WITH PCa and NOT BECAUSE OF IT.


Edited by member 25 Sep 2014 at 17:41  | Reason: Not specified

Show Most Thanked Posts
Posted 01 Jun 2014 at 13:41
The "Since" dropdown at the top of Recent Topics is missing the date and time of the previous visit.

TURP then LRP in 2009/2010. Lots of leakage but PSA < 0.1 AMS-800 Artificial Sphincter activated 2015.

Posted 01 Jun 2014 at 14:02
1. Every time I log on to the last post icon, I get sent to the top of the first page. Using an Apple Air. did not always happen, does now.

2. When sliding the side bar cursor down the page to the last post, it appears for a moment and then the page sends me back to the top of the page.

3. Quick reply failed to post on 4 successive occasions last week.

HTH towards getting a working solution?


Posted 01 Jun 2014 at 14:16
Is it just me. If I wanted to search say ""Brachytherapy" to see which members had posted on it, I would have thought putting that in the search box would have brought up the conversations.

Instead what I get is info (very good info - but not what I am after). I want to be able to seek out the relevant member and look through their postings.

What am I doing wrong?

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 01 Jun 2014 at 14:48
Press the "Show Search" button lower down the screen and the search field for the community appears. Enter the seed phrase there and you should find what you need.

TURP then LRP in 2009/2010. Lots of leakage but PSA < 0.1 AMS-800 Artificial Sphincter activated 2015.

Posted 01 Jun 2014 at 15:50
Hi Paul,

As per Dave ( countryboy55 ) using an iPad every time I go to read a message and scroll down numerous postings just as I get to the bottom and almost before I get to the last message (the one I want to read) it shoots me back up to the start and I have to go down the complete lot again......AAAAGH

life is for living (and not wasting the precious time I have left)

Barry (alias Barrington )

Posted 01 Jun 2014 at 16:00

Thanks very much Tony. Didn't realise that button was there. Exactly what I was after. I wonder what else I have missed   http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-embarassed.gif

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 01 Jun 2014 at 17:41
I think the problem with the whizz up to the top of the topic is caused by the speed of retrieval of the message thread. Particularly if it is a long thread, the full screen (below the part that you can see) is still loading when you start to scroll down. Then, when it finishes loading, it zooms to the top while your reading point already may be lower down in the thread, and I think this may be the effect you are seeing. The issue to get the developers to look at is the speed of delivery of the thread in the first place. Some of the performance deficit looks like it may be an indexing issue on the underlying database.

TURP then LRP in 2009/2010. Lots of leakage but PSA < 0.1 AMS-800 Artificial Sphincter activated 2015.

Posted 01 Jun 2014 at 18:46

Seems to me the texts load . Then the avatars start loading causing the page to jump about. Only when the last picture has loaded does it stop hissing about.


"  it may be an indexing issue on the underlying database."

If you say so Tony http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-wink.gif


It may also be &loody annoying.

Posted 01 Jun 2014 at 20:30
For some reason it won't recognise my password on my I pad. Even changed it on the i phone try again on i pad and no luck. Even tried the forgot password option and can't log on. Bizarre


Posted 02 Jun 2014 at 16:33
Oh well spotted Rob! It's the avatars that have been loaded at high resolution that help to slow the process down. Try the recent thread about motor cycling. There is one big avatar (tomkat100, you know who you are!!!) that delays the whole thread painting process....

Sorry, no suggestions about the ipad password issue other than to clean out all history, cookies etc from your browser and try again.


TURP then LRP in 2009/2010. Lots of leakage but PSA < 0.1 AMS-800 Artificial Sphincter activated 2015.

Posted 02 Jun 2014 at 16:36

Thanks so much for starting this thread. A lot of these are already logged and being worked on.


Bri is it okay with you if I reset your password at my end so I can try logging in on our office ipad to try to reproduce your problem? I'll send you the new password as soon as I change it. (You could send me your current password but that isn't very secure, which is why I'd rather reset it myself to try)

Posted 03 Jun 2014 at 10:31

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
The "Since" dropdown at the top of Recent Topics is missing the date and time of the previous visit.


Found this applies only to using Safari and Chrome browsers on iPad.  OK on Firefox on Ubuntu and Chrome on Win 8.1

Edited by member 03 Jun 2014 at 15:56  | Reason: Not specified


TURP then LRP in 2009/2010. Lots of leakage but PSA < 0.1 AMS-800 Artificial Sphincter activated 2015.

Posted 03 Jun 2014 at 11:36

 Why doesn't my up-date on my old thread "absent friends 3" appear on 'recent conversations'.


Edited by member 03 Jun 2014 at 11:38  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 03 Jun 2014 at 14:43

This thread's been a big help to our developers and they've been able to replicate some issues they were having trouble tracking down. They've booked in all week next week to work on individual bugs and see if there are additional ways to improve overall experience. Please continue to report any problems in this conversation and be as specific as you can (URL of the problem page, what browser/OS you're using, etc)


Thank you!


Posted 03 Jun 2014 at 16:54
This is a repeat of my posts on another thread,

Why can't we have the old and familiar forum topics on the 'All topics' menu?

They were clear, and easy to follow. We knew exactly where to post our messages.


Share your experiences of being diagnosed and your knowledge of testing.

1,917 conversations


Discuss all aspects of being treated for prostate cancer

4,041 conversations

Prostate cancer practice guidelines

Discuss the impact of guidelines for how prostate cancer should be managed in the NHS and private sector.

76 conversations

Life with Prostate Cancer

How lives are changed by diagnosis, treatment etc.

1,348 conversations

Friends and Family

A place where the family and friends of men with prostate cancer can talk about their experiences and share support and advice.

1,169 conversations

Diet and Lifestyle

Use this forum to discuss food, diet, and lifestyle choices.

481 conversations

Personal Stories

This forum has been created for you to share your good news and inspiring stories. Please start a new topic to share your own story.

178 conversations


Raising awareness is an important part of fighting prostate cancer. Find out about what the Charity is doing and share your awareness raising activities.

73 conversations


Got an event coming up? Put details here for everyone to see.

229 conversations

From the Moderator

This is where you will find messages from the Moderator, including warnings about bugs, down time, etc. Also, occasionally, responses to message threads or emails. You can't post a reply here but you are welcome to email the Moderator at forums-admin@pros

32 conversations


Find out about the latest website developments

29 conversations

That old menu, in my opinion, was perfect.















Posted 03 Jun 2014 at 18:15

Hi Sadie

Here are a few comments.

1. Archives: I understand that the old threads will be closed at some point and converted into an archive and the content will be available on a "read only" basis. There is good information in many of the old postings and they continue to have value. When postings are based on clinical opinion and research findings current at the time of the posting previously it was possible to update them to take account of new information and positions on various subjects. The postings then reflected current thinking – I don’t mean personal thinking here but that which is based on clinical viewpoints – and so they were relevant again.

I have made a number of postings over the years which were based on information from clinical and technical sources or from personal research and experience of a subject. If these postings become available as “read only” and cannot be updated then I don’t think they are much use as a reference. Depending on the circumstances it will most probably be best to remove any postings which have become out of date and cannot be updated. I understand that at present a posting cannot be deleted from the system but that content can be deleted which will leave a blank posting. Will it be possible for a member to deleted text from a posting in the Archive?

2. Copyright: In a recent post someone asked about using the content from postings for an outside purpose. See “Including information on my blog” – not sure where the posting is. Barry TG quite rightly mentioned the issue of copyright in the context of the posting. Anyone who was around in 2011 may remember a bit of activity (?) to make changes to the Message Board, which eventually fizzled out. Some of you may recall that one point of interest at that time, at least for me, was how copyright law affected the information in postings. The Intellectual Property Office confirmed that in situations like message boards the person who makes a posting retains the copyright of the content of that postings and how it is used.

3. Previous posts: My Profile page used to give me access to all my previous postings in the various categories but now my profile page shows only the last 10 postings. If I go to “My Conversations” this lists 50 postings – I have opened a few and there are some which do not include a posting from me. I have about 400 postings so the question here is how can I access all of my previous postings?

4. Spacing: I think there is too much space between the postings on a page and too many postings on a page. It is not as convenient as the previous format which allowed a quick and easy scroll down and pick up a posting even if you had to change pages.

5. “Since your last visit ...?” When I sign in the first screen always shows the message: “Since your last visit on (date) there have been 0 new posts, 0 new conversations and 0 new members.” When I then go to “Recent postings” there are new conversations/messages. Not sure what is going on here.

6. “Instructions”: We all learn through experience but I have to ask why an instruction note or guidance, was not provided when the system started on 6 May. It is not too late to do something like that now. If the PCUK is keen to get new members involved with the board then something is needed to tell them how to use the system.

7. Registration denied: I was locked out of the Message Board for 5 days recently because “The user name or password is not recognised” even though it had worked for the previous 3 weeks. My browser then was Mozilla Firefox and I also tried Internet Explorer both of which could not get me into the Message Board. After speaking to the company which I have used for years for all my computer needs and support by way of an annual care package I tried Google Chrome and this worked for me. My computer experts said that if a system like this rejects attempts to register using three different browsers then the problem is with the system and not the browsers. I got in using my third browser but I have to wonder if this has something to do with your system and not my browses. Could this be the case?

8. Quick fix: I agree with almost all of the points made by others about problems with the new Message Board which, I understand, are being considered. Activity on the board looked to have stalled at one point. I know you and your team are working on this but it is worth mentioning that if this is not fixed soon the charity may well lose some of what the board has provided for many years which is a valuable source of good support, good information and good humour ... and members new and old.

9. Topics: We had a system which worked and was understood by newcomers to the board. The layout, as shown by George in a recent posting, worked well. We now have Topics which are subdivided and, in my view, it is not as easy to find postings as it was before.

10. Preview: Is it possible for a posting to be previewed before it is posted on the board?

11. Cut and Paste: I tried to “cut and paste” this posting by clicking on “Post Reply” box but that doesn’t accept “cut and paste” but go to the “Show Quick Reply” box and you are OK.

I hope this is useful.


Edited by member 06 Jun 2014 at 13:02  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 03 Jun 2014 at 18:16
Thanks Sadie, please do what you need to help re the I pad issue

Many thanks


Posted 03 Jun 2014 at 18:24

I wonder why it was felt that a new website was necessary?

And I also wonder, at what cost?


Edited to add:  I fully understand and accept* that I have no right or entitlement to any reply to these questions.  I FUAA* that the site is hosted by A N Other and I am permitted to participate as a result of the benevolent nature of the web host, and this dos not grant me any rights at all.

Also wanted to add that, this is not some sort of indirect attack on anyone or at anything, in case anyone is feeling sensitive.  If I was to attack, I would , but, I would not as I have no right.  Hopefully that will assuage any worriers?  :-)


Edited by member 03 Jun 2014 at 18:34  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 03 Jun 2014 at 20:16
Hi George & Rob,

Ref the Topics on the old forum there were only 12 topics as shown by George there are now 24 which in my opinion is far too many. This is probably an issue that we, the user should have picked up earlier when we had the chance ie prior to going live. Also as mentioned the Recent Conversations pages are too long ( 50 postings on page 1 of my "15 years on" post ) especially when as you near the end of scrolling down to get to the last message you are suddenly flipped back to the start and have to scroll through the 50 posts once again. This is my pet hate!

Life is for living

Barry (alias Barrington )

Edited by member 03 Jun 2014 at 20:50  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 03 Jun 2014 at 21:15

Hi Barry,

This is what i posted during the trial period and also emailed as well, with no answer


Posted 25 February 2014 13:08:52
I have now been playing around for a day now on the new forum, and yes I will fill in the online response but I thought I would first put my thoughts on here.

The old forum had 12 sections of which most of the time only 2 was used, the new one now has 22, in my opinion far too many, but as we have these additional sections I was hoping that there was a section for the bone met guys, since I have been on the forum I hardly ever respond to guys in the “cure camp” simple because I know nothing at all about braca, RP, etc. etc. over time I have got to know a lot of these guys and follow their journey with PSA tests etc.

What I always look for are the posting from people with mets, people in the same boat as me, it is of great interest to me the treatment they are on, how they are coping with it all the ups and downs that come with this disease.
I am sure with all these sections that one could be created; new people joining the forum of which most luckily appear to be in the cure camp would not automatically visit this section. There has been times when I have considered deleting my bio when I see people joining with a psa around 6 happy with their decision for AS or WW then see my bio psa 4.8 and extensive mets.
Hope I haven’t offended anyone, just my thoughts


Don't deny the diagnosis; try to defy the verdict
Posted 03 Jun 2014 at 22:06
Can I add some more detail about the problem with the Daily Digest. I seem to get one or more (sometimes between 10-15) every time I log out. What I want is a single daily digest of all new posts that day. That way I would not miss any and could click directly from the digest to any posts I might have missed. If I have seen them all I can then delete.
Posted 03 Jun 2014 at 22:34

Again, what I want to see is:


1: Configurable landing page in User Profile

2: Ability to set User settings, such as post since last login, last 24 hours etc.

3: Ability to preview before posting

4: Default landing page which shows an overview of the site, new posts etc

5: Ability to navigate to a post e.g. page 4 or last page etc. Ability to see how many pages involved. Ability to go to a specific post rather than scroll for ages


Nil desperandum


Posted 04 Jun 2014 at 09:46

Tried to post an avatar about five times with no success despite following instructions. Am I missing out on something obvious ??


Posted 04 Jun 2014 at 11:35

Got locked out AGAIN today and usually I just sign back in. Won't let me do so using IE. I have had to come through Google.

I aso tried to post this message originally under "Quick Reply" but it didn't go on. Better luck this time.

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 05 Jun 2014 at 22:07
I see that on a recent posting photos have now appeared along with a description of how to post them. Perhaps I am being a spoilsport but I am certain that this was a no go issue. The prospect of seeing holiday snaps and who knows what feels me with dread. Sadie please address this issue, if I am wrong and photos are allowed then I apologise.

Life is for living

Barry (alias Barrington)

Posted 06 Jun 2014 at 07:21
I was just wondering if the font size in the *post a reply * box could be set as a bit larger by default ? When trying to post from my i.pad the font is so tiny I have to reach for my reading glasses. If this could be changed it would be a great help. Thanks.
Posted 07 Jun 2014 at 13:15

A bit more for my posting on 3 June about item 11.

"11. Cut and Paste: I tried to “cut and paste” this posting by clicking on “Post Reply” box but that doesn’t accept “cut and paste” but go to the “Show Quick Reply” box and you are OK".


 I have posted a number of long postings in the past some of which had a number of separate issues. To make the postings easier to read and follow I usually break the detail down into manageable chunks and use the "Bold / Italics /underlined etc " menu as necessary. I do the draft in Word then copy the text with enhancements in as a new posting.


Although there is the option in the new system to use "Bold / Italics /underlined etc”  in the “Post Reply” box the “Post Reply” box is not suitable to use to draft new long postings.


If I wish to copy and paste text in the new system I will have to use the "Show quick reply" box but this does not accept copied text which is in bold, italics or underlined and the menu to do bold etc is not available. How can I access these functions when using the "Show quick reply" box? If the menu is not accessible then lengthy postings will be in normal text throughout and may be difficult to follow.



Edited by member 07 Jun 2014 at 17:13  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 10 Jun 2014 at 21:11

Using "Post Reply" you cannot copy and paste. Sid. (see above)

What matters is not the years in your life, but the life in your years!
Posted 11 Jun 2014 at 12:06
Hi Sid,

Click on 'SHOW QUICK REPLY' and when you post your reply in there you'll find you CAN insert something you've copied and pasted.














Posted 11 Jun 2014 at 13:04
Couldn't use "Quick Reply" at all this morning. Only had part of the box which I could click into, but then I couldn't see what I had typed.


IT keeps logging m out so that I have to start again.

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 12 Jun 2014 at 13:15
For folks saying they can't copy/paste -- what browser and what sort of device/OS are you using?
Posted 12 Jun 2014 at 13:16
I posted the below message over on this thread --> http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/posts/t9658-Questions-about-how-to-use-the-new-community-space

and Yorkhull kindly suggested I copy it over here too as it answers questions about navigating the topic areas:

Hi all --

Regarding the topic headings and George's suggestion that we use the old ones, we've talked this through and here's what we're doing:

- We've just gone through and given all of the new topic areas proper descriptions so visitors will know what to expect and post in each area.

- We totally understand that the topic areas aren't easy to navigate right now, but we think a significant part of that is down to a bug in what happens when you click the broader topic areas like 'welcome' 'treatment' etc -- they're meant to expand in place so you can see all of the topic areas at a glance on the same page, but what they actually do is go to an intermediate page which is pretty useless. Our developers are in the process of fixing that. We're also putting the topic areas right on the home page so you'll have that overview of the whole board instantly.

- We don't want to go back down to the smaller number of forums *yet*, for two reasons... First because a lot of the new areas are things that users have been asking for for ages and we want to give people the opportunity to use them and show whether or not they're needed. And second, because of the bugs in the navigation we want to fix those first and see if it solves the problem.

It's very easy to merge two topic areas into one, but it's very difficult to split one back into two because you have to move every conversation one by one. So we'd like to wait, fix the bugs, and then see how the new areas bed in and if after a while it seems like most people want the topic areas merged, we'll certainly do that.

I hope this approach will make sense to everyone!



Posted 13 Jun 2014 at 11:30

I know I'm at a very basic level in the computer literacy department, but how do I thank people for answering my questions?!!!


Posted 13 Jun 2014 at 12:27
Jenny just press the thank button below a particular post


Posted 13 Jun 2014 at 12:54

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I know I'm at a very basic level in the computer literacy department, but how do I thank people for answering my questions?!!!

If you're on a desktop, there are green squares to the right of every post and one looks like a thumbs-up - hover and it will fly out and say 'Thanks' -- just click that button.


If you're on mobile it's a green bar below the post.


Hope this helps!

Posted 13 Jun 2014 at 19:17

Hi Sadie

Problems with copy and paste - in response to your questions in your posting on 12 June, I use Windows XP. The only browser that gets me onto the Message Board is Google Chrome. I have Internet Explorer and Firefox but attempts to sign on using those browsers are rejected.

Are you or your developers anywhere near putting out a summary of problems and which ones have been sorted, please?  



Posted 18 Jun 2014 at 20:45
I really do not like this site! Much prefer the old one. I have been trying to change my email address. From edit profile I amend address and put in password to save but nothing happens. Any tips?

"You can only play the hand you're dealt"

Posted 19 Jun 2014 at 13:39

Could anyone explain please why I get logged out when I am supposed to be kept signed in.

I am using internet explorer in the main.
When I get logged out I often can't log back in using IE and have to go to Google and do it from there.

Is it my computer ?

Edited by member 19 Jun 2014 at 18:29  | Reason: Not specified

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 02 Jul 2014 at 11:02

Hi Sadie,

Can I ask...when can we expect to see the 'fixes' for this new site? It's been a long time for us to wait in hope.

Personally, I still stand by my last two posts on this matter:

(Another 'copy and paste')......

This is a repeat of those posts:

Why can't we have the old and familiar forum topics on the 'All topics' menu?

They were clear, and easy to follow. We knew exactly where to post our messages.

Share your experiences of being diagnosed and your knowledge of testing.
1,917 conversations

Discuss all aspects of being treated for prostate cancer
4,041 conversations

Prostate cancer practice guidelines
Discuss the impact of guidelines for how prostate cancer should be managed in the NHS and private sector.
76 conversations

Life with Prostate Cancer
How lives are changed by diagnosis, treatment etc.
1,348 conversations

Friends and Family
A place where the family and friends of men with prostate cancer can talk about their experiences and share support and advice.
1,169 conversations

Diet and Lifestyle
Use this forum to discuss food, diet, and lifestyle choices.
481 conversations

Personal Stories
This forum has been created for you to share your good news and inspiring stories. Please start a new topic to share your own story.
178 conversations

Raising awareness is an important part of fighting prostate cancer. Find out about what the Charity is doing and share your awareness raising activities.
73 conversations

Got an event coming up? Put details here for everyone to see.
229 conversations

From the Moderator
This is where you will find messages from the Moderator, including warnings about bugs, down time, etc. Also, occasionally, responses to message threads or emails. You can't post a reply here but you are welcome to email the Moderator at forums-admin@pros
32 conversations

Find out about the latest website developments
29 conversations

That old menu, in my opinion, was perfect.

Unfortunately, this new format is simply not good at all for very many of us here.
We have lost something precious.





Edited by member 02 Jul 2014 at 11:04  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 02 Jul 2014 at 13:27

Hi again Sadie,


Can you also tell us how long we will have access to 'Old Forum Posts'?


I ask because so many people would like to continue an old thread on the new site.


I would guess that not everyone knows how to do that continuation by doing a new post and inserting a link to the old forum post which takes you to every previous post in the thread.

Barry's '15 years On' is a good example of how it can be done.


It would of great help if you could post a tutorial on how to do that.

Inserting such links is easy, but it took me years to figure it out! (nothing new there then).http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-wink.gif











Edited by member 02 Jul 2014 at 13:28  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 02 Jul 2014 at 13:45
Hi George

I don't have any problems with the new site I use my phone easy to see whats going on.

But I do have a problem with your site have emailed problems never recieve a reply?


Posted 02 Jul 2014 at 13:54

Hi Carol,


Sorry to hear that. I have never received any mail from you. http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-cry.gif


Please email me:




and I'll get it sorted for you.


Warmest wishes,












Posted 02 Jul 2014 at 14:44
Thank you George sent it to administrators .
Posted 02 Jul 2014 at 14:51
Still getting logged out. Could only get back in today using Google. This morning I was able to use IE.
We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 02 Jul 2014 at 22:26

Posted a message at 2.25 am this morning (I'm a late to bed guy quite often) but time of post was shown as 1.25 am. Is this for the benefit of others not on British Summer time?

This post was shown as 21.26 when the UK time was 22.26

Edited by member 02 Jul 2014 at 22:29  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 04 Jul 2014 at 15:18

Hi all,


The fixes have been made to a test staging site and will be deployed to the main site on Monday. 


These will be include fixes for all the major bugs people have been experiencing, like the scroll position jumping around and logouts. It won't include putting the list of Topic Areas on the homepage, which is a key thing we want to do, but because it is a new feature we have to work it into the schedule of other web developments so as to minimize the cost of developer time. 


In answer to the question of how long you'll have access to the old forum posts, the answer is indefinitely -- there are no plans to remove them. The only thing we'll do at some point is lock them from new posts, to ensure they really are 'archives' and that the active conversations are happening in the new sections. We haven't set a date for that while we've been getting the fixes into place, but we'll give plenty of advance notice before we do that and make sure everyone is able to continue conversations.




Posted 04 Jul 2014 at 15:31
Hi Sadie,

Many thanks for your swift reply. I look forward to seeing the fixes when I log in on Monday.

Do you think you could post a tutorial on putting links to old forum posts into new 'continuation ' topics for all the folks who would like to be able to do that?

As mentioned before, it has worked well on topics such as Barry's '15 Years On'.

There are many important and informative posts archived at the moment.

It would be of huge benefit if we got some of them re-opened and active.

Let's all be optimistic and say 'Ok, so there were glitches, but we got there in the end!'














Posted 07 Jul 2014 at 10:50

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Do you think you could post a tutorial on putting links to old forum posts into new 'continuation ' topics for all the folks who would like to be able to do that?


This is a great idea and I'm happy to do it. Where do you think is the best place to put it where people will see it who are likely to need it? With the help files? In the Welcome section under 'start here' or 'from the moderators'?


I'm also happy to work with folks individually to set up continuation posts like this if you just PM me about the post you want to continue.




Posted 07 Jul 2014 at 11:22
Hi Sadie,

I would think the HELP tab at the top of the homepage would be a good place to go for a tutorial like this.

There are already topics there entitled 'How To....'.

Thanks for doing this. I think it will make a lot of users happier.












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