Can any of you wise and well-travelled people give us some advice/guidance or tell us/ me not to worry as much as I am doing at the moment!!!
My husband, Pete, was diagnosed last July (2013), with advanced prostate cancer. Asymptomatic except for a bladder which wouldn't let go of the urine!
He was referred to a urologist, who prescribed a 3-monthly injection of Prostap, which seemed to be working fine. Still asymptomatic except for small amounts of lower back and pelvic pain. The cancer had spread into those bones. He was then referred to a trial at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle, and was put on the control arm, which was Prostap only
At the beginning of May his PSA had gone from 7 to 37, and he was prescribed with Casodex, which he is currently still taking. He also was referred for bone scan, which he had four weeks ago.
At an appointment yesterday, the oncologist told him his cancer had not progressed further since last July, and suggested he start taking Zometa and Radium 223 after we get back from holiday in 4 weeks.
He didn't have his normal blood test by his specialist nurse, as she was on holiday. Pete insisted that he had one; another nurse sorted one out for him, and the oncologist said that he would ring Pete today with PSA results.
At 8.30 this morning, he rang to tell Pete that his PSA had risen, but he wouldn't tell him how high!!??
He wants Pete to start on abiraterone when he gets back from holiday, but he didn't say whether he wanted him to take the Zometa and Radium 223 as well
Men don't ask questions of doctors, or at least some men don't!!
Has anyone got any suggestions as to what our/my next questions should be about the sequencing, or apparent lack of it! I have spoken to the specialist nurses, and Ali was incredibly informative and helpful, but couldn't really suggest ways forward, except to ask you guys and gals for advice. She did say that Radium 223 wasn't prescribed very often tound Newcastle