OK I'll attempt a summary of my meeting with my new onco today. Firstly to say two things. It was strange returning to Western Park Hospital where I had been treated over 30 years ago for testicular cancer, gave me an unwanted sense of déjà vu. Secondly I found the onco very pleasant, listened and answered my queries and I felt reassured about progress. This is a brief summary:
Took brief medical history, surprised I had been trying since January to see her. Bone scan shows some return of mets in lower and mid back, sacrum, both femurs and the right pubic bone. Agreed RT next Thursday on right public bone and femur. Checking with orthopaedics whether a pin is justified for the femur bone? Will go to fracture clinic next week. Full CT scan to be done, first since diagnosis so will determine if there is spread in the soft tissues.
To continue on casodex for now. See if PSA stays stable. As it is around mid twenties at the moment, no doubling yet.
Next treatment - likely Abby or enzo, likely the second one because of diabetes and the problems with steroids.
Keep chemotherapy until needed later though CT Scan to be done to confirm no further spread which could change plans. We discussed QoL issues for my work and I felt that this order of treatment made sense for me unless there were clear indications that chemo was urgently needed. Cannot benefit from the findings of the Stampede trial as already three and a half years in. She did not think chemo was needed yet so enzo likely next step
Ok to have RT even though had RT treatment over 30 years ago but unlikely to be an issue. She will get notes to check what was done then. (blast everything and hope I seem to remember) Unlikely to have been done on relevant parts.
My leg pain is considerable at times as people saw at MOTS and I hope the RT will bring some relief. I felt she was acting quickly, and answered all my queries.
I did say if she didn't treat me well Mo and/or Lyn would be with me on my next visit! She visibly looked afraid!
So feel treatment path is clear and tests will give me a full picture. I know another circle has decreased but I always feel better when I know and trust what is happening so feel ok.