Hi, so dads been in hospital a week where he was told yesterday that an MRI showed some compression on the spinal cord. He got a dose of radiotherapy and now it's just a waiting game to see if it helps. Hes still very sore and we dont know what's going to happen from here. Very scared.
Hi dark warrior, was this for compression too? Yea dad was very sore on the same day I didnt think the flare up would happen so quickly! Although he was in a lot of pain beforehand too. Thanks for that, I will let him know when I see him later. I think it helps to hear other peoples experiences even though we are all different.
Hi Miffy, no I didn’t have actual MSCC. In one case, they headed it off before it became an MSCC. In the second case, it was a met squashing the nerves to my right leg and causing a lot of referred pain there. Now pain-free, thankfully. Good luck with everything.
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