Hello, my name is Terry Groves, I am 80 years old, and I was diagnosed with prostate cancer 3 years ago. At the time I had a PSA of 5 and a Gleason Score of 3+4. Having discussed the treatment options with the urologist I decided to go for active monitoring.
Three years on with the latest PSA reading of 12 I am unsure what to do next. Recent MRI scans, including a full body scan, a bone scan and, more recently a pelvic scan, which showed up „spots“ that could not be identified, have made me feel uneasy. The urologist highlighted three possible treatment options:
1. Radiotherapy
2. Chemotherapy
3. Brachytherapy
However, in discussing each option, he was not convinved that either treatment was appropriate at the moment.
i would appreciate any views of members in a similar situation. Thank you