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Dads small cell cancer

Posted 26 Jul 2015 at 20:34

well Dad has had an amazing turn around this week.His sister came up to see him and he went to my brothers for his birthday lunch then the rest of us saw him later.He looked much better and i am sure no one thought about it being his last birthday just a happy family one for a lovely Dad.He had 50 something messages on facebook and calls from abroad from his brother.A positive end to a rough few weeks and lovely to see him more like himself.I return to work monday and hope everyone on here has as good a week as possible Paula xx

Posted 26 Jul 2015 at 22:05
Posted 26 Jul 2015 at 22:09

Hi Paula,

That's really good news.  You deserve something nice to happen for your family.

Steve x

Posted 26 Jul 2015 at 22:16

So good to see such a positive post

Posted 26 Jul 2015 at 23:06

Lovely news Paula.


Julie X

Posted 26 Jul 2015 at 23:20

A weekend you'll remember for a long time. Brilliant.


Stay Calm And Carry On.
Posted 27 Jul 2015 at 05:23

glad you had a good weekend, hope your face aches from smileing and laughing


run long and prosper
'pooh how do you spell love'
'piglet you dont spell love -you just feel it'
Posted 27 Jul 2015 at 08:00

A weekend of happy memories. Lovely

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 12 Aug 2015 at 08:55

Dad has been quite well the last 2 weeks.A few days he felt unwell and v tired tbh i think there has been a bug doing the rounds so maybe that was what it was.I thought his arms looked thin as he doesnt eat much really.
I had 10 days annual leave so took a bit of a step back and visited relatives with my husband some i hadnt seen in 16 yrs which was lovely.I put on 5 lbs not dashing around at work and now realise how much ive been doing and how badly they have treated me!! Im sure i got the job i went for but it was too many hrs,now i try out for 32 hrs in a clean lovely place this week :) It isnt ideal with Dads situation but who knows a fresh start maybe the distraction i need.
Best wishes to you all on this rollercoaster ride Paula xx

Posted 12 Aug 2015 at 09:20
I saw you were online and was hoping you would post. Good to hear your Dad is about as well and settled as can be.
Much better to read that you have had a well deserved break and a good time away from your horrible employers. I am so pleased you have got a trial for a new job with committed and regular hours. I really hope you like them and they like you. I am sure Lyn or others will be able to give you advice on checking out any possible contract, you do not want a repeat of this last experience.
Take care
Posted 12 Aug 2015 at 18:06

Thank you Mo.I would describe myself as a workaholic however the late nights getting in gone 12 and the constant belittling it was so lovely to do some gardening and go out with the husband tbh.When i went back my boss had headphones on and barely communicated and the manager told me i needed to deep clean.No welcome back or how is your Dad.Anyway the main thing is Dad is as good as he can be and managing to pop out a bit they even went to the garden centre.xx

Posted 30 Aug 2015 at 09:04

update Dad had a few good weeks then was ill and shivery again for a few days.Antibiotics were given.I ve been so very busy this week at work i didnt even know he was ill again sleeping alot not eating and weak.My husband took him to the gp as he was too ill to drive.Anti sickness pills were given and stronger antibiotics.I saw him saturday and he said he gets abdo pain from the cancer as its blocking his urethra .I was shocked to see him unsteady on his feet when he went to get his glass of water.
On a positive note i have found a new job..cooking from scratch only a stones throw from my last place.So after 11 yrs im leaving some unpleasantness to go somewhere i am being welcomed.I havent told them about Dad as i want a chance to get settled in.Most pple are shocked i am going however i am sure it is for the best.
I sincerely hope you are all doing as well as you can on this journey and hope Dad getting to 3 yrs with small cell prostate cancer will give someone else hope as i couldnt find anyone who got to a yr when he was diagnosed xxx

Posted 30 Aug 2015 at 12:49

Well done on the new job cookiegirl.

I hope they are a more compassionate lot than the previous group of saddos.

When you say most people are you talking work colleagues. If so they are a really weird lot, treating you as they did, knowing what you were going through.

Good luck with the job and I hope your dad gets some pain relief soon

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 30 Aug 2015 at 14:20
I am so relieved to hear you are moving jobs, the last bunch were nothing short of heartless mercenaries.

Sounds like things are unsettled again with your Dad, he has had one epic battle with small cell cancer as you have said achieving a 3 year goal is quite amazing.

I hope he is relatively comfortable but do keep an eye on his unsteadiness he would not want to fall at this stage.
All the very best
Posted 30 Aug 2015 at 15:38

Thank you both.yes i just reached a point where staying for any stability at work was out weighed by the alienation and quite frankly unsupportive nature of some people,It is painful when people put the boot in when you are already having a rough time.My new colleagues seem lovely and i know one of them.My boss was shocked but even i have limits for taking bulls**t.

Posted 30 Aug 2015 at 22:21

Seems to me they were used to taking you for granted. They dished it out - you took it.

Our little worm turned and took them by surprise. Well done you

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 06 Sep 2015 at 09:05
I'm brand new to this forum, but have read your story from scratch. Reading of your love & support for your parents & battle with your employers to support your wonderful dad really resonated with me. I'm an only child, who though I am 45 & married with a hubby and 10yr old son, totally worships her parents, and to see my dad dealing and starting to fail with a 3 yr struggle with cancer which has spread extensively through all bones, spine etc is just awful.

I just wanted to say hello, tell you how inspirational your story is and what a strong and amazing person you are. Nearly cheered when I read your post saying you had got a new job. I too am a bit of a workaholic and have a rubbish employer! Your dad is so lucky to have such a wonderful caring daughter. How is your dad getting on?

Joan x
Posted 06 Sep 2015 at 09:45
I am pleased you have found Pauala's thread you two are indeed in very similar circumstances.

I hope you can support each other on your journey
Posted 06 Sep 2015 at 19:31

Hi Fabbi,
just in case you worry that your dad might have the same problems as Paula's dad, important to note that he has small cell PCa which is very rare and needs a diffferent treatment regime to normal prostate cancer. As far as I can make out, your dad has the normal one?

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard
Posted 07 Sep 2015 at 09:01

Hi Fabbi welcome to this site.I am sorry about your Dad.My own Dad has adenocarcinoma and small cell an aggresssive fast spreading type so we have been very lucky that he has made it this far.Most of the people i was following Dads and husbands succumbed in less than a yr.I hope my thread gives some hope to others that even when its advanced when diagnosed there are treatments now.
My parents are quite special in that they ve supported each other through advanced cancer and operations etc.I left my long term job sunday and start a new one fri.I hope my new colleagues will treat me kindly when Dad gets any worse (i dont intend telling them yet) and i do have savings set aside if it doesnt work out for me.
I am so sorry this disease is in your dads bones and spine ( mine too but not unmanagable pain yet)
love to all Paula xxx

Posted 09 Sep 2015 at 06:16
Wishing you tons of good luck with new job on Fri!

My dad doesn't have the small cell cancer you lovely dad does, so can't imagine what kind of journey you have been through. Isn't it sad though when the tables are turned and after years of being the daughter, you find yourself in the position of looking after your parents and giving them the moral & practical support and encouragement to keep going.

Posted 12 Oct 2015 at 11:33

Hi everyone its been a very busy month.Dad has had good days and some bad ones.He stopped taking the anti sickness pills as they knocked him sideways in regards to energy levels.He had an xray for bone pain in his arm which showed no worsening of the spot of cancer in his shoulder.
He felt well enough to go with my brother to wales where they own a house (dads mums old house) .He walked on the beach and took pics.I was worried he wouldnt get there again it holds so many memories of lots of family hols.
I started my new job which has been fantastic a real distraction too.The people are lovely and kind and respect me.I have only mentioned about dad to one person not in detail although i am certain they will show me compassion if and when Dad gets worse.Love to all on here and i hope you are enjoying the autumnal sunshine love Paula xx

Posted 12 Oct 2015 at 11:53

Glad dad has picked up a bit Paula and especially glad that you've found a job you like with lovely people.

I hope (I'm sure !) they'll give you a lot of support when the time comes

All the best

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 16 Oct 2015 at 13:52

I spoke too soon !! Dad has been quiet unwell with another UTI.The hospice nurse came out twice and they were going to give him an antisickness injection but the GP decided last night he wasnt ill enough for that.I hate seeing him so pale and frail he has lost soo much weight so his skin is hanging off him bless him.I decided to tell my new employers jus incase i ever came in late and they were lovely unlike my last place !! My boss even said family comes first and he would run me home if needs be as my car was written off by a lorry.Today he sounded brighter and the hospice nurse said his vital signs were good.Love to all Paula xx

Posted 16 Oct 2015 at 14:36
Thinking of you all Paula, no idea why your GP would decide not to let him have an anti sickness drug. Maybe he was worried it might interact with other drugs he is having.
Posted 19 Oct 2015 at 15:06

I saw Dad today in town looking dapper getting his meds as he takes 20 pills a day now.He looked visibly thinner and had had a haircut.He looked a little yellow too.Said he is hardly eating has little energy.I cant say how much i hate cancer and while i am very grateful and surprised he is still here with his aggressive type i do feel sad to see another formerly strong with a zest for life man floored by this disease xx

Posted 19 Oct 2015 at 17:19

A day at a time Paula.

He's looking different but he has enough energy to make sure he goes out smartly dressed so he still has his self respect.

You must be very proud of him

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 19 Oct 2015 at 21:26

yes that is true.He has spent a few days in pjs watching the rugby on tv.He wants to buy new smaller shirts and new woollen winter coat.I am always proud of his attitude xx

Posted 22 Oct 2015 at 22:13

Dad decided to do a little light gardening.he felt unwell and called for help then lay in the garage as the door was open he felt dizzy and weak.Mum had shut the front door and the next thing he was vomiting inn the garden poor man.The hospice nurse said it was low blood pressure brought on by exerting himself.Dad spent the day resting wrapped in a blanket and was advised to call gp or ambulance if it happens again :(

Posted 22 Oct 2015 at 22:25
Poor man,so hard for you to see your dad suffering,at least he has loving family around to support him.
Posted 22 Oct 2015 at 22:46
This is such a worry for you all and so awful for your dad. Let's hope a good rest will make him feel a little better. Thinking of you
Love Allison xxx
Posted 23 Oct 2015 at 10:03

On the other hand Paula, I love your dad's determination to carry on as normal and it is his spirit that has got him this far. I think there will come a time in the future when you look back at this and you will smile because it reminds you of your dad's guts and strength of character

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard
Posted 23 Oct 2015 at 11:34

Going to see him before work.Mum said he is "ok" and was eating a boiled egg.I am worried sick now he has lost so much weight but im hoping he has just had a funny turn and the weekend will be good for him and Mum xx

Posted 27 Oct 2015 at 21:57

dad seems in good spirits if a little pale and too tired to walk into town.He has blood tests this week to check for cancer progress.Thank you again for all your lovely replies xx Paula

Posted 28 Oct 2015 at 14:31

Hello Paula
I've been following your reports on your Dads progress and find it so inspirational.
You have an amazing father and everything to be proud of.
You're closeness to him shines through and I'm sure he is as proud of you as you are of him.

I wish you and your dad the very best and hope you have much more time together .


Posted 28 Oct 2015 at 15:56

Ahh thank you Paul.
Dad is a very strong man normally and if he isnt it is because he is really unwell.Shame that a man who has spent his life helping others through fostering and adoption has this blessed illness but im sure that is the same for many a good man on here.I love him to bits xx Paula

Posted 28 Oct 2015 at 19:42
I am absolutely certain your Dad is every bit as proud of you as you are of him.

I am so pleased your new employers have a totally different outlook and attitude, finally you can have the peace of mind to know that when your Dad and family need you it will not be an issue.

Your Dad is one tough guy both mentally and physically, he has been through so much and has to be the longest surviving Man I know of who has had the small cell variety of this horrid disease. I am sure a lot of that is down to his strength of character, determination and the love of such a wonderful family.

Best wishes as always
Posted 29 Oct 2015 at 00:06

Thinking of you and your dad, Paula. You have had a tough time with your lack of support at work. At least I was retired when coping with my father's illness.


Stay Calm And Carry On.
Posted 29 Oct 2015 at 21:53

mum said he had bone pain last night and she is trying to get him a wheelchair to get some fresh air without exhausting himself.Blood tests were taken to determine any more cancer cells.He has been resting since his funny turn (rare for Dad).Work can be a comfort of normality and fun as my mind would go into overdrive
.Mum is amazing really with no means of escape day or night from the effects on her of it all.She takes each day as it comes now without complaint.
Love to you all Paula xx

Posted 01 Nov 2015 at 12:02

Saw Dad he seemed ok.Mum is looking to hire a wheelchair as he cant walk far due to bad pelvic pain He hopes to get a blue badge although im not sure he should be driving and hasnt really only once to get a blood test,xx

Posted 01 Nov 2015 at 20:50
Hi Paula
Sorry to hear that dad Continues to be in pain. On the blue badge, it doesn't need to be him that drives, he just has to be in the car that uses it. My hubby doesn't drive anymore, too many drugs interfering with perception and exhaustion meaning that his reactions are too slow, I always use the badge when he is with me. Definitely get one ASAP.

Lots of love
Allison xxx
Posted 01 Nov 2015 at 22:25


With his condition, he should be fast tracked. My dad was. Unfortunately, he became too ill to use it.


Stay Calm And Carry On.
Posted 02 Nov 2015 at 07:21

That is my thinking too Paul.Dad didnt even want to be picked up by my brother and driven to their home for a meal and he loves going there.Today is blood test results so we should find out more.The main thing is he is in good spirits Paula xx

Posted 02 Nov 2015 at 17:12

dads been in bad pain.Gp said it is cancer in his spine causing it.His bloods are low so blood transfusion tuesday.

Posted 02 Nov 2015 at 17:58

Ah that's a shame Paula.

I sincerely hope that the blood transfusion gives your dad a bit of a boost

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 04 Nov 2015 at 15:16

Dads getting wheelchair thursday and seems to flip between getting about then being unable so occ therapist is organising stools and walker for him.Still not sure how things are going or wether this is the new normal or more deterioration but he manged a small meal yesterday. Week for week day by day is what we are doing.Love to everyone and thank you all for the replies Paula xx

Posted 04 Nov 2015 at 22:56
Nothing to add Paula but wanted to send a virtual hug, this is s hard for all of you.
Love Allison xxxx
Posted 05 Nov 2015 at 18:51

Hi Paula,
Thank you for sharing your story. It's heartbreaking. Your dad is very courageous man. He is blessed to have you!
My husband was diagnosed with small cell prostate cancer last month. His PCP misdiagnosed him, we lost 3 months without any treatment... There is no light at the end of the tunnel, so far.... There is not much information also about this kind of cancer and not many doctors who know how to treat it.
My dear husband is doing chemo now and eventually radiation. I have hard time to accept it, and I can't change anything, just be with him and help him.
God bless you and your father.
P.S. Please excuse me for any mistakes as English is my second language.

Posted 05 Nov 2015 at 19:05

Hello myhusbandwife and welcome

Just wanted to say sorry for your situation. Please don't feel it's necessary to apologise for your English, as long as we can work out what you want to know it's fine.

Yes Paula's dad is one very courageous man and Paula is a wonderfully supportive daughter.

If we as a group can offer you advice please ask, I'm sure we'll be able to follow what it is you want to know

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 05 Nov 2015 at 22:16

Myhusbandwife i am sorry you are both going through this and let my dear Dad give you both some hope.i found very little info 3 yrs ago and admit to needlessly worrying at times about the aggressive cancer,
Dad remarkably had chemo in 2012 by dec it had knocked the cancer back and lived a normal life with mum who also had stage 4 rare cancer until its return summer 2014.(we knew it couldnt be cured).
Treatment has come on leaps and bounds and i sincerley hope your husband has the excellent care that my lovely Dad has and that he also responds to the chemotherapy.
Something i wish i had known in 2012.I believe it is a measure of how much we love someone when we feel so bad for them.
Dad had his blood transfusion today and some good old fish and chips! Pain has subsided but he was wheelchaired around the hospital to save energy.A cancer nurse has said it is hard to predict if he will be like this for a while or suddenly take a fall or spinal cord compression so i make the most of him while i can which is what we were doing anyway :)
ps Dads chemo was carboplatin and etopitode which is the same as small cell lung cancer and hormone injections and some radiotherapy.

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