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Advanced prostat cancer part 2

Posted 17 Nov 2015 at 10:17

I have fingers, toes and legs crossed hoping all is well today.

Remember last months drop of 3 was really more significant than you thought it had not gone back up 100+ as well. I am sure the Wiz will see that too.

The main thing is that Trevor is stil moving about OK, riding on the mower (and doing untold damage to your new nuber one asset) No, not the 101 dalmations the conservatory DUH.

I know you do all that smiley happy humour when deep inside your heart is weeping. Some days that makes you feel sick and vulnerable. I think I can safely say I know just how that feels. However, none of us can turn fate around, we humbly accept whatever cards we get dealt. It is how we play those cards and how we dodge the bad ones and glory in the good ones that really matters. I would not like to play poker against you!!

We are all here for you, heaven forbid that Lyn should ever feel the need to give T's prostate a withering look or kick your butt either for that Matter!! I do have a new snuggle blanket which I can lend you if the need arises xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Edited by member 17 Nov 2015 at 10:18  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 17 Nov 2015 at 10:28

Best of luck from us both x

Posted 17 Nov 2015 at 12:16

Thinking of you Julie and Trevor x

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 17 Nov 2015 at 12:51

All the best today Julie and Trevor.

I have a good feeling

Si xx

Don't deny the diagnosis; try to defy the verdict
Posted 17 Nov 2015 at 13:09
Hi julie/Trevor.

PSA came down last time, it can come down again.Never give up hope! So so rooting for you both.

Lesley xx

Posted 18 Nov 2015 at 09:56

I am just going to do a quick summary because my internet keeps cutting out .

Scores on the doors PSA up to 486 from 457 two weeks ago so another small increase.

This is a bit like snakes and ladders and I never really liked that game and I don't like this one either.

Continue on with the Abbi with yet another review in two weeks, all other bloods good and BP is behaving itself.

So we keep going along the Rocky Road with small steps but keep going we will.


Julie X

Posted 18 Nov 2015 at 10:39

I now the PSA is up Julie but you're not at the snakes tail yet, even if you aren't very high up that ladder.

Fingers crossed for you at the the review.

Is Trevor OK with it? Not stressing (I expect you do enough for both of you eh!)

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 18 Nov 2015 at 10:47
Julie SS

So I got my timings a little bit wrong in our online chat yesterday. 29 points up in 2 weeks is not too bad it is at least a little bit slowed down. I always think PSA is just a guidance that something is happening if Trevor continues to feel well has had no real side effects then I would think the Wiz will continue.

I will revert back to being a statistician for a moment. If the increase continued at this rate it would take 794 weeks or just over 15 years to get to 12,000 which I think was the worst figure T recorded a few years ago.

I know this has been a roller coaster ride for you too but in some ways you have been a bit luckier than some. If you consider how dire things were when T was diagnosed and add in all the other non PCa related issues, then I am sure you will agree your man has defied most of the odds for quite some time. In other ways it is harder for you as each day, week or month means that you are constantly worrying about what the next might bring. You will worry for your Boys and for all your family. I know that T can be a stubborn old goat too so that also adds pressure. I know you think the list of options is running out and that may be the case. However, sometimes a betting person will take a gamble on a risky option so the Wiz might be prepared to give low dose chemo a try. Or T might just say Enough is enough. All you can do is to continue to give your support and more important than anything else give yourself some TLC.

Of course you could not have just a simple standard hours job, no, no, no , your work comes in batches of undefined quantity. The bigger the batch size the more work and sleepless nights for you. Have you considered that you may need to plan for less of this as time moves on ? If you continue at the pace you have over the last 4 months or so you will be too worn out to function.

I just have one more month of gypsy rose in me and then I will be home for the foreseeable future. I can come and help whenever you need a break. I know how hard it is to actually come out and say " I just need a day all to myself" I also know how easy it is to deny yourself that opportunity, so I will not wait for you to ask I will just be there.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Mo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Posted 18 Nov 2015 at 20:42

Just spotted this update Julie. It seems to me that the variation is minuscule and maybe just natural variation around a steady state. Disappointing it is not going down but a glass half full person like me might say it is very good that it is not going up at all significantly. I understand the anxiety about the journey, from my own experiences but because I don't discount the end point but accept it as part of the journey then I can cope with the uncertainty. I hope you and Trevor can do the same. See where the next two weeks takes you! Thinking of you.

Posted 18 Nov 2015 at 21:36

This journey is painful, however short or long, those of us unknowingly in it for the long haul totally understand the shredded nerves, year after year, yes we are the lucky ones, but it takes its on toll. I salute you my friend, you have been so strong so far, keep on being strong Julie, the fat lady is not singing yet a while. I haven't updated my profile for a while, I find I don't have the energy, this is how I feel after so long looking over our shoulders. I really feel for you, it's exhausting.

Fingers crossed for continued very slow rises (I know we'd prefer reductions of course, and who knows, Trevor has been an enigma through this, so it's possible). I'm sure your oncologist will take the right action for Trevor, as Mo says, who knows what they might suggest when the time comes, anything is possible.

Thinking of you

Love Allison xxx

Posted 19 Nov 2015 at 20:07
Hi Julie

Sorry to hear of small increase of psa. Empathise greatly with strain this disease has on us all,it continually chips away at our energies.

Its good to see they're reviewing Trevor again in 2wks and that other bloods are ok.Oncologist may have a good plan that he wants to see you so soon. I always say don't give up hope.

Sending you a big hug Julie.

Take care.


(Allison, sending you a big hug also. You sound as though you need one too. I hope your hubby is still doing ok on the stilbestrol Xx)

Posted 01 Dec 2015 at 19:37
Hi Guys,

Since my last update I have had another BIrthday and it,s official 21again😉. I feel like 101 but my passport says not . I have gained an iPad which is pretty cool of course I need constant TEENAGE supervision to be able to use it, I have been busy making with friends with Siri or is it SUri 🙄.?

TIling is nearly finished in the new conservatory , new xmas TRee is still infuriatingly boxed this has never been known in our house for the tree not to be up by the 1st. November. I know this is way to early for some but trust me for those of us with the very real and painful condition M.G.X.T. UP.ASAP . It can be very dangerous to stop an addicted XMas decorator in there stride.

So SCORES ON THE DOORS up again from 486 to 508 I won,t bother to add the points it does seem to be following a slow but relentless trend . The WIz is more than happy to continue on ABbi so onwards we go. The WIz is happy that T is looking and feeling good despite the rises, and we are also happy that there is no change to the regime and how he feels.

Thanks for all replies


Julie X

Posted 01 Dec 2015 at 19:59
22 points increase bah humbug SS

But the wiz says stick with it and so you must.

Think back 2 years and the current must look positively wonderful.

I will be home soon with a tan almost as good as T's so coming to visit with a Mo food parcel. I will call to arrange my viewing of the conservatory, the Xmas tree and my mistletoe X's with you all.



Posted 01 Dec 2015 at 20:52

As I said on the last test this is a small almost insignificant rise and quite right you should continue as before. No sign of doubling here and the rise is marginal and may just be something else. Trevor remains well so I would take it and get on with Christmas preparations sounds like the whole month is needed.

Posted 01 Dec 2015 at 21:22
Happy birthday fellow iPad user!

The most important thing is that the Wiz is happy to keep on with the current treatment Julie and that T remains his usual self, so as Paul says time to enjoy the forthcoming festive season with your lovely family.

Lots of love

Allison xxx

Posted 01 Dec 2015 at 22:17

Oh Dear just had a huge row with Siri and now we are not talking.

Conversation went like this.

Hello Siri - What happened to my smiley faces?

Siri- What Faces

Me - On the PCUK Forum , I put smiley faces

Siri- I added the faces

Me- There was no smiley faces added

Siri- Oh yes there was

Me- Oh No there wasn't

Siri- Are you arguing with me

Me - Absolutly Frigging right I am

Siri- I don't understand Frigging

Me - Frigging as in really cheesed offhttp://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-foot-in-mouth.gif

Siri- Sorry I didn't understand that , would you like me to call home.

Me - No I am home

Siri- What are smilies http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-foot-in-mouth.gif

Me - Are you trying to wind me up .

Siri- YES

Me - You are really getting on my tits know.

Siri Is there a smiley for that.http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-foot-in-mouth.gif

Me - That's it I am switching you off.http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-foot-in-mouth.gif

Siri- Hmm just try it, you won't be able to do it without a teenagerhttp://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-foot-in-mouth.gif


Julie X


Posted 01 Dec 2015 at 22:33
Hilarious, me no Siri don't talk at all, no siree. we don't understand each other, my West Country burr simply isn't understood. Ah well.
Posted 17 Dec 2015 at 23:44
I am just going to go with what is in my head GUys so if this a little bit random . 😮 Ok so I no you are thinking what Julie random ( this can,t be ) she is so sensible and Normal.👻

YAY I have found new smilies (teenagers they are fantastic)

I have sacked SUrri he is so rude and controlling.

So firstly a very happy and MERRY XMAS to all I haven,t posted as much a lot like Alison sometimes when our journey ,s are long and winding we need to sit back and take stock. Life in the long haul can be very winding and as described it certainly is a rocky road.

I can,t believe a whole year has gone by ( well almost 2 weeks to go) and we haven,t had a blue light incident. LORD A MERCY. 👏

So conservatory is fab (T calls it my Ivory Tower) YEP too true. I love it 👏

So here I am in my IVory Tower , tree is up , decks are sorted, turkey (half price at M&S ) sprouts are on🤗

Life goes on as near normal as we can make it, but life for all of us with advanced PCa will never be normal we live each day thankfull that we have one extra day.

keep going GUys get those sprouts on and tinsel that tree . Love you all.😍



Posted 18 Dec 2015 at 07:51

Awwww, lots of love to you, T and the family Julie - I can't think of anyone who deserves some peace and rest more than you xxx

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 18 Dec 2015 at 07:54

PS - while jet-setting I somehow missed your argument with Siri - brilliant stuff!

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 18 Dec 2015 at 07:57

Glad you've still found some Christmas spirit. El and I are not naturally xmassy people but we have a VERY excited little boy at home and I'm daily trying to take myself back to that place so as not to be a misery guts. So this year I even put lights up outside for the first time which made everyone happy. This time last year I was having a template biopsy. Yesterday I had a 90 minute MRI of my adrenal glands. Hopefully last thing this year. In between has been awful and draining for us both. But nowhere near what you are going through. I will be sending Xmas cheer your way , to light your lights and warm the Ivory Tower

Posted 18 Dec 2015 at 09:17

Happy Christmas to you too Julie, Trevor and family.

Ivory Towers eh? I have my craft room(S) (I have also moved some of it into the smallest bedroom) and they are where I go when it all gets a bit too much and I don't have to put up with anything like you do.
I am currently having a huge clear out and tidy up and so John refers to himself as a craft widower.

I wasn't in a Christmassy mood this year and really couldn't be bothered to put up lights and trees etc but John wanted them up so started gradually and we now sit with all the lights on when it's dark and it has helped me gain a little Christmas spirit.

Best Wishes to you and yours.

(I have Cortana. She has an irritating voice and sounds patronising but she doesn't argue cos I AM BOSS!)

Edited by member 18 Dec 2015 at 17:09  | Reason: Not specified

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 18 Dec 2015 at 10:54

NOOOOOOO it must be a Siri conspiracy

Like Lyn I never even saw the arguement, methinks some little vixen in the cloud tinkered with it?!!

Always good to know that teenagers do have their uses, my only Grandson is now 21 so he has morphed into the useless brigade. Si's twins are not quite at teen level so I can't employ them and my only familial teenager lives in Elgin, so just a tad too far away to be of any legitimate input.

I tried using youtube instead of those irritating in house software nerds, it is a wonder tool for so many things. I am constantly amazed to see so many people willing to make videos of themselves giving one on one coaching. I changed the sink in my bathroom using a youtube demo, I just fixed a really annoying drip from my kitchen tap thanks to a youtube video (plus a knowing bit of advice from a rather nice and helpful male human)

I replaced the spotlights in my kitchen ...yes you guessed it, following a youtube video and also the manufacturers instructions (amazing that we Women actually read and follow these, almost like it was meant to be that way!) I have got one or two rather larger projects I could start so maybe there will be a new app called wetube or really?tube or something. Although I am seriously considering abandoning my new found DIY talents and moving into a new home instead.

Now if Mick could read your latest post about the no blue lights in 12 months he would be really pissy ...his one and only trip by ambulance to hospital in his whole life and the ambulanceman told him no blue lights with a spinal injury, just a slow and careful drive, he spent the whole trip singing nee nah, nee nah, nee nah like a demented minion. I saw that ambulanceman recently at the hospice. I was sure he hadn't recognised me until he walked past me going nee nah, nee nah and making flashing light gestures above his head !!

So the ivory tower is decorated and you are all getting ready for another Christmas and it is another one which you never expected T to share with you all. Your remarkable story should give hope to others who feel they have none. I know how draining it all is, the constant anxiety, the everyday interference with life in general but you my lovely friend just soldier on, laughing smiling and being you. I know your family really appreciate that more than you will ever know.

May you have a very merry Christmas, indeed as Lyn says you thoroughly deserve it.

Lots of friend love, kisses and hugs




My ancient android doesn't like to do smiles, I call him Marvin

Edited by member 18 Dec 2015 at 18:36  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 18 Dec 2015 at 16:59

Have a great Christmas Julie with your family. This journey is a rollercoaster but still has plenty of time to run. I am about to celebrate Christmas just waiting to get passed my onco appointment next week. Have a great time.

Posted 18 Dec 2015 at 19:44
Hi julie

This lifted my heart, Christmas is that time of the year for us, diagnosis came on Dec 23rd (2010), so it has its downsides in our house, still, all pressies are bought, food ordered, just the booze to get so Christmas 2015 is going to be great.

Big love from us


Posted 18 Dec 2015 at 19:52

I think John's diagnosis was delivered on the 22nd December - i remember being told all the nurse specialists had finished until the New Year so there was no one available to call us. Perhaps urology depts get a chrustmas bonus for increading their detection rates?

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 19 Dec 2015 at 10:23

Have a great Xmas Julie and everyone else...
I recall being sat in the urologists office on xmas eve 2012 discussing open surgery as an option....
Must be a common theme...Si was also a December dx

Bri x

Posted 19 Dec 2015 at 10:55

Yep, phone call on the 23rd not my best Christmas.

Have a great one Julie and pass on our best wishes to Trevor and the boys.

Si xx


Don't deny the diagnosis; try to defy the verdict
Posted 30 Dec 2015 at 22:43
Scores on the doors up again PSA now at 566 , the Wiz is still holding steady and we continue on with Abbi for another 2 weeks. I have given up hope of the big drop that some have seen on the magic beans. The positive that I am taking from this slow but relentless rise is that just maybe it is stopping it from sky rocketing away. So to be honest the Wiz is doing exactly what she promised two and a half years ago , she said I can't cure you but I can buy you time.

Two and a half years ago I didn't think we would see Xmas 2013 and here we are on the Eve of 2016 so for all of those with a dire diagnosis never give up hope keep going forward with everything that you have. Our road has been rocky there has been a fair few boulders along the way but the extra time that we have had with the various drugs that T has had is priceless.

He hasn't been so good the last few weeks just more tired and a bit more pain but certainly able to unwrap his Xmas pressies , he forced himself to polish of a bottle of wine and half a bottle of Baileys(not bad ehhh)!

I would just like to wish each and every one of you the very best for 2016 Happy New year to you all my cyber friends long may we all continue to support each other.

Getting a bit tearie know so I am off


Julie X

Posted 30 Dec 2015 at 22:58

New Year wishes to both of you too Julie

Well the Wiz has kept her word so far, let's hope she still has more magic up her sleeves.

All the best


We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 31 Dec 2015 at 00:02

Hey, way to go Julie. PSA still steady so enjoy the start of another year. Time does go by and each passing day brings more memories, more opportunities and more hope. I know where you are at as I am too but let,s enjoy this ride.

Happy new year to you and yours.

Posted 31 Dec 2015 at 17:14

Hi Julie

So pleased to see Abbi is holding the PSA, Hoping  you and Trevor and the boys and Dora, Lilly, Wilma, Plum, Sydney, Kitty, Mable, Elvis, Yoda, and whoever we have missed have a great and healthy new year.

Love from us all here.

Si x   

Don't deny the diagnosis; try to defy the verdict
Posted 31 Dec 2015 at 17:15

Wishes to you all
Chris El

Posted 31 Dec 2015 at 17:47

Julie, you do such a good job of pretending life is a big bowl of chocolates and you are allowed a few tears now and then. The problem with magic is that we know it probably isn't real and although every new year that comes along is a reminder of the gifts we have had so far, it is also a marker that the coming year may be the one where the magic runs out. When the children were small I loved that they were so excited about Santa but then immediately felt sad that by the next year, they might know the truth.

Lots of love to you and all the family for a magical start to 2016 xxx

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 01 Jan 2016 at 16:42
Lovely Julie

The dawning of a New Year did that to me too. Been a bit of a horrible few days, I'll update about it shortly. I'm finally at home, hubby comfy in his own bed, dogs snoring next to me, nice cup of tea in hand and appreciating the good things in life.

Lots of love

Allison xxxx

Posted 01 Jan 2016 at 16:57
Thinking of you Julie, best wishes to Trevor and you for some good times still to come.


Dream like you have forever, live like you only have today Avatar is me doing the 600 mile Camino de Santiago May 2019

Posted 01 Jan 2016 at 17:24
Julie my lovely SS

I am back at home now and will call you in the next day or so, we have talked about the long and winding road many times together. Every time you get to a sharp corner you slow down a tiny bit but still manage to get round it, 2 wheels off the ground, tyres screeching and oncoming traffic diving for cover!

We know that one day that corner is going to be just too big an ask, but for now you will still make it round them.

Tearful moments are expected they happened many times for me too, that is because we are normal human beings.

PSA is still in check and the Wizz is happy with that.

We are all here with you Julie



Posted 05 Jan 2016 at 23:39
SS you so nailed that with your post I feel like we have screeched around so many corners , skidded and slidded and each time we have somehow not sure how managed to get to the home run safe ready to fight another day.

So Ok now there is only 3wheels left on the wagon with a 300 point increase in PSA since starting Abbi in Sept, but in the words of the song (lots of you might not no the tune so Google 3 wheels on my wagon)

Here we go for those that haven't been on the forum very long I make no apologise for my sense of humour😮 I do like a sing song.

Three wheels on our wagon

And we're still rolling along

That PCa is chasing me

But I'm singing a happy song

I'm singing Higgity,haggity,hoggity Hi

Pioneers they never say die

A mile up the road there's a hidden cave

And we can watch PCa go galloping by

The words of this song just sort of encapsulated our journey of course ( if you google it ) it does go down to no wheels on our wagon but we are not there yet so my friends Higgity, Haggity, Hoggarty HI. Keep rolling along.


Julie X

Posted 06 Jan 2016 at 03:21
I just had to singalong made me smile



run long and prosper

'pooh how do you spell love'

'piglet you dont spell love -you just feel it'

Posted 06 Jan 2016 at 06:43

Love your spirit Julie.

Yes, you know that it will beat you in the end but by God you're making it work hard.

Enjoy every precious day as you are doing. You are very lucky to have each other and your family and I know that this situation must be a heavy burden to bear for all of you but I admire your courage and your dignity at every turn of the wheel.

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 06 Jan 2016 at 14:54

One thing is for sure a 3 wheeler is better than no wheels, Del Boy would be in a right old mess if he had to rely on 4 !

Your spirit after more than 3 long years is still amazing and you know how much I and others respect you for that.

Keep on keeping on as we used to say



Posted 06 Jan 2016 at 19:20

Hi Julie,

You always make me smile http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-laughing.gif

So what has gone wrong with the Abbi, i found a can of Fosters per tablet really boosted the treatment and also turned my cancer in to a raving drunk http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-laughing.gif

I guess Trevor was taking them with turmeric http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-laughing.gif so wrong.

So whats the plan next ??

Thinking of you

Si xx

Don't deny the diagnosis; try to defy the verdict
Posted 06 Jan 2016 at 20:00

Not sure what your post is signifying.malthough that sounds like big rise it's over five months and your figures are high so not doubling. Or have they stopped abby because they think it has stopped working. I understand all this as I limp towards four years and another change. Your wheels my circles, I know the concept. Trevor is lucky to have you fighting his corner, this alone will extend his time. I like being on my own (mostly) not putting a partner through all this but it can be a bit frightening. Your humour in the face of adversity I love. Keep those wheels turning and I will keep the circles in the air!

Posted 06 Jan 2016 at 20:50

Paul, you are such a kind and true person, never be frightened of coping without a partner. If I ever thought you needed me, your family would have to take out a restraining order to keep me away.

Julie, I wish I knew the tune, just so I could hum along with you

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 06 Jan 2016 at 22:18

I understand your fear, but I truly love your humour in the face of adversity. I remember 3 wheels on my wagon and sang along with you.

Thinking of you, as always

Love Allison xxx

Posted 06 Jan 2016 at 23:02
Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Paul, you are such a kind and true person, never be frightened of coping without a partner. If I ever thought you needed me, your family would have to take out a restraining order to keep me away.

Julie, I wish I knew the tune, just so I could hum along with you

Paul I am with Lyn on this one (again!!)



Posted 07 Jan 2016 at 05:59


copy this lynne and hum along

run long and prosper

'pooh how do you spell love'

'piglet you dont spell love -you just feel it'

Posted 25 Jan 2016 at 19:22
Wiz visit today and no surprise PSA is up again. 691 so an increase in 125 from 4 weeks ago, to say we limped out of the appointment with a bike pump and a free check up at quick Fit is probably a very apt description (see previous comment about 3 wheels on our wagon)

New scans ordered before next visit in 4 weeks until then we continue on with Abiraterone.

My thinking is if the scans show progression then Abbi will be abandoned and not having a plan B is pretty scary , I just heard Trevor on the phone saying that it was a slight increase we both handle this in such different ways , he will be down for a few days (but never admit it) and certainly never talk about it, if he opened up and talked about it then he would have to face it and that's what he can't do.

So we soldier on and if all of the wheels fall of our wagon well then I will just have to get the boat back out again, mind you I think we only have 1 oar.🚤



Posted 25 Jan 2016 at 20:40

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

New scans ordered before next visit in 4 weeks until then we continue on with Abiraterone.

My thinking is if the scans show progression then Abbi will be abandoned 

I fear this may well be so. At my last meeting with my Onco I commented on the fact that it was now 12 months since I was last scanned. Her response was "you're still feeling good therefore I don't want to scan you because if I did and it shows progression then I have to stop your Enzo".

BTW did you see my post of 9/1/16 here:


Posted 25 Jan 2016 at 20:53

I am so, so sorry Julie.

I wonder if, since his other medical issues have stabilised so much over the last 12 months, the Wiz might take a different view about chemo now?

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

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