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A place to have a chat.

Posted 01 May 2024 at 10:47

Ahhh, that’s a lovely post Phil, and yep, you’re so right. You have to care for yourself or you ain’t gonna help anyone else in need. Like the swimming analogy. Adrian, this disease is awful, it permeates every part of our lives. David is now over eight years on from diagnosis and doing well, he is Gleason 9 Tb3 and thankfully <0.1 on lifelong Prostap three monthly. He has pain most days, and no libido, and the excruciating fear every three months when his PSA is due, that pain is debilitating. I like the virtual pub idea, it’s great, we have a glass of wine in our kitchen or conservatory on Friday nights never in the sitting  room. It’s our time to talk and share stuff. When David had his heart arrack during covid,  I had a zoom night out with friends, it was great,it helped a great deal, we shared wine and nibbles. So, keep the virtual pub going, we like red wine and David likes real ale, we love a chat on world affairs, politics, economic you name it we talk about it, and we can get quite in depth. Today it’s not raining so I’ll be in the garden preparing a bed for beetroot and working in the poly tunnel, tomatoes will be going in next week. So next time we have a wine we will raise a glass to all you lovely G9 lads. we have each others backs. As I type David is taking his supplements and alternative meds, his daily routine. 
Leila x


Edited by member 01 May 2024 at 12:08  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 01 May 2024 at 20:49

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Today it’s not raining so I’ll be in the garden preparing a bed for beetroot and working in the poly tunnel, tomatoes will be going in next week. So next time we have a wine we will raise a glass to all you lovely G9 lads.

Hi Leila, 

I love gardening too. I've been in mine most of the day, just pottering about. It's been glorious, very warm.

 I spoilt myself to a cast aluminium, life size garden sculpture, of a pig, a boar, it arrived today. I've put him next to the sow I got at Xmas. They look so good together they're now my new avatar.

I'm sorry to here that David is struggling. I too had a heart attack, only a couple of months after my op. It's extra difficult  dealing with prostate cancer and a heart condition. It's hard distinguishing what side effects are being caused by which condition.πŸ™‚

Best of luck to both of you.


Edited by member 02 May 2024 at 08:02  | Reason: Reduce text

Posted 02 May 2024 at 09:14

 I spoilt myself to a cast aluminium, life size garden sculpture, of a pig, a boar, it arrived today. I've put him next to the sow I got at Xmas. They look so good together they're now my new avatar.

You've got a breeding pair! You should be able to sell the litter for a handsome profit πŸ‘πŸΌ



Posted 02 May 2024 at 10:14

The male is seated, so there is no pork sausage or meat balls on show. I've named him Kev, not after you mate, but after the actor Kevin Bacon. We've renamed the sow, Amy, after the late, great, Amy Swinehouse.

My wife wanted to call the boar Hamlet, but I thought that was a bit too scholarly for me.

Kev and Amy are now part of the family.

Edited by member 02 May 2024 at 19:45  | Reason: Additional text

Posted 03 May 2024 at 20:06

Evening all. Just back on line after a week away celebrating becoming a senior citizen! I’m envious reading all the posts about sitting in gardens - raining cats and dogs here!

Glad to hear you’ve added to your pig collection Adrian. I think if I had a large metal pig sculpture delivered here, it might get inserted to check out my PCa’s progress πŸ˜‚

Posted 03 May 2024 at 20:35

Hi Ian,

Congratulations on your 60th. I don't know if you'd agree, but I think, that time seems to fly by much quicker the older you get.

Anything inserted into my pigs would get a shock. Ants have already discovered because they are warm and hollow, sculptures make deluxe holiday cottages.

It's been pouring down here today. We went to support 'Three Dads Walking' as they crossed the Humber Bridge into Barton upon Humber. Then, umbrellas in hand, strolled around a couple of local garden nurseries. I want to do my bedding plants this weekend, but it was too wet to plant shop today. We'll revisit, purchase and plant tomorrow.

We did manage to have a very large full English at one of the nurseries. Whilst peering out of the window looking at the  downpour. So the day wasn't a complete wash-out. 😁



Edited by member 07 May 2024 at 21:33  | Reason: Typo

Posted 03 May 2024 at 20:52

Hi Adrian, sounds like it’s been wet everywhere in the east today! I used to spend a fair bit of time in Barton for work years ago. Also got a pal/ex colleague who lives there.

Just to clarify, the pig would be inserted into me, not the other way round πŸ˜‚

Have a great weekend mate πŸ‘

Posted 07 May 2024 at 20:43

Happy 60th.. Senior citizen? Not yet surely?

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed the Bank Holiday weekend, this thread's been quiet so I guess you did. Apparently it was world naked gardening day on Saturday so I'm guessing that's what you all got up to 😁

We did some dog sitting so my son and his wife could go away to a wedding. I'm not a dog person so picking up dog poo gets a big fat no from me, good job my Mrs has a stronger stomach than mine. 

Anyway, I turned on the nestbox camera today and the eggs have hatched so that's the entertainment sorted for the next few weeks until they fledge 🀞

I love this time of year, it's so full of life. 

Hope you're all well. 




Posted 08 May 2024 at 09:54

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
We did some dog sitting so my son and his wife could go away to a wedding. I'm not a dog person so picking up dog poo gets a big fat no from me, good job my Mrs has a stronger stomach than mine. 

I'm not an animal lover either. Until recently we used to look after my daughter's two dogs whilst she was on holiday. I dreaded it, seeing them cr*pping and peeing all over my garden. Trying to pick up runny pooh from lush grass is my idea of hell! 

She now managed to find a dogless, dog lover to dog sit and dog sh*t pick.

My robins have fledged.

Recently, I've been spending hours in the garden. Like you, I love this time of year. I planted all my bedding plants and touchwood they are thriving.

I've had a few bevvies on my back bench. It's so peaceful just listening to the birds singing and the bees buzzing. It's a time when I'm able to completely forget about health issues.

We've got a family of buzzards that usually give us a daily aerial display and making circles in the sky. They are fascinating to watch and hear them calling to each other.

I'll be out in the garden most of today, its nice and sunny here.

Posted 08 May 2024 at 17:09

Hi guys. Nice to hear you’re enjoying your gardens in this nicer weather ( for a change 🀣) . 
Been busy with painting (conservatory new ceiling) , bit of gardening, (I cut grass, missus planted some lavender alongside steps going up garden).
Went out for dinner Saturday night for a birthday celebration then back to theirs for a couple of drinks 🍷 Got into bed at 2am. 
Badminton today, which is always a laugh as we are nearly all older and a bit slow … 🀦‍♀️. 
Took my Goddaughter out (11 yrs old) last Saturday morning to hunt the local charity shops for CDs for her new collection. We gave her a stereo CD player with speakers to get started with. She’s into heavy metal 🀘 etc which I was never into as a kid so it’s been interesting… ! 

Stay busy boys, do the things you like πŸ‘


Posted 08 May 2024 at 17:48

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
We gave her a stereo CD player with speakers to get started with. She’s into heavy metal 🀘

Good girl. πŸ‘

I was into Black Sabbath and Deep Purple when I was about her age.

Posted 08 May 2024 at 18:00

I was into Black Sabbath and Deep Purple when I was about her age

I’m afraid I was a little s*** Mod/skinhead at 11. Levi’s with turnups, DMs and Ben Sherman shirts. Listening to Reggae and Ska 🎢 Music … And frequenting the Casino Amusements we had on jolly old Canvey Island.. 🀣

I did get over it though when I was 15, and actually rode a scooter 😳… Turned me into a biker 🀣🀣… 

Posted 09 May 2024 at 16:03

I never rode a scooter, at least you tried it eh. Saw a few over the weekend probably going to a rally or something. 

Today I've been working in the garden playing at being Bob the Builder. Re-pointing the garage wall because I'm training a couple of vines along it and don't want it falling down. I put a tarp up for some shade but I'm not a fast worker so ended up in the sun again! Luckily the Mrs is WFH so I got her to slap on some suncream. It's almost like being on holiday. 

Cheers everyone. 


Posted 10 May 2024 at 19:19

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
 Luckily the Mrs is WFH so I got her to slap on some suncream.

I didn't have a clue what WFH meant. πŸ€” Wife from heaven I thought.😁

I'm rubbish with texting. I avoided getting a mobile until 16 months ago, when I had my op. I decided to get one to let the family know how I was getting on.

3 months later, I dropped and drowned it in my fish pond. I'm more careful with this one.

Posted 14 May 2024 at 09:33

Morning guys. Hope you’re all keeping well? 

Woke up this morning feeling a little down and tearful. Less than a week till my chemo starts 😬.. Almost doesn’t seem real. I want to shake my head and realise it’s all a nightmare. I suppose none of us ever thinks we’ll get to this point. 

Every morning when I take my pills I want to throw them out the window. 

Bloody GP telephone appointment this morning to check my meds 🀷‍♂️.. yes I bloody need them 🀦‍♀️.. 

Anyway got some indoor painting to do which is better than moping around as it’s pissing down outside. Good for the new planting I suppose. 

So if you pop down Adrian’s Pub I’m in the corner nursing a virtual Pint and a pork pie. 

Keep up the fight guys. 


Posted 14 May 2024 at 09:56

Ey up Phil.

I'm going to the real club for a session today. I've only been to the club once in two months so I intend making up for lost time. Might take a couple of Tena in case I burst the banks.

A mate contacted me last night saying his got some tomato plants for me and suggested the club would be an ideal place for the transfer. He likes a few bevvies. I feel the plants may wilt whilst we're busy watering ourselves. πŸ™‚

It should be a laugh watching the wife trying to bundle me and half a dozen pots into the car for the journey home.

I understand your trepidation about chemo mate, but you are a fighter and you will cope.

Best of luck pal.

Posted 14 May 2024 at 10:38

Hi Phil

Sorry to hear you're feeling down today. Hopefully the painting will distract you and take your mind off things. Is it gloss or emulsion? I bloody hate gloss painting with a vengeance, but don't mind slopping some emulsion around!

Ref. the Chemo, the only input I can offer is that my younger brother had to undergo intensive Chemo last year, prior to surgery for oesophageal cancer. I won't say he had a bundle of laughs, but he was pretty positive about the whole experience. He said the actual infusions themselves were fine. He felt rough for a couple of days afterwards, but on the whole I don't think it was as bad as he expected it to be. I don't think he enjoyed looking like Uncle Fester when his hair fell out, but he didn't have much to start with! Seriously though mate, he said it wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to be, and, more importantly, it did its job πŸ‘ 

Posted 14 May 2024 at 11:25

Adrian, have a great time at your club. Don’t forget to bring the tomato plants home 🀣. Funny you mention Tena but since I had my passing out episode I’ve found I’ve started having a little leak occasionally. I wonder if this is the damage they said could happen a few years after radiotherapy?? Hoping it will get better but it may be permanent. 

Harty, I’m painting the window cill in the conservatory so it’s satin . I found a good paint and it goes on really nice. Slowly working our way round the whole house so I have plenty of emulsion to do as well… 

I’m hoping I cope with the chemo ok. Everyone says it’s not too bad. I’m just keeping my fingers crossed it does the trick and keeps the little b****** at bay for a good while. Great that it worked well for your younger brother. I’m gonna ask about the cold cap. 

I suppose we all get bad days don’t we. Blood test this afternoon in preparation for a chemo nurse call Friday and 1st infusion Monday. 

Off to a garden centre after the blood test so better take a brolly … 

Cheers guys πŸ‘


Posted 14 May 2024 at 11:37

Hi Phil,

You can do the chemo. Obviously, everybody will cope differently, but there's no hiding the fact that after each cycle you will feel like $hit for 3 days or so. However, you'll quickly learn to cope, just ride each cycle, know your limitations, rest when you have to, plan some treats for the recovery periods and don't fight it (i.e. if you feel knackered then go lie down, don't go for a run). And, consider doing the cold cap, it is very 'do-able', worth the discomfort to keep your hair. 

All best πŸ‘



Posted 14 May 2024 at 17:28

Hi Phil, 

There's nothing quite like painting something, I find it relaxing and good therapy.. probably not after a few pints in Adrian's virtual pup though. 

I hope you enjoyed your booze cruise and you managed to restock your wine cellar, I imagine it's made of bare brick and doesn't need decorating 😁  Maybe you have to dust off the bottles occasionally 🀷‍♂️

Looking forward to hearing if Adrian makes it home with in-tact tomato plants or ketchup tonight. 

I'll join you for that virtual pint, probably London Pride or a Doom Bar, and I'll raise my glass to you and everyone else on this site 🍻



Posted 15 May 2024 at 14:07

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Looking forward to hearing if Adrian makes it home with in-tact tomato plants or ketchup tonight.

Hi Kev,

Mission accomplished. The 'Tomato transfer' took 3 hours. 6 pints of mild, no leakages. Plants and I, safely home by tea time.

I don't usually grow veg and don't want more pots or grow bags in the garden. So I've decided to try and grow them in my flower beds and give them tomato feed. We'll see what happens.

Planted them this morning.

Now sat next to the fish pond chilling out with a cider. Its amazing that we evolved from fish but that's perhaps why I still drink like one. πŸ˜„



Edited by member 15 May 2024 at 14:09  | Reason: Typo

Posted 15 May 2024 at 15:46

That's a well earned cider following a successful tomato plant mission. πŸ‘πŸΌ

Posted 15 May 2024 at 16:14

I'm now not so sure how the mission  will finally turn out. My plants are wilting as much as my nether regions! 

Posted 15 May 2024 at 16:28

There's nothing quite like painting something, I find it relaxing and good therapy.. probably not after a few pints in Adrian's virtual pup though. 

I hope you enjoyed your booze cruise and you managed to restock your wine cellar, I imagine it's made of bare brick and doesn't need decorating 😁  Maybe you have to dust off the bottles occasionally 

Looking forward to hearing if Adrian makes it home with in-tact tomato plants or ketchup tonight. 

I'll join you for that virtual pint, probably London Pride or a Doom Bar, and I'll raise my glass to you and everyone else on this site 🍻


I like decorating although I’m a lot slower than I used to be….

Booze cruise was excellent. Got what we wanted then onto a nice restaurant for lunch … πŸ™‚ Unfortunately my ‘cellar’ is some shelves in the garage… We had a cellar in our old house but access was poor from inside and the outside door was , well outside and so we only used it for garden stuff.

I like a London Pride or Doombar but couldn’t manage 6 like Adrian . I’d be on the floor …..


How’s the tomato plants doing? We put in some Lavender a few days ago and it’s going mental…. 


Posted 15 May 2024 at 16:54

Ey up Phil.

Lavender is wonderful. I've grown a small hedge (half a dozen plants) in a border. Its about 5 years old, and just about to flower. Monty Don says you shouldn't prune it, but I do and it looks fab. 

I wish we could post photos.

As I said the tomatoes don't look brilliant at the mo, but I'm sure my greenfingers will save them. πŸ˜„



Edited by member 15 May 2024 at 16:57  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 15 May 2024 at 16:59

Adrian, we have a path/steps up the garden and last year around this time planted a row of lavender on one edge and it went crazy and looked beautiful. So this year we’ve done the other side. Not the same lavender so we’ll see what it looks like but it’s drowning so fast ….!


The path is 1.2m wide so we will have the lavender trailing over both sides and still be able to walk up it.


good luck with the tomato plants.



Posted 15 May 2024 at 17:10

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
good luck with the tomato plants

Unfortunately they're  drooping. I might have to give them  a drop of Invicorp.😁

Posted 15 May 2024 at 20:59

Sorry to butt in but if Monty Don says you shouldn't prune lavender he has gone down in my estimation. We have masses of it all around the  paths around  of our house and when we moved in it was a mess..all straggly .We chopped it back and it has gone mad and flowers like new . I love it as it attracts the bees and other insects. It is growing really well this year again and should be flowering in the next couple of weeks or so . I f you don't prune lavendar it does go leggy and straggly and then does not flower well. Never trust a so called expert.!!

With tomatoes always make sure you pinch out the little side shoots that emerge as this encourages the main growth. Hope I am not teaching you to suck eggs but I would have loved a career in horticulture... I did not realise it when I were a lad!! How many people do things like that.

I just love growing stuff now especially if you can eat it and enjoy the fruits of your labour.  Best wishes to all you gardeners and if you need any advice just contact Monty Jackson Don . No charge BTW🀣

Edited by member 15 May 2024 at 21:00  | Reason: typo

Posted 15 May 2024 at 21:20

Lovely to see you again Jackson. I've clipped my lavender every year. As you say it stops it getting leggy.  I'm pretty sure old Monty said not to cut it back to old wood, but perhaps I misunderstood.

Gardening is fab. I used to hate it whilst I was working but since I've retired there is nothing I enjoy more. When I'm in my garden, whether I'm working on it or just relaxing problems including cancer, seem to fade away.

Late edit.

I did get it wrong. 😳

Monty actually says,

"Cut back hard to a good compact shape but be sure to leave some new shoots on each stem - lavender will often not regrow from bare wood. These new shoots will grow fast and provide an attractive and healthy cover to protect the plant in winter and provide the basis of next year’s display."

Edited by member 15 May 2024 at 21:34  | Reason: Additional text

Posted 15 May 2024 at 22:01

Be careful what you wish for. Most of the threads on this forum are about ...



Edited by member 16 May 2024 at 07:44  | Reason: Not specified


Posted 16 May 2024 at 07:33

Who knows what pictures Adrian would post after a few beers 🀣

Not casting aspersions mate 😁



Posted 16 May 2024 at 07:52

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Who knows what pictures Adrian would post after a few beers 🀣

My 'Hooray for Invicorp' thread would go viral! πŸ“Έ πŸ˜‚

Posted 16 May 2024 at 09:29

Yes, definitely agree with trimming lavender. Cut it right back last year and it’s going great guns now and not straggly. Not that I’d know what to do. I just get told what to do in the garden πŸ™‚

Paloma Faith last night was amazing. Such a powerful voice for a little lady and loved the songs. She is mad as a box of frogs and so funny when she’s chatting. Gonna look up her CDs now or maybe even splash out on a vinyl… 😳

I’m loving my life right now . Don’t want anything to mess it up but I know it’s coming. So just gotta grab every day with both hands and do as much as possible before anything happens. 

Enjoy yourselves guys, 


Posted 16 May 2024 at 09:59

Well thats more like it. He did get it right so apologies for dissing him. Interestingly there was some of it in our garden that looked like it was on its last legs so we did prune it very hard and it has revived and is doing really well this year. Might depend on how old the actual plant is. I am not really an expert but have learnt a fair bit over the years as i guess we all do.

Enjoy your gardens!

Edited by member 16 May 2024 at 10:00  | Reason: typo

Posted 16 May 2024 at 10:01

Ey up Phil, I'm so pleased that you're feeling good and that you enjoyed Paloma's gig.

I think I've got 3 or 4 of her CDs.

My favourite track is 'Can't Rely On You'

I Dad Dance to it in the kitchen. Not a pretty sight.

Posted 16 May 2024 at 10:11

Who has Paloma Faith screensavers on their phones then? πŸ˜‰πŸ€£

Keep loving life and grabbing every day Phil πŸ‘πŸΌ

Keep the Faith guys!



Edited by member 16 May 2024 at 11:40  | Reason: Typo

Posted 16 May 2024 at 12:15

I think I’ve become a bit of a fan now 🎢 πŸ‘


We had a nice meal before the show yesterday at a new Mediterranean restaurant within walking distance of the show. We are very lucky to have the Cliffs Pavillion only a short drive away as they have so many great shows and music acts.


Out again tonight with our youngest and his wife to a Japanese restaurant we’ve been to before in Southend. Excellent food  - yummy. And I keep blaming the Dexamthasone for my spiraling weight …….


I’d also love a way to post pictures but I know the forum would likely hit the storage buffers. I have heard about a free photo sharing site but never used it and you can possibly share the links on here ??




Edited by member 16 May 2024 at 12:22  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 16 May 2024 at 12:33

πŸ˜„ Two and a half hours later and I've just got that. No wonder I never passed any promotion exams.


Can you have chips and mushy peas with sushi? 

Edited by member 16 May 2024 at 12:38  | Reason: Additional text

Posted 16 May 2024 at 12:38

Keep the Faith guys!

πŸ˜„ Two and a half hours later and I've just got that. No wonder I never passed any promotion exams.


Kev threw that in as a test πŸ˜‚



Posted 16 May 2024 at 12:57

Can you have chips and mushy peas with sushi? 

I my opinion if they do chips and mushy peas then you should be able to have it .

I like Sushi but it’s not what I normally order. I might nick some sushi off someone else’s plate. I like Teriyaki sauce so possibly something with that tonight πŸ€”. 

Years ago I used to like Chicken, chips and gravy from the Chinese. 😁


Posted 16 May 2024 at 13:05

Interestingly, well at least, I think it's interesting. 😁 I've just had a bespoke coffee table made by a very talented steel fabricator who's goes to local club.

 Whilst discussing the job he showed me a handmade, 5 feet tall by 3 feet wide sculpture he'd made during covid out of 3 mm steel plate of a black clenched fist with the words Keep the Faith in a metal banner above it. It weighs 250 kg.

Apparently when he was young he was a big Northern Soul fan, and that was the emblem and motto of Northern Soul.

I'm thinking of buying it as a garden statue.

Edited by member 16 May 2024 at 19:48  | Reason: Typo

Posted 16 May 2024 at 13:14

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Interestingly, well at least, I think it's interesting. I've just had a bespoke coffee table made for me by a very talented steel fabricator who's goes to my club.

Now whilst discussing the job he showed me a handmade 5 feet tall by 3 feet wide sculpture he'd made during covid out of 3 mm steel plate of a black clenched fist with the words Keep the Faith in a metal banner above it. It weighs 250 kg.

Apparently he was a Northern Soul fan, and that was the emblem and motto of Northern Soul.

I'm thinking of buying it?

Wow that’s sounds fantastic. I didn’t know that about Northern Soul. One of my school friends lived in Liverpool for a few years after school and he’s well up on all that whereas I wouldn’t even recognise it.. I did love disco dancing though and have been known to sneak onto a few USAF bases in the U.K. and in Germany with my mate who was RAF . Their discos were on another planet. I was in love with Donna Summer 🀣🀣

If you love the sculpture go for it πŸ‘. 

Posted 16 May 2024 at 19:56

Well that is a relief as I really like Monty so apologies for dissing him. I did think it was strange that he would get that wrong. I really do not think I am any kind of expert but just someone that has learned a lot of gardening knowledge over  the years. Gone too quickly this year as another decade has flown by. Lets all hope we see another one yet at least.

Edited by member 17 May 2024 at 21:06  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 18 May 2024 at 00:18

Hi Chaps,

Hi, Spongebob here, must admit to being a bit lost with all this talk of gardening stuff but then whatever floats your boat is good enough for me 😬 ( I did become a bit of an expert though when I took my Dad’s allotment for a couple of years after he died some 40years ago- I remember the black fly on the broad beans, the peas being pecked to death by wood pigeons, the slugs on the lettuces and in the cabbages etc, etc, etc )
Anyway, I’m Pi$$ed again 🍺🍷🍷🍷. Friday night, just watched a bit of Billy Connolly, followed by Mrs Browns. Would love love love to go watch the Fawlteys Towers stage show - Mais c’est la vie ☹️. 

My sister bought me 3 garden gnomes for my birthday. I’ve decided to give the gnomes an experience and have started taking one of them on all my trips and taking appropriate photos. Then post photos on our family WhatsApp. Small ideas - but give me such a big buzz. (I’m typing this whilst my Mrs is talking non stop trype at me (god will she ever stop talking 😱😱😱😱😱), so apologies if this is incomprehensible 😬).

Happy Fridays

from the Sponge

Posted 18 May 2024 at 07:47

Hey Spongebob. 

You're not too pi$$ed, I can understand your post πŸ˜‰

I'm not a great gardener, but I enjoy keeping mine tidy and often battle slugs, I think they enjoy the short flight as I flick them over onto the green out front for the birds. I've noticed what look like tiny eggs stuck under the leaves of the vine, I'm doing my best to get rid of them, I'd appreciate any ideas. 

As for the birds, our bluetit brood is about a week away from fledging so hopefully we get to see them go before next weekend. 

Also, our neighbour has great tits in her back garden. 



Posted 18 May 2024 at 07:58

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Anyway, I’m Pi$$ed again 🍺🍷🍷🍷.

Hi mate. You do make me giggle. My GP refers to it as self medicating. 

I've shared your allotment experience, which is why, I generally don't bother growing veg. Like you, all I end up doing is, feeding every garden pest known to man. Having said that, my recently planted tomatoes have thus far survived.

I rarely drink on an evening now, because I'd be up umpteen times in the night peeing.

I do like having a few early afternoon though.

As for wives talking nonsense. I have learned over many years to switch to selective hearing mode. To be fair though, she's better at it than me.

Edited by member 18 May 2024 at 08:24  | Reason: Typo

Posted 18 May 2024 at 08:09

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Also, our neighbour has great tits in her back garden

My neighbour used to have them years ago, but recently they've become a tripping hazard.

Talking of neighbours, I used to laugh at mine when he used to wear a bin liner on each leg whilst powerwashing his patio. What a d*ck. I used to think.

Yesterday, it was warm here, dressed in only shorts and a vest, and well tanked up, I decided to jet clean my patio. I ended looking like buckets of sh*te had been thrown at me. I was covered from head to toe in mud and grit. Like a fool  I decided to turn the gun on myself, forgetting to turn down the nozzle. It was still so powerful I nearly performed a self administered orchiectomy.

I shall never again laugh at my neighbour, when I see him wearing refuse bags. He is a much a wiser man than me.

Late edit.

Kev those egg like things on your vine may not be eggs but vine sap balls or pearls, apparently they can be produced by the plant when growing fast. 

Edited by member 18 May 2024 at 11:49  | Reason: Typo

Posted 18 May 2024 at 15:26

Today’s top tip - If like me you find yourself losing your balance and falling over when standing on one leg putting your socks on in a morning then you can solve this by leaning against the wardrobe or appropriate wall space πŸ€“ 

Posted 18 May 2024 at 16:47

Kev those egg like things on your vine may not be eggs but vine sap balls or pearls, apparently they can be produced by the plant when growing fast. 

Thanks Adrian, I just googled that and it looks exactly the same as my vineπŸ‘πŸΌ

We've got Gardener's World as well as a virtual pub! πŸ‘πŸΌ



Posted 18 May 2024 at 17:34

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Today’s top tip - If like me you find yourself losing your balance and falling over when standing on one leg putting your socks on in a morning then you can solve this by leaning against the wardrobe or appropriate wall space πŸ€“ 

πŸ˜‚ I've fallen over so many times. It's just not socks. Putting on my boxer shorts is even more dangerous. I've often got both legs in one hole. TIMBER!

Edited by member 18 May 2024 at 17:37  | Reason: Not specified

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