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Posted 07 Jun 2024 at 09:01

At least you've saved the wine for another day, should last a bit longer until the next booze cruise ๐Ÿ˜

Ha ha we just had  a nice Red indoors instead  ๐Ÿท… 

Thats nice you’re volunteering to help at the Lido Kev. Very thoughtful of you ๐Ÿ‘. 

Off to Lakeside soon as the missus is back from having her nails done… oh Joy…. 
Hopefully we’ll be in and out in a flash …!

Have a good day guys, and a cracking weekend ๐Ÿ‘




Posted 07 Jun 2024 at 10:29

Phil, I would avoid a quick flash at Lakeside if I were you mate. Might get yourself in a spot of bother ๐Ÿ˜

You lot put me to shame with your tales of DIY and gardening. My job list just gets longer and longer. I would get stuck into it this weekend, but I'm off to Twickenham to watch the final instead!

Have a good one guys ๐Ÿ‘

Posted 07 Jun 2024 at 16:08

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Phil, I would avoid a quick flash at Lakeside if I were you mate. Might get yourself in a spot of bother ๐Ÿ˜

You lot put me to shame with your tales of DIY and gardening. My job list just gets longer and longer. I would get stuck into it this weekend, but I'm off to Twickenham to watch the final instead!

Have a good one guys ๐Ÿ‘

Managed to avoid flashing anyone … ๐Ÿคฃ. Ended up buying skinny fit trousers with a fat gut size… how does that work? but they fit better than regular ๐Ÿคท‍โ™‚๏ธ… 

Enjoy the Rugby . Go for it Saints. Been to Northampton many times to see them . Friendly club house too. 

Swapped wardrobe doors and just gotta build the sliding ones now. Job for tomorrow… as we’re both worn out. 

Suns out, glass of Pino Grigio sounds very tempting ๐Ÿ˜.

Enjoy yourselves, 


Edited by member 07 Jun 2024 at 16:08  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 12 Jun 2024 at 13:56

Hi chaps. Just updated my treatment thread with latest chemo status so won’t repeat it again here. 

Had a great weekend , wedding Saturday fairly local then another on Monday in Hampshire ( 2 hour drive) . 
Strangely enough I was really tired on the Saturday and we left just before 10. 
Drove to Hampshire Sunday to a pretty damn fine hotel , an old Manor House with beautiful gardens. Wedding Monday and it was cracking , and I managed to Dad dance till gone 11. Probably had too much wine too although didn’t get drunk. Detox now till Sundays footie.

The missus drove both ways which was nice as she said I’d get tired… she did a nice smooth journey and actually beat my best ever 50.2 mpg with 50.9.. well impressed with a mid sized SUV Petrol. 

Youngest boy moving Friday so busy day then, but only 1 van load as they’ve stored almost everything to make it easy. They’re moving even nearer to us so only a mile away. 

Take care guys, don’t forget I’m on alcohol free till Sunday so you’ll see me at the bar trying to pick the best low alcohol beer… 


Posted 12 Jun 2024 at 19:30

Hey Phil, if there's no room on your drive, you can park that Lotus outside my place ๐Ÿ˜

As for alcohol free beer, Adnams Gohstship 0.5% is okay. Also there's a Cobra zero which isn't bad. Think it sets my bladder off though..

We went out Sunday night to celebrate our daughter in law's birthday at a curry house, as I was driving I tried Kingfisher zero? (or 0.5 or whatever was printed on the bottle) it wasn't bad.



Edited by member 12 Jun 2024 at 19:37  | Reason: Added note

Posted 12 Jun 2024 at 21:02

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Hey Phil, if there's no room on your drive, you can park that Lotus outside my place ๐Ÿ˜

As for alcohol free beer, Adnams Gohstship 0.5% is okay. Also there's a Cobra zero which isn't bad. Think it sets my bladder off though..

We went out Sunday night to celebrate our daughter in law's birthday at a curry house, as I was driving I tried Kingfisher zero? (or 0.5 or whatever was printed on the bottle) it wasn't bad.




The Lotus is an amazing car , unbelievable handling plus his is a 111S slightly tuned with a factory fit exhaust that’s straight through when you open it up. We kept up with a new Evora when leaving the Lotus factory .  It’s not leaving my drive ๐Ÿ˜Ž

I’ll take a look at those beers . Been told not to go zero but 0.5% for better taste… 



Edited by member 12 Jun 2024 at 21:04  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 13 Jun 2024 at 09:21
Hey everyone! Just been catching up with the chit chat on this thread and enjoyed a few chuckles! You guys certainly have my sense of humour!

Been quiet on here as been a busy few weeks for me and him! No change in the pissy pants department Iโ€™m afraid (4 months post catheter removal) and yes Steve is getting frustrated with itโ€ฆI think heโ€™s a bit drier overnight but thereโ€™s no consistency. Second post op psa bloods tomorrow so everything crossed for thatโ€ฆprior to a consult with surgeon in a few weeks (he didnโ€™t get signed off post op as the surgeon was worried about the urethra/bladder join, so wants to see him again to check on incontinence progress in case he has to have another furtle around in there!).

Anyway Steveโ€™s not let things stop us getting out and about and weโ€™ve done a med cruise from Southampton with the youngest and her family, who lives down thereโ€ฆ.followed by a week in Skiathos with our son and family for a wedding, got back last night. The place was gorgeous and we explored the islands around including the โ€˜Mamma Miaโ€™ tourist bits on a boat, also Steve went swimming for first time in sea and pool using the new incontinence swim shorts and they seemed to work well (no one stopped us and pointed out a yellow trail anyway!). He did pretty much lay off the alcohol though as it def makes a difference to his bladder! He didnโ€™t mind the alcohol free and found the Greek local ones werenโ€™t bad at all, Alpha and Fix were the brands.

Anyway, better kick him out of bed now weโ€™ve caught up on sleep so he can get the holiday washing doneโ€ฆ.as the washing machine is in the garage (his idea)โ€ฆI feel itโ€™s a โ€˜blue jobโ€™ now!

Posted 18 Jun 2024 at 14:34

Hi Debbie and Steve.

Thanks for the update. I'm sorry to hear that Steve is still struggling with  incontinence. I can understand his frustration, but it's great to see that it isn't stopping you travelling and spending time with the family. Hopefully his surgeon will sort something out for him. I hope the second PSA results were good.

Edited by member 18 Jun 2024 at 20:49  | Reason: Reduce text.

Posted 18 Jun 2024 at 21:01

Hey up chaps,

Spongebob here, just getting to the end of a fabulous 2 week jolly on the Isle of Mull. Spent the time ambling about soaking in the peace and quiet ๐Ÿ˜Ž,spotting wildlife and experiencing the magnificent scenery.

I’ve been waiting the best part of 20 years to be able to go away on a family holiday like this outside school holidays. I’ve spent many a time when I was at work dreaming of it as a kind of utopian paradise. Well it just shows what little I know sunny Jim. Because the place is packed, whereas in the past the one track roads around the island were a delight to drive on not now in June, there’s a car or camper van at every turn making it almost impossible to drive anywhere ๐Ÿ˜–. Worse than that is that the weather in June is just the same as it always was when we used to come here at Easter and October half term - yes, arctic conditions ๐Ÿฅถ.

Still we are having a great time, it’s good to have a family jolly. There is a kind of sadistic pleasure you can get as a dad to wupp the family at scrabble and trivial pursuits ๐Ÿ˜ฌ. The kids though, aren’t exactly kids anymore. I couldn’t even pass them off as kids when paying for today’s boat trip to Isle of Staffa. Mind you the eldest is 6ft 2. I did suffer a doddery moment though, tripping up whilst stepping onto the boat, nearly falling into the sea, and almost taking the wife in with me. I’m turning into a right old git and I’m only 63 fcal. It was tremendous on Staffa, for getting a geological fix and even better to watch the puffins. I got my old Nikon out the loft for this possibility and got some great photos of the little blighters. They really are the most photogenic of all creatures. 

The impact of PCa treatment never far away though. Sitting in a sun room with a belle view, typing this whilst in the middle of a hot swet, dripping down my face (much as it does when England persisting in passing the ball about at the back all the time). Yesterday morning, when I got up I thought I’d had a relapse back to chemo times, my energy levels totally crashed, so I went back to bed for most of the day much to the family’s delight for getting them out of doing a walk. I blame it on the prostap, but then it could just be down to overdoing it on the fresh air, wilderness walks and the odd beer or two.

Anyway, ramble overwith, carry on, enjoy the footy โšฝ๏ธ.


Posted 18 Jun 2024 at 21:27

Brilliant update Spongebob.


Huge welcome to Scotland my man. Enjoy the rest of your jolly.



Posted 18 Jun 2024 at 21:59

Hi Spongebob. I love your posts. You should have been a writer.

When me and my lads get together we always end up playing Scrabble, it can get VERY competitive. Have you memorised all the obscure 2 and 3 letter words?


Posted 24 Jun 2024 at 21:17

Come on guys, it’s radio silence on here. You can’t all surely be pondering over the prospect of Charlie Wyke signing up for a 2nd go with the Mighty Bantams????

The Euros are on!!! YES โšฝ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜€!!!!!!.

What did you think?
Apart from the turgid boring Southgate football, were you annoyed the same as me with some of the riddiculous decisions going on - Holland’s goal which should have stood - what a debacle!, Austria’s penalty which was never a penalty in a million years, the guy kicked the keeper in the face FCOL and that handball that ruled out Belgium’s goal - what a joke ๐Ÿคก. And then Lukanus last disallowed goal because of an hair on his elbow being offside, not that I have much affinity with the Belgies apart from their colours and obviously their bier ๐Ÿบ.
LOOK at that aswell!!!  just as I type this, Croatia get a penalty because the ball has just brushed the hand of some Italian - what a joke ๐Ÿคก. Thankfully it was saved. Oh dear, though Italy not out the woods as Croatia didn’t let them off the hook.

Of course, Scotland quite right never a penalty in a million years ๐Ÿค” but some advice to Clarke, - do not take advice from Southgate on how to set your team up if you need to win a game.

So it’s Ingerland again tomorrow let’s all stand up and admire the borefest, which is sideways, sideways, backwards, Pickford.

Hope I am wrong ๐Ÿค“.


Spongebob (learnt all he new from Chinny Hill in the days when footy was just that โšฝ๏ธ).

Posted 24 Jun 2024 at 22:55

I'm watching all the matches. They've certainly been a few dodgy decisions and last minute goals. Poor old Lukaku has had a hattrick of disallowed goals.

But my attention is also drawn to the Cricket T20 World Cup which is also good viewing.

I think England have a better chance winning the cricket than they have winning the footie.

Edited by member 25 Jun 2024 at 00:38  | Reason: Typo

Posted 25 Jun 2024 at 09:32

Hi Chaps. Sorry been a bit quiet for various reasons. Had me jobs to get on with plus still feeling tired from the chemo.

I’ve watched some of the football and they are mostly entertaining games except England and Scotland. But I’ll be sat watching tonight willing them on to a nice emphatic win… ! I also watched a recording of the F1 and the English guys did OK but it was game over once Vertstapen got in front….. I could’ve had a nice nap instead of watching that.

But we have Wimbledon to watch in July. Hopefully we get a few players through qualifying.

Well I’ve had my breakfast and a nice cup of tea and written this so I’d better get cracking on my jobs. Painted a wood framed mirror for the conservatory yesterday so just gotta put some lacquer on it now. Grass might need a haircut too ….

Enjoy the weather guys ๐Ÿ˜Ž. 


Posted 25 Jun 2024 at 19:55

Are we all sat comfortably?

3-0 to England is my prediction. 

Posted 25 Jun 2024 at 19:58

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Are we all sat comfortably?

3-0 to England is my prediction. 

That would be a good result. And we need a strong performance too. 

Posted 25 Jun 2024 at 20:05

Just having a very, very cold G&T, in a half pint glass. It's still really hot here.

Edited by member 25 Jun 2024 at 20:07  | Reason: Typo

Posted 25 Jun 2024 at 21:21

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Just having a very, very cold G&T, in a half pint glass. It's still really hot here.


I’ve got a cold pint of Spitfire. Come on England… need to up the pace a bit… 


Posted 25 Jun 2024 at 22:00

๐Ÿฅฑ Things can only get better.

Let's hope our cricketers aren't as clueless on Thursday.

Edited by member 25 Jun 2024 at 22:02  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 25 Jun 2024 at 22:01

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

๐Ÿฅฑ Things can only get better.

God, I hope so… 

Posted 25 Jun 2024 at 23:20

Oh well, turned out to be more of the same old clueless dross - sideways, sideways, backwards - at least we seem to have found a cure for insomnia and for that I guess Gareth should get a knighthood ๐Ÿ˜ฌ.

Still, there’s always Sunday, we are still in it for at least one more game ๐Ÿคž.  And the Tour de France will have started by then ๐Ÿšด๐Ÿšด‍โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿšด‍โ™‚๏ธ yippee!

Posted 26 Jun 2024 at 12:22

Half pint glass Adrian???

lightweight ๐Ÿ˜‚

Posted 27 Jun 2024 at 17:17

Back on the Stella today. Watching England playing India in the second semi final of the T20 cricket world cup. It's far more exciting than the footie.

India are strong favorites, but I'm sure we'll give them a game!


Late edit.

Spoiler alert.

Rubbish! Absolute rubbish! Worse than the footballers.

Edited by member 27 Jun 2024 at 20:54  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 27 Jun 2024 at 21:04

Yep - at loose end due to the break in the Euros so just watched the cricket. We got absolutely pompadommed there didn’t we? 

Not to worry, cricket cup competitions come by the bus load, won’t be long before they can have another crack. 

Posted 28 Jun 2024 at 20:46

Talking about beer ๐Ÿบ because it’s Friday night and no footy on the TV, just the 50 millionth repeats of Dad’s Army and Doc Martin. Beer is also good for taking the mind of all the Prostap side effects ๐Ÿ˜ฌ. My current favourite beer is ‘Citra’, brewed in Oakham, I love it. Has anyone else tried it?

Posted 29 Jun 2024 at 00:49

No football, but some great music from Glastonbury! Enjoyed the sets from Dua Lipa and Confidence Man today. Can't wait for Coldplay tomorrow with a nice can of cider!

Posted 29 Jun 2024 at 10:11

Spongebob, I've not tried Citra, Ill have to get some and report back.

John, one of my lads was into music festivals. I love music but hate the idea of going to a festival. I used to hate 'camping out' on Army exercises. To do it for pleasure does not register with me.

I've restocked the fridge with Stella and after visiting my Mum, who is still hanging on, will be watching sport all day. T20 final, India v S. Africa, then the two scheduled Euros matches. Bliss.


Posted 29 Jun 2024 at 14:10

Agreed! I do the Glastonbury viewing from the comfort of my sofa! ๐Ÿ˜‚

Posted 29 Jun 2024 at 17:40

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

No football, but some great music from Glastonbury! Enjoyed the sets from Dua Lipa and Confidence Man today. Can't wait for Coldplay tomorrow with a nice can of cider!

Did you not think Dua Lipa was all about revealing/struting  her body in sexy outfits  rather than actual music?

Posted 29 Jun 2024 at 19:19

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Did you not think Dua Lipa was all about revealing/struting  her body in sexy outfits  rather than actual music?

I'll have to check that out on catch up. 

Posted 29 Jun 2024 at 21:56

I quite like her music. With regard to sexy outfits, I didn't notice thanks to my pills!  ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Got to love this treatment castration!

Posted 30 Jun 2024 at 16:59

Here we go lads. Here we go!

(By lads, I of course include lassies.)

Come on England! ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ

Posted 30 Jun 2024 at 17:00

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Here we go lads. Here we go!

(By lads, I of course include lassies.)

Come on England! ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ



Posted 30 Jun 2024 at 19:52

PHEW! ๐Ÿฅต

Posted 30 Jun 2024 at 19:53


Yes … Phew. What a rollercoaster … 

Posted 01 Jul 2024 at 08:57

Hi Adrian,

Ref the fake post. The whole lot has gone since I reported it. My post was the longest and I have a copy of it for what it's worth. 

Diet is a topic that brings out polite but entrenched views as do quite a few subjects. Lucky we don't all think the same or there'd be nothing to say. P

Posted 01 Jul 2024 at 13:15

Hi Pete.

I saw the entire diet conversation had been deleted. I suppose it was all axed as the scam post was the first? Its a shame that people scam on sites like this, unfortunately it seems to be getting more common. As for food and diet it is an interesting subject that seems to always start a lot of debate. I'm afraid I've never gone out of my way to eat healthily and I drink far too much, but at 67 years old, I've gone beyond caring. ๐Ÿ™‚

It maybe worth reposting your post on this thread. There seems to be a lot of people viewing this 'place to have a chat' conversation and some may respond? 

Edited by member 01 Jul 2024 at 13:22  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 04 Jul 2024 at 13:17

Hi chaps , just checking in after chemo yesterday. Ive updated my treatment thread so wont repeat all on here. Needless to say all went ok except they never quite got round to finding me a cold cap so I didn’t bother in the end. If i lose a bit of hair so be it. Ive also updated my Bios with latest PSAs ETC. Bit worrying as i had a big rise from 9.84 to 13.47 before my first chemo. So hope the chemo will start to stop the rise soon.

Sunny day here so been faffing about in the garden with a side gate lock. Always something to do on me list…

I had to cancel our wedding trip to the US in August as me Onco said no way. But got most of the cost back from BA plus the Avios and a companion voucher. We did lose one nights hotel charge as it was under the Travel insurance PCa excess. We’ve got 180,000 Avios points now and 2 companion vouchers so hoping well be able to use them next year OK…

Meanwhile it will mean a couple more holidays over here in Blighty as long as i can fit around the chemo and Degarelix injections.

Still having issues with a bit of leakage but it does seem almost totally related to alcohol consumption. I feel a bit better now that i understand it’s likely the alcohol is affecting my bladder and nothing worse. I can deal with that by just using a pad the day after. I am also getting used to finding low alcohol beer or wine when we’re out. There’s been a few suggestions on here for low alcohol stuff and thanks for that, I’ll give them all a try.

Gonna have a walk down later to give my vote …. It’s all down hill and ill meet the wife there after work so ill get a lift back up the hill ๐Ÿ˜Š But do i vote tactically with regard to the bigger picture, or for my best local incumbent… I’m not even sure i know what the bigger picture would be anyway.

Decisions, decisions…!

Take care buddies,


Posted 04 Jul 2024 at 13:33

Hi Phil, I'm glad that you were able to have your treatment. Sorry to see that you've had to miss your America trip but glad that you managed to recover most of your costs.

Me and my better half have just voted. It seemed strange having to show photo ID.

The Conservatives must be desperate, our actual Tory MP was knocking on doors, yesterday. He didn't see the funny side when I asked him what new career he was contemplating. ๐Ÿ˜

My youngest son is staying with us for a couple of days. Me and him are doing an all night election session. Got tons of booze and snacks in.

I suppose the exit poll will be very accurate and we'll know the result within minutes after 10pm, but I still like to see the individual counts and declarations.

Edited by member 04 Jul 2024 at 13:36  | Reason: Typo

Posted 06 Jul 2024 at 16:40

Hi lads and lasses. Are you seated comfortably and ready for 90 mins of inventive and scintillating football?  ๐Ÿ™„

Posted 06 Jul 2024 at 20:23

Always ready for scintillating footy ๐Ÿค“, especially when it involves Ingggerland. I take my hat off to the penalty takers - how cool were they? Wonder if Gareth will have the same plan in mind for the semi ๐Ÿค”.

Posted 06 Jul 2024 at 22:42

Well I don’t fancy our chances f we play like that against the Dutch……

Posted 08 Jul 2024 at 09:24

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Well I don’t fancy our chances f we play like that against the Dutch……

Talking about fancying things. I was amazed when the missus woke this morning and the first thing she said was, "I really fancy a couple of willie's!"๐Ÿ˜ฏ

It transpired that she was refering to a local pub /micro that do a beer called Willies. 

Its a lovely  day here, so we're jumping on the train to Cleethorpes. She'll enjoy a Willies at lunch time.

Just as well it was a beer that she fancied. Had it been the other, I could only give her a half. ๐Ÿ˜


Posted 08 Jul 2024 at 10:34

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Just as well it was a beer that she fancied. Had it been the other, I could only give her a half. ๐Ÿ˜



Posted 09 Jul 2024 at 22:46

I posted this 5 weeks ago

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
For six years, prior to my prostatectomy, 16 months ago, me and my younger brother used to take it in turns, a month about, caring for my mum. She lived with us at our respective houses. From the day dad died, we took over caring for her, she was 93 years old at that time.

Even at that age she was physically fit, could still touch her toes, and was mentally alert. She'd spend most of her days off doing wordsearches, crosswords and reading. She was a school dinner lady for over twenty years and adored kids. She was still most happy when she was with her grandkids.

Unfortunately whilst caring for her, both me and my bro were diagnosed with PCa. This coupled with other health issues made continuing to look after her impossible, and we had to put her into a local care home. She was 100 years old this January, and got a card from Chaz and Cami.

Unfortunately, a few days ago mum began to fade quickly, and currently is  now on 'end of life' care. I know she's had one hell of an Innings and no-one can live forever, but it's still sad to see her in the state she is. She was always as bright as a button, but just in the last week, although still just responsive, she doesn't recognise us anymore.

Her room is full of photos, telling the story of her life. Pictures of her and dad when they first met, she was a nurse and he was a soldier. Photos of her with me and my bro when we were toddlers, right through to photos of her with her greatgrand kids. It makes you think of your own mortality.

Although she is being very well cared for, the poor old gal has no longer got any quality of life.

At least I can get some comfort from knowing that she, unlike myself, is a 'believer' and is looking forward to being back with dad.

In-between visits we'll just be waiting for the inevitable phone call.

It's like were all living in limbo.

Mum passed away this afternoon. I know that she's at peace. 

Edited by member 09 Jul 2024 at 23:23  | Reason: Typo

Posted 09 Jul 2024 at 22:52
Please accept my condolences
Posted 10 Jul 2024 at 08:56

Very sorry Adrian, a first class innings, chin up.

It’s my mother in law’s funeral today, she was 92, my wife going through the same range of emotions, it’s very sad.



Posted 10 Jul 2024 at 09:22

Very sorry to hear this mate. Thinking of you and yours.

Posted 10 Jul 2024 at 09:41

Thank you lads.

As you say over a hundred is one hell of an innings. In the last few weeks her quality of life was very poor and it is a relief to know that she is now at peace. I slept better last night than I have done for months.

I've just started on the clerical side. I hate paperwork.

Posted 10 Jul 2024 at 10:29

My condolences to you and your family Adrian. I’m sure your Mum is happy back with your Dad. 
Good luck with the paperwork. 


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