Hi Margot,
Welcome to the club that nobody wants to join…..but when they do they find a wealth of knowledge, understanding and support.😊
You've had so many positive responses that hopefully it has given you some reassurance. Everyone is scared when first diagnosed but hopefully it will get easier for you both when all the tests have been complete and a treatment plan is in place. As to what the treatment options are, you will only find that out once you’ve completed all the tests and the MDT has met. You then (may) have a difficult decision to make as to which option is best for you, and only you and your husband can make that decision. In my case I didn’t have to make that decision as my staging was T3b and I wasn’t offered surgery, so it was HT/RT…and Ive just had my last HT injection, hopefully forever🤞🤞
I’m not going to kid you that this is an easy ‘journey’, but the support you get on here REALLY helps. In my case I have also found my local Maggies centre to be my place of sanctuary, so if you have one nearby you might like to explore what support they can give you. My centre in Fife ( and many others) also runs a course ‘Living with Prostate Cancer’ which was very informative.
The waiting for everything is always the worst, so in the meantime be good to yourselves, have lots of treats, do nice things together and with your family. I, and many others, find it really helps to keep your mind of thinking the worst if you are active and busy. And please don’t use Dr Google, if you have questions use this forum or phone one of the specialist nurses on here…they are wonderful and will make time for you.
I wish you both all the best on this journey.
Edited by member 29 Apr 2024 at 09:10
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