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Welcome to our online community

Before becoming a member, take a look around and read through the conversations our members are having. Forum questions, answers, advice, support and information are viewable whether you're a member or not.

If you'd like to participate more, it's very simple to join: all you need to register is an email address and a username.

As part of this community, you can talk about whatever you want, from diagnosis to dealing with treatment. Simply browse the conversations to join one, or start your own if you'd prefer.

Find conversations within these topics


 (2 Viewing)
Introduce yourself and find instructions, FAQs and contact info.
811 conversations
Announcements and talk about the site
68 conversations


 (1 Viewing)
For those not diagnosed
754 conversations
Discussion of benign prostate conditions
164 conversations
Get help understanding your diagnosis, test results and options
1,130 conversations


 (1 Viewing)
Treatment or surveillance of cancer confined to the prostate, including surgery and radiotherapy.
1,596 conversations
 (2 Viewing)
Treatment of cancer that has spread to other parts of the body.
1,823 conversations
 (2 Viewing)
Managing incontinence, ED, and other effects of treatment
910 conversations

Living with prostate cancer

 (1 Viewing)
Staying strong by living healthy
266 conversations
Dealing with the impact on our personal lives
462 conversations
 (1 Viewing)
Tips and advice for navigating day-to-day life
216 conversations
Getting to grips with feelings about cancer
218 conversations
Support and discussion of end-of-life issues
101 conversations
 (1 Viewing)
For family, friends and loved ones
267 conversations

General discussion

What you're doing for the cause, and ways to get involved.
156 conversations
Information and Support Services available to anyone affected by Prostate Cancer.
18 conversations
Meetups and everything off-topic
214 conversations
Links and discussion of studies and trials
187 conversations
Discuss official guidance on treatment by the NHS and private sector
168 conversations
Share your good news and inspiring stories
533 conversations

Specific groups

For men with prostate cancer who are either still employed or who have not yet reached state pension age
132 conversations
For African and African Caribbean men with prostate cancer
8 conversations
For men who have sex with men and also have prostate cancer.
47 conversations
For transgender women with prostate cancer
11 conversations
©2024 Prostate Cancer UK