So I've had the sigmoidoscopy 1/9/18. Evidence of radiation proctitis and a polyp removed for checking. Good news is the polyp has been looked at and is benign.
I saw my oncologist 15/10/18 and he is quite happy with the way things are for now. I have my last PROSTAP 3 injection on 3/1/19 and in my oncologists words "we wait and see what happens. If your PSA rises again then we will put you back on PROSTAP".
I had my bloods tested yesterday including PSA. I have full blood tests regularly as I am on arthritis medication so red cells. white cells, electrolytes, liver and kidney function.
I got a call from my GP at 4 p.m. to say the lab had phoned. My potassium reading was high (6.3) so I had to head off 15 miles to the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh for ECG, blood pressure. temperature and bloods to be rechecked.
After 2 and a half hours of waiting (not too bad overall) the potassium came back as normal (4.2) so got home at 9 last night, phew!
While I was there I asked the doctor if the labs had reported my PSA value. She went to check and it is still <0.1, hip hip!
Why is it that while I was driving home I had an urge to ask for a printout so I can see <0.1? Bloody disease and my control freakery!
Best wishes,