Hi Jamie,
If you’re like many of us you’ll need a drink whilst on ADT to give you some pleasure. 😩 Hopefully your side effects won’t be too bad, but be prepared for the worst and keep active, do lots of weight bearing exercises to prevent your muscles wasting away.
I was told it was ok to have a drink whilst on ADT, I’m not a big drinker but do like a nice malt and when on holiday, a mojito or two. You might find your hot flushes are worse if you drink alcohol, I normally get one when I have my first drink but after that it’s ok. It sounds like you are a moderate drinker as well so I think you’ll be fine, although during RT it might be an idea to cut back a bit. If in doubt why not ask your CNS?
Most people are on ADT for 3 months before they start RT, I was a lot longer due to circumstances and CT planning issues but it did help my PSA fall from 36 at diagnosis to 1 when RT started.
i wish you all the best on your journey😊