Hello everyone, hope you are all bearing up and piglet, that you enjoyed a holiday. My dad has been on his new treatment for a couple of weeks ago and I made a mistake in saying he was on on enzalutamide, he is actually been prescribed arbiratone. Does anyone know why one is chosen over the other? Will enzalutamide be an option when the arb stops working? Like everyone else on here worrying about a loved one, it is hard. Some days the cancer feels in the background of life, I feel hopeful or read a positive thread on here. Other times I feel such hopelessness and feel like dad may be here for such a short time now. He is still or at least appears reasonably fit for an 82 year old. He is out and about most days, walking the dog or attending to farming matters - he's retired but still has land to look after, maintain etc. Any farming folks will understand! I guess the last few days I haven't felt terribly positive at all and I'm not sure why. Hoping and hoping the arb works. Wishing everyone the best.