Thank You everyone for your replies.
I have had my appointment brought forward to the 4th Sept which is 3 weeks later than the original scheduled appointment, I don't expect there to be anymore than the usual chat and see you again in 12 weeks, my consultant seems to be focused on my PSA and has already told me that there wouldn't be any action with further treatment until it reaches around 20 as she didn't want to rush into the next stage to early?????????????.
Again I do tend to share your view Lyn that the remaining Testosterone after being reduced with HT could be trickle feeding the cancer and over a period of time there could be a significant advancement of spread and periodic scanning should be conducted to ascertain any change whilst there is any Testosterone present.
My Testosterone in the few tests I have had since diagnoses has ranged between 0.9 and 1.4 so there must be a little feeding going on, my PSA had been fairly stable at 0.5 up until last October and since then there has been 4 consecutive increases to the current reading of 6.2, while 6.2 is not a high figure it's concerning that it has been increasing for nearly a year and could take another year maybe to reach 20, in the meantime I can't help but wonder what's going on inside and this is where periodic scanning could answer those questions.
I find it very frustrating that too much emphasis is put on PSA readings as my consultant appears too, Ok I know it's regarded the best guide to Prostate Cancer activity but it is only a guide and the accuracy of PSA tests should be supported with scans in my opinion, I was diagnosed nearly 3 years ago at which time scans were done, since then apart from my 12 weekly jabs I have had diddly squat done, it's all been about PSA.
Just to add further to my rant my PSA at diagnosis was 18.2 which is quite low considering my gleason score is 4+5 all 16 cores positive, spread to my seminal glands and lymph nodes, my point is that even with a fairly low PSA there can still be some Cancer activity that may not necessarily significantly increase PSA level?????, so therefor my view is whilst waiting for my level to reach about 20 PSA what's going on inside??????????
OK I feel so better for having a winge it's always good to get it your chest "lol"
Thanks Peter.